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6399694 No.6399694 [Reply] [Original]

>parents have been thinking I'm homosexual for awhile
>dad sees my copy of The Gay Science when he visits

Anyways, how do I stop caring about whether or not they think I'm gay? Any thought techniques I should exercise?

>> No.6399701

Are you?

>> No.6399702

techniques? try to practice using another man's cock as your bookmark

i blew my parents away the last time i whipped that one out

>> No.6399705

if you have two daddies im sure they enjoyed being blown away

>> No.6399706

Talk about your girlfriend when they're around but make sure you have a solid alibi when they ask to meet her

>> No.6399708

No. But it deflates my ego when people think I'm something Im not.

>> No.6399709

Repeat "I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it" until you reach the desired goal

>> No.6399710

Close your eyes and meditate on a cock for a while, for soft then gradually getting hard. It will make you more masculine, thereby reinforcing your clear heterosexuality, and making your concerns of their beliefs laughable.

>> No.6399711

find reason you care and address it

or shitpost in /lit/ i'm sure that helps

>> No.6399718

What's the Gay Science about? Is it actually about gay men ?

>> No.6399719

>But it deflates my ego when people think I'm something Im not.

Grow the fuck up, you can't control what other people think of you. What about going out and start talking to girls for a change?

>> No.6399720

>how do I stop caring about whether or not they think I'm gay?
Intentionally let them walk in while you watch heterosexual porn.

>> No.6399722

reason I care----> >>6399708

>> No.6399729

Try not caring OP. Works for me.

>> No.6399731

*tips snapback*

>> No.6399738

I'm almost certain that it is about a theory of homosexuality as a consequence of epigenetically canalized sexual development

>> No.6399741

It's one of the most important yet under read works of Nietzsche's along with The Dawn. Most misunderstandings of Nietzsche comes from failure to read both.

Anyway, it concerns a variety of things, including eternal recurrence and the evolution of rights, it is a work he references heavily later on, especially in Genealogy of Morals.

>> No.6399744

Did you tell your dad that ?

>> No.6399751

You might as well tell me to stop posting on 4chan.

>> No.6399753

> how do I stop caring about whether or not they think I'm gay?
I know this sounds bold but its simple.
Just stop caring. Remind yourself its irrelevant and keep walking.
I dont want to heckle you, i realize youre feeling down, but i must say one thing.
It does sound like you are questioning your sexuality a little. Think of the person you see as the definition of masculine; and i assure you they do not invite questions about their sexuality in person or online.
point being maybe its true and you arent willing to accept it, thats why it bothers you.

>> No.6399763
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What you have to do, OP, is first make sure you know the playing game. Right now you have suppositions and nothing more, you need to do an experiment that will make evident that people around you think you're gay or not.
For a full day, while you are in your house, or buying groceries, or taking the bus, or going to classes, and so on; you wear female underwear. Chose something comfy but that can be easily recognized if someone looks at you. Something that goes above the belt line for example.
Now, if people comment on it you'll know they never though you would but if no one says a thing they clearly were thinking that you did things like that from the begining.
Once you find out you can begin a real startegy to turn your luck. Trust me, I saw this in a manga and the guy won like 200 million yens. It works. Just do it and report back, we'll work the next steps together.

>> No.6399766

I'm sure you're probably joking, but I do this a lot. It's not just people thinking I'm gay. It's people thinking I'm slow. I've posted about that before too, and I'm certainly not retarded.

I just don't like people thinking incorrectly.

>> No.6399768

>tfw no gf to prove them wrong
you need:
-leave your dorm room door open
-masturbate excessively

you're welcome

>> No.6399778

not joking.
Youre never going to be able to change the way other people think so stop caring about it.

>> No.6399780

I have four of those four things and shits not happening.

>> No.6399781

it's actually about your gay mom

>> No.6399786
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>Youre never going to be able to change the way other people think
It's on now

>> No.6399792


>> No.6399794

>masturbate excessively

This is also the way to stop caring, incidentally

>> No.6399798

Both of them.

>> No.6399806
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You're not OP! I'm OP!

This cant be happening!
I'm supposed to be in charge!

>> No.6399820

I've had women ask me whether I'm gay during sex
I've had a gay guy ask and then add "are you sure?"
I'm put off by most vags
I've been disappointed and depressed every time I've had sex

Yet I don't like dicks

>> No.6399823

>Anyways, how do I stop caring about whether or not they think I'm gay? Any thought techniques I should exercise?
yes, read pirandello

>> No.6399824

just b urself bro

>> No.6399831

cant tell if very mature.....or hasnt hit puberty....

>> No.6399844

I'm just rollin in that pre pub puss

>> No.6399861
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you might be trans, that way you can dislike dicks even in yourself.

>> No.6400000

I thought you don't like vag?

>> No.6400010

>implying you wouldn't hook up with a guy

You'd have to be incredibly psychotic to think there was something wrong with this.


Fucking retards.

>> No.6400018

Nice quints friend

Nah just the appearance on most, fortunately I don't often have to look but seeing the little scrunches of skin coming out of one made me straight out leave once.

>> No.6400023

You should smush your face into a woman's bosom.

>> No.6400035

I don't care about sex or romantic relationships at all. I got a little carried away with the whole abstincence/religion thing and kind of conditioned myself over several years to not care about it.

People ask me if I'm gay all the time with all the women I've turned down over the years. I just brush it off with humor. If I didn't have that I'd be fucked.

>> No.6400068

Man I didn't even fap til 21 when a woman suggested it; for no reason at all.

>> No.6400076

You ever thought that maybe something isn't working as it should, biologically? Your hormones and such?

>> No.6400077

Holy shit OP, I swear to God the same thing happened to me.
My mother (crazy, hardcore Catholic, the kind that makes your priest shudder in fear) found The Gay Science in my room when I was a teen and thought I was lesbian for the longest time.
I love the internet sometimes.

>> No.6400084

I had a blood test earlier this year and everything is normal, my test is even a little above-average.

>> No.6400096

>blood test

Does that really account for something like sexual arousal ? I honestly don't know.
Have you ever talked to your doctor about it ? You may want to do so.

Oftentimes articulate young men and women are perceived as fine and more than fine, when in reality they're not in the best shape they could be in.

>> No.6400113

You have really low testosterone.

>> No.6400128

I brought it up and he just asked whether I was getting enough of the right food, sleep and exercise (2/3).

I think it's a mental thing more than anything.

>> No.6400130

You stop caring but letting them care what ever they want. Are you comfortable enough in your sexuality to joke about sucking cocks infront of them? do it

>> No.6400138

same deal, Christian parents asking me if I'm gay
Just move out and stop caring
Or start wearing hollister t shirts and stop reading

>> No.6400144

um. you cant just tell them youre not gay?

>> No.6400148

I'm genuinely thinking you might have lower testosterone levels. This is the sign of it, man. You may want to look into it..

>> No.6400154

You might not be gay but you're definitely a faggot.

>> No.6400164

I had the exact same thoughts, but test levels were above average

>> No.6400170
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>> No.6400178
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>how do I stop my parents from thinking I'm gay
>dude just talk about sucking dick
/lit/ is truly a bastion of intelligence.

>> No.6400179

Women tell me I'm good looking pretty often but I can only make a move if I'm blackout drunk. Normally I do okay but I have no real memory of proper sex.