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6404876 No.6404876 [Reply] [Original]

How come there aren't any geniuses in philosophy and whatnot like there was in the early 20th century and earlier than that? How come there aren't really big revolutionary works being published?

>> No.6404890

'cause we've already reached the end of history, champ. fukuyama was the last great human thinker, and that's only 'cause he recognized this fact.

>> No.6404891

We no longer have a culture of revolution because we are the sole imperial power in the world, with no plausible antagonist. This doesn't mean there aren't currently brilliant people at work in many different disciplines, but our view of history is unambiguously defined by major geopolitical events, and so the "great philosophers" are going to be identified only in the context of how they existed in relation to some major historical event, however we choose to define that. Maybe we're on the cusp of one now and people who have been writing in the past few decades will be identified as intellectually representative of this episode of history. Or maybe not.

>> No.6404898

Because great philosophers are fully recognized when their ideas are actually tested in time.

>> No.6404901

>How come there aren't really big revolutionary works being published?

You mean 'Why haven't I noticed any?' If you were in touch with philosophy you would notice when a work makes a big impact.

>> No.6404974

Everyone's playing vidya and twitter and vine

>> No.6404999


Philosophers are only given their due in posterity. There are plenty of great Philosophers who are still active right now, and plenty of great Philosophers from earlier times who didn't catch on for what ever reason.

>> No.6405007

The Internet

It's literally opened up information for everyone and made every bit of useless info available. but at the same time it has stifled any desire to actually learn indepth about any given subject.

>> No.6405015

for you

>> No.6405020

Because greatness has been hibernating, waiting for me to awaken her majesty and claim her as my own. Hit 40k words on the novel today.

>> No.6405377

Read closing of the American mind by Alan bloom

What happened was that university's stopped being training grounds for elites, but playgrounds for women, boys, and minorities.

>> No.6405379

All of the great minds are working in finance.

>> No.6405381
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>Read closing of the American mind by Alan bloom

>> No.6405392

Deleuze published in the 60s-90s.

Badiou released his magnum opus in the 80s.

The spec-realists have all published in the last decade.

>> No.6405397

Are you serious? There are plenty of great 20th century philosophers and thinkers.

Just to name a few: Freud and Lacan, Wittgenstein and Quine, Foucauld and Derrida.

>> No.6405408

Piketty's book will be discussed for at least the next few decades.

>> No.6405423
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>> No.6405427


Obviously meant Foucault*

>> No.6405442

all the main ideas were thought of in the 19th century. and capped up in the early 20th. There simply just isn't more to be said that already has been

>> No.6405459

This is unnervingly accurate and every time I think of it I'm slightly disturbed. Then I remember that his point was basically that Hegel was right about history and I feel a little better.

>> No.6405460

I agree. I studied philosophy at university and spent my days with other philosophy majors drinking, smoking and fucking. The discipline lies in disrepute.

>> No.6405488
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Clearly, this is an imminent part of the notion of philosophy. What is the place of this degeneracy (in which I knowingly and willingly participicate but which I hope to combat so.eday, when I'm less drunk than I am at the moment) in the absolute Idea?

>> No.6405498

does this mean we are reaching absolute spirit? or do we have to up our cultural game.

>> No.6405523


>> No.6405626


In my Philosophy program we are just a bunch of average dudes doing Philosophy with hurt wrists from writing so much. Sure you have slackers who are just there so the departments can stay open for us, but the core of people who actually will go on and continue the discipline are quite serious. We need that 60% percent or so who don't care so that philosophy departments can give financial aid to the Philosophers of tomorrow.

>> No.6405683

Nah man, end of history was 1991. We're at the end of the end of history.

Hold on to your butts its gonna be a bumpy ride

>> No.6405720
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Right now I think the conflict in the middle east will spurr some new development in philosophy, because it's really more than a war for Islam vs Democracy, it's a war between the old ways of thinking and the new ones. The thing about philosophers is that often they're not recognized until after their time, when historians can view a timeline of events and ideas with better clarity than while it's happening.

That's actually a really interesting point.

>> No.6405779

why are you guys posting such garbage? Are you Polish?

>> No.6406052

VICE: It’s in all sorts of culture and media, but it’s mostly in books.

HAROLD BLOOM: It has something to do with, though not everything to do with, technological change—the fact that most kids grow up not reading deeply or going to a museum and staring at a picture or going to a concert and really listening to authentic music—including authentic jazz. People are trapped in the age of what you might call the triple screen: the motion-picture screen—and this is in ascending order of evil in terms of what it does to their minds throughout the world—the television screen, and finally the computer screen, which is the real villain.

VICE: It’s disappointing because the internet could have been such a good thing. It could have been like an indestructible Library of Alexandria, but with porn.

HAROLD BLOOM: This goes back to what I said about the saving remnant. You’re part of that saving remnant. As I’ve been saying for years: If, in fact, you have an impulse to become and maintain yourself as a deep reader, then the internet is very good for you. It gives you an endless resource. But if, in fact, you don’t have standards and you don’t know how to read, then the internet is a disaster for you because it’s a great gray ocean of text in which you simply drown.

>> No.6406088

>still handwriting

your not in a philosophy program

>> No.6406369

I think it's about much more than that, and forcing it into such a simple narrative (as much as I would love to do it if it would advance my agenda) really is quite dangerous.

>> No.6406401

There are a ton of philosophers working right now on new concepts, OP. It's just that since we can now teach everyone concepts already discussed to dead new authors can dedicate themselves on even more complex ideas. You can see this in how hard it is to understand people taking from Heidegger already, or authors like Deleuze that are hard to even read. Right now I'm trying to swallow what Ray Brassier is doing and it makes me feel pretty dumb.

>> No.6406425

>it has stifled any desire

Are you sure "the internet" stifled the desire or the people themselves were never brought up to even have that desire?

If you randomly dropped the internet into any age of the past, I don't believe the out come would be the same.

The problem is that prior to the internet, we were already culture of groundless, nihilistic vultures without any kind of consistent ethical framework. And it is this which has led to the constant *chatter*, the endless gossip and public scrutiny which forbids anybody to be exalted lest the "public" be reminded that there are people who are better than them.

>> No.6406433

It means this world-historical moment is on the downswing.

>> No.6406438

Just a quick taste, consider that this is like a summary compared to his book or works.

>> No.6406445

>pure ideology

>> No.6406484


>Technology is corrupting the youth

Harold Bloom falling back on an argument older than Socrates.

>> No.6406489

Because the West isn't a cultural thing anymore, it's an economic thing. Heidegger said that the new metaphysics will come from either China or Russia.

>> No.6406508

Why are the philosophically ignorant retards on this board trying to answer OP's question assuming he's correct when this is the obvious answer

>> No.6406512

He was talking about post-Cold War era. Also Heiedegger is emprically the most famous philosopher of the 20th century.

>> No.6406513

Are you sure he's more famous than Wittgenstein???

>> No.6406518

Yes. More articles have been written on him, than on anyone else from the 20th century.

>> No.6406520

>your not
Neither are you.

>> No.6406522

I feel like Wittgenstein might be better-known to the world as a whole though

>> No.6406523

>In 1967 The Philosopher's Index began indexing foreign journals; today American
and Canadian publications comprise about half the journals indexed. In comparison with
Heidegger's 1,924 mentions (in titles, abstracts, or descriptors) in the entire index Hegel
receives 2,968 mentions, Husserl 1,434, Habermas 413, Derrida 284, Deleuze 28, Bataille
15, and Blanchot 10. In the last five years, Heidegger is coupled with the German names
on this list 89 times, and 53 times with the French names or with the word "deconstruction"
(which is mentioned 361 times overall). The MLA Bibliography lists Heidegger in
195 items during the past five years, 36% of all his references. In both the Social Scisearch
data base and the Religion Index data base 25% of the references to Heidegger occur in
the past five years

>> No.6406525

Analytics are not better known, by a long shot. Ask your mother if she has heard of Nietzsche and then ask her if she's heard of Quine or Bertrand. I'd wager than even anglos now don't know much about Russel.

>> No.6406542

People are going to write more things explaining his work because he's more voluminous, difficult and opaque.

That's a really nice false equivalence, retard. Good job mentioning Nietzsche, Quine and Russell for no reason whatsoever. Wittgenstein's fame practically rivals Nietzsche's either way.

>> No.6406570

Cause you won't notice them for 50 more years when their books make a difference.

But we do have some movements in the works. They just moved into 'politics' instead of philosophy. We got feminism, liberterainism, and some other assorted bullshit.

>> No.6406575

The fuck are you talking about

>> No.6406597

Fukuyama's claims on "the end of history" are not only highly wrong, but were proven wrong by the history.
If I recall correctly, he himself backed from his nonsensical claims.

>> No.6406599

take the perspective of the creation of new principles out of the identification of new problems. What problems do we have in our society in 2015 ?

Or rather, what new problems do we have today, that we did not have half a century ago ?

The answer is none, modulo the internet and IT technology. Our technology drives us to the confine of our social models (the liberalimS, the humanism, the eugenism, the realtivism and what not).
We do not have new doctrines emcompassing all the social life nowadays. Thre is nothing new, but fine-tuned questions brought by the sciences. We literally have no new problems, so we have no new perspectives on life.
All we do, today, is to explore the frontiers of our various doctrines old of two centuries.

The illustration is FB with the personnal identity. The concepts of perosnal identity and the self date back form Descartes and Lock. Why do we still bother with them ?

>> No.6406603

>the most famous philosopher of the 20th century
That would be Nietzsche.

>> No.6406657
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I don't think that the proportion of the population that isn't plebian, moronic, badly-read, unartistic, shallow or lowbrow has gotten any bigger. In fact it's probably smaller. It had always been massive.
What mass education and globalisation have done is mostly good: decrease poverty, eradicate illnesses, develop technology that saves lives and increases overall comfort of living/lifespan, more more more more more money more food better food international health diplomacy, safe button centric war mutually assured destruction human rights (?!) Planes trains automobiles Facebook Instagram twitter reddit more art more culture consumer music empty cinema facile tabloid titties for proletariats.

All this this EXTRA everything simultaneously gives plebs the feeling that they have anything worthwhile to say and a platform to catapult their worthless opinions into common intellectual sphere. Society is slowly becoming demographically democratically equalised and (possibly??) At is a) suffering b) hard to find under the layers of fat b) not worth pursuing anymore.


>> No.6406675

Viz. musique concrete
It was a whole cultural shift. Concrete modernism has been usurped by electro-capitalist, glass-towers, eco-friendly post-modernism. Repackaging fake identity and re-imagining kitsch, blurry visions of this "do-good" generation that rebelled against a demonised "square" technocracy to subdue and weaken potential markets. Our generation is the product of decades of social engineering. We are a decayed culture.
That's why I like brutalism so much.
Real modernism. White-walled in full splendour.
Stockhausen, Schoenberg, etc.
Big names in middle-century musical innovation.
Reduced to cultural obscurity because "it sounds ugly"

That's what happened to art. We have no n need for it in our collective hyperspeed capitalist age.

>> No.6406700


are you serious

>> No.6406718


Nietzsche died in 1900.

>> No.6406720

Because we are living in the era of the last man. From here on out, there will only be radical change, or radical regression.

You can see the seedlings of radical change and regression already happening with war games being played between NATO and Russia.

>> No.6406723

Bloom really just sounds like a butthurt reactionary in this interview, but every boomer does these days honestly.

>> No.6406945

>Peter Singer
works become revolutionary after a persons death... living heroes are always a disappointment. They feel too real, what with eating, fucking, shitting and all.
Need to meld the person with that one idea first, until they vanish.

>> No.6406951

>He just sounds like le buzzword buzzword lol

proving him right as you live and breathe anon

>> No.6407000

he's like 20-30 years older than any baby boomer

>> No.6407075

That's not always true Wittgenstein was revered when he was alive I think Keynes called him a god.

>> No.6407080

are you dumb

>> No.6407093

>Judith Butler
>Alain Badiou
>Frederic Jameson
>Paul and Patricia Churchland

Just cuz you haven't studied contemproary philosophy doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.6407401

Great philosophers are tested by time.

Honestly though, postmodernism has really fucked up university teachings. People majoring in philosophy or lit won't end up actually learning jack shit unless they go to Oxford.

>> No.6407422

What revolutionary work is there to published? We already know what needs to be known, that the bourgeoisie must be stopped. It isn't the time for theory, its the time for action.

>> No.6407427

fuckin chicken legs freak me out, how do people eat that shit

>> No.6407486

Not even Oxford or Cambridge are safe.
Oxford are championing the "safe space" and OUSU banned clapping at debates because feminists claim they were being triggered.

Postmodernism doesn't wait for anyone. I have a friend at Cambridge who bragged about having banned heart of darkness from one of the syllabuses as the student population had deemed it racially insensitive

>> No.6408872


Eventually, getting a College Degree will be akin to getting a Bible Studies degree.

The curriculum so loaded with political masturbation, nobody will give two shits ~2025.

Tragically, however, everyone with a degree is fucked the worse for it.

>> No.6408916
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I blame him

>> No.6408933
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Wow. It is good to know there are Philosophers still alive on Planet Earth.

>> No.6410626


>> No.6410656

Not really. Most of philosophy is just small footnotes to what came prior. Their use of language is becoming more anemic, they are more irrelevant to society, viewed with suspicion, and completely divorced from the political influence they used to have. The increasing specialization has basically led to most everyone becoming blinded.

>> No.6410684

Haven't we essentially come to the conclusion all we can do is create more oppressors?

>> No.6410688

>How come there aren't really big revolutionary works being published?
Look into gender theory, queer theory, this is where all the great developments of the last two decades have taken place.

>> No.6410704

That's just women recycling Foucault's biopolitics. But I agree there are some geniuses in the field.

>> No.6410783

For a few reasons. First, there's only so many Newton-Descartes level geniuses born to the world at a time. So as soon as Science replaced Philosophy as the highest status field, Philosophy's would-be geniuses never were.

Also, scientists suck at philosophy. From Tyson to Hawking, their grasp is weak. This says something about the way we're being trained to think about things, in a way that moves away from philosophical thinking.

>> No.6410808

>What revolutionary work is there to published? We already know what needs to be known, that the bourgeoisie must be stopped. It isn't the time for theory, its the time for action.
the liberalism is already far enough authoritative as it is today. And everybody loves it

>> No.6410814

nigga youse an idiot. the end of history thesis was a crock of shit to begin with and even fuyuhama has distanced himself from it in that he didnt foresee the implications of genetics and biotechnologies in its effect on society

>> No.6410843

the effect is a castrating one, and man is a lesser being than he once was. hence the end of history.

>> No.6410907

>those guys
