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6407857 No.6407857 [Reply] [Original]

> go to see therapist
> tells me i have an aggression problem
> i be like dude what
> tells me i need to be more aggressive
> like way, way more aggressive

what are some books that will make me connect with and enable to channel my inner aggression

been thinking about rereading some celine, though he's more passive aggressive

also thinking about reading IN STAHLGEWITTERN

any suggestions welcome

>> No.6407867

>listening to therapists

They're bourgeois swine

>> No.6407869



>> No.6407875


>> No.6407882

>reading a book to become more aggressive

Not that I believe your bullshit therapist story, but if you want to become more aggressive, you need to take a more physiological approach. You need to literally put your body into scenarios where its sympathetic nervous system feels threatened and grow accustomed to those sorts of situations to the point where you take joy in your own aggression. Get into some bar fights, or call a black guy a nigger.

>> No.6407896

i'm aware, but i was at a dead end and i figured, if i'm a trust fund kid sitting on 6k, why not make use of it.

thanks, i guess

>Not that I believe your bullshit therapist story
it's actually true. and thanks for the advice. i kinda figured that actually, but i thought it would be interesting to see into the mind of someone who's naturally more aggressive. acquaint myself with the idea so to speak

>> No.6407915


This is a good point. Anger is generally non-verbal, it doesn't translate into writing very well. This is why whenever someone gets enraged in a book, the narrative generally just cuts out until they come back to their senses.

I had the same problem as OP and getting into boxing helped me a lot. The reason being that you need a modicum of aggression in order not to get your ass kicked when sparring someone. Boxing (or whatever other martial art I guess) thus basically conditions you to get mad using repeated punches to the face.

>> No.6407928

>conditions you to get mad using repeated punches to the face.

every got injured?

>> No.6407957
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>> No.6407966

stop jerking off and start lifting weights. smash your balls with a hammer.

>> No.6407983

First of all, your therapist is a jackass and I'm almost 99% sure you made this up because no licensed doctor would tell you this. If you're not lying, he more likely meant assertive rather than aggressive because he's stupid.
I had aggression issues as a young adult and I almost went to prison because of them; the last thing anyone needs to be is more aggressive.

>books to become more aggressive
Books won't help you. You need testosterone supplements. High test will make you a raging asshole with a permaboner. Memes aside you're most likely low on testosterone.

>> No.6407998


Not really, got a dime-sized bruise under my eye once but that was about it. And my school didn't even use headgear. People only tend to punch hard enough to rattle you, that's it. I quit when I broke my pinky, but that wasn't due to boxing.

With regards to the guy recommending testosterone supplements, fighting raises testosterone so it's good for that too.

>> No.6408069

You sound like a little pussy-mouthed bitch

>> No.6408078

i used to exercise hardcore. weighed 180 at 16years old / 5'11, all muscle. no weights, just rock climbing and shitloads of biking. didnt help me. i think what helps people when they start lifting later in life is to see for the first time what their body can be / do, but for me it's just, yeah, i know

it's tru. and yes, he meant aggressive as in assertive, as in taking initiative. it's pretty common in psychoanalysis use the term like that. aggression / depression etc.

i don't think i'm low on testosterone, i have plenty a hardon and a chest like a doormat.

yeah you know what, i always liked the idea of boxing. i'll look into it.

>> No.6408091


>> No.6408099

>I had aggression issues as a young adult and I almost went to prison because of them; the last thing anyone needs to be is more aggressive.
that's like saying noone needs to be be more thoughtful because depressed people tend to overthink things. i'm not trying to mock you, just, aggression is an important part of an individuals psyche, especially if we're talking about a guy.

yah i know that's kinda the problem

>> No.6408103

My therapist has told me I suffer from French ennui, German angst, schizophrenic ego split, cowardice, lack of love, and nihilism. What should I read, /lit/? Oh and I'm in Jung's individuation process.

>> No.6408105

start with the greeks

>> No.6408112

testosterone isn't always correlated with aggressivity or even libido past some point
one tenth of your normal test is enough to have normal libido (see: women) and high test can also make you friendlier especially with women
the odds of OP's problem being hormonal are low when most such problems are psychological and i wouldn't trust a "therapist" on behavioral endocriniology

>> No.6408114

Take up boxing, stick at it, start fighting in amateur tournaments. It's a way of getting in high stress environments without getting you killed. Don't listen to any bullshit about bar fights. That's a sure way to get some permanent damage done to you. All it takes is some fucker to wrap a pool cue around your head.

>> No.6408137


Listen to Kreator, use testosterone, watch MMA

>> No.6408152

never did like metal, Oi and hardcore do it for me

>> No.6408171

>doesn't like metal
>likes Oi

Maybe the testosterone shots were the right prescription after all.

>> No.6408186

Best video song ever thank you

>> No.6408200

Sounds like you need more testosterone

The therapist was probably like "jeez, stop being such a biiiitch" but put it nicely

What increase testosterone and mood? Exercise. If you want to be such a nerd and read shit read this


>> No.6408209

>the modern defense of the beta male is to attribute his beta qualities to his hormone levels

You fucking wish.

>> No.6408249

Stop smoking, or start smoking and then stop.
It will get you there. If not, perhaps I can help further. I have a vibrant connection to my anger, and perhaps you have vibrant anger as well, although you say you have not a connection to it... However, anger is not really the issue, is it. Anger is a subset of power, and power diminished unfairly brings anger, I think you need to work on your connection to your personal power, anon, and you strengthen your connection to your truest will, what you are about, being disconnected from that is such problem. Problem, anon, proplem.

>> No.6408260

Commy with the chibbies

>> No.6408273

this the therapist was probably calling you a pussy. I'm training to be a psychiatrist and I can't tell you how many pussies I have to talk to each day. Have you thought about joining an underground fighting club? or perhaps indeed starting one?

>> No.6408282

get fucked, metal is fag music

nice projecting guise

i didnt fucking imply this, everyone else did.

yeh um yeh
yeah i'm trying to quit smoking.

>> No.6408295

If you just need to get into your anger though, I would get a friend who knows me well, get him to insult me tremendously, unfairly, that will do it. If you don't have one, perhaps insult yourself, write down what you hate about yor own choices in this crappy life, your own shortcomings, you know them better than anyone, your hate for yourself: write it down. Scream it back to yourself. Go into the forest and hate yourself. Don't hurt the trees.

>> No.6408296

>i didnt fucking imply this, everyone else did.

I know, you faggot. Who said I was talking to you?

>> No.6408308

>I'm training to be a psychiatrist and I can't tell you how many pussies I have to talk to each day.
why would you even want to be a psychiatrist if you disliked dealing with "pussies"
this is why i only ever see female doctors, at least i know i won't ever be measured up on some bullshit dick contest scale even in my most vulnerable moments

>> No.6408309

Maybe it will only bring on depression though.

Shit, I'm really trying here. Anger. Anger anger anger. What is it. Anyway OP anon, what pisses you off?

>> No.6408314

>at least i know i won't ever be measured up on some bullshit dick contest scale even in my most vulnerable moments

Maybe that's exactly what you need.

>> No.6408323

You think..? How would it help him?

>> No.6408341

Why is everyone giving me shit for him saying he should exercise? It helps with my anxiety and mood in general and a guy going to therapy probably needs that. I know that it increases testosterone and testosterone = aggression which is what he wants. I personally don't need that because I believe discipline is a better substitute for me but all to their own to solve their problems.

>> No.6408343

really? like if I have to see a doctor because of an urinary infection do I really need some big "american alpha male" brat grabbing my dick and laughing at how his is even bigger or something?

>> No.6408345

It would give him a standard other than himself.

>> No.6408363

Max 'The Facts' Stirner

>> No.6408377

agreed. went to a doc lately because my scrotum hurts like fuck and he just rammed my finger up my ass without introduction and told me it's a posture problem.

nothing, everything just frustrates me. thats sorta the problem

what makes you think i don't have that
how do you think a dick measuring contest would introduce that to me

are you the guy suggesting boxing? because i'm OP and i'm considering it. i know a chick who does boxing, i'll ask her

>> No.6408388


Boxing guy here, I'm not him.

>> No.6408434

Frustration, irritation. Boy, that is anger in a low frequency. So again, what frustrates you?

>> No.6408436

just out of interest, what sort of stuff does a guy who does amateur boxing read?

>> No.6408661

life, emptiness, lack of energy, romantic failure, avoidance, procrastination, unwillingness to commit, loneliness, anxiety

mostly i lack purpose and passion. i feel there's a lack of red thread in my life. to many loose ends

>> No.6408780
File: 33 KB, 1024x512, sydicalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I know this is off topic, because the Song of Ice and Fire is escapist and therefore a relaxing form of literature. But OP's map of the world just gave me an idea about George's universe.

I may be crazy here but Africa and Eurasia look similar to Westeros, and the Americas show an odd resemblance to Essos? Maybe, and I am probably wrong here, but just maybe the Game of Thrones Universe is set in the far future. I'm talking about thousands of years. Magic is really the remnants of super advanced technology in the form of nano-bots, which obey specific individuals under certain conditions. And the struggle is between 'Gods' which are really super advanced AI which are at war with each other. The Fire gods are for the destruction of Humans and a revolution of nano-bots. The Others are actually AI that want to maintain the status quo.

That's it guys! George really created a science fiction serious in the guise of a medieval incestious fantasy. Don't you see guys, he is trying to show the struggle of the proletariat against the AI bourgeoisie!

>> No.6408840

>hurr durr too much aggression is bad so the ideal amount is zero

Nice extrapolation

>> No.6408849

your therapist probably wants you to go and interact with real people, not sit still for hours on end reading

>> No.6408855


I like Proust and Gogol.

>> No.6408864

You say you lack things, but are these... things.. inherent to your person? Perhaps they are not. Cut through the noise. Look at your angry self. That one who is a version of you, yourself - only extremely angry. Let it out. It is an inner child, an inner man, an inner elder. Boiling with rage, imagine, the rage is fire, blue, red, black, it sustains him. What does he say to you. Go into the forest, scream. It's too much. The rage will overtake you. And where does it take you. You are tired, you lack something. Motivation? You have failed? You criticize yourself? NO. Cease. Direct the sense of failure: outwards. It does not detract. Outwards, at objects. So you can see it. Ask the people inside you, what do you hate, that is not myself. Actively project. So you can know yourself, allow anger