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6399990 No.6399990 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on the Sad/Rabid Puppies trying to get a Hugo for Tom Kratman?

>> No.6400004

I don't read science fiction, but I've seen this topic come up a few times so I might as well figure out what the hell the fuss is. Anyone wanna greentext it for me?

>> No.6400019

>Hugo awards become more left-leaning with social justice themes
>right-wingers complain the Hugos have been hijacked by a liberal agenda and decide to counter by re-hijacking with their own agenda
>form a voting bloc (sad puppies) and manage to get pretty much all their choices nominated
>shitstorm ensues, basically everybody is trying to push their own agenda and pretending they aren't

>> No.6400031


>> No.6400067

A group that thinks that liberals and SJWs have put too much "intersectional equalitarianism, racial and gender inclusion, literary pyrotechnics, [and] professional rabbitology" into modern scifi gamed the Hugo/Worldcon nomination rules to get a bunch of terrible and/or painfully political authors onto the nominations list, plus a smattering who aren't terrible but haven't really done anything special enough to get a Hugo.

Also, the guy who wrote the Rabid Puppies list put himself and his vanity press on it a bunch of times.

Kratman is maybe the most egregiously known, though, since he regularly does internet tough guy threats against anybody who brings up his Nazi hero worship or how he thinks killing 10% of a military unit in live fire training is somehow good practice. As far as I know several people have actually offered to fight him in IRL, but of course he never takes them up on it.

>> No.6400070

Haha, that sounds kind of funny. Did the "sad puppies" call themselves that or is that the meme reaction? Were any rules broken by forming a "voting bloc"? Also, when will the awards be given out or have they already been given out?

>> No.6400101

They called themselves that. The more successful slate was the Rabid Puppies, though, which is the one that went full-tilt into ultraconservative and vanity press territory.

It didn't actually break any rules, and thr awards haven't been given yet, but there's apparently a lot of Worldcon members planning to vote "No Award" in every category in protest.

>> No.6400108

Sounds like a /pol/ escapee.

>> No.6400114

>What's your opinion on the Sad/Rabid Puppies trying to get a Hugo for Tom Kratman?
I am indifferent as I haven't read any science fiction writers other that Game of Thrones fat fuck and I started losing interest midway trough the fourth book.

>> No.6400227

>Hugo awards become more left-leaning with social justice themes

As if this is a new thing. Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed both won Best Novel back in the 70s. Samuel Delany and Octavia Butler won short story awards, Joanna Russ and James Tiptree Jr. for best novella.

>> No.6400237

who the fuck cares about science fiction
shouldn't you be posting this on r/books

>> No.6400247


Kratman looks like an alien. His books are garbage and I feel like he'd be interested in starting a cult

>> No.6400275


>> No.6400284


You lol

>> No.6400287

not true

>> No.6400289

I dont care at all.

>> No.6400294

As far as I can tell this whole thing is literally just people making conspiracy theories about an groupd of people who makes conspiracy theories

>> No.6400296


You should look up his books sometime. He has a dystopian series about Muslims outbreeding white Europeans and morphing Europe into a Talibanesque dystopia that only the brave noble white right wing Christians can fight their way out of.

>> No.6400297


Transparent lol

>> No.6400302

Can we go deeper?

>> No.6400305

I doubt it.

>> No.6400312


>> No.6400318



>> No.6400323

Yes I am definitely. whoever that is

>> No.6400324

Seems like you're making a conspiracy theory about people making conspiracy theories about a group of people who make conspiracy theories.

>> No.6400328



>> No.6400332

What I described is not a conspiracy

>> No.6400333

Well, Le Guin is a pretty good author, though, I think she deserves her Hugos.
Kratman is crazy shit.

>> No.6400339

Is this a meme?

>> No.6400340

Rather than simply being a veteran reasonably proud of his service to his country, Kratman, whenever his military service is mentioned, will go off on a rant not dissimilar to the "OVER 300 CONFIRMED KILLS" internet tough guy copy pasta. He's a monster clown of a human being at best.

>> No.6400350

Thanks for having encyclopedic knowledge about obscure sci-fi author weirdos whom no one reads

>> No.6400363


To be fair, I'd like to know more about Kratman myself. He seems like a goldmine of hidden information. Look into his eyes, he has some serious regrets.

>> No.6400375

He likes to show up on internet forums when people mention him, then take the user names of people who criticize him and write bad guys into his books with the same names.

>> No.6400394


No I mean deeper than that. He has to have another life he's desperately trying to hide. From years ago.

>> No.6400396

I hope whoever that is posts here sa it will be almost as significant as the time Tao Lin posted here and then put it in one of his novels

>> No.6400410


I saw Tao Lin talk in front of an audience once. He refused to answer my question when I asked him about /lit/.

>> No.6400415

He sucked my dick at a truck stop. He was such a dirty little faggot. His military camo shirt streaked with my thick cum.

>> No.6400425

Oh, here's the example I was thinking of:

>random person complaining about his book:
>How about the scene where the surviving remnants of the IDF join the SS and form the Judas Maccabeus Division, putting on SS uniforms and pinning on SS regalia? Or the scene where it's revealed the the sympathetic viewpoint character, who was once part of the SS, deserts the French Foreign Legion after Dien Bien Phu, joins the IDF as an act of repentance, marries a nice Jewish girl, and converts to Judaism?

>Tom Kratman:
>They don't pin on SS regalia, you know. In place of the lightning bolts or death's heads, they wear a Mogen David.

>> No.6400430


This is too utterly stupid to even be real....

>> No.6400444

>He seems like a goldmine of hidden information

I'm not sure I'd call his brain being full of irrational bigoty rants against Islam counts as being a goldmine of information. He's a xenophobic Christian supremacist dickhead and nothing more.

>> No.6400479

It's totally real.

Google "Tom Kratman forum" and you can find some random other internet threads where he's posted.

>> No.6400516

I can't stop reading this, it's horrid and beautiful.

>> No.6400521


>> No.6400565

So I'm just reading the first couple of pages of "Caliphate" on amazon since, based on the description, I thought it'd be hilarious /pol/-tier craziness, but so far it reads like any other mediocre fantasy novel, except that instead of Orcs we got Muslims.
Has anyone actually read any of his novels, and if so which one's the funniest/craziest?

>> No.6400580

Leave it to 4chan to freak out over some boring mundane faggot nerd because of his politics

>> No.6400597

Yeah I'm a tad disappointed, I thought he'd be David Icke levels of mad.
Turns out he's just a grumpy xenophobe with a silly streak.

>> No.6400654

Watch on the Rhine is the one where the Nazi SS are the heroes defending Earth from evil aliens, and the remnants of the Israeli Defense Force become part of the SS, SS uniforms and all.

There's also A Desert Called Peace, where the main character literally gets off on brutally murdering people, kills his relatives to steal their money to fund his mercenary company, nukes civilians in a false terrorist attack, executes every adult male in a captured city, and assorted other war crimes that are shown as How Tom Kratman Would Fight And Win The War On Terror, You Spineless Liberals.

>> No.6400665

Well fuck, now that again is sounding awesome.
If I buy those for my Kindle, how many watchlists will I end up on?

>> No.6400722

Well, you'll probably end under watch by the orbital oppression satellite of the Transnational Progressive conspiracy that wants to create a new world order caste-based government and that only Kratman can defend us from.

>> No.6400737


If you want something in a similar vein but with less nazis try John Ringo's Ghost.

>> No.6400757

None that you aren't already on for posting on 4chan, I'd imagine.

>> No.6402664

What a joke

>> No.6402670
File: 257 KB, 434x440, oa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dfw sjw butthurt

>> No.6402695

who cares, awards for literature are retarded anyway

>> No.6402922

But LeGuin and Delany are actually good, not just popular.
From what little I've read of the books that won the Hugos popularity contest recently, they were pretty terrible, regardless of how much forced "inclusion" they had. But /pol/ is probably right in pointing out that some(?) of those terrible books have made it to the top due to issues that are popular with a certain brand of readers.

>> No.6403251


I think even white supremacists can agree Kratman is out of his mind, though.

>> No.6403297

Ancillary Justice won best novel 2014, and that one was pretty good.

Lots of people decrying it as "SJW always wins!!!" but Le Guin did more with gender in the 60s. In fact, Ancilliary Justice doesn't really have gender (like some of Le Guin's work), it's just a generic antecedent.

>> No.6403313


>Lots of people decrying it as "SJW always wins!!!"
>In fact, Ancilliary Justice doesn't really have gender

Yeah, SJW garbage. Read the excerpts, it's incredibly mediocre and blatant pandering.

How much are they paying you?

>> No.6403319

So you haven't even read the book past the excerpt but yet you dismiss the whole thing, and then you imply I'm a shill?

>> No.6403340


Your reading comprehension is frustrating either way.

>> No.6403349

Not him, but he said "read the excerpts", not "I've only read the excerpts".

>> No.6403418


The best novel category isn't the focal point of concern (although seeing what gets *nominated* is illustrative of the point).

See some of the tripe that wins in other categories, particularly the short story category.

>> No.6403421

But isn't that what every conspiracy theorist says?


>> No.6403435

>Ancillary Justice
>The Radchaai do not distinguish people by gender, and Leckie conveys this by using female personal pronouns for everybody, or by having the Radchaai main character guess wrongly when she has to use languages with gender-specific pronouns.

This sounds absolutely cringe-worthy. Le Guin is actually great but this sounds like an autistic person read the Left Hand of Darkness wikipedia page and tried to imitate it.

I'll read it though, looks like the author is from my city.

>> No.6403579

>"Tom Kratman's A Desert Called Peace is practically the platonic ideal of epic Jacksonian war-porn.
-Google search preview


>> No.6403591

When the senate agrees to pass a law to give budget to a branch of government to do certain thing, is that a conspiracy? Is secrecy the only difference to make something a conspiracy? Aren't there lots of secret processes, like absolutely anything an intelligence agency does in each country, that would fall in the category of conspiracy?

>> No.6403607

>Left Hand of Darkness
>Gethen are usually asexual, can assume female or male form as wanted, major part of plot
>Ancillary Justice
>Radchaai have no gender, no real part of plot (more focused on revenge)

I can see where the comparisons are coming from but it's not really similar

>> No.6403623

Give it up, you fucking cuck, 'Ancillary Justice' is terrible, literally internet-forum self-published fanfiction-tier shitwriting.

>> No.6403821

Conspiracies are defined by hiding the true objective. For an intelligence agency, even if the specifics are hidden, so long as they are following their openly-stated aims (relevant ones being safeguarding national security and acting within the law), their actions are not a conspiracy.

>> No.6403852

Calling me a "cuck" is all you have? gb2pol with your non-arguments

>> No.6404134

The Puppies put Kevin J Anderson on their list of Hugo-worthy nominees.

Kevin J fucking Anderson. The guy who exhumed Frank Herbert's corpse and raped it in the ass without lube.


>> No.6404229

So Tom Kratman is like Tom Clancy with aliens?

>> No.6404234

and instead of american navy seals being the heroes, it's a thawed-up SS

>> No.6404348


His Star Trek and Star Wars tie in novels are decent reads though...

>> No.6405141


not saying much