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6401905 No.6401905 [Reply] [Original]

Outside of Finnegan's Wake, what are the essential book recommendations for a fan of David Lynch's films?

>> No.6401910

U wot

>> No.6401913

I've heard a lot about this director over the years. What's a good place to start? Are his movies scary?

>> No.6401919


>What's a good place to start?

Blue Velvet
Lost Highway
Mulholland Drive
Inland Empire

in that order

The Elephant Man and The Straight Story are pretty good, but neither these nor Dune are like his other movies.

I didn't like Wild at Heart or Dune, but other people do.

>> No.6401944

We've met before haven't we?

-Robert Blake

>> No.6401950

Dune should be on this list.

>> No.6401957


thanks brah

>> No.6401958

Consider switching the first two, but only if you're weary of the full on Lynch experience your first time.

>> No.6401970
File: 56 KB, 658x370, 1426371452611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put Wild at Heart between Blue Velvet and Lost Highway. And start with the bio, (or was it just a collection of shorts?) film out there. (Both if two separate pieces)



>> No.6401985

hate to say it, but you really kind of do want to read infinite jest
any psychoanalytic work could be potentially interesting, or like any surreal horror stuff i guess

alternatively you could try to find the pieces of americana that populate lynch's dreams and films and just read classic american novels

>> No.6402095

greatest filmmaker alive

read Pynchon, Kafka, Kobo Abe, pulp crime thrillers and old screenplays

>> No.6402174
File: 55 KB, 432x648, Mysteries - Knut Hamsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Lynch loved him and even mentions him in Twin Peaks.

>> No.6403455

bump for interest

>> No.6403474

Flann O'Brien

>> No.6403479
File: 25 KB, 218x346, alfred kubin the other side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surrealist horror novel by austrian artist alfred kubin
google his drawings for a feel

>> No.6403481

I think you'll find that Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami is actually teh greatest alive