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File: 177 KB, 430x646, neal-stephenson-seveneves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6401663 No.6401663 [Reply] [Original]


What books are you excited for?

>> No.6401681

That one, and also the Familiar by Mark Danielewski, because I'm a huge pleb.

I like Stephenson enough that I'm considering driving to Chicago in a few months to get him to sign something on his tour.

>> No.6401800

Stephenson is fun. And this looks like a return to his shifting perspective crazyness of Anathem.

>> No.6401813
File: 153 KB, 500x377, ohyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a new Stephenson coming out? Oh YES YES YESSSSSSS.

>> No.6402682

Pretty hooked, can't wait. Is deGrasse getting paid for this or what?

Reamde was good fun, but not his best. Hyped for some more 15 page descriptions of red herrings.

>> No.6402873

It reads a bit like The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters doesn't it?

Super hyped for it in any case, I love the set-up.

>> No.6403198
File: 18 KB, 224x346, 41SH7WGBQ3L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys read

>> No.6403250
File: 379 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Zodiac_on_the_beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should

>> No.6403298


Also The Familiar, it comes out next month doesn't it?

Maybe the To Kill a Mockinbird sequel, Winds of Winter if it ever gets released.

>> No.6403378

>it comes out next month doesn't it?
I believe so, yeah.

I thought Zodiac was pretty great, although it suffers from Sudden Neal Stephenson Ending Syndrome like a lot of his stuff does.

>> No.6403400

So dr. Harris is literally Reddit Black Science Man...

>> No.6403504
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>Maybe the To Kill a Mockinbird sequel, Winds of Winter if it ever gets released

>> No.6404340


>> No.6405466

The Passenger

>> No.6406453


>> No.6406473


is there anything of his that DOESNT suffer from Stephenson ending syndrome? I've basically resigned myself to it as just a feature at this point.

>> No.6406495

I'm just sitting here waiting for the next Pynchon doorstopper.

>> No.6406555

Even the Tom Clancy style thriller novels he wrote under a pseudonym do.

>> No.6406644

I'm new to his books. Explain SNSES?

>> No.6407342

I'm already both pleased and dubious. Pleased, because it seems like a totally madcap bit of premise has set all kinds of ticking clocks in motion which will be handled with usual technical aplomb. Dubious, because we already have what seem to be three examples of the only character to live in his books, with the possible exception of The Diamond Age. You know the one. Apparently attractive but preoccupied with a lack of preoccupation with such things, smugly apolitical because of the self evident rectitude of their opinions as bolt turners, exhausted by plebians, apparently baffled by romance as an emotional phenomenon but nevertheless finding themselves tolerably appointed in that regard, a fondness for the perceived-to-be-mostly-beneficial rompings of the mega-rich and their constellations, and so on.

>> No.6407725

After reading your post, all I could think about was giving you a swirlie in a public toilet.

>> No.6407871

Most of his books end very suddenly, without much resolution.

Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, and Anathem suffer the worst from this.

The Diamond Age and Zodiac have it but the endings don't feel too out of place.

The Baroque cycle is really the exception.

I havn't actually read reamde, or any of his other stuff so I don't know how they end.

>> No.6407936


>> No.6408201

SNSES is where the book ends with a crazy guy with a bow coming over the hill, then everyone shoots him.

well, that's how Zodiac and Cryptonomicon ended.

>> No.6408278
File: 198 KB, 939x1427, halflife3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the series will never be finished, but I'd at least like to read the climax.