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File: 228 KB, 398x297, muh noumena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6390021 No.6390021 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck comes after new sincerity?

>> No.6390033

Beats me but lmao @ that pic

>> No.6390035

More like who

And it's your mom

>> No.6390040

post-ironic new sincerety

It's already happening these days.

>> No.6390042

it's OC, pls save if you get le reference :^)

I'd imagine this new movement will start with Elliot Rodger and /r9k/ culture, but I can't say for sure.

>> No.6390052


ironic then post-ironic solipsism

media will try to convince/reveal to you that only you exist and this is all a meme producing simulation/experiment

>> No.6390132
File: 45 KB, 650x448, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


9/10 OP pic : )

also New Sincerity died in music and was replaced by movements just as bad so there's probably not much to look forward to in literature either

It'd be cool to see people start acting like Descartes and philosophy, discarding all of the shit of the 20th century, and starting anew from where the 19th left off, instead of being restricted with the ideas from the modernists and postmodernists. And I say that as a person whose favorite author is Gaddis.

>> No.6390158

your mom.


>> No.6391912
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x2560, AMI_-_Isis-Persephone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why stop at Descartes? I consider myself a neomedievalist. It's time to go all the way back to the Scholastics and the medieval romances. Or maybe we should go all the way back to the ancients.

Maybe we've come to the End, and what awaits us is going back to the Beginning.

>> No.6392000
File: 34 KB, 590x495, farmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6392206


We need to be the NEW ancients :^) only half joking


>> No.6392208

>implying new sincerity is actually a movement
dadaism was a movement because it had followers, no one follows new sincerity

>> No.6392210

>Or maybe we should go all the way back to the ancients.
wasn't this Heidegger's notion?

>> No.6392256
File: 226 KB, 1024x768, Elysian Fields. Or maybe Virginia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever watch Star Trek TNG or DS9?
Some of those episodes that took a peek at life on Earth gave a sort of vague pastoral paradise. Peeling potatoes for your little restaurant. Picking grapes in a small vineyard of your own. What else would people do with such advanced technologies? When work becomes play.

>> No.6392276


>> No.6392285
File: 305 KB, 1584x1089, 325234523525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Irony

>> No.6392301

post neo-romanticism

>> No.6392314


Not in my lifetime, unfortunately. All I'm gonna have is a third world war, the slow and painful decline of the Catholic church, the collapse of China, the internet getting shittier by the day, everyone trying to get further into escapism through video games and virtual reality instead of taking notice of the actual world around them, etc.

All while I run off and join a monastery to peel potatoes for my little brewery, picking grapes in a small vineyard of the monastery's own, praying, bible-ing, etc.

Also I'm going to write the next Ulysses


>> No.6392333

acually it was the old insincerity all along

>> No.6392339


>> No.6392341

>the collapse of China,

Nope. China will be standing while US collapse into another economic depression.

>> No.6392343

Can someone post an example of New Sincerity prose?

>> No.6392344


>> No.6392347

this, the USA will be the europe of the 20th century, and China will be the USA of the 20th

>> No.6392356

preparation for the next life, book title

and it seems that McCarthy continued in this style, throughout his life instead of falling into irony

>> No.6392359

>Can someone post an example of New Sincerity prose?

"I took another adderall. It was okay. I talked to my friend George Sinclair on Gmail chat. George Sinclair takes Valium. He told me this in our Gmail chat conversation. He also told me sucks to be middle-class. I knew this feeling. I looked out of the window. I wished I had some of my friend George Sinclair's Valium. The adderall was kicking in. It was okay."

>> No.6392364

>what the fuck comes after new sincerity?
New sincerity is a small muffled fart in the world of literature.

>> No.6392367


That would be swell. Or maybe not. Better stay underground, friend, it's gonna work itself out eventually.

>> No.6392368


>> No.6392369

>Can someone post an example of New Sincerity prose?
This is from Towelin's Magnum opus:

That night Haley Joel Osment was alone in the apartment talking to Julia on Gmail chat. Julia was 28 and married and lived in Georgia. She was friends with an editor of a magazine that had published Haley Joel Osment’s poetry. Haley Joel Osment’s cell phone vibrated. It was Dakota Fanning. Haley Joel Osment moved his cell phone to his ear. Dakota Fanning said her mother found out about him by reading a blog post’s comments section where he had said things about his first visit to New Jersey including when they screamed bad words across the Delaware River. “I think she knows you’ve stayed here overnight and that you’re 22,” said Dakota Fanning. “She already googled you a lot I think.”

“What’s going to happen?” said Haley Joel Osment.

“I don’t know. I can’t leave here. She won’t let me leave.”

“Is she calling the police?” said Haley Joel Osment.

“No, I don’t think she will. I have to go. She’s here.”

“I don’t know what to say,” said Haley Joel Osment on Gmail chat to Julia. He said Dakota Fanning’s mother found out about him. He said Dakota Fanning was banned from the internet. “Oh no,” said Julia. “What is her mother saying, that Dakota is forbidden to contact you?”

“I don’t know. She believes everyone on the internet is a rapist.”

“Would it help for you to get in touch with the mother? Tell her you are a nice boy and not a rapist. Go kidnap Dakota. I want to help. I like a good scheme. Where is the dad?”

“The dad is good. Should I tell you these things? I’m confused.”

“It’s okay to tell me,” said Julia.

“Should I though,” said Haley Joel Osment.

“That’s the least of your problems,” said Julia.

“Yes you should,” she said. “I am your friend, don’t worry.”

“The dad is depressed,” said Haley Joel Osment. “He lives in Albany. They separated but he visits sometimes. He wanted to start an earthworm farm in the basement and Dakota’s mother got angry at him. Dakota’s mother referred to him as ‘suicidal.’”

“Can Dakota live with him?” said Julia.

“No. He said he doesn’t want any responsibility of taking care of Dakota.”

“Many dads are depressed,” said Julia.

“Dakota said her mom said ‘why doesn’t anyone in this family have emotions?’ Everyone in her family is depressed except the mom.”

“That’s why the mom is insane,” said Julia. “If you aren’t depressed you’re insane.”

>> No.6392372

Thanks, Mr Expert in Contemporary Literature

>> No.6392375


So objective narration with exhausting realistic dialogue?