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/lit/ - Literature

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6398614 No.6398614 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best book you have ever read?

>> No.6398629

Infinite Jest

>> No.6398679


My Struggle, call me a pleb if you must, but a book that is so relatable and beautifully written has yet to be challenged.

>> No.6398690

Moby dick
I'll admit I didn't understand what reading 300 pages about very specific whale parts had to do with the story, or what it symbolized.

>> No.6398834

>has yet to be challenged

Oh anon, I think you need to read up on your history. Especially the latter half of 1945.

>> No.6398838


Infinite Jest

>> No.6398860

Infinite Jest

>> No.6398871


>implying he didn't mean "Min Kamp" by Knausgard

>> No.6398887

The Name of the Wind, because I mostly read fantasy, not the pretentious shit /lit/ shitposts about. Solaris was pretty up there too.

>> No.6398892
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I chuckled consistently throughout Catch-22. The imagery in Lolita was real good. The Stranger kept my attention best. Boy I just don't know, I'll probably insult other people's taste rather than introspecting and considering my own.

>> No.6398897


>> No.6399032


>these people have probably read less than 100 books

Underworld by DeLillo for me OP

>> No.6399044

Island- Aldous Huxley
Man that book is so thought provoking.

>> No.6399056

Philosophy of History
G W F Hegel

>> No.6399066

Schopenhauer should have outclassed Hegel but Hegel was too good of a speaker

>> No.6399070

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6399071

Orlando by Virginia Woolf. Not even kidding.

>> No.6399076



>> No.6399078

sǝʌɐǝן ɟo ǝsnoɥ

>> No.6399080


People who aren't well-read usually hate Infinite Jest, I don't really see your reasoning here.

>> No.6399084
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>tfw reading The Science of Logic

>> No.6399109


>> No.6399128


>> No.6399134

A play is not a book

>> No.6399400

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Probably read it at the perfect stage in my life.

>> No.6399406


Care to elaborate?

>> No.6399414

The best book would be Madame Bovary, but my favourite is The Savage Detectives

>> No.6399424

Arthur C. Clarke's Rama.

>> No.6399436

Infinite Jest

>> No.6399440

Dante's Inferno

>> No.6399488

The tin drum

>> No.6399504
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The Magic Mountain.

>> No.6399507

J R by William Gaddis
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

>> No.6399977

The Once and Future King

>> No.6399982

infinite jest by david foster wallace

probably the greatest novel of all time

>> No.6400003

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

>> No.6400012

The Holy Quran

>> No.6400021

Paradife Loft

>> No.6400050

At least you had enough introspection to realize that, which is more than can be said for a lot of people on this board.

I'm not that well read, but I'll say Lolita. I'll probably change my mind in a year's time, when I've read more.

>> No.6400052

Gravity's Rainbow or Underworld.

>> No.6400072

The Stranger
Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest
The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

>> No.6400088
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>> No.6400122

Go Dog Go

>> No.6400223

the moon and the bonfires

>> No.6400307

mah boi

>> No.6400364
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I won't answer that because I can't. But here's one I've been fascinated with recently.

>> No.6400372

19, impressionable, desperately looking for validation as an intellectual being

>> No.6400392

Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.6400607

The Divine Comedy is the eternal GOAT.

>> No.6400768

My 745 pages novel. Still unpublished but surely the best book of this century.

>> No.6400797

Blood Meridian has gotten continually better as I return to it. I think it has one of the most beautiful opening pages I've ever read.

>> No.6400819

Literally nothing beats Ulysses

>> No.6400844

hell yes. i just read it and was fuckin stunned.

>tfw you must sleep, but i must dance

>> No.6400863

Ah, I just finished reading Sound and the Fury and I thought it was incredible, terribly confusing at parts but such a pleasure to read. Is Absalom, Absalom! good? I was about to put it on my next purchase list.

>> No.6400877


>> No.6400915


Madame Bovary

>> No.6400926

IJ. though the pale king is pretty close...

>> No.6400929

nice oprah core m8

>> No.6400940
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>> No.6400942

>sound and fury
>oprah core

Top kek. Most people wouldnt even be able to get past the first chapter without giving up in frustration

>> No.6400943

I really enjoyed Temeraire.

I know its YA shit and to be honest it's not even a good book and the rest of the series is shit, but that was the book I enjoyed most and so it is the best book I have read.

>> No.6400945

ITT: pseudo intellectuals with terrible taste.

>> No.6400947

yeah, that's why it's one of her favorite books of all time... lmao you're just angry at your entry level shit homie.

>> No.6400952

Divina Commedia, King Lear, The Cantos.

>> No.6400957

>hurrr some celebrity likes this book that means its shit!!

Quit reading now.

>> No.6400958


Who cares how many fried sandwiches there are? Only in Amerifat.

>> No.6400972

i'm not saying that dude, i'm just saying it's basic. literature has gone a lot further since the sound and the fury and if that's your favorite book then you clearly haven't read enough.

>> No.6400986
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Book of the New Sun

>> No.6400994


>A "Book" consisting of nothing but dialogue and brief scene descriptions

It's a play you autist.

>> No.6401185

I won't say the best, but my favorite is A Canticle for Leibowitz by far

>> No.6401198

Even as you come to understand the constituent parts of the whale, do you ever come truly closer to understanding the insurmountable mystery that is Moby Dick?

>> No.6401208

Buzz Aldrin, What Happened To You In All The Confusion? - Johan Harstad

It's like Jonathan Safran Foer without the cloying sentimentality.

>> No.6401215
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I use audible and average a book a week, sometimes two books/week

>> No.6401273

The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.6401278

Favorite plays instead:
The Misunderstanding, Camus
Dirty Hands, Sartre

>> No.6401287

I average a book a week because I read on public transportation.

>> No.6401425

the Stranger is great and probably my favorite as well. His other book, The Plague, is up there as well

>> No.6401556

I don´t think there´s a book I have read that can classify as the best I read, damn I got so tangled up in literature that I just can´t pick one specific book. However, I recently re-read Faust by Goethe (I know... it´s a play) and everytime I read this play I found it more overwhelming and satisfactory.

>> No.6401736

Can't tell if b8 or genuine retard

>> No.6402108

Undoubtedly Infinite Jest.

Undoubtedly the best novel of the '90s, and maybe of the 20th c. (if we're being honest)

>> No.6402221

The Egyptian

>> No.6402245
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>> No.6402249


Woolf guide

>God Tier
The Waves

>Top Tier
Jacob's Room
Room of One's Own

>Mid Tier
Three Guins

everything else is great

>> No.6402254
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"Your opinions are shit" Nice compassion. Sounds like you need to remind yourself that this is just water.

>mfw the people who think they don't need dfw need him the most smh

>> No.6402282

single work: Gödel, Escher, Bach

>> No.6402301

really? that book was so mediocre for me

>> No.6402306

Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.6402310


you're lucky you baited that one anon because boy do you ever suck at baiting

ham it up some more lol might as well say JUST JOKING after every post

>> No.6402319

How do people listen to wallace's speech and still remain this angry about life

>> No.6402513

The Demons
Dom Quixote
The Death of Ivan Ilich

>> No.6402525

The Bible.

>> No.6402556

Stop this meme already.

>> No.6402748

Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann.

>> No.6402781

The War for Civilization by Robert Fisk.

>> No.6402842

100 Years of Solitude

>> No.6402876

novel: TBK
short story collection: Ficciones
essay collection: ASFTINDA
nonfiction (not essays): GEB

>> No.6403108

The Brothers K. I can only point to one scene in its 700-something pages that bored me, and that was the prosecutor's speech, but then it picked up again immediately after. Other than that, I loved every page of it

>> No.6403140

Mrs. Dalloway

>> No.6403336

>the prosecutor's speech

Oooh, you mean The Brothers Karamazov, not The Brothers K.

>> No.6403365

It sure sold well

>> No.6403379

The characters are so archetypical that even today you can identify with them.

>this whole board is full of smerdyakov's

>> No.6403404

Could never get into it, really loved ape and essence though

>> No.6403408


Mein Niggur

>> No.6403410


>> No.6403580

I believe the word you are looking for is "novel", friendo.

>> No.6403862
File: 17 KB, 200x299, Marcel_Proust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Madeleine Chronicles, by Marcel Proust.

In a distopic near future, young Marcel is out of cereals and milk for breakfast so he takes some madeleines and tea.
But what Marcel doesn't know is that eating those madeleines will change France's future since he's gonna lost a lot of time that will allow nazis to invade his country or whatever after 3000 pages.
In the meantime he'll become a NEET and an edgy gaylord, constantly whining for everything.

10/10 would read again.

>> No.6403916

The Confidence-Man

>> No.6403943

It's like Orwell with madeleines 10/10 IGN

>> No.6404139

>literature has gone a lot further since the sound and the fury
Please give examples

>> No.6404149

Objectively? The king james bible.

>> No.6404180

All books are nothing to me

>> No.6404206

I think youre being hard on orlando

and eveything that daffy posh bint wrote is Goddess Tier

>> No.6404390


Underworldbro. Love every bit of it, what a book.

Second might be Lord of the Flies but I guess /lit/-san will now disapprove of me.

>> No.6404400

>you clearly haven't read enough.

welcome to /lit/ where everyone is reading the same ten books all the time and nobody can discuss them.

>> No.6404403
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The Gospel according to John is probably mine. I am a lukewarm catholic with serious reservations about the historicity of the Bible, and moreover I am rather skeptical of christian eschatology. Nevertheless, John's Gospel too me is sublime. Even if you aren't a christian, I recommend at least reading this. Exodus is probably a close second followed by Genesis. Good stuff.

>> No.6404406

>>these people have probably read less than 100 books

fewer, not less.

>> No.6404415

Why is less wrong?

>> No.6404443

I think few goes with things you can count.

>I have fewer than ten apples
>I have less of an aptitude for math than English

Also I think fewer goes with plurals generally. I'm not the guy who corrected you by the way.

>> No.6404458


Maybe the first half. The second half is dreadful since it's almost entirely God telling Moses exactly how the Tabernacle is to be constructed, which is then repeated verbatim later on.

>> No.6404472

I don't know why you guys don't take these threads more seriously...if you're going to troll, might as well make it funny, which, news flash, none of these posts are. All they are are recondite jokes that contain dry to no humor at best. AT BEST.

Thus, let me proclaim;

the only real answer here is Light in August.

>> No.6404571

Very true. I forgot that was in it, although the Exodus "story" itself is great. The minutia is exceedingly tedious.

>> No.6404574

The Bible by God

>> No.6404599
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>by God

That guy has an uncanny acumen for seeming like several different people.

>> No.6405304

God hired a ghost writer for most of that, and the publishes have reworked it to the point that it's really hard to say it's still his work anymore.

>> No.6405310

did you forget that god is everything

>> No.6405458

not op, but I'm reading it now (80% done). It's more of a slog than either Sound and the Fury or As I Lay Dying. It feels more dense, and is kind of tough to read. Though the story is still pretty good and the prose is typical Faulkner great

>> No.6405485

1985 by Orson Welles, best book ever so far.

>> No.6405495

lol sophist

>> No.6405532

Pfff. I'm an Ivan.

*walks away into shadows*

>> No.6405543

Niels lyhne

>> No.6405769

Mason & Dixon
War & War

>> No.6405858

Infinite Jest

>> No.6405895

I'm not well read, but Tao Te Ching.

>> No.6405947


>War & War

confirmed good taste

>> No.6406012

mein neeg. i have the exact same edition too

>> No.6407205

Fellowship of the Ring and Treasure Island.

>> No.6407230

Fuck I hate kotes or kvothe's apprentice and his character is well over done, must admit I enjoyed it.

>> No.6407240

My man

>> No.6407252
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i hated all the books i have read

>> No.6407255
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120 Days of Sodom

>> No.6409038
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>> No.6409098

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.6409117


War and Peace
Anna Karenina
The Death of Ivan Ilich
A Midsummer Night Dream
Henry IV

>> No.6409442

Mien neger

>> No.6409512

Infinite Jest

>> No.6411301

tell me about it

>> No.6411304

Divine Comedy, The Brothers Karamazov, Stoner, The Republic, Fear and Trembling, Book of the New Sun.

>> No.6411348

I know right

>> No.6411522


What is so polarizing about Infinite Jest? The only criticism of it comes from people what don't understand it, it seems.

>> No.6411547

I think it's because Wallace has a passionate fanbase, which naturally invites a backlash. Also I suppose his style is just not for everyone. It took me a little while to warm up to what he was doing with his writing--I found it somewhat offputting at first even; others don't get past that hump I suppose. A lot of the criticism of him is pretty empty though, like when the autism label gets memed at him (ridiculous given how deeply empathetic and insightful his writing is).

>> No.6411548


>> No.6411581

The Savage Detectives

>> No.6411812

Way to kill the discussion with actual discussion.

>> No.6412857

You didn't continue your original sentence after that restrictive clause...

>> No.6413506

Plus by Joseph McElroy

Seriously everyone go read it it's damn amazing.

>> No.6413545

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6413666

>What is the best book you have ever read?
The next one. :^)

>> No.6413691

I thought Ecclesiastes was the most sublime book in the Bible.

>> No.6414081
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have you never read Ecclesiastes?

>> No.6414109


Best book not best tranquilizer.

>> No.6414235

So be it

>> No.6414246

Hickeys essays in revisited were great. I just found two paperbacks like that in my collection.

>> No.6414255

A Sport and a Pastime.

>> No.6414276


You think that because it is.

>first existentialist lit
>before Christ

Kierk and Sartre BTFO

>> No.6414290

You sound like you're from /mu/

>> No.6414477

Typo meant bnw revisited. Some great hux essays if you like that style of writing.

>> No.6415115

nice bait
try harder

>> No.6415147

The Faith prevails, friend.

>> No.6415165

From what I've read?

For imagery, Blood Meridian.
For absolutely flawless prose that is beautiful in every line, probably Lolita (maybe something else by Nabokov)
For prose that shoots past beauty into the otherwise unreachable firmament of insanity-genius, Ulysses
For thematic complexity, Moby Dick (not counting Finnegan's Wake as it is a Rorschach test)
For grand story development and character study/development, the Brothers Karamazov

But my favorite book has to be either Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke, or The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell.

>> No.6415247

Crime and Punishment

>> No.6415311

Are you italian?
Being born and having lived near where it takes place, it resonates with me on a deep, personal level. It's not about the deepness of thoughts expressed, or the extreme floweriness of its prose, it's about the passionate nostalgia of a sentimental, compassionate human being; it's humble, earnest and as close to what truly makes life as it gets.
My second favourite would have been in search of lost time, so maybe it's just my bias

>> No.6415475
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if I'm being completely honest

>> No.6416882

My fucking nigger.

>> No.6416971
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The King James Bible.

>> No.6417046

I don't understand why everyone writes the same titles. You do not have personal tastes /lit/? You base only on the popularity of a work?

Onestly, i love fantasy and science fiction, so my favorite books are H. P. Lovecraft complete works and Walter Moers The city of dreaming books. Also The Naked Sun of Asimov.

>> No.6417214

You can only read a limited number of books, why would you read some hipsterish authors you know nothing about when you can read the books that many people say are good.

>> No.6417240
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I've never read that. What's it about

>> No.6417254

Then you're in the right place.

>> No.6417423


Blood Meridian is the answer.

>> No.6417432

>pick up this book at age 19
>read first page
>moocow moocow tralalala etc
>drop it and walk away

should i try again?

>> No.6417464

lol it changes style a lot really quickly

"He climbed to the crest of the sandhill and gazed about him. Evening had fallen. A rim of the young moon cleft the pale waste of skyline, the rim of a silver hoop embedded in grey sand; and the tide was flowing in fast to the land with a low whisper of her waves, islanding a few last figures in distant pools."

"With a sudden movement she bowed his head and joined her lips to his and he read the meaning of her movements in her frank uplifted eyes. It was too much for him. He closed his eyes, surrendering himself to her, body and mind, conscious of nothing in the world but the dark pressure of her softly parting lips. They pressed upon his brain as upon his lips as though they were the vehicle of a vague speech; and between them he felt an unknown and timid pressure, darker than the swoon of sin, softer than sound or odour."

>> No.6417469

middle school.

>> No.6417478

probably anna karenina.

>> No.6417486

If I read Blood Meridian will it ruin his other books for me? I have all the pretty horses but I've been really wanting to read BM lately

>> No.6417491

it wont ruin them because it's different than anything he wrote after, and most of what he wrote before

but it is better

>> No.6417525

I still love No Country for Old Men

Ask me on the right day and it might be my favorite. But Blood Meridian is sometimes surreal in how good it can be.

>> No.6417529

no country for old men fucking blows

and by blows i mean it's just not that good 7/10 etc

>> No.6417541

I can understand why people would say that.

But personally, you know...etc.

>> No.6419424

i like both passages you posted, anon. i will buy and read on the strength of your recommendation, so thanks

>> No.6419433

to the lighthouse, probably

>> No.6419470

Voice of the Fire

>> No.6419525

East of Eden

>> No.6419594

Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
Rumo and all other books by walter moers
harry potter
the time maschine

>> No.6419620

Just finished Of Mice and Men and Grapes of Wrath and think i'm gonna pick this up next. honestly find it hard to believe that Steinbeck could write something more powerful than Grapes of Wrath...

>> No.6420796


>> No.6420873

levin is the homie

>> No.6420883

Rabbit is Rich

I love all the Rabbit books but that one is my favorite

>> No.6420908

People who arent saying the bible havent read it in a decentvtranslation

>> No.6421433

Why is Faulkner so GOAT?