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/lit/ - Literature

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6398497 No.6398497 [Reply] [Original]

What music do you like to write or read to?

>inb4 ambient - it's second most common to silence

>> No.6398514


>> No.6398515

Swans, Isis, Boris, Neurosis.

>> No.6398517

Which is funny because it's literally actual ambient music

>> No.6398519

to write to: probably some mathrock, e.g. Battles, or Giraffes? Giraffes! Has a nice rhythm.
to read to: has to be something I already know front or back so it drowns out other noise and I don't get distracted by it because I don't really find it interesting, or that I can tune it out, not that I still don't think it's good. So, like, Homework by Daft Punk or Since I Left You by the Avalanches (excluding songs with heavy uh lyricism, e.g. the one I'm thinking of that I definitely couldn't read to is Frontier Psychiatrist, but Etoh and Dominoes I could read to, etc.)

>> No.6398594
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God Tier

>> No.6398611
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>> No.6398687
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julianna barwick and entry level post-rock

sometimes i listen tom waits when i read bukowski and drink cheap bourbon, sorry for being a pleb :^)

>> No.6398703

top blen

>> No.6398738

>sometimes i listen tom waits when i read bukowski and drink cheap bourbon, sorry for being a pleb :^)


>> No.6398761
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Schoenberg or Bartok almost exclusively

>> No.6398976

Paul Simon

>> No.6398990


>> No.6399000
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>listening to music while reading
>ruining the two greatest forms of art by trying to split your momentary attention between them

>> No.6399022

You think the cucks on this board actually read?

Topkek, joke's on you. They "enjoy" "prose", they would never engage in something as plebeian as reading comprehension.

>> No.6399051

I don't really write (I do but its very infrequent), and I rarely listen to music while I read. When I do listen to music while I read, it's either:

Intelligent Dance Music (IDM),
Ambient, or

with the frequency being in that order.

>> No.6399063


Not this.

They aren't even the two greatest forms of art you moron. They're both isolations of single senses. Having sex utilizes just about every last one of our dozen or so senses in a way that is both useful and pleasurable.

>> No.6399064

Can't speak for anyone else but I'm not splitting my attention between the two activities. Usually if I put on music while reading its to drown out some other ambient noise that is bothering me, like my asshole roommate, or my asshole roomate and his shitty friends, or my asshole neighbors. Or if visiting my parents its to drown out the shit they watch on tv (e.g. soap operas or Dr. Phil if mom, Maurt Povich if dad).

>> No.6399079

So you reduce music to mere ambiance and are incapable of truly appreciating it as art.

Listen to constant generated noise if you want to drown things out

>> No.6399095
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>listening to music
>not listening to number stations

also, there're some swans fans in here: is pic worth reading?

>> No.6399108

I usually listen to lyrical poems, especially schubert

>> No.6399114

I've done that. Pure white noise. Works pretty well.

>> No.6399255

not at all, I listen to albums or pieces of music (ambient or otherwise) on their own every day, I just need to sometimes use ambient music to help me focus when reading as I am easily distracted by noises from the real world.

>> No.6399278

>creating death utilizes all the 12 sense
ok, that doesn't make it good

>> No.6399283


Nice strawman

>> No.6399330

>I must be stimulated in every way possible at once
I bet you like Wagner fucking pleb

>> No.6399335

I'm actually the anon you were responding to but no, you're wrong, so get off your high fucking horse. The music I listen to while reading is music I've already heard countless times before and know I enjoy. Now kindly fuck off and take your self-righteous and condescending assumptions with you.

>> No.6399349
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When I do, it's usually atmospheric black metal.

>> No.6399354


>living as a being that can only experience stimulation
>limiting yourself to one at a time

You're essentially maximizing your experience as a human being when you feel as many sensations at once.

>> No.6399359

Ye. Also Evans, Monk, Hancock for obvious jazz picks.

>> No.6399361

Nice to see another math fan, especially Giraffes.
I read a lot to Piglet, Volta Do Mar, Cats and Cats and Cats.

>> No.6399365

I bet you don't even do Kama Sutra or anything lmao

>> No.6399366

Not unless you want more of the same shite.

>> No.6399374


Haha, you're so much better than me.

>> No.6399441

Utilising all your senses at once is called having a seizure you blithering idiot

>> No.6399448

Using all your sense at once is called having a seizure you blithering idiot

>> No.6399456


Again, strawman. It's getting rather pathetic /lit/.

>> No.6399522

I love reading to Tim Hecker

>> No.6399608

Why is that desirable?

Not to mention that it makes focus impossible and it removes the role of imagination in art (on the part of the art appreciator, I mean).

>> No.6399814

I have heard of none of these, so thanks.
Mind giving respective best albums for those? I mean, it wouldn't be difficult for me to just pick the first thing that pops up on the Pirate Bay as the first to try out, but since you enjoy them, I presume, if they have a multi-disced discography, you've listened to them and can point out which I should listen to first, etc.

>> No.6399822

at home: silence.

at my job: to jazz or the common banter of a writing room.

>> No.6399865
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>> No.6399885
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Sun Araw.