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/lit/ - Literature

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6398578 No.6398578[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did you notice how people who have a YT channel about books always have the shittiest taste in books?

>> No.6398583


>> No.6398586

I wonder why someone would change his taste in books before putting it out into the public.

>> No.6398608

Ever notice how most of them are in university studying literature and the stuff they read for mindless fun and audience building is different from what they study?

>> No.6398641

but but but... if you're studying literature and you like meaningful books, how do you find the time to read " for mindless fun"? and why would you even do that in the first place? I mean I can understand reading some YA crap once or twice a year just for the lulz, but these people read this formulaic trash at an industrial rate to maintain their channel.

I'm smelling some bullshit here...

>> No.6398661

The power of conditionig. By the time you're old enough to enter college if you haven't escaped the masscult industry you probably never will.

>> No.6398666

Eh, you need a bit of high culture and low culture to have a decent brain about these things. But it's obvious for a lot of people that physical media (books, DVDs, etc) are a hobby solely because they develop these collections that contribute to their sense of self.

That's what's shitty and should be mocked. Their materialism.

>> No.6398669

For you.

>> No.6398702


Mostly because low brow culture like that would sell well amongst younger people and would garnish channels more views and subscriptions, would you really think the same type of people who read trash like Hunger Games, Divergent or Game of Thrones would be looking on youtube for other young people talking about Dickens unless it's something they need to do for a book report because they are too lazy to read?

All in all it's just one big marketing scam to push young adult literature more onto young people.

What I want to know is why it's mostly women who are doing these channels? I guess it's easier on the eye or possibly a tool for feminist empowerment.

>> No.6398713

Lots of replies are "X people, those who aren't in my peer group, are all bad". Grow the fuck up, not all people are you and they never will be. If something doesn't appeal to you, don't watch it. If a process is available, like youtube, and there is no content for your niche of culture then create it or shut the fuck up.

If the world was full of people we all liked it would be empty. Other people enjoy other things and this will never change, this doesn't mean they are wrong or stupid just that they haven't lived your life nor you theirs. The more you wall yourself off from the world the less you can learn, be the cosmopolitan not a specific.

>> No.6398721

Better Than Food is based.

>> No.6398739

no you're taking the problem in reverse

these people created their channel to talk about their hobby (their "passion" lol...) and I don't doubt their sincerity

but for fuck's sake why is it always the same lonely fat girl who likes Divergent?
or the same tattooed blue-haired cunt who likes GoT?
or the same upper-middle-class 30something guy with a 5 o'clock shadow who likes dime-a-dozen postmodern crap?

>> No.6398765
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>Eh, you need a bit of high culture and low culture to have a decent brain about these things.

I don't know who was the Don Draper type of person who on some global meeting of evil capitalists proposed for them to push the "you have to consume AT LEAST some mass culture or you're a phony" narrative everywhere on their Secret Society-owned media but the motherfucker deserves a prize. It's almost as if someone had succeeded in creating this idea that if someone is on a diet that person has to at least eat fast food from time to time.

>> No.6398787
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>> No.6398788

Are you Better Than Food? I love your videos, can't wait for that Umberto Eco episode you promised

>> No.6398789

nice meem

>> No.6398794

>global media conspiracy
>only consuming "high art"

>> No.6398801
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>> No.6398806


Have the fires risen and is another Katie about to be burned?

>> No.6398809

I've stolen high brow literature worth thousands of euros from the bookstore. I intend to read each one of those books, not keeping them just for display. Have I tricked the system?

>> No.6398811
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Maybe because the people who read real books don't feel the urge to vlog about it

>> No.6398829
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>> No.6398830

Based anon

>> No.6398833

That's /lit/'s fault. Katie had a channel for her appreciation of classic books but she had to delete it because of this board.

Fuck you /lit/
I miss Katie :(

>> No.6398851


I think it's because the best books are read by older folks, and older folks don't do the whole vlog thing. 30+ vloggers are probably a vast minority, and doubly so 30+ vloggers who read.

And there's probably at least one 20-ish reader who likes good books and vlogs about it out there that you haven't found yet. How much research have you done?

>> No.6398857
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I heard she had a new tumblr.

>> No.6398864

/lit/ found that one vlogger and then promptly terrified her and made her close all social media accounts.

>> No.6398881


Hmm, you may have a point.

But don't we all, at some point, enjoy low culture? And doesn't the facility in our minds that enjoys that sort of thing never go away.


>> No.6398889

I feel like it was /b/ on /lit/, or is /lit/ as bad as some of /b/? are we all terrible. I sometimes get a kick out of /b/'s humor, which is some of /lit/'s humor, which means I guess that I'm terrible for being a sadistic ass.

it could've been good too, couldn't've been.

>> No.6398911
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>> No.6399077

Is there anybody on youtube that talks about good books and actually with presentation skills? The few that talk about good books really really fucking suck being on camera.

>> No.6399088

Probably not but here's a nice video of Michael Silverblatt interviewing John Barth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lId58m05YRo

>> No.6399130

i.e., the guy who runs Bookworm? A lot of the Bookworm interviews are on Youtube, and they're all pretty fantastic. He did like five with David Foster Wallace, the one with Tao Lin is pretty good, there's one with Zadie Smith, etc.

>> No.6399138

Who is this sperm Satan?

>> No.6399181

that's not how it works, retard.

>> No.6399188

>women use actual hobbies and interests as fashion accessories and are extremely shallow
>this doesn't stop them from forming entire collectives and communities around shallowly exchanging YES, I ALSO BOOKS with other dilettantes




>> No.6399221

>you can watch so many documentaries, interviews and conference panels on YouTube for free
>people asking for shitty vlogger recommendations

I can't articulate in words my disdain for you

>> No.6399234

It's almost like you're saying that isn't the entire purpose of this board

>> No.6400829

>Anonymous & tripfags
>Don't forget to subscribe, tweet me, facebook me, instagram me, youtube me, snapchat me, google me, reddit me, etc.

Not the same thing, anon.

>> No.6402017

The thing I find most unsettling about Youtubers is their heavy focus on the cover art, and how they seem to want to rebuy entire series if they have any books from the series that have covers that don't match.

>> No.6402114

Why does that unsettle you? Did you actually think that they read the little letters inside the books? The purpose of those books is to participate in 'rate my bookshelf' threads on social media, get with the program, grandpa.

>> No.6402125

we've had threads about multimedia literature related content online before, start one sometime soon

>> No.6402200

If i had the money i'd do the same thing. I bought four different penguin classics novels. Two of them are smaller and none has a consistent colour pattern. Autism is suffering.

>> No.6402207

There are some that are better than others.

>> No.6402220

>the bane chronicle
Someone inform /tv/

>> No.6402232
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Look at this booktuber trying to review Book of the New Sun
>have we started the fire?

>> No.6402270


this is literally the only good yt channel on books that i've ever found. awesome taste and he's entertaining without seeming like he's trying too hard to "entertain".

i'd bet cash he lurks here sometimes he has a certain litbro vibe about him.

>> No.6402318
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>that ukulele
Just started and already lost it

>> No.6402402

Confirmed for e/lit/e

>> No.6402460

I don't think it has to be an "age" thing, I think it's more of a "shallow attention whore" thing. How many old hardcore attention whores have you met?

It would be great if /lit/ got its own Grumpy-Jiisan though.

>> No.6402517

Cracks me up errytime.

>> No.6402530


He's trying too hard to be the Anthony Fantano of books with all of his irreverent cut-and-paste editing. And his voice is grating. I prefer The_BookChemist.

>> No.6402588

weird. i saw that one the other day. are you me?

(bookworm is probably the best. here's one with john berger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLivFgw_i-8))

>> No.6402622

na this guys a fairly big faggot as well. He just happens to be head and shoulders above the shit on YT and so seems to stand apart.

He thought conspiracy against the human race was mind blowing

>> No.6402687
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>> No.6402699

Did you expect it to be any different from the quagmire of shitty film, gaming, and unboxing reviews?

only millennials treat books like accessories to fill out their vacuous identities, much like this board does.

>> No.6402715


Joke's on you, I have no one to impress so I read because I have nothing better to do

>> No.6402724

> I read because I have nothing better to do


>> No.6402822


it looks like a book review in disguise
is this a book review in disguise?

>> No.6402859

Mindless fun is not a thing. im sick and fucking tired of hearing this excuse getting spouted for people. Its just shit taste. You either like good shit or you like bad shit. What specifically is good or bad shit is an entirely different conversation, but if you were actually privy to the good shit, you would never read the bad shit out of sincerity.

>> No.6402870

This is dumb. Taste, artistic sensibility, is really just independent from what makes a person 'different'. If everyone theoretically stopped liking shit and starting liking better stuff, there would still be disagreements and differences of opinion. Its just these differences of opinion and disagreements would be much more meaningful, because they would have sprung from not meaningless things. People would still be different.

>> No.6402874


i understand the 4chan self hate, elements of it are found on every board, but eventually it WILL turn to something else. We're not all that bad. Eventually we'll accept as a whole that, in the end, whoah, we actually are better than the plebs. We could do without all the irony and competition, but we'll get over that too.

>> No.6402907

It's surprising how annoying her limited vocabulary is listen to. It feels like she's using the same five words constantly, over and over again.

>> No.6402911

Pretty good. Hate the typical youtube editing.
Fucking Zero Punctuation.

>> No.6402931

>good taste in books