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/lit/ - Literature

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6387537 No.6387537 [Reply] [Original]

Incoming, rate and humiliate me

>> No.6387548



was gonna give you a 6/10 just because of the record player and speakers but che sealed the deal

>> No.6387550
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>> No.6387553
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what's a walk among the tombstones about op?

>> No.6387565

I envy your 266 collection.

I don't however envy your tiny little brain that can't comprehend a single book on that shelf.

Want to know how I know?

You can't even rotate a fucking picture.

>> No.6387568
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>> No.6387571
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Gonna post some better ones, damn iphone.

>> No.6387576
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It's a hardboiled crime book, pretty good. They just made a Liam neeson movie out of it.

>> No.6387577

oh your inner loser is showing

>> No.6387581
File: 200 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I envy your rise and fall of the third reich. Can't find a copy for under 20 bucks and have been wanting to read the mother of all nazi books.


>> No.6387582

Nice cigars.

>> No.6387583

>6 points for a record player and book shelf system

>> No.6387595
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5/5 last one, thanks for bearing widme.

>> No.6387596
File: 2.05 MB, 4577x1631, mid2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man those hardbacks are lovely.
only a complete dink gets offended by a bookshelf lol. i mean it really is bastard humor

>> No.6387609

Thanks, I wrapped all my cormac mccarthys in plastic myself because I read them all about every two years and want them to hold up forever, but I dunno im thinking bout taking it off.

>> No.6387612
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if you have amazon prime (85 canadian annually) you can get it for $21
nice share
no. thank you

>> No.6387613
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nice Carver + Hemingway

>> No.6387624


>> No.6387851

>red mars
HAha. Nice. I never got past green mars. Have you read the rest of the trilogy?

>> No.6387868

Can't even read a book about someone, hates him.

>> No.6387871

i only read red mars...
but i'm putting out a promise i will finish the rest of them before the year!

>> No.6387901

Lol I've just always been fascinated by Cuba in general. #1 place I want to go. I actually just got Che tonight, haven't read it yet. Can anyone recommend me some good books about Cuba, non-fiction or fiction would be great?

>> No.6387948

What's up with the little green bookmarks? I see you have a few in Ada (perhaps marking off each part?)

>> No.6387953

Also, what do you think of Lydia Davis? I've been eyeing my local bookstore's copy for weeks.

>> No.6387960

What's that wide thing?

>> No.6387976


>> No.6387987

I can't, at least not in english. But you should go, it's not that expensive if you hace dollars.

>> No.6387994

Soy Americano :/. Soon though, things be changing and I'll go someday. Have you been? What's it like?

>> No.6388022

Is that everyman´s library book Moby Dick?
If so I have the same version.

>> No.6388055

Nope, easton press. I think I got it for less than $15 on ebay, which is nice cus all the other versions I found in stores were junk. I love it.

>> No.6388080

Give us a preview!

>> No.6388082

Every publication of Moby Dick sucks except for Easton Press. Same one I have.

>> No.6388095


For Lydia Davis and Yates the paper separates the books since they are collections. In Ada or Ardor they are for the family tree, chapters, and endnotes. Lydia Davis's story collections are so enjoyable. Just open to any page for fantastic mixes of realism, minimalism, and stories so tight that they seem like poetry

>> No.6388102

Now if only I could find a similar version of Don Quixote...

>> No.6388115

does it have the Kent illustrations?

>> No.6388121

Fucked if know, its got some great illustrations in just the right spots though, enough to keep me looking forward to them but not enough to interrupt my reading. Is Kent special or something?

>> No.6388280
File: 562 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plastic sleeves on records
hahahahahahaha, faggot.
>buying books that've been in print for years
fucking retard.
if you're nogunz, fucking get raped.
>signet classic
COOL, is that a 1st edition??
We have the same edition of Dubliners :^)

>> No.6388284
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>> No.6388286

You're pretty arrogant for someone with a handful of dirty pleb-tier paperbacks.

>> No.6388288

kill yourself

>> No.6388289

He's trollin. Let him be.

>> No.6388315
File: 750 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dirty pleb-tier paperbacks.
look at my picture, faggot. Got that for three bux. Triggered? Yeah, you're mad, bitch.
I'd rather rape your little ass, faggot.

>> No.6388323

i can't, it would require a tremendous amount of getting up

>> No.6388324

>>6388280 the way of zen

>> No.6388333
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>> No.6388339

what the fuck am i looking at?

>> No.6388348


He was on /mu/ like a day ago doing this shit too. Just awkwardly rage shitposting about his books in a thread that wasn't even about lit.

It was pretty sad.

At least his sadness is on topic now. So he has that going for him.

>> No.6388359
File: 582 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound upset :^(
you're probably one of those fags who thinks he's just like the underground man, fag.

>> No.6388434
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>> No.6388443

cool... could you snap the bottom tiers? cant see what's going on there

>> No.6388457
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Unfortunately, almost all of this is in boxes until my next move. These are from a few months back.

>> No.6388458
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>> No.6388459
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>> No.6388460
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>> No.6388461
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Here you go! Sorry for everything being blown out and blurry - my phone's camera is sucky and had to use flash. The TARDIS is there to hold the place for more Draginriders of Pern and Xanth books. Plan on getting more soon.

>> No.6388462
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>> No.6388463

I don't get a lot of these pics... how many of these books are you going to read more than once? If you're not going to read them more than once, why keep them on a shelf? If you are reading them more than once, isn't there a new book you've never read before you'd be better off reading.

I don't know, I only save the really good stuff. No sense in having a shelf of everything you've read unless you're an insecure college professor or something.

>> No.6388465

getting a quarter chub already

>> No.6388467

yay thank you
i thought that for the longest time

>> No.6388468
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Why do you think it makes someone insecure as a professor? No one wants to get rid of all their notes on what they've read. Some people keep those inside their books.

>> No.6388470
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>> No.6388471

that cat. couldn't care less. lol

>> No.6388475
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I've bought/received a lot more since, but they're just laying anywhere. And most of it is just more specialized Japanese literature monographs, so prob not interesting to you guys.

>> No.6388476

thank anon anon approves

>> No.6388635

>If you are reading them more than once, isn't there a new book you've never read before you'd be better off reading.

That's a dumb thing to say.

>> No.6388751

what does the switch do?
why would you put a bookcase in front of a switch if it is just a normal lightswitch?

>> No.6388756


>> No.6388760

Pretty disgusting stereo tbh

>> No.6388783

Trips the light fantastic.

>> No.6388786

What, pray tell, are your age and gender?

>> No.6388799

che was more intelligent than you, pleb

>> No.6388869

Is White Teeth worth picking up?

>> No.6388937
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>> No.6388943
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Gf's dad really loves S.King

>> No.6388954


>> No.6389152

Yes, it's beautifull in it's own way. There is a lot of poverty, of course, and you can see how the fake communism has damaged society. Go before it's to popular and you are just another tourist.

>> No.6389167
File: 3.12 MB, 1388x1528, muh books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6389169


Lose points for the Sherlock DVD.

>> No.6389195

Fucking nuclear systems.

>> No.6389254


>> No.6389795


Seems good so far. Reminds me of Delillo, Wallace, and Nabokov

>> No.6390197
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>>6388333 hay el mao

>> No.6390861

25, female. Fit any assumptions?

>> No.6390888

who ITT would you be most likely to fuck based solely on their books?

>> No.6390898



>> No.6390912
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>> No.6390914

my bookshelf has a total of 11 books

>> No.6390920
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I'm in a monogamous marriage, so, no one. The most impressive collection here, though not itt, has always been rapture's though..

Stop. It's not /r9k/.

>> No.6390934




>> No.6390940

do you take a book from the bottom and put it on top

>> No.6390946

well by all means share stranger

>> No.6390956

have you ever felt the overwhelming urge to cuck?

>> No.6390957

That's a pic of a very small part of rapture's collection. No clue if he ever got someone to organize it.

>> No.6390975

What's the book with the fat, white, horizontal band on the bottom shelf? Everyman's book, right? How is the quality?

>> No.6390992

DUDE BRO you can't even see her face what she looks like anything to even remotely go off that would justify a creep
you're just a loser talking to a wall

>> No.6391007
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>> No.6391016

>everyone that isn't a creepy, autistic neckbeard is a white knight
take a step outside sometime bro the real world is just outside your grasp

>> No.6391024

We're assholes to each other all the time here, when somebody makes a joke about a proclaimed girl poster though, that's when you choose to stand up and protect her honor

I get that you are probably ironic shitposting though, keep up the good work 6/10 2 replies

>> No.6391046

it's more you're a tard then somebody's a white knight dadcore chode chomper

>> No.6391049

speak for yourself tard

>> No.6392694
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Excuse for swedski.

>> No.6392700


Ditch Imperial Bedrooms and Rynd. Aquire more minimalism

>> No.6392702

> Piratkopierar inte aristotelianhorans böcker

>> No.6392714
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>> No.6392728

I like you

>> No.6392734

I remember a long while back some guy on here was talking about how he got a swedish translation of Atlas Shrugged as a gift but never read it. Is that you?

>> No.6392740

More pics for better discernment of titles?

>> No.6392758

Those aren't my books, as I've already said. Here was his first thread iirc:


>> No.6393982
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I made this wall into a shelf for some paperbacks I've accumulated

>> No.6394000
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Here's the other side.

>> No.6394014

Some great titles there.

>> No.6394051

Lol yeah I really just wanted to show how the wall shelf was a hole first, I thought it was a good idea to utilize the space anyway

>> No.6394114


>> No.6394117

did the last 100 pages of starship troopers make you want to fall asleep?

>> No.6394396
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My most important books are in my PC, actually.

>> No.6394471

I have a physical collection of nearly 1k, yet almost all of my favorites I only in ebook form too. What are your most important ones?

>> No.6394543

I like to read the scholastics. I think the summas from Thomas Aquinas are my most important ones.

All relevant literature like Dostoyevsky, Kafka, Shakespeare I also read in ebook form.

>> No.6394565
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>> No.6395085
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My bookcases are beyond photographing, but here's my Calvino stack.

>> No.6395125

>I only have 14 books

>> No.6395147
File: 2.81 MB, 6000x2156, bookcases-med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I have over 5000, many of them in cases that are partially blocked by furniture and/or double-rowed. As I said, impossible to reasonably photograph. This should give you the sense of the problem.

>> No.6395171

>I steal pictures of peoples' collections and put them together and claim that they're all part of my own library

>> No.6395176

I remember you getting made fun of for the Chobits last time.

>> No.6395187
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Probably. Hardly a concern. I have much sillier things in there, and I teach a lot of genre courses.
Sure I do. Wouldn't I just choose nicer pics or more consistent collections then, instead of this chaos?

>> No.6395195

I can tell on the genre courses. Not really my thing, but I'm sure students enjoy it.

>> No.6395197

I have the same Che Guevara bio and 1Q84!

>> No.6395211
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This is the nearest collection of books to my current location in my house.

>> No.6395335

That's such a shitty stereo, man

>> No.6395344

Your pic gave me a seizure, bud

>> No.6395361

There's nothing shitty about it? Best shelf system sony ever made. They still resell for good money despite being more than ten years old. go fuck yourself, hater.

>> No.6395403

pretty fedoracore. keep tippin' bruh.

>> No.6395591

Is Aeneid by Virgil any good anon?

>> No.6395641


>Les Miserables
>Has the cover from the movie


>> No.6395957
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Sorry to hear that. Was it my daughter's Care Bears? Here's a close-up of my D&D books to help.

>> No.6396016
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we have pretty similar taste. I can't tell if you like minimalism or postmodernism more. I'm jealous that you can enjoy Faulkner AND Hemingway.

>> No.6396122

I'm simple creature, I like what I like. And I don't really like post-modernism that much, the Delillo books I got as a lot for like $5. I liked Infinite Jest and I love Cormac McCarthy though. Hemingway>Faulkner in my book, just because I dig the adventure stories. But sure, I enjoy Faulkner alot too.

>> No.6396205
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>> No.6396222

Walden is amazing

>> No.6396306

Much more relaxing. Thank you.

>> No.6396313

I'm working through the Royall Tyler translation of the Tale of the Heike now. Have you read both of those? Which would you say is better?

>> No.6396350

you seem like a cool guy, I like your copy of helter skelter.

>9/10 would listen for hidden satanic messages in beach boys songs with

>> No.6396360

how exactly is it fedoracore?

>> No.6396797

Tyler's is a big improvement on McCullough; there's no need for you to pick up the older one too. I like Tyler's Genji best also, and Morris for Pillow Book if you want more opinions.

>> No.6396940

it's for my secret underground chamber

>> No.6397348


>Government bullies

Really anon? Buying presidential wannabe horseshit campaign books? Stop giving these idiots money.

>> No.6397373

>tfw I'm same age and have half of the books
>feels batman

>> No.6397390

Are you doing literature in university?

>> No.6397395

>I don't get a lot of these pics... how many of these books are you going to read more than once?
You never know. One day, a book will catch your eye on the shelf and you take it down and start reading it again. It's fun. It's nothing to sperg out over.

>> No.6397402

nope. amateur /lit/.

>> No.6397728
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Ha! You got me. Well, university part-time prof, but still. Well spotted.

>> No.6397744

Masters, or PhD too?

Medievalists are always unique people.

>> No.6397792
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I have both (4 degrees total), but medievalism is a secondary field for me. I was tagged last-minute this term to teach a medieval intro course and felt insecure (my recent research has been mostly Victorian/Modernist stuff), so I maxxed out my examination copy requests from publishers (most of the books in that shot were sent to me free: I love the perks) just to give me more on-hand primary sources for planning lectures. I'm poor and happy to teach any course they offer me (we survive by being "generalists" and course-whores), but this was a lot of fun. Next month I'm teaching a modern American lit course at another university, so it's another abrupt paradigm shift.

>> No.6397800

How old are you, if you don't mind?

>> No.6397801
File: 1.01 MB, 3264x1824, photo_1428269290799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bible, To the Lighthouse, City of God, Silmarillion, Pope book, The Great Divide, On Contemplation, Wisdom of the West, Universe Next Door, Divine Comedy and The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.6397807
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x1824, photo_1428269260851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune, Peridio Street Station, Best Sf stories, Leviathan, Core of Things, Orthodoxy, Shadow and Claw, Sword and Citadel, There are Doors, Best of Gene Wolfe stories

>> No.6397814

nice shelf and baskets, i have the same.

>> No.6397818
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x1824, photo_1428269312381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost in the Shell, Maus, Screwtape s letters, I am Legend, Reading Matoš, Reading Shakespeare, Claymore 1-6

>> No.6397824
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Ancient (40ish), two kids. I have some publications, etc., but with 300 qualified applicants vying for each of the dozen tenure-track postings in one's specialty every year, academia is a fool's game now.

>> No.6397845
File: 34 KB, 480x480, IMG_843045341056936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dafuq are you doing here? And r8 my shelves, posted 3 pictures before one obligatory pepe.

>> No.6397914

Trying to bridge the generation gap? A former student suggested I check this board out, and despite the endless half-assed philosophy debates and inordinate love of Wallace and Pynchon, it is addictive and gives me a stramge sense of what my undergrads might be thinking. At least, when I'm procrastinating from the stacks of essays I have to mark. I'd try rating your shelves, but I don't know which posts were yours. Most of these have lots of worthy titles on them.

>> No.6397936

These three are mine. Also, are your undergrads closer to us here or what we think they are (aka John Green and Grrm fans)?

>> No.6397940

Awesome, thanks. I worked throught Tyler's abridged version of Genji last month because it was my first experience with Japanese lit and I wasn't sure I'd be able finish all of it. Now I'm pretty sure I made a grave mistake not tackling the whole thing. >>6396940

>> No.6397943

-grabs him by the throat- back the fuck off !?!?

>> No.6397962

Some good stuff here. Of course Hobbes, Maus and Ghost, and Dune, Tolkien, Lewis, Woolf, Gene Wolfe. I enjoy Mieville usually (a friend of mine used to have sex with him a lot, and introduced me to him). You seem to have a decent mix of SF/Fantasy and classics here.
I've never had a student mention Green to me (and I haven't read him), but everyone is reading Martin. However, a lot of the same students are giving me great work on Chaucer and Nabokov, so it doesn't seem to be an issue. Some are much more focused on highbrow lit to the exclusion of popular culture, but by grad seminar level, most people are more relaxed again. Also, I get the feeling this board is largely male, and in my courses, the majority is always female, so that changes the dynamic somewhat.

>> No.6397973

What the fuck. I can see the pixels.

>> No.6397981

Why is there inconsistency in your sorting. Triggerwarning

>> No.6397983

Phone camera, obviously. That's why I wrote what's there also.

>> No.6397995

You are riding the Nokia-train still huh?
Yeah that made it easier.

>> No.6398037

HTC 550 or something like that.

>> No.6398615

You should make an AMA thread, professor anon. I'm sure everybody has a lot of questions; you're an unusual demographic for the board.

>> No.6398884
File: 96 KB, 960x540, 11158168_10155399752755134_404161498_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sci-Fi Section

My favorite on the shelf, came with "Civil Disobedience" and some poetry as well.
Thanks m8, on my other shelf I got "The Family" which is decent too.
I love Rand and Ron and the book was only $3 from amazon (weird sale). I also got Trudeau's and Hillary's books as well for cheap.

>> No.6398899

I wish my profs posted bookshelf pictures on their facebook. It feels awkward when I spend whole office visits with the ulterior motive of spying on books.

>> No.6398900

How long have you been coming here for?

I'm personally amazed a student suggested a 4chan board to you.

>> No.6398940

Digital literacies is already a huge field. It's not all that weird, imho.

>> No.6398948
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That white Book "Modern Japanese Stories" with the red bar at the top and the black design going down the spine. I just remembered I got a copy of that for a dollar at a garage sale and never read it.

Pic related is what I have with me at school. I have maybe twice that at home but it's mostly young adult fiction, high school assigned reading, and scifi paperbacks I got from my father.

>> No.6398950
File: 94 KB, 1000x319, FoxTrot-Shakespeare-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps, though I might just be in for a series of insults and disbelief. Of course, that happens even when I don't identify myself.
Sadly, the bookshelves are such a chaotic mess right now that most of the academic work is hidden. I'll sort it all once we move into larger accommodations.
About 8-12 months, I think (not overly regularly). I asked a student in my Horror Fiction class about some strange assertions he'd made on Lovecraft, and he said it had derived from a discussion here, so I investigated.

>> No.6398981

It's my favorite general anthology of modern Jlit. Read "Tattoo" by Tanizaki, "Seibei's Gourds" by Shiga Naoya and "Autumn Mountain" by Akutagawa from it when you next get time.

I like your Tain and Red Pine. And you should definitely grab the full Genji if you enjoyed and got through the abridged version easily. The biggest hindrance to reading it is those who think it's "boring," it seems.

>> No.6399001
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>> No.6399020
File: 258 KB, 1200x755, weirdbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the paperback of the Necronomicon. I'm enjoying Gollancz's "black books," but I really recommend the hardcovers for a few dollars more. Much tougher and nicer.

>> No.6399037

I like this section. Have you read Robert Aickman? He'd fit in there.

>> No.6399061


How do you not like DeLillo you scum? Underworld is better than your favourite book

>> No.6399090
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>> No.6399235
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No, I've mostly focused on the earlier weird fiction, but I am curious about Aickman. Any starting point you'd suggest?

>> No.6399253

Definitely Cold Hand in Mine.

>> No.6399282
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Duly noted and added to my amazon wish list (1600+ and growing).

>> No.6399325

good to see u raided grandpas book collection after he died

>> No.6399340

I liked White Noise and Point Omega alot. Cosmopolis was meh. I started Underworld, but couldn't bare the prospect of a million rambling pages of "muh prose!" Some artists have a style that lends well to doorstoppers, DeLillo doesn't.

>> No.6399486
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>> No.6399492

how many dicks did you suck to acquire that

>> No.6399510

Hey guys have you heard of a library? You can loan and order books for free from there and not be a poser.

>> No.6399538

Owning books makes one a poser?

>> No.6399543

Look at these photos, do they read what they buy?

>> No.6399554

Dicks? What dicks? I only subvert the traditionalist movement within Britain.

>> No.6399572

Anon your man cave is meant to be family proof. Your wife or kids could easily enjoy themselves down there.

>> No.6399580

>having paperback books on your shelf ever
>not having a bookshelf of only antique classics or rare books
>not having everything else on ebook form


>> No.6399592

im ok with that

>> No.6399619

No one can speak for everyone. But I read mine all the time... the fact that they're filled with my writing would attest to that.

>> No.6399635

Oh, I see. No idea: I don't get around to reading everything I buy, but I still support buying books. Publishers are struggling, and once you have a book in your home, someone may read it some day. I like having a selection available for the family.

>> No.6399697
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>> No.6399933

>not having a personal library of both read and unread books so you can pick whatever you're in the mood for without hesitation

This morning I woke up and wanted to read some hemingway, so I picked out the snows of Kilimanjaro I bought two years ago and never read
>feels good man

>> No.6400195


Looks comfy but I'm more curious about the stuff in the silver tray.

Also who are your favourite writers anon?

>> No.6402183

I like bookshelves

>> No.6403611

Fuck off John.

>> No.6404383

How do you do that?

>> No.6404393


Lives with his bourgeois mum, of course.