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6408197 No.6408197 [Reply] [Original]

What's the beef with nihilism? Why is it often portrayed negatively?

>> No.6408210
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What difference does it make?

>> No.6408212

That's not Morrissey

>> No.6408222


>> No.6408229

Because so often it's just atheism that still thinks in a Christian way. If you say: Life has no meaning, what does that even mean? In one sense, life clearly *does* have a meaning. The events, things and people in life all mean something. So what is the nihilist missing? It must be that the nihilist wants a meaning that goes beyond life, i.e. a meaning that only a God and an immortal soul can give you. But if you were really, consistently atheist, you wouldn't pine for this shit.

>> No.6408233
File: 125 KB, 650x650, O0v4tCD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be that naive stupid 12 year old finding escapism from his "depression" in pure ecstasies of pointless grinding in Final Fantasy series on your PSP.
Why did you have to put on that image OP.

>> No.6408268

>In one sense, life clearly *does* have a meaning. things and people in life all mean something
>It must be that the nihilist wants a meaning that goes beyond life

have you actually ever read any nihilists?

>> No.6408274

>12 years
just how young are you?

>> No.6408305
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Why do Nips have such a fixation with inaccurate depictions of Kafka in their media?

>> No.6408306

The PSP came out 10 years ago anon

>> No.6408316

PSP got released in 2005 in the West and PSX classics got released a couple of years later so go figure.

>> No.6408392

I'm playing FF6 again. Kefka is such a shitty villain.

>LOL so insane!! what a nihilist nothing has purpose!!!

Why do Japanese games embrace philosophical themes superficially? The medium has potential to say something meaningful.

>> No.6408418

>Not being diagnosed with depression by 12
This board is crawling with plebs

>> No.6408426

They're children games.

>> No.6408430

>Why do Japanese games embrace philosophical themes superficially?
Not a specific tendency of Japanese games, but rather of all video games as a whole.
>The medium has potential to say something meaningful.
The medium was created with a purpose of pure entertainment and nothing more. It would be foolish to expect something philosophical out of this all since that is not within medium's goals, especially if target audience is kept in mind.

>> No.6408431
File: 196 KB, 500x658, 1357595163927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for ruining my night, bros

>> No.6408439

I was "diagnosed" but I knew that the diagnosis was bullshit and I refused to take the pills.

>> No.6408449
File: 33 KB, 1754x267, scepticism vs nihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to post it again

>> No.6408453
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>> No.6408477

it makes people uncomfortable so they try to discredit it as drivel for teenagers.

>> No.6408484

He's entertaining and antithetical to the themes of the story.

>> No.6408516

isn't the lack of inherent value a truism?

>> No.6408528

his name is Kefka

Kefka sounds like Kafka

Kefka is the world's first Kafkaesque villain


>> No.6408549
File: 162 KB, 422x460, This is kafkaeske.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6408676

Television since its inception has been predominantly entertainment, and has since proved its capacity for saying something meaningful.

Video games are no different.

>> No.6408691
File: 477 KB, 500x350, 1428641795053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa...... a meme for the ages.....

>> No.6408697

Meaningful does not imply excessively deep.

>> No.6408702

Oh, bite me. Go jerk off to all the Odyssey references in Ulysses you found off Sparknotes.

>> No.6408711

any question about the potential meaning of TV or Vidya as a medium is unfalsifiable until you define what "meaning" is in the first place.

>> No.6408717

>since its inception


>> No.6408755

What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets.

>> No.6408764

If life has meaning then what is it? If you can't explain it then it's not obvious

>> No.6408800

because people who believe there are no objective morals are just idiots. plain and simple, if you can't comprehend it for yourself then you should stand clear of philosophy

>> No.6408803
File: 347 KB, 600x788, dank meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove it

>> No.6408816


What certain things mean depends on the person. Take the madeleine episode from Remembrance of Things Past. There, the meaning of the madeleine is this childhood memory of Combray. In this way, every little thing in life has a certain meaning attached to it. Everything is significant and insignificant is only a word for something below a certain treshold of significance. You might want something else in life, but why? If you truly believe that you're gone after death, there's nothing else to want. There's nothing to compare life to of which it would only be a pale reflection.

>> No.6408821

sceptical slavic avian.jpeg