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6399245 No.6399245 [Reply] [Original]

What is post-structuralism?

>> No.6399252

pure ideology

>> No.6399266

fetishization of language. And fun to read

>> No.6399268

No, in all seriousness, it's a philosophical movement which, originating from structuralism, no longer believes in the unifying rationality of a linguistic logic which precedes humans and their actions. It rather tries to understand how our linguistic (and other) patterns emerge from our interests, habits, etc. Deleuze wrote a book on it.

>> No.6399286

Could you explain what exactly structuralism is? And also which book by Deleuze?

>> No.6399379

Structuralism emerged as a philosophy in late 19th/early 20th century france. It assumed universal patterns wuthin language (and cognition) wichh determined how we perceive the world and processed those perceptions. Chomsky could be regarded as an heut if this tradition, since he assumes a proto-grammar from which all recent languages are derived. Dudes like Foucault, Derrida, or Deleuze challenged this tradition by doubting that theses structures were absolute (or determined by logic) and argued that they were the result of history, politics, and out everyday actions. They retained the importance of structure as the main determining factor for our actions, but shiftet the focus on how these structures were produced. Accordingly, they were originally called structuralists as well, but labelled post-structuralists later on. Deleuze's book is called Qu'est-ce que le structuralisme? in french I think. There should be an english translation.

>> No.6399394

He was deleuzional, amirite?

>> No.6399398

Can't Know Le Nothing Two: Eclectic Frogaloo

>> No.6399412

What was structuralism then?
why would anyone want to jerk it to semio-illogical (amirite) breakdowns when they could enjoy a text?

>> No.6399445
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There you go, OP. People have actually written articles on these websites to explain entire subjects and their context to beginners.

That way, you don't have to ask other people to explain them to you!

>> No.6399541

Because structuralism promises that texts will certainly mean definite things.

Everyone else agrees that texts are fundamentally meaningless, and that meaning is temporarily constructed by readers.

>> No.6399615
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It's a bit disengenious to mix Foucault and Deleuze like that when their works didn't really deal with the same subject matter. While F focused in social and cultural structures D was more of a semiologist, focusing on the text and the construction of signs.
Other than that it's a cool synopsis, good work.

Not at all, in no way, shape or form. Much less structuralists.

>> No.6399630

the important thing to remember is it's not anti-structuralism

>> No.6399633

Structuralits focus in the common elements of every narration, what americans got mostly through The Hero of a Thousand Faces except that not completely wrong. Post-structuralism focuses in the spectatorial role over the intention, like when /pol/ takes a concept from a transwoman and uses it to ridicule people who don't share their revisionist ideas or when someone sees the Guernica and doesn't shit their pants.

>> No.6399636

everything is about sex except sex. sex is about power

>> No.6399638


>> No.6399870

OP here


>> No.6399930

What does Hegel have to do with post-structuralism? is it mostly the stuff he says about there being no underlying structure because we are the vessels of reason itself heading toward some absolute spirit?

>> No.6399976


>> No.6400007

My interpretation of structuralism is that it's basically a desire to read a text only in the culture where it was created, i.e. you need to know what it's like to be something in order to fully appreciate a book about that particular thing. I more-or-less eschew structuralism in favor of deconstruction, i.e. we can all understand a text if we boil it down to its basic political (power) struggles, using any literary conflict as a parable, so we can all relate to it. I don't know if this is the mainstream view of either school, but my opinion of post-structuralism would have to be: Deconstruction; since it came in on the heels of structuralism.

>> No.6400457

I just chose a random picture

>> No.6400466

He set the basis for some elements of it, but you could say that about pretty much any philosopher after him.

>> No.6400470

You are taking two elements and presenting them as opposed, when both are used simultaneously. Your descriptions sound like an explanation you would say to a teenager that clearly won't care about the subject. While superficially correct it lacks any of the merit of the theory.

>> No.6400682

>is it mostly the stuff he says about there being no underlying structure because we are the vessels of reason itself heading toward some absolute spirit?
But that implies that there is a structure which consists of reason heading toward absolute spirit, which is the case in Hegel's thought.

>> No.6400708

>D was more of a semiologist, focusing on the text and the construction of signs.

You must mean Derrida, Deleuze moved away from text after Logic of Sense and specifically said he was working in semiotics rather than semiology.

>> No.6400710

>their works didn't really deal with the same subject matter. While F focused in social and cultural structures
Deleuze wrote Capitalism & Schizophrenia (w/ Guattari) tho. how is that not primarily a text on cultural and social structures? its in the name!

>> No.6400765
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Why has slapping some kanji on everything become a trend?

>> No.6400776

it looks cool

>> No.6401312


>> No.6402096

Not that anon but he might be thinking of C&P in more of a psychoanalytic capacity than in a culture studies one.

>> No.6402119

>fun to read

is that a joke? maybe I just haven't read the good post-structuralists. but I've read Bloom and he's awful

Tokyo is the frontier of the imagination for millennials; it looks like the future. Vaporwave mixes a fetishism for some aspects of Japanese mass media and junk culture with a nostalgia for early 2000s computer graphics. And it juxtaposes these (somewhat heavy-handedly) with traditional art.

>> No.6402126

Ya farget the dam VHS aesthetique

>> No.6402184


>> No.6403124
File: 111 KB, 468x370, vayyporwave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6403487

Why does wikipedia sort structuralism under sociology but post-structuralism under philosophy?

>> No.6403616

>Tokyo is the frontier of the imagination for millennials; it looks like the future.
Ywah no, more like an 80/90 future
Dubai is where it is

>> No.6403637

>Dubai is where it is

>> No.6403659

The fun thing is that Dubai produces nothing interesting - they pour a ridiculous amount of money into KAUST, for example, which has now one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, but still, nothing of interest comes from there. KAUST, again, is hugely cited because they pay researchers from other universities to become non-visiting researchers:


How come there is no cultural output? No scientific output? Nothing going on at all?

I'd say Wahhabism broke the search for new forms of knowledge and expression

>> No.6403827

Yes w/e but it's skyline/topology is more in the imagined futures/nows of 2010+

>> No.6403837

>they pay researchers from other universities to become non-visiting researchers

Sounds futuristic to me

>> No.6403857


They don't even have sewers though. My vision of futuristic involves sewers.

Shanghai looks more like how I imagined the future to be when I was a kid.

>> No.6403877

Weeaboo pls go

>> No.6403901
File: 699 KB, 750x563, shanghai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shanghai's in China m8. Weeaboos are japan innit.