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6404091 No.6404091 [Reply] [Original]

Rate the book you're currently reading out of ten and give an estimate of about how far you're through it.

>A Canticle For Leibowitz
>75% of the way through

>> No.6404119

Are you serious? That book has almost zero good things about it. It was a novel idea at the time, I can't think of any others.

>> No.6404130

11/10, fucking masterpiece.

>> No.6404133

6/10 for Pynchon
8/10 for average novel

>> No.6404144

>Min Kamp 2 by Knausgård
>50% through

A step up from Min Kamp 1.

>> No.6404152


>Leaving the Atocha Station
>reluctantly a 7/10 maybe even 8.
>82% according to Mr. Kindle, why do you care?

>> No.6404168

>Blood Meridian by McCarthy
>50% through

Really fucking good first half, better than any other McCarthy I've read.

>> No.6404178

The hour before (the) dawn by W. Somerset Maugham
6/10, gets a bit unnecessarily detailed a while after, in certain chapters
~75% in

>> No.6404188

A Floating Opera by John Barth

>> No.6404240
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Perdido Street Station
8-9/10 if it keeps this up
10-15% through it

>> No.6404289

absalom absalom - 9/10 so far folkner da man.

anatomy of melancholy - 108/10. best book ever written

>> No.6404297

Name of the Rose - solid 8/10

What makes Anatomy so good?

>> No.6404302

Moby Dick
10/10 NOTYAY

>> No.6404310


7/10 so far, I like how it flows and some of the passages reminds me of Last Year at Marienbad with how they both used extensive description of geometrical architecture to set the scenes.

>> No.6404321

I agree. This book was such a let down for me.

White Noise - 9/10 - 55%
Really funny and smart so far. Only problem I have with it is that I'm kinda burned out on books about detached consumerism.

>> No.6404341

The prose is wonderful to read, and varied in style. Burton has really endearing cast of mind and he's funny. And the thing just rambles and rambles everywhere and yet is somehow always engaging.

>> No.6404355


2666 by Bolano
8/10, finished the part about the crime a while ago and enjoyed the book so far for it's dream-like quality and certain sequences but it has been exhausting and frankling kind of boring. Will start the final part about Archimboldi soon.

The Snows of Kilomanjaro 9/10, best short stories I've read in a long time, better than Hemingway's long work.

>> No.6404363

Huh. I actually thought it was pretty good and I usually don't go for science fiction. What didn't you like about it?

>> No.6404410

Catch 22
8/10--I can't believe I put off reading this until now. It's absolutely hilarious. I think I'll like it even more on a reread and my rating will probably increase, because for the first couple chapters I was somewhat confused about timeline and the rest.

95% done, just 20 pages left

>> No.6404421

The Picture of Dorian Gray
9/10 Love it so far only 25% in though

>> No.6404433

Paradise Lost
About 90% through and I love it. Prob gonna read it a few times more in near future. Beautiful piece of art


>> No.6404459

I fucking love this book. One of my favourites.

>> No.6404473


And what exactly does your childish outburst offer to the thread?

>> No.6404508

Against the Day
9/10, 48% through it. Anarchist dynamiters, hydrogen skyships, Pynchon in the near-wild west, this thing is great

>> No.6404510

>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
>a 6th of the way through

For some reason I'm having trouble reading it. It's a surprisingly sense book, especially considering the prose.

>> No.6404515


>> No.6404533

"Windows on the World" by Beigbeder. No wonder he's friends with Houellebecq.

3/4th in

>> No.6404589

>your book
>literary 0/10

>> No.6404598

For me, it was:

>first part

>second part

>third part

Not the best I've ever read, but I'm into religious studies and there was plenty here to entertain me.

>> No.6404607

The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea

50% through


Feels like it's getting better as it goes. The scene with the kitten is what made me know I was going to enjoy it. If it keeps getting better, it'll easily be a 9/10 for me at least.

>> No.6404608

>One Hundred Years Of Solitude

>> No.6404705

the scenes with the kids were my fav. I have a feeling you will like the end

>> No.6405461

>The Crossing

>> No.6405660

It's a bit of a slog at times but it is worth it, final act is amazing. If you like it the other two books in the series are even better.

>> No.6405663

War and Peace

>> No.6405667

>A History of the Buccaneers of America

Not really lit but its a very interesting read.

>> No.6405670

That's the problem with Melville. He'll have a great idea but then not stick to it. He has a book about A museum getting a Kracken and the beast going all "not-dead-dreaming" on the protagonist, but then it goes off the rails. He ends up stealing a functioning magic phaser from a Trekkie. Didn't finish it

>> No.6405674
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>With Fire and Sword
>9/10, fuckin love it
>accidentily read the second volume first, going through first volume

>> No.6405675

>a novel idea

>> No.6405678

>Light in August
>About 50%

>> No.6405722


>> No.6405833
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>> No.6405869

>detached consumerism
Fifth graders today complain about detached consumerism. You should knock at least two points off for this.

>> No.6405876

Reading now, also 55% done or so, fully agree, plus I think it's a bit thematically obvious. Still amazingly clever with God-tier prose tho

>> No.6405880

Gravity's rainbow
Pynchon can't hide his immaculate greatness for even a single episode

>> No.6405893

Feast of the goat.

Rereading it for the second time.

>> No.6405902

suttree and the border trilogy is gooder

>> No.6405905
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>more than 7.7
retarded ape

>> No.6405977

> Pleasure
> 7/10, nice but I just started reading it
> 25% of it

>> No.6406093

Brothers Karamazov.
10/10, It started very slowly for me but after getting my attention sorted, I plowed through it afterwards as it managed to really grab my attention. That Dmitri.

The story is very well crafted and I got the feeling that in the end of the book the author is hinting that the angelic Alyosha is more sinister than his peers hold him.

I personally have the theory that Karamazov was describing certain personality characteristics and how they have a light and dark side. For example Ivan is the personification of intelligence which ultimately goes insane. Dimitri is overly passionate and emphatic which lets his emotions run him to oblivion. And Alyosha is the compasssionate and spiritual goodie-two-shoes who seems to have no black spot at all. Although it is not said in the book (I mean the 3rd conversation between Ivan and Smeryosha isnt really trustworthy since Ivan was already kind of insane), I think it is hinted that it might have been Alyosha who was the murderer and thus defining the constrast between the spiritual goodness and unexplained evil behavior.

>> No.6406100

I guess I should fix my reading comprehesion, since I forgot this was a "Current reading" thread. But my analysis stands nontheless.

>> No.6406126

>Shadow of the Torturer
>60% through it
So far it's very dull. The copius amounts of invented words are bothersome, and it's even more irritating that a defintion of them is never given.

>> No.6406168

>The Monk by Matthew Lewis

Really good gothic novel, a true classic. Although after Valery Briusov's Fiery Angel, few cam compare.

>> No.6406184

>The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett
I need to read more books.

>> No.6406514

>The Heart of Darkness
>8/10 at the moment
>about 15% mayhaps

Why did I not pick up this book sooner? There are some moments where it can deviate, and lose some focus, but for the most part the mental states of the characters and the description of settings is superb

>> No.6406572

Bretty gud so far.
Actually has some intrigue. Wish I were a critic who could travel the world on the university's dime.

>> No.6406580

>the angelic Alyosha is more sinister than his peers hold him.
What? How did you get that impression? Can you please elaborate?

>> No.6406596

My bad, I didn't read your other spoiler.
Your theory is really interesting, but isn't Alyosha at some totally other place while the murder is committed? I think Alyosha isn't meant to be looked at like a normal human being, who has a light and a dark side, he only has a light side. Maybe he had a dark side when he was younger and had some thoughts which we don't see mentioned (maybe he actually hated certain people and wanted something bad to happen to them even if he appeared polite on the outside, the reason for him hating them is that they insulted him sometimes), but after accepting God into his life, he "cleansed" himself in every sense of that word. A lot of Christians aren't nearly half as good as Alyosha, let alone completely good as him.