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6402708 No.6402708 [Reply] [Original]

>Plot is centered around Quantum Mechanics

>> No.6402714
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>it's a bunch of seemingly disparate stories that end up intertwining together

>> No.6402719

>a philosopher brings up the observer effect

>> No.6402728

>they have to solve the mystery, but before time runs out

>> No.6402731
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>Hero's Journey plot

>> No.6402735

>scientist character tries to "sum up" observer effect and in doing so implies that the observers sentience is somehow what constitutes the "observing" as opposed to the actual measuring process.

>> No.6402737

>the narrator is unreliable
>grinning walrus man.jpg

>> No.6402738

this killed me

>> No.6402743

>the plot of divided equally by the passage of time

>> No.6402747
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>Protagonist is a handsome young struggling writer

>> No.6402754
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>author includes math and science in a transparent ploy to be perceived as smart

>> No.6402759

Well fuck you too.

This is the novel I'm working on.

>> No.6402763
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>poem's meter is based on the Fibonacci sequence

>> No.6402764

Mine too, but mine are connected only by theme, so I'm good.

>> No.6402769

>author frequently and nonsensically juxtaposes scientific terms with stock poetic concepts to force motifs

>> No.6402770
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>Segue that breaks the theme, tone, and entirely usurps the plot of what was going to seem like an amazing novel

>> No.6402772


>> No.6402780

>Author writes about a scientific field that you are in

>> No.6402785

>strong female protag does something tangential to the arts like being an art broker or editor.

>> No.6402807


Armor by John Steakley.

>> No.6402816

>character from western society visits a foreign land
>natives question his/her strange ways
>completely unable to make a coherent response

they really showed us

>> No.6402830

>Theres a map at the beginning and the ocean is on the left.

>> No.6402839

That's Lord of the Rings! Or any European history book

>> No.6403441

i laughed heartily

>> No.6404469

Narnia puts it on the right.

>> No.6404483

the second half of the book is the first half from a different perspective.

>> No.6404511

Oh christ, yes. That book. What the FUCK was the author thinking?

>> No.6404516
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>antagonist of the book is a priest-like guy who drives the population to behave in uncanny ways

>> No.6404529

High Priests, Chancellors, Archmages, Grand Viziers and the like apparently HAVE to be moustache-twirlingly evil, to even be considered for the job.

>> No.6404530

>protagonist is an orphan

>> No.6404538

> It's used as a shorthand for magic

>> No.6404541
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>the antagonist's right hand man/woman ends up falling in love with the antagonist

>> No.6404552
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>Book ends

>> No.6404568


now your just making them up

>> No.6404600

Not that anon, but you see it sometimes. It's pretty corny every time. Tool even did it and man was it

a tool song

>> No.6404602
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say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

>> No.6404720


>> No.6404799


>> No.6404812

>Main antagonist is a priest who did nothing wrong

>> No.6404816

Sounds like the guy in Pratchett's Pyramids.
>dat scene when he goes down to his knees before all the pharaohs going "Oh Kings, I have always only existed to serve"

>> No.6404833
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>Plot is centered around a religious order that works in the shadow

>> No.6404841
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you live in a world in which Pynchon outlived DFW

>> No.6405782

what would you call this facial expression?

>> No.6405785

It probably would be if it was sci-fi. Some people just are interested in different things.

>> No.6405790


>> No.6405803

>author is so self aware the work comes across as a series of pathetic justifications for itself

>> No.6405818
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>the story of the secret world of cats

>> No.6406003
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>first chapter takes place before later chapters

>> No.6406171
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>mythic history of ancient religion includes deluge generated intentionally by the gods to wash away some form of iniquity

>> No.6406282
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>Book parallels religious text in some way

>> No.6406368

People keep telling me to write what i know.

>> No.6406374

That's because DFW was weak and Pynchon is strong.

>> No.6406379


Its weird how many different things can be conceved through facial muscles.

>> No.6406382


>> No.6406592

Disbelief mingled with resignation. Not-this-shit-again made facial.

>> No.6407120

>you want to serve the gods? very well, you shall serve them for all eternity!
That ending always seemed a bit too spiteful for me. I think priest-guy deserved a groundhog-day style novel where he repeats the same loop over and over again and eventually overcomes his delusions.

>> No.6407141


>> No.6407232

Though, Though, Crow Joe, Moe Roe Toe, Jaw Craw Maw Ta Ta, Babatokotabanama, Takapamabatajakapawafagaha, Tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata, mamamamamamamamamamamalalalalakakakananananabababababadadadadadadapa.....

>> No.6407274



>> No.6407524

>it's a book within a book