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/lit/ - Literature

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6391104 No.6391104 [Reply] [Original]

Decided to give this a shot, since Spielberg's turning it into a movie. Has there ever been a more fedoracore protagonist?

>condescendingly edge-atheist
>dismisses female avatars that are "supermodels" or "porn stars" but jacks off to the quirky "rubenesque" girl
>crushes hard on said girl and then blows up in her face when she turns him down
>idolizes a man who is so beta his password is the name of his best friend's wife
>not even her real name, her D&D character's name because he couldn't say her birth name

I actually found the adventure side of things to be fun enough, but I started skimming any time the protag had opinions on anything.

>> No.6391246


All YA books are brimming with edge.

>> No.6391266

This one was particularly bad. I was also disappointed to discover that the constant use of references ended up feeling terrible. They were just constant and uninteresting.

>> No.6391270

Better or worse than the Eragon series? I can't compare it to anything with real quality, but that might be close.

>> No.6391271
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>Spielberg's turning it into a movie

>> No.6391279

I don't think anything could be worse than Eragon's masturbatory elf passages, but I found a lot of the early stuff here about how there is no God and that lie gave him trust issues to be physically painful.

>> No.6391281

Just found out the MC is overweight. Do they ever make fun of him for it? That would make the book better i guess

>> No.6391286

He gets fit about halfway through the book, but he was apparently bullied for it before he was able to start attending school online, too.

>> No.6391287

I don't want anymore spielberg directed or produced movies or young adult novels

>> No.6391299

The romance in Eragon was disgusting and terribly written. I want an "I am a hero" type mc who's literally a sheltered overweight middle aged man and the story pokes fun at.
Is there anything that can deliver?

>> No.6391307

It's not quite what you're looking for, but The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever might scratch the same itch. It's about a dude who contracted leprosy and was shunned from society in the late 20th century. He gets sucked in to a fantasy world as the chosen one, but believes it to be a dying fantasy, and just spends the whole time being a cynical asshole.

>> No.6391323
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>He gets sucked in to a fantasy world as the chosen one, but believes it to be a dying fantasy, and just spends the whole time being a cynical asshole.

that sounds fucking fantastic

>> No.6391368

"i am a hero" as in the zombie manga?

>> No.6391382

I think he just meant a traditionally good guy heroic type.

>> No.6391876
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This book was almost as bad as the fat teen vampire one.
Its starts out promising, but it quickly goes down hill fast.

>> No.6391886

>Hating on Poltergeist
I liked you, tripfriend, but now you done goofed.

>> No.6391889


I love plenty of his films. He just needs to stop now.

>> No.6391924

That sounds like a terrible premise.

>> No.6391944

I figured that it couldn't have been bad since the first few chapters were funny to me at the time.

>> No.6392230

how much does /lit/ even read popular trash like this?

>> No.6392260


It's not. Be ready for the use of "Hellfire!" as a profanity from a purportedly mid-to-late 20th century Western male.

>hellfire! i'm a leper!

That's like his catchphrase.