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640446 No.640446 [Reply] [Original]

Fact : Niggers feel its in their right to kill you if they suspect you are being racist. You don't actually have to say or do anything.
This also includes making eye contact or not making eye contact both implying racism and "dissruspekt" for which in a Niggers mind he feels is perfect justification for assault.

>> No.640452

<----- /b/ is that way.

>> No.640451

Yeah, I've actually overheard some of them discussing this. Truly, they are a step below men and barely a step above beasts.

>> No.640457


/b/'s racism is unrefined and juvenile. Ours is the refined racism of the likes of H.P. Lovecraft.

>> No.640460

So we can call people "degenerate Esquimaux"?

>> No.640466


Good Lord...

>> No.640478


We can, indeed, call people that. Though the situation naturally comes up less often than that of calling someone an "unwashed ape."


Please, take your uncouth attitude elsewhere. Perhaps the masses of unwashed apes you profess to love would be more accepting of your attitude.

>> No.640483
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Even though I love H.P. Lovecraft, you really ought to shut the fuck up.

>> No.640487

>shut up


>> No.640488

FACT: I drunk an clicked on /fit/ insted of /lit/ cuz they look alike. There was thead about people you don't like at the gum. I was confused. /lit/ don't go to gym.

>> No.640490
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Assessing situation.

>> No.640495
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Applying remedy.

>> No.640498
File: 97 KB, 240x249, Yall_trolls_postin_in_a_nigga_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Equipping bandage.

>> No.640500

Ah, the natural reaction of those without the proper mental faculties to argue their point is to yell "troll!" and believe themselves superior.

Think what you like -- it is simply a natural expression of intellectualism and manhood to set yourself above and apart from the beast called "nigger."

>> No.640503

looks like someone got their lunch money stolen today

>> No.640505
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Niggers aren't humans.

"In addition, all modern ethnic groups, other than Africans, carry traces of Neanderthal DNA in their genomes, the study says—which at first puzzled the scientists."

Case closed.

>> No.640511


A true intellectual carries with him his own sustenance.

A true man defends it at all costs.

A nigger does neither of these -- he exists only to destroy and to take what is not his.

>> No.640517

remember to report off-topic threads.

>> No.640521


So what the study shows is that all the world's people are mixed with their own degenerate, ape-like ancestors - except the niggers?

>> No.640523

Racists who try to appear intellectual are one and all socially retarded fucksticks feeling threatened and therefore need to vent their fear and anger at society in an anonymous imageboard where it counts for nothing. Say your opinions straight to a nigger's face at least, also enjoy your nofriends OP.

>> No.640525

No clearly you are a faggot. All humans have neanderthal DNA except Africans.

Can not be unseen.

>> No.640526


I have spoken my thoughts directly into the face of the beast. Their reaction is always the same. Mindless, animal rage. It is truly a good thing that I value the upkeep of my body every bit as much as the upkeep of my mind. As any man should.

>> No.640529


So...niggers are different from every other race on the face of the earth.

Can't say I didn't see that one coming.

>> No.640530


Fact remains that non-blacks polluted their own stock by interbreeding with near-beasts. Blacks are the only true humans - for they have kept themselves racially pure.

>> No.640528

Back in the day Racism WAS the domain of the Intelligentsia. It still is really.

>> No.640532


Truly.Bleeding heart liberals are faux-intellectuals at best.

>> No.640533


In humanity, as in nature, mixing genes with a species as distinctly dissimilar as that of the Neanderthal only strengthens the gene pool.

The nigger is a beast that has stagnated in its evolution and is now so different from the majority of humanity that interbreeding with it is tantamount to cultural suicide.

>> No.640535

If you read the article it says that ethnic groups that weren't in the same geographical locations as neanderthals have the DNA except Africans.
Africans aren't the same as everyone else and they never developed Civilisation.
Thus Neanderthal DNA must be needed to be intelligent and civilised.

>> No.640541

I masturbated to this.

>> No.640544
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>> No.640550


>Africans...never developed Civilisation.

Good to know the Aksumite Empire, the Mali Empire, the Songhai Empire, the Kanemites, the Nri Kingdom, the Ashantis, the Sokoto Caliphate, and all of the large West African polities that traded slaves to Western empires (eg the Oyo Empire) never existed.

>> No.640552


Those are to true Civilization as a Dachshund is to a wolf.

>> No.640554

>Lists fictional Civilisations.

>> No.640559


>Those are to true Civilization as a Dachshund is to a wolf.

What, domesticated, deliberately moulded by, and oweing their existence to mankind? Sure, fair enough. After all I imagine you're an expert on the history of the African empires.

Yeah no I got them all from Conan stories

>> No.640560

Sounds reputable.

>> No.640561


No. Weak, frail and incapable of surviving in the face of a superior form.

>> No.640565



>> No.640570


Except many of the names on that list declined and fell without any contact from non-Africans, as empires have risen and fallen for various internal or economic causes across the world for its entire history.

But hey, don't let me disrupt your highly intellectual pursuit of attributing civilisational collapse to a racist superstition rather than bothering to investigate the actual material and cultural causes. Apparently real intellectuals don't pay attention to history - they're content with a circular, teleological explanation for the victory of colonial powers.

>> No.640574


Oh, please.

What do any of those civilizations have in common with the grandeur that was Greece and the glory that was Rome?

They are akin to a backwoods hillbilly raising a chicken coop and calling it a city.

>> No.640593 [DELETED] 

r e m O V e Y o U r i l L E G A l c l o n e o f A t c h r i s t O p h e R P O O l e H t t p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 / I S t H e O r i G I N a l f A G G O T

>> No.640602


Well, no, actually the Mali empire lasted about as long as Rome with its own decentralised-but-stable system of bureaucratic administration and tax collection, well-organised military and various vassal states. The Aksumite Empire was one of the major trading powers that interacted with Rome and yet lasted twice as long as the Roman Empire ever had. It had a golden age period where it had its own currency (which meant a lot in those days); it also developed its own alphabet. When it converted to Christianity the Ethiopian Orthodox Church that it created lasted to this day, rather like...the Roman Catholic Church? If you go to the modern-day city of Axum you'll find plenty of monuments and ancient buildings to look at.

So quite a lot in common, actually. It's just that one big thing they don't have in common seems to be the part Rome played in Europe's local history and the local cultural influence/historical influence that resulted. Of course they do have their own local influence, through many myths, legends, and works of literature (eg the Sundiata epic). The medieval Malian university of Timbuktu had as its students a full quarter of the population of its host city, so there was clearly some learning and culture going on.

>> No.640606

stopped reading at bureaucratic administration this is Africans we are talking about you know Africans.

>> No.640612


Very intellectual of you.

>> No.640623

Thanks part of being intellectual is knowing what not to read. Like pseudo-history.

>> No.640648


>implying anyone cares about Africa

>implying niggers are capable of learning

>implying you're not a liberal faggot

>> No.640693


>implying racists have run out of ideas

>> No.643291


>> No.643310

Could this thread go away now? I feel stupider just being near it. Seriously, guys. It's time to stop posting.

>> No.643312

No and you have to start liking women again.

>> No.643314
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Oh hi guys. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna post some images. Working title: "An Inconvenient Truth". Doesn't have anything to do with global warming though.

>> No.643316
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>> No.643321
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>> No.643322

I don't believe the this for one simple fact. I fail to understand how the cranial capacity of Asians is greater than everyone else. They are small with small heads.

>> No.643329
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>> No.643331

You can have a large head, but that doesn't imply a brain that makes full use of the space. You can have a small head crammed full of brain.

>> No.643337
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>> No.643338

asians get the least sex.
intelligence is useless.

>> No.643339

Jesus cunting christ you people.

Learn not to respond to trolls.

>> No.643340
File: 45 KB, 601x542, 1271568700149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anecdotes and feelings don't invalidate science. Sorry broski.

>> No.643345
File: 44 KB, 663x610, 1271568845299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.643354

Stupid liberals completely deny any disparity between black intelligence and white intelligence.
Smart liberals accept that blacks and whites have different intelligence levels, but question whether the difference is genetic or environment-based.

>> No.643356
File: 25 KB, 600x405, 1271995896056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.643353

Charts aren't "science".

>> No.643357
File: 66 KB, 264x396, Genghis_Khan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how all of those empires put together is not a third as large as this guys

>> No.643362

It says cranial capacity. I thought that was referring to the volume of the skull.

>> No.643364
File: 82 KB, 653x587, 1270613654054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.643376

Niggers confirmed for being a unique offshoot of humanity. Definitely not surprised.

>> No.643394

How niggardly of you, OP

>> No.643461

OR it's just the fact that:

Because of their oversized reptilebrain, they tend to be over-violent, compared to other sapient races.

>> No.643470

It doesn't bother you if you aren't scared of them.

>> No.643478

I'm not a racist, but I hate the blacks who fulfill the stereotypes.

>> No.643496

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.643508

Your Defeat makes me happeh

>> No.643519

h t T p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 / i S f A R S u p e R i o r t O T h I s P i E C e o F C r A P 4 C h a N I s F o r u g l Y L o S e R t r O l l S o n l Y

>> No.643557

if it was genetic all blacks would be stupid, stupid.

>> No.643572

Your opinion is discounted because you haven't finished any biology or psychology classes.

>> No.643832

This thread sure is fun.

>> No.643921


I agree with you good sir. Same for a good number of stereotypes about people/races.