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File: 432 KB, 1151x1200, christopher-hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6407001 No.6407001 [Reply] [Original]

What are some great orators and debaters to listen to if you want to get better as one?

Please don't name any stupid obvious shit like Malcolm X or something stupid like Cicero.

>> No.6407005

le hitler

>> No.6407011

Peter Hitchens

>> No.6407015

Norman Finkelstein

>> No.6407017

William F. Buckley

>> No.6407042

Christopher Hitchens was lazy and did disservice to his ideas with his terrible research.

People who write magazine articles shouldn't pass themselves off as intellectuals, ever.

>> No.6407050


>> No.6407062

i was listening to one of his debates where he dropped the "celestial north korea" bit

i thought /lit/ was joking

>> No.6407067

If you want an exaple of somebody getting dismantled beyond recognition in a debate youtube chomsky pearle.

>> No.6407090
File: 35 KB, 360x450, winston%20churchill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as orators go, why not listen to some of Churchill's speeches? Arguably the greatest orator of the last century.

>> No.6407132

Gore Vidal

>> No.6407167

What about people who write 4chan posts? Should they pass themselves off as valid critics of anyone/anything?

>> No.6407177

enlighten me as to why he was wrong about that argument

>> No.6407183

Fidel Castro

>> No.6407236

sounds like an apt comparison to me

>> No.6407353

I'm 100% sure that you're the same retard on the Sam Harris thread that kept going EXPLAIN ME WHY THIS ANALOGY IS STUPID!!

>> No.6407364

OP here. I already have those. I like them as debaters but they're very disappointing when on a format that demands them to speak for too long.

>> No.6407374

no, sorry, i personally like christopher hitchens and would like to hear a counter-argument against his
that is all buddy, relax

>> No.6408807


>> No.6408825

Supporter of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Juvenile atheist.

>> No.6408850
File: 16 KB, 225x225, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a very, very famous "orator" but nobody could possibly guess who I am

>> No.6408902

That is not an argument against his 'celestial north korea' bit, just an ad hominem, lol

>> No.6408915

Why was the Iraq and Afghan war bad? Besides the way it was conducted

>> No.6408927


>> No.6408932

Sasha Grey?

>> No.6408935


Not him, but Iraq War: fought over WMDs that didn't exist. Afghan War: fought an entire war over catching ONE guy when they could have sent in SWAT.

>> No.6408942


I mean SEALs, not SWAT. I'm going to bed.

>> No.6408953

>removing Saddam and the Taliban was a bad thing

>> No.6408965


Theoretically, yes. But people in Iraq aren't much happier now and it just pissed off a whole new generation.

>> No.6408967
File: 16 KB, 480x360, haunani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haunani-Kay Trask

>> No.6409031

>WDMs that didn't exist
Well, the intention didn't really matter.
All they wanted is probably proof needed to barge into Iraq to remove the filthy dictator Saddam, which a lot of Iraqi's hated.
>Celestial north korea argument
that noone proved him wrong, ever.

>> No.6409080

>Cicero is stupid


>> No.6409086

Hitler was probably one of the greatest orators of the 20th century, certainly the best of any national leaders.

>> No.6409092

Buckley's overrated. Got beaten up by Chomsky, Vidal and a very young Hitchens. He's gatekeeper to top 10 rhetoricians at best.

>> No.6409100

read some Johnson

>> No.6409103

>let's invade a country because some people don't like the leader

>> No.6409109
File: 1.46 MB, 1732x2162, sam harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Harris



>> No.6409114

>literally resorting to at hominid attacks
religious dumbfuckery strikes again

>> No.6409132

>and killed the citizen and therefor breaking rules in the world aka genocide
are you ever going to deal with the 'celestial north korea argument?

>> No.6409155

>implying I'm the same guy
Genocide goes on in plenty of places, Iraq was just an attractive choice to advance other interests

>> No.6409169

Billy Mays.

>> No.6409177
File: 170 KB, 1386x804, Chickpea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid like Cicero.

>> No.6409185
File: 230 KB, 553x626, titus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here I come, girls! I'm gonna drink all the wine, smoke all the smoke, and fuck every whore in the city!

>> No.6409214

Obviously, but the even though 'plenty of places' have acts of genocide comitted, doesn't mean they need to do all before finishing this one properly? Even when it is in cunjunction with genocide?

>> No.6409226
File: 74 KB, 620x412, julius-caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cicero was literally a pleb

>> No.6409264

>let's prevent further deaths by invading a country, destroying major parts of its infrastructure and installing a weak government
>hundreds of thousands killed as a result
>spend trillions on this effort

Saddam would've been able to deal with ISIS easily too

>> No.6409273

Anyway, celestial north korea?

>> No.6409277

I'm not that guy

>> No.6409278

You don't listen to Cicero, you retarded faggot. You read him.

>> No.6409284

he was an equestrian, not a pleb. learn the difference.

>> No.6409300


>> No.6409303

Cicero should be required reading in every country in the world. Make an entire class out of him. Fuck, you could even call it a writing class. His rhetorical techniques shaped the modern academic essay.

>> No.6409311

>listen to audiobook of cicero