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/lit/ - Literature

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6406503 No.6406503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about this.
Authors? Best novels?

Hebephiles are welcome too.

>> No.6406530

start with the greeks

>> No.6406559
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Took me a minute to get this.

>> No.6406577
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Of course, the basics.

>> No.6406844


>you sick fucks

>> No.6406848

Death in Venice is pretty good.

>> No.6406858


she's like 15 so i guess that's in the range.

>> No.6406875

"Tiger, tiger".

>> No.6406876

The theme pops up in quite a few other Nabby novels. The king in Pale Fire has a predilection for young boys as I recall.

>> No.6406894

I recently read Alice in Wonderland and I don't see it at all. I don't think Carroll was a pedo.

Anyway, pic related, the chapter called "Christophe and the Conceirge's Daughter." Protagonist is bed-ridden and the twelve year-old daughter of his landlady plays with him in bed and gets him off, and they do it again soon after. It's hot as hell.

>> No.6406899
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Whoop, forgot pic.

>> No.6406915
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Fucking pedo's

>> No.6406917

Huh, how?
If anything I would pick "The Little Girl Lost/Found" as a possibly pedo poem by Blake.

>> No.6406944
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I wasn't referring to Blake.

Also someone suggested "Death in Venice". I wouldn't say it's pedo per se, but nonetheless a good reed.

>> No.6407161

if a man or woman that is attracted to children is called a pedophile then what do you call a child that is sexually attracted to an adult man or woman

>> No.6407174

A good time.

>> No.6407186

Recommend me some good Hebe literature
Has "Ada or ardor" something to do with it ?

>> No.6407195

De Sades 120 days of Sodom something for everyone in that one.
Never read his other works did he write something more focused on youth?

>> No.6407201

I was interested in that but it's too rough for my tastes.

>> No.6407204

Not exactly, but I'd wholeheartedly recommend "Philosophy of the Bedroom" in either case, it's a wonderful book.

>> No.6407209
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>> No.6407214

As I check "Justine" starts when she is 12 until she is 26.

>> No.6407224

You guys need help, lol.

>> No.6407226

Kind of looks like what I expected: uncomfortable, unfavorable, and rapey situations.
Pass. Where are the stories that aren't laced with aggression and predation? >>6406899 was definitely absent of all that.

>> No.6407231

I'm halfway through The Blue Lagoon, right about where the kids are finally on their own. Does this count as pedo lit?

>> No.6407288


>> No.6407303

>girl is eighteen
That's not even hebe.

>> No.6407357

Some parts of One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.6408141

bump for interest

>> No.6408507

this is a /b/ self-help book isn't it?

>> No.6408559

What makes you think he was not a pedophile just from reading Alice in Wonderland? Do you know anything about him?

>> No.6408579

Ada or Ardor has lots of sec with underage girls. The protag starts having sex with his sister when she's 12, has a threesome with 12 year old triplets, his father has sex with a ten year old etc.

>> No.6408588

>Ada or Ardor has lots of sec with underage girls

That should be sex, of course

Lots of Garcia Marquez's other stuff too

>> No.6408608

and just so happens to be one of the greatest novels of all time

>> No.6410547
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If 14 counts.

>> No.6410745

All straight men are hebephiles. Anyone who tells you he isn't is lying.

>> No.6410848

> silly things virgins say

>> No.6410867
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>> No.6410872


>> No.6410901

>grown men
Pick one.>>6406559

Dood! Haven't you read Eco's ficitonal refusal of that book? The punchline is that the editor wants porn, not philosophical droning.

>> No.6410913

Pale Fire, The Enchanter, Invitation to a Beheading, Bend Sinister are all pedo-tier. Nabokov had some serious issues he was trying to work out.
Also the Confessions of Victor X, Russian aristocrat tells all about how slutty every 12 year old in Russia before the Revolution was. Nabokov read it a bit before writing Lolita, so it's good to see how it's reflected in the text.

>> No.6410945
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Care to share some links to pdf files?

>> No.6411228
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Still the best.

>> No.6411362

>over $200 for a hardcover on Amazon
Good Christ.
Looks interesting, tho.

>> No.6412255



>> No.6412262
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>> No.6412303
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>> No.6412545
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This thing's gotta be out there somewhere.


>> No.6412667

>has a female pedo character

fucking dropped

>> No.6412689
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It has both?

>> No.6412724

why the discrimination partner

>> No.6412729

Woman pedos are gross.

>> No.6412738

I'm still interested. Why the fuck not.

>> No.6412744

So am I. Just thinking it's probably not worth the £42 that it costs on amazon.

>> No.6412755

>I, as a heterosexual normal male, can not indulge in the concept of a woman character finding an adolescent boy erotically attractive as it's not a little girl that will make my pee-pee go boing-boing!

>> No.6412759

Seriously, you guys need help.
Reporting this thread

>> No.6412788

>It's perfectly NATURAL, anon.

>> No.6412804

It's literature, anon. And legal Fuck off.

I'm tempted.

>> No.6412809

>reporting things not because they're against the rules but they upset your fragile sensitivities. Grow the fuck up already, Jesus Cancer Christ.

>> No.6412830

>talking edgy bullshit to make yourself feel better about your sickness
>Telling others to grow up

>> No.6412834

Better yet, read a book about growing up. One with pedophilia in it.

>> No.6412837

Half the male population is sick.
Anyway, more pedo lit, less shaming.

>> No.6412841
