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/lit/ - Literature

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6406213 No.6406213 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /lit/ create its own publishing house?

I'm not talking about meme-lit like Tundra, but since geographical location is irrelevant due to the internet, and because the internet has its own culture (or maybe subculture(s)) who don't care where a writer is from, why don't we take submissions from /lit/ (not sure how we'd prevent outsiders from coming here)?

We could have a policy where the writers and the editors are all forced to be anonymous. Editing would have to be high-standard, and maybe the amount each volunteer editor who signs up for any given book will receive a percentage of the prospective royalties based on the amount of work they did on it.

I honestly think this is a good idea, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.

>> No.6406230

- No need to pay rent on a physical office / location (unless we need to pay tax or some shit)
- Patrician community of editors / readers
- Already known as a representative example of internet culture (which not many writers cover in an interesting way)
- International userbase (will help people from countries with shit-tier publishing culture to get their work published)
- People posting / editing 24/7, so workload can be spread out

- Possible issues with hierarchy, since there isn't one on here
- Hard to maintain interest if money isn't involved
- Memeposting and spamming the submissions inbox with memes / shitposting
- Difficulty in reaching consensus about the quality of any given work; maybe an internal vote or something will have to take place to decide if a book gets taken on

>> No.6406241

Marketing / Promotion:

1. We could make a /lit/ twitter account and infiltrate the alt-lit scene who are looking for a new source of contemporary literature since the Tao, Dierks et al. scandal.

2. We could, via spamming and general mischief, force national or respective publications to pay attention to us (maybe have to be careful about this to avoid being dismissed)

3. Publish stuff by other boards (like the novel /x/ has written, but again would have to be careful about this since we don't want to steal and make money (>) from people who didn't want their work being used)

4. We could ask college anons to use fake names to review the books we publish, to gain a readership on college campuses

5. We could put fake approving quotes from people like Tao Lin etc, which are believable, until he's forced to either deny that he did (which be seen as lame of him) or approve what we're doing

6. We could raise money (money is the big thing here) to offer small advances or something so it motivates people to publish their stuff here

>> No.6406250

Sounds like a good idea but you're still gonna have to be able to print something, how do you intend on printing the books?

>> No.6406251

You cannot be serious.

/lit/ is a cesspool of pseudo-intellectuals, who have little to no knowledge of literature

Nobody here knows what constitutes good writing.

Nobody here knows nearly enough about literature to form their own personal tastes let alone judge others.

People here don't even fucking read the books they criticise.

Serious artists would take one look at this place and never come back.

It is a void of baseless opinions and posturing.

Nobody here has any literary potential.


>> No.6406255

I guess we can put our heads together and maybe find somewhere that will publish them in the USA and maybe central Europe somewhere (so people in those two areas don't get shanked by shipping). I think other anons might have some better ideas though.

On the plus side our bookcovers will be aestehtic as hell.

>> No.6406256

>Patrician community

Have you seen the writefag threads?

>> No.6406293


>> No.6406294


>> No.6406336

/b/ will rape all your hopes into the ground but it sounds nice

>> No.6406381

There are some weird people here, like me, who actually would enjoy being editors. We understand that it's idiotic the thinking of >>6406251 >Nobody here knows what constitutes good writing. and that an editor's job is the discuss the work with the author to make it as logical and sincere as he can make it by questioning his ideas and intentions. I doubt there would be too much trouble with that aspect.
But what would be the point? A series of ebooks? that's hardly worth months of effort writing, months of editing and months of advertisement. And we could never compete with platforms like Amazon that sort of do that on their own.

On the other hand, it would be funny to just selfpublish lesser works as part of an imprint or something like that. Trying to make an artificial "/lit/-core" movement like alt-lit, with a similar variety in quality.

>> No.6406483

>Trying to make an artificial "/lit/-core" movement like alt-lit, with a similar variety in quality.

I agree. Also there are a handful of people on /lit/ with stuff already written I'm sure, they just can't find a publishers willing to take it. And also for college kids it would be useful for them to use this as a sort of practice, knowing that we understand internet culture and the demographic we will attempt to sell these books to also understand it.

Look at muumuu books, it breaks even and has hundreds of ratings on goodreads for the books it puts out.

>> No.6406811

>control the reputation towards a high-standard

it's called shitposting for a reason.

>> No.6406830

Seems like a bad idea. Only shit prose literature with a leftist slant would ever get through.

>> No.6406839

You don't realize how bad of readers and writers /lit/ contains do you? Nothing would ever be successful. We are all less than mediocre here....that's why we fucking hangout on a literature board of 4chan for fucks sake.

>> No.6406842

>We could put fake approving quotes from people like Tao Lin etc, which are believable, until he's forced to either deny that he did (which be seen as lame of him)

top fucking kek

count me in, if only for this

>> No.6406845

I'd like to walk on Mars, but that doesn't mean I'm a trained astronaut.

Go fuck yourself, faggot.

>> No.6406851

If somebody puts up the money I would be down

>> No.6406874


You are the fedora wearing, having mom take picture, katana wielding, trench coat sporting, waifu having, body pillow owning neckbeard fucktard who makes anyone who sees him cringe....and you don't even realize it.

You're all so pathetically fucking worthless and depressing. How do you live a daily life in constant embarrassment without killing yourself? You're absolutely everything society finds ridiculous and shame worthy.

You're two steps above child fuckers, and those are tolerated on /b/ and /pol/ anyways and 99% of the basement dwellers here cross onto those two boards anyways along with /r9k/, I'm the 1% because /r9k/ browsing is the literal signing of a contract dictating that you're entire cesspool of chromosomes should be eliminated with extreme prejudice.


>> No.6406896

Try harder

>> No.6406911

>T..t.t.t.try..try harder

>> No.6407193

for realz ill edit stuff if this comes together (for free obvs). i need editing experience more than oxygen

>> No.6407199

Why should anyone in this thread take any shit from someone who does the single.words.separated.by.periods thing? It's the most cringeworthy emphasis device in the English language. It's not even recognized by any serious style guide.

>> No.6407352

i've thought of doing something like this with /lit/. the way i see it, we wouldn't be able to publish anything on paper right away. we'd have to start online with a small but dedicated group of editors. we'd need a website, which would be infinitely cheaper than a publishing house, but you have to start somewhere. also, to prevent shitposting i would say to disallow anonymous submissions. it would give incentive to only submit work one would want their name attached to. submissions should be open to anyone, though /lit/ as a community would be where the editors and audience come from. i would go with only a handful stories published quarterly. if it picks up steam then we move to maybe a bi-yearly print magazine. the thing to remember though, would be to first establish presence to keep interest. we can't just jump into publishing. it has to grow

>> No.6408179

Let's do this guys. I am in.

>> No.6409743

Reviving the old Zine Writers Guild publication seems like a better idea, to be honest. That was the only thing of value this board's ever done.

>> No.6409780

this isn't that stupid an idea
look at vaporwave, we could do that but with writing; we already kind of have with tundra

>> No.6409781
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We could just make a new zine, with a new name and start from scratch.

>> No.6409802

>talks about single.words.seperated.by.periods.thing. in a negative light.
>completely understands and is 100% affected by said emphasis device

butt hurt much?

>> No.6409803

why? then it'll just die again
let's rebuild TAR

>> No.6409820

I'd be for it. Hell, I was one of the co-editors of my college zine. We managed a pretty decent publication with a bunch of uninterested commuter students writing for classwork.


>> No.6409828
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I could answer the same to you:
>Why? then it'll just die again.
If we make something new we don't have failure on your past to worry about.
Also, TAR was charactertistic because it gave monetary prices to the best writers. I don't have any kind of interest in doing so. The more zines we make the more we can pretend we're a good board, and it's fun to invent names and formats.
I say: tabloid seize, three columns. Short stories share their page with flash fiction. Illustrations allowed.

>> No.6409839

could probably make it a cross-board thing, too. /p/ can put out some good work when they're not gearfagging and there are drawthreads on /a/ where we could troll for artists.

>> No.6409844
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I like what you did with that Wix. I would still prefer a pdf that people could print and show off, though. We could have both.

It really depends. If we're gonna be serious about this I'm sure we could get some people from /ic/. They're nice if you don't pressure them too much or demand things they don't like.

>> No.6409880

it wasn't a failure, they just got tired

>> No.6409886

And so will we, but we can't pretend that it isn't so.
Fuck, I would be willing to keep permanent recruitment so we always have people interested and fresh.

>> No.6409892

nah keep it to meme /lit/

We can't compete with traditional forms so why bother? Keep it fresh and spicy, like Tundra

>> No.6409896

meeting a monthly publication goal ends up being kind of impossible after awhile. I remember the /lit/mag had maybe 6 (relatively) strong issues, two absolute shit ones with 90% poetry and then one abortive ninth issue that drove the whole effort into the ground.

Might be best to just stick with a curated site.

this guy's pretty on point with the vaporwave comparison. AMDiscs curated a lot of content for awhile before they become a "label". Really a ground-up grassroots approach

>> No.6409903

>meeting monthly goals
Yeah, we had to cut back from monthly to quarterly for the university mag. Might be different with a board full of (aspiring?) writers.

>> No.6409912
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Mh... how about a curated site with a bi-monthly best of selection? If we're not going for at least a dozen good stories every two months we might as well not do it.
ZWG had the problem that they tried to be good looking to an extreme, they had a pdf, an epub and another type of publication, and all three had issues with their design. They had half a dozen designers and a couple editors, and they gathered a lot of hate from rejected people. We could do better than that.

When you say curated, you mean in general terms "paying attention to what we put" or you mean selecting material from critique threads? I can see the second part end up in a lot of butthurt from people we don't select and being accused of being attentionwhore divas.

>> No.6409928


If some of the shit they published was put through a selection process, I shudder to think about what ended up in the rejection pile.

>> No.6409945

Oh. they posted some of it and it was horrible. The thing is that the anons kept complaining and there reached a point in which more people had heard that they were elitist fagots than seen the shit they had sent. They overcompensated lowering their standards, afraid of getting more hate. It didn't have a very mature editorial.
More reasons to stand on out own.

>> No.6409976
File: 71 KB, 242x297, see you later, guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm off to bed, but I would really like to work on a zine with you guys. I was chating with another anon about doing a specialized pulp thing, but we could have both or work together or go fuck ourselves. I'm in for any of those.
If anyone wants to make an irc in the vein of "/lit/'s newer zine" that would be great, but we can share mails or skype or something, I don't know what kids do now.


>> No.6410694

>cringey posts

OP here. I wish I could delete this thread but I can't. So I'm just going to sage and hope nothing in this thread materializes. You are cancer.

>> No.6411433

alternating board of editors. it is the /lit/ way. you know it to be true

>> No.6411458

i think quarterly should be good that gives more than enough time for slushing through submissions, coming to consensus among the editors, the actual editing if needed, and putting it all out there in a respectable manner. if we inundate /lit/ with shit every month it'll just fall to the wayside. we need to give /lit/ a good 3 months to shipost on the publications in between.

>> No.6411463

/lit/ is garbage, no thanks.

>> No.6411473

It's the other way around. If you take more than a month people will forget. Original Tundra had periods of weeks in which no one did anything because they forgot it existed. Between people pushing Tundra Miami and actually writing were three or four months, because we had lost all steam.
/lit/ has a small but always changing userbase. If you take too much time you either have a small number of people interested or you'll have to do weekly promotion threads, and personally I would hate people constantly promoting and never actually having anything.

>cares about tripfags
>thinks others are cringey

>> No.6411552

>expecting writers not to be cringey

you're the cancer, son

>> No.6412989
File: 1.94 MB, 2258x1110, Takiyasha_the_Witch_and_the_Skeleton_Spectre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, no interest for the new zine project then?

>> No.6413266

I mean it seemed like you had that one guy who made the website. It's probably gonna have to be something where there needs to be a separate thread and then an actual call for entries and whatnot

>> No.6414150

is this a transcription of a speech you give to yourself every day?

>> No.6414525

Underrated post.

>> No.6414640

>Tfw you write in Spanish
>Tfw /lit/ magazine wouldn't care about you

>> No.6414785

TAR Editor and the Metric Editor.

I can say that you are clearly underestimating the work required to pull around a magazine but also more important. I've only found one person that dedicated. 99 percent of editors become idle and later quit.

The Metric started getting outside attention at the end and our submissions inbox was getting swamped. And sure /lit/ had some bad quality submissions but it is even worse when it comes from the outside world.

It will require quite a commitment to get going. I'd be willing to help if you have a team of solid members.

I have all the tools needed to get going. But I refuse to pull it all alone again.

>> No.6414788

Sorry wasn't mean for Spanish anon. Just in general.

>> No.6414824
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This is a bit more specialized idea but we're open for anyone willing to work

I can't speak for people that I don't know of who will come later to the project, but I've found myself being the only one trying to hold everything together and it's horrible. I still want to try again and again until it works, dedicating that effort is something I'm doing for me. If I got tired of everything I would just be hurting myself.
But you are free to wait a bit and ask around later on to see if you like how things are shaping up.

>> No.6414828
File: 152 KB, 338x362, Imagen 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La vida es dificil, lindo.
Cuando haya un hilo de /ñ/ posteá un pastebin con tus cosas y prometo un critique and comment, bueno?

>> No.6414839
File: 201 KB, 1180x1204, lit1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't seem to realize there are already a huge amount of small online publications that publish short pieces from people that are actually VERY obviously talented.
Try geting published in some of those before you start your own "magazine".

>> No.6414841

What you don't seem to realize is that people can enjoy doing a magazine.

>> No.6414855

conozco ese sentimiento, jotin.

>> No.6414858

If you don't mind answering, how many submissions did you guys get a month? And what was the rejection rate?

>> No.6414859

>1. We could make a /lit/ twitter account and infiltrate the alt-lit scene who are looking for a new source of contemporary literature since the Tao, Dierks et al. scandal.

Have you read any alt lit? 98% is trash, and that's a generous estimation. It's about as good as the writefag threads on here (not good). Your aim should be to recruit people with talent, not self-important cunts.

>6. We could raise money (money is the big thing here) to offer small advances or something so it motivates people to publish their stuff here
And here you grossly misinterpreting things. Any talented amateur writer would be happy to publish their stuff for free. Talented writers write obsessively, and churn our pieces like it's nobody's business. They don't need monetary compensation.

The reason this shit sounds doomed is because, like I've said multiple times on this board, it has to be run by people who actually know good writing and aren't willing to submit just anything. That means rejecting 98% of submissions for simply not having the 'flair' of a good short story/poem that would allure a stranger to return to the website to check out the mag.

That is all.

>> No.6414865

ya and some 5 year olds can start a lemonade stand for enjoyment too. The people suggesting this happen don't seem to realize that it's not going to have the talent required to make people want to read it

>> No.6414874

And you know this because you can read the future? If no one starts it there obviously won't be any good material.

It's important to try. And be a bitch if that's what it takes for people to send good stuff. Complaining like a little boy afraid of being hurt in his internet enterprise and wasting all those hours he could have used playing vidja or posting in /lit/ about how failed other people are isn't much better.

>> No.6414876

>I have all the tools needed to get going.
such as?

>But I refuse to pull it all alone again
Tell me why I'm wrong, but why do you need a big team of editors? Can one person not just leaf through and tell within seconds whether a piece is worth publishing or not? I mean for a short story, you've gotta hook the reader in the first couple paragraphs anyways.

>> No.6414887

i am in.
but writing sci fi.
in spanish.

>> No.6414888

Trying is great, I agree. The thing is, there's no way to verify who has the chops or the discerning/keen eye for talent in the first place. It's anyone jumping in on the project, which is not going to make for a good mag. You want the startup to have people that have tried and true, know what they're doing

>> No.6414896

Miercoles. Ya somos cuatro.
Si cada uno puede tirar dos historias y dos poemas, todos buenos, yo lo armo un poco y sale "Dora y /lit/ presentan: La nueva nueva ola de trova latina"

>> No.6414899

People verified by being part of previous zines? In which they didn't have any verifications to get in?
I would get all the worries if you were investing money, but if you post in 4chan your time is clearly worthless.

>> No.6414901

historias si, poemas no nunca entendi putada de metrica ;__;.

>> No.6414911
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Yo tampoco, tranquilo. Pero entonces dos cuentos de tres mil palabras y uno de menos de mil.
Nada más necesitamos al anon que estaba haciendo su propia Lolita y estamos hechos.

>> No.6414921
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jesus christ, stop

>> No.6414969 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 303x365, 1429254988905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! i want to help with your project, so i decide to make a mascot for the publishing house, i mean penguin as a penguin right? we need one too!
i am not an professional designer but i am sure that you will love it.

>> No.6415222


Look, why even post if all you're gonna say is that you don't believe in our (or your own, actually) ability to discern good literature, to edit, to nitpick, just stfu I and I am sure other with me, are tired to read posts coming from such an insecure place, it literally hurts.

>> No.6415236

I am fucking interested in helping out OP anon, I wanna do it and see what will happen. This is my community and best case scenario it gives me something to take my thoughts off the mind numbing workday. I can edit. We should create something straight off the bat, we definitely need a website down the road but to talk around the ideas and see what fuckers are attracted to the idea, perhaps a irc channel to talk in is ok. This thread is not working, too much cringe.
Oh and /b/ will rape this project into the ground

>> No.6415244

>(not sure how we'd prevent outsiders from coming here)?
What the fuck? You don't. It's a good idea though.

>> No.6415252

>Oh and /b/ will rape this project into the ground

They really won't. /b/ is not organized at all these days, and their lack of attention span means that they won't bother to troll us.

Also what do you work as?

>> No.6415256

you just copied the reddit logo

>> No.6415259

We'll just keep a lowish profile and maybe they'll just rape us a litte. Nurse.

>> No.6415263

What hours do you work as a nurse?

Also I really don't think /b/ is an issue in 2015

>> No.6415268

Depends. Why ask?

>> No.6415274

I'm interested in the jobs people have, the hours they work, and how they are able to bear sacrificing so much of each day (as I do) doing something they often find no pleasure in

>> No.6415278

I work nights ordinarily but not right now, sometimes I have the morning shift, and other days the afternoon one. Sometimes double. It does not make for any kind of stable routine. When I can I like sitting up at night still.

>> No.6415285

How many hours do you work a week?

How old are you?

>> No.6415302

40, give or take. I'm 28. How about you?

>> No.6415305

I work 44. I'm 23.

>> No.6415309
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I'm okay with this as long as we convince Deandre Otis Surrell to write the long-awaited 2 Nickels 2 Ounces for the imprint.

>> No.6415316

I can contact him if you like.

He can be /lit/s version of Viper

>> No.6415322


i actually work as a proofreader at a publishing company

there's no fucking way /lit/ has what it takes to make it in the business.

>> No.6415324

>implying true patricians want to make it in the mainstream publishing industry
>implying the fact Goldman & Rubenstein Books think your book is good (read: marketable to plebs) is any indicator of its quality

>> No.6415439

Submission system, Web hotel, indesign (if needed), finished legal framework for submissions. I'm also work full time as a chief communications manager with marketing skills and brand knowledge. I have also experience from two earlier failures.

>> No.6415441

I have the numbers but in the end we had about 100-200 a month maybe

>> No.6415449

Haven't read most of the thread but I'm assuming this would be strictly prose?
I assume because nobody here knows shit about poetry and I would never trust my work in the hands of a typical anon.

>> No.6415457

I want this guy involved if we do shit

Poetry is boring. Deal with it. Unless it's twitter-tier (Tao Lin, Spencer Madsen et al) then nobody is going to enjoy or appreciate your long-winded shit about some girl who cucked you in fourth grade.

>> No.6415474

I'm willing to publish anything you want at $40/page editing, print on demand.

>> No.6415481

Do you even read poetry

>> No.6415491

Why would someone pay to you publish their work when they can submit for free to a magazine or journal that already has an established readership with thousands of issues in circulation

Anthologies typically don't sell well, anyways.

>> No.6415645

We will have to take advantage of the e-formats now that they exist. A publishing house out of 4chan would of course be interesting to a lot of people and if we can get our grubby hands on some good material we will be able to present it very quickly in e-format.

Another thing that is possible to do is to release public domain novellas and poems in anthologies. If I wanted to get rich this wouldn't be the way I'd go about it, but that's just me.

>> No.6415739

Forget about e-formats, they are shit and will die as soon as HTML5 fully hit the markets.

You go web and web only and make it mobile-friendly.

>> No.6416392

you shouldn't be so arbitrary. if it is just one person then it will only reflect that individual's taste. this should reflect a wide variety and not succumb to one style like alt lit. there should be something democratic about how the stories get selected, not just one editor choosing for all but a consensus.

>> No.6416417

>anon que estaba haciendo su propia Lolita y estamos hechos.

I need to know more about this.

>> No.6416429

so what is the first step to get this going? obviously there are interested individuals and shitposters so we already have fans and haters. half the job done. do we start an irc? i really don't know how to do that. how about a skype chat?

>> No.6416437

It's not fun doing it by yourself. You will literally be hated by /lit/. The work is slow and tedious. You will gain no respect by anyone (maybe a year or so if you are succesful) etc... I also think that you might underestimate the work needed to be done.

>> No.6416443

I'm here and ready. So I can do a skype.

>> No.6416465
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Here is the statistics, it was much less than I remember. Approx 400 submissions over 8 issues. So 50 submission a month?

>> No.6416476

this could be a good idea but the concerns raised may be a problem. i'm in though, i could either do some editing or leaf through submissions to weed out b/s.

i'm also bilingual para la edicion en espanol