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6386580 No.6386580 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the worst philosopher ever?

>> No.6386587

Peter Sloterdijk

>> No.6386609

Anyone who doesn't assert that women are inferior, blacks are subhuman, gays are mentally ill, and that jews aren't running the world and planning to enslave us all and eventually kill us.

a /pol/ friend

>> No.6386616

so .. all of them?

>> No.6386618

Gonna need you to expand on your arguments and provide ample evidence.

a rational buddy

>> No.6386627

Alain de Botton

>> No.6386629

Literally go to /pol/ and ask for the .jpgs.

>> No.6386636

Or you could literally post your arguments here since YOU posted YOUR nonsense on THIS board.

>> No.6386641

Women and blacks have lower IQ. And blacks rape and steal more. This is scientific fact.

Deal with it, cuck

>> No.6386650
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>> No.6386656

>muh feels are perturbed when presented with scientific fact and evidence

typical liberal

>> No.6386659

>not being women are shit but cute, blacks are dumb but good, gays are better because they don't breed and jews are silly schopenhauerian master race

>> No.6386662
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>> No.6386666

Reminder that /pol/ bashing is punching well below your weight

It's like someone lifting 5lb. dumbbells and calling himself a bodybuilder

>> No.6386672

>no arguments to the contrary

Leftists everyone

>> No.6386673

why are you here?

>> No.6386675
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>> No.6386679

To redpill you marxist-professor-indoctrinated degenerate drones

>> No.6386681

John Locke

>> No.6386682

>no argument to begin with

>> No.6386688

Probably all the unemployed but published MA Phil/PhD Phil people.

>> No.6386689

Hans-Hermann Hoppe could almost be included on this

>> No.6386735

Does he hate women, non-whites, and non-heterosexuals?

>> No.6386768

I don't know if he's a misogynist, but he's been accused of latent racism and homophobia

>> No.6386773



>> No.6386780

.... you didn't post any evidence?

>> No.6386782

>implying Marx isn't a bad philosopher

>> No.6386791

the racism is pretty open if I remember right from some of the excerpts I've read

I mean, it's racism of the "blacks have lower IQs and are genetically inferior" type. That's pretty direct racism, not really any less than calling them niggers I don't think.

>> No.6386808

He sounds like he's taken the red pill

>> No.6386815

i think he took the entire jar of red pills.

>> No.6386816
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>> No.6386821

>butthurt feminist detected

>> No.6386827
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>> No.6386856

t. expert

>> No.6386859
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>> No.6386861

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a shit philosopher!
And then they accuse "leftists" (aka anyone who disagrees with them) of being brainwashed

>> No.6386870

That redpill guys is actually saying Marx is a good philosopher. /pol/ is that dumb.

>> No.6386884

Really? I haven't read him yet but his Spheres trilogy has been really well-received from what I've seen.

>> No.6386914

Where am I saying that, you liberal apehole?

Marx is a social justice faggot

>> No.6386918
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>> No.6386928

Probably not the worst ever, but the worst I've read is Searle. Intensely stupid, obviously terrible arguments, and systematically and deliberately misrepresents the opposite side of the argument.

>> No.6386945

Women actually have about a point IQ on average than men do.

>> No.6386951

Your post doesn't make sense. Are you a woman by any chance?

>> No.6386979

Marx was a jew-hating, middle-class euro-centric trash, just like you. Stop making /pol/ look bad with your illiteracy, there are some eurudite reactionaries on this board, not that you'd know what that world means.

>> No.6386985

liberals everyone

>> No.6386986

Ayn Rand

>> No.6386993

John Stuart Mill

>> No.6386994

Good thread friends :^)

>> No.6387010

holy fuck boxxy? really? is this 2007?

>> No.6387013

Roger Scruton

>> No.6387015

i refuse to believe that you're posting boxxy for any other reason that that you know how fucking ridiculous it is

>> No.6387020

14 y/o spotted

>> No.6387021


well memed m'lady

>> No.6387041
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>> No.6387212
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Tied for worst: Marx, Hegel, Zizek and Stirner.

No this isn't bait I really do think they are fucking nonsense

>> No.6387275

Who are your favorites?

>> No.6387312

i think theist and atheist alike can agree that it's Richard Swinburne

>yfw he actually proposed a 'principle of credulity' whereby we should assume religious experiences are true unless we have sufficient reasons to doubt the person such as a history of mental illness
>he completely misinterpreted ayer's use of 'meaningless' and took it literally, then argued that of course anything can have meaning because you can imagine it

>> No.6387599

The nonsensical philosophers, no doubt.

>> No.6387720

fuck i wish the Gulag was still around

>> No.6387788


could have gotten away if you didnt include him

>> No.6387803

Put your trip back on >dribblekid

>> No.6387821

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.6387867

You /pol/ faggots are a bunch of whiny babies. You hoo and haw and hoot and when someone so much as ASKS YOU TO PROVIDE ACTUAL EVIDENCE you exclaim "must be a liberal!"
I hate you. You're the kind of conservative that makes rational, empathetic individuals like me look bad. Piss off and stay in your hell hole of a containment board and revel in your hate and lies. You're all maladjusted and it pisses me off to see your poison spewed about every which way on the ol' chan.

I just wanted to get that off my chest. Nut up and quit hating, I bet you've only seen black people on tv.

>> No.6387875

Also I despise liberal hogwash as much as any rational human being, but I'm not a racist piece of trash either

>> No.6387876


Need help, trying to figure out the meaning of life? Well, wait no longer! It's finally here! Go to /pol/, they have the answer to the meaning of life now.

>> No.6387883

> dass raycissssss
Apparently, thoughtcrime is nowadays more horrible than actual crime.

>> No.6387885


Are you implying most active white nationalists don't break the law often. Because there's a reason they tend to organize in gangs.

>> No.6387890

I hate the idea of thought police, but these people masquerading as having the truth when it seems they're just hiding behind their actual racism is just as bad.

I'll admit, I need to look into whatever /pol/ posits, but it seems like slanted crap. Like the Bell Curve or something.

Maybe if /pol/ argued their side better the rest of 4chan wouldn't think they're racist pricks.

I want the truth as much as anyone, but being a dick about it is not going to win people to your side.

>> No.6387898

Well I'm sure the worst is some housewife really into horoscopes. The worst one granted credibility by the philosophical community is Rorty. Fuck that status quo milquetoast piece of shit.

>> No.6387900

It all just comes off like an excuse to be racist, much more it's shoved down our throats.

Maybe the /pol/tards don't realize they're their own worst enemy because they can't into communication, which wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, because THE TRUTH withstands all scrutiny. Simply asking for further elaborations, etc, is not harmful to the truth because it'll only help to uncover it. However, when asked for evidence, we're met with LIBERAL BOGEYMAN remarks.

This isn't reddit. You can say pretty much whatever you want for whatever reason and people will honestly give it a chance, but not when your first response to scrutiny is so toxic. It makes you look guilty, /pol/iticos.

>> No.6387934

Women are inferior... in a pre-industrial society. Capitalism has made them equal.

Blacks are human if you actually know what HUMAN is. They were equal to Europe until around the 1400s. Europe expanded and colonized because of their environment and the economic advantage the Americas provided. (the Americas were conquered because the equivalent of the black plague spread over the continent).

Gays are not "ill" because illness implies an inability to function in society. Gays function in society MUCH better than many straight nerds I see around /pol/ (who would give their souls for some shemale boipussy).

Jews had an advantage because of usury. They also probably won't get swine flu because they eat kosher food. It doesn't mean they're smart enough to secretly run things. Think of all the qualities "evil Jews" have. Greed, power, manipulation of information, ownership of everything, etc. IT'S THE BOURGEOISIE.

>> No.6387941

Sam Harris

>> No.6387949


great writer but absurdism is a cop out

sartre is like camus but a hack

>> No.6387985


ignorant trash

>> No.6387998

Blacks very well might have lower genetic intelligence than whites. Ideologically it doesn't sit well with me but the arguments in favor happen to be strong. People should stop conflating this with the idea of genetic "inferiority." Some groups of people have smaller heights but that doesn't make them "genetically inferior." Just different.

>> No.6388010


>lower genetic intelligence
>doesn't imply inferiority

>> No.6388015

LOL, thinking the concept of race is at all genetically based. Also using IQ. This is 2015, idiot.

>> No.6388021

"Genetically inferior" sounds metaphysical and normative. If black people have lower genetic IQs than whites its just one difference.

>> No.6388027

IQ is very strongly predictive. It is an important and valid measurement. Unless you think all people just have the same intelligence.

>> No.6388032

>I hate the idea of thought police, but these people masquerading as having the truth when it seems they're just hiding behind their actual racism is just as bad.
In other words, you hate the idea of thought police, but really want to police thoughts?

Look: yeah, they're "actual racists". They believe black people are apes, etc. Who the fuck cares? It's their right to believe anything they want.

>> No.6388034


define 'intelligence'

>> No.6388042

>IQ is very strongly predictive. It is an important and valid measurement.
Yes, it's a valid measurement, just not a measurement of intelligence.

'Intelligence', roughly, is the human ability to learn and infer patterns and rules in phenomena.

IQ measures your ability to conform to an arbitrary and unfair multiple-choice test.

IQ measures your ability to put society's needs above your own transient wants, not intelligence.

>> No.6388043

How smart someone is, how easily someone can learn something, how well he can apply information. Human cognition is complicated and you're not going to have a one perfect definition for intelligence. But anyone with any sense recognizes that some people are smarter than others.

>> No.6388052


If you get DNA samples of 100 people, have them write down the race they identify as and then give scientists the DNA without the racial identification, the scientists will organize the DNA into groups that correspond to the self identified races with an over 98% percent accuracy ( and this was determined through many subsequent trials)- my old computer died so I don't have the actual study on hand. But this was serious scientific literature, not some neo-nutzi bs.

Race is real, and it makes sense that different environments would make for different human types. African peoples also lack the neaderthal DNA that whites have and there are good grounds for suggesting that the four main races ( caucasoid, mongoloid, negorid, australoid) were all the rest of the original homo sapiens mixing with other similar groups in order to ground the biological diversity we find. WN and legit Nazi's obvious go way to far in their exaggerations about the importance of race, but we should not fall in the leftist bourgeois trap of denying solid scientific evidence in order to fit into a feel good ideology. We can make a better outcome for everyone if we are intellectually honest about race and actually determining how important it really is.

>> No.6388056

What's unfair about IQ tests? That's exactly what they measure, ability to recognize patterns and infer rules.

>> No.6388057
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that's some pure stuff you've got there

>> No.6388063

Really it's a damn shame to see leftists deny IQ. The recognition of variation in individual cognitive talent and the attempt to boost up all those with high intellect regardless of their class background was one of the great social mobility triumphs of the 20th century. The left has been hard at work trying to dismantle all that for the past several decades.

>> No.6388235

>What's unfair about IQ tests?
I didn't say they were 'unfair', you fucking mong.
>That's exactly what they measure, ability to recognize patterns and infer rules.
No, they don't. 'Intelligence' == 'ability to learn'. IQ tests don't measure learning ability, they measure your aptitude for standardized tests -- being able to regurgitate a set answer quickly even if the question has no practical value.

(Yes, an aptitude for standardized tests is arguably more important for success in an industrial society than 'intelligence'.)

>> No.6388237

>cognitive talent
IQ tests don't measure cognitive talent.

>> No.6388247
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Popper and Descartes

>> No.6388248

they measure how gay u are tho LOL and ur score is off the charts

>> No.6388260


Judith Butler

>> No.6388263

Yeah, except that's not true at all. If you were to define races by actual genetic variation, then Asians, Europeans and Hispanics would all be one race, and there'd be like five races within Africa. The idea that our socially defined races, which are based merely on one phenotypic test (skin color), corresponds to actual genetic variety of any importance is a long discarded one. In fact, if you ask someone to biologically try and define 'race' they always fall flat on their face because of this.

I'm not trying to advocate for cultural relativism or any shit like that. All cultures aren't equal. But as a biologist the idea that racial divides are facts of nature just makes me want to upturn tables. It's politics masquerading as shitty biology.

>> No.6388301

Ill just leave this here


>> No.6388302

So Evola and Schopenhauer are the best?

>> No.6388305

'Cognitive talent' is a much wider and more complex thing than whatever IQ tests measure. For example, it undoubtedly takes a lot of 'cognitive talent' to win at Super Mario Brothers speedrunning competitions, but I doubt obsessive video game players have high IQ test scores.

(Yes, playing vidya is also a cognitive task. Unlike IQ tests, however, playing vidya is not useful for an industrialized society.)

>> No.6388337


>IQ measures your ability to conform to an arbitrary and unfair multiple-choice test.

It's neither arbitrary nor unfair.

>IQ measures your ability to put society's needs above your own transient wants

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6388340


>IQ tests aren't unfair

read more

>> No.6388342


Take your own advice, they aren't unfair at all.

>> No.6388371

This or Peggy McIntosh.

>> No.6388374


Butler is great

>> No.6388397
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>> No.6388412

Hegel is the answer /lit/ needs to hear.

But we can put up the entire English major canon though: Witt, Sauceasaur, Butler, Derrida, Marx, Chomsky.

>> No.6388418

>But as a biologist the idea that racial divides are facts of nature just makes me want to upturn tables.
Then ask a (western) genetecist and see them squirm trying to define race while avoiding actually using the word race.

>> No.6388433


Bertrand Russel, though I doubt he even qualifies as a philosopher.

>> No.6388435


>> No.6388440


>> No.6388451

Who really consider's him a philosopher, though?

>> No.6388616

IQ tests, they test how good you are at solving IQ tests.

The truth about intelligence is much more liberal than an "one great intelligence test".

>> No.6388621

you mean best

>> No.6388636
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It's bad news, I'm afraid. You have a serious case of Misused Apostrophe.

>> No.6389002


>> No.6389012
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Doctor, are you aware you slipped into a comma just then? You may want to get that checked out.

>> No.6389128

>It's neither arbitrary nor unfair.
The rules you need to internalize to answer the questions correctly are arbitrary and unfair. That's the whole point, if they weren't the test would be too easy.

>what the fuck are you talking about
IQ tests measure if you can answer bullshit questions 'correctly' even when the answer is meaningless and/or arbitrary. Most of the logic puzzles in an IQ test have more than one 'correct' logical answer; the trick is to understand what the test maker wanted you to say and comply.

Yes, this kind of test is a strong predictor of success in society, but don't make the mistake that IQ tests 'measure' intelligence. They measure something that can sometimes correlate to intelligence.

(And sometimes not; there are lots of Mensa members who are dumb as bricks.)

>> No.6389151

>I didn't say they were 'unfair', you fucking mong.


>IQ measures your ability to conform to an arbitrary and unfair multiple-choice test.

>> No.6389153

>correctly are arbitrary and unfair. That's the whole point, if they weren't the test would be too easy.

So if IQ tests were fair, they'd be easy? Everybody's a genius, right?

>> No.6389245

They can't define race because there's no race in the genes mate, it's a concept forced on them by society. They can't define "natural athlete" by genes either because that's a concept that only makes sense within the confines of a society that has sports.

Race is a spook.

>> No.6390062


Peggy isn't a Philosopher, Butler can at least reason at a University level so she counts.

>> No.6390112


>> No.6390500

Saint Augustine is probably the worst I've read. Circular arguments and paradoxes everywhere without even an attempt to reconcile them.

>God gave us Free Will
>But if you stray from His Plan then fuck you
>Also He controls everything
>Wouldn't that contradict Free Will? God is 2mysterious4mankind to even describe, which is why I will proceed to dictate how God works as fact

It's a fucking mess and he tries to plug his gaping holes with "hurr durr what can mankind know of God?" even though Augustine claims to be an authority on God's nature.

>> No.6390600


>> No.6390841
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>The idea that our socially defined races, which are based merely on one phenotypic test (skin color),

The surface level features are based around bone structure. Giving a caucausoid black skin won't make him look like a negroid what so ever, neither will giving a negroid white skin. So you've already shown your knowledge as a "biologist" on this to be suspect. Anyways you should check out the paper mentioned in the wiki article.


>Edwards argued that while Lewontin's statements on variability are correct when examining the frequency of different alleles (variants of a particular gene) at an individual locus (the location of a particular gene) between individuals, it is nonetheless possible to classify individuals into different racial groups with an accuracy that approaches 100 percent when one takes into account the frequency of the alleles at several loci at the same time. This happens because differences in the frequency of alleles at different loci are correlated across populations — the alleles that are more frequent in a population at two or more loci are correlated when we consider the two populations simultaneously. Or in other words, the frequency of the alleles tends to cluster differently for different populations

Edwards makes the same argument against your side of the debate. From what I've seen all the good science points in the opposite of what you are suggesting. The anti-racist camp has way more political power than the racist camp, so it makes more sense that anti-racist political assumptions would infect scientific beliefs.

>> No.6390850

You didn't understand the faith argument, I advise you to read Pascal for futher mastery of theological elements.

>> No.6390899


Here >>6386609

>> No.6390916
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We found him Anon
We found the worst philosopher!


>> No.6390928

/lit/ as an entity is
It is so bad that I have to hide philosophy threads on this board in order to ignore the cancer

>> No.6390937

well you intentionally ignored his point there.

Society would often describe the man in the image as being white. The point is that racial descriptors are not the same as genetics.

>> No.6390948

I always find it interesting when you look at the statistics between cultural anthropologists and forensic anthropologists
The former almost universally believes that race does not exist and is merely a social construct while the later almost universally believes/studies the opposite

>> No.6391333


No one would consider that man to be "white".It's not only skin color which makes the difference , you can tell that that man is not of European origin due to his facial structure which is distinctly Sub-Saharan. It just so happens that people with certain facial structures tend to have lighter or darker range of skin colors, but as we can see in the image, this is contingent. I don't know of a disease which changes the structure and shapes of your bones.

>> No.6391409

That dude could probably pass for italian or spanish though

>> No.6391438

What does that have to do with fairness

>> No.6391456

Damn is it that hard to understand that a combination of traits partially derived from convergent evolution acting as criteria for belonging to a given race does not define the same groups as actual GWAS-derived SNP clusters? Just because some people have brown skin and muh bone structure doesn't mean their genetic SNP based distance with other "racially different" groups will be higher. High dimensionality and all that. You guys do know biology, right? I mean you wouldn't dare to debate about controversial issues on a field you have no clue about, right?

>> No.6391520

see >>6391456

>> No.6391530



I really don't see it.

>> No.6391551

What do genes have to do with SNPs though

>> No.6391647

Of course its their right, absolutely.
It's just annoying is all, nowhere did I advocate the silencing of anything, including ignorance.

"I'd fight to the death for your right to say it" etc

>> No.6391661
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I hate John Gray. I read someone describe his work as "pretentious cynicism masquerading as depth" and that's a pretty accurate description. There's something about him I find uniquely irritating.

>I'm John Gray woo woo. I disagree with you. Everything is shit. Woo. Progress is an illusion. Look, here's a quote from Lao Tzu and Nietzsche. That means I'm smart. Woo. Statistics are bullshit so I can dismiss evidence that contradicts my position. All is lost, all is darkness. Woo woo. I'm so fucking deep. Humanity is fucked, you are all fools. Here's a book I wrote that is just the sentence "Humanism is a lie" repeated 5,000 times.


>> No.6391686

To be honest when I first saw that image I thought it was one of those cherry-picking images of attractiveness between races.

>> No.6391705


>> No.6391712

What don't you like about him, friend?

>> No.6391737

Can I ask what does /lit/ think of John Gray?

>> No.6392215

Motherfucker has the worst face/hair combo I've ever seen.

>> No.6392292

Russell Brand

>> No.6392297


>> No.6392307

Descartes' only really good point is at the very end of a long series of shit points (final proof of God in the Meditations).

>> No.6392310
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That's the 'Men are from Mars' John Gray, you want this guy

>> No.6392335
File: 523 KB, 843x1600, fsjs1413087857932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America

Erich Fromm, Judaism and the Frankfurt School

Freud, The Frankfurt School, and the Kabbalah

Frankfurt School

Frankfurt School of Social Research

The Frankfurt School & Cultural Marxism

The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances

Frankfurt School - Satanic Judaism in Action

The History of Political Correctness

How a Handfull of Marxist Jews Turned Western and U.S. Culture Upside Down

The Jewish Frankfurt School and the End of Western Civilization

The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and "Political Correctness"

Who Stole Our Culture?

Sabbatean-Frankish Roots of the Frankfurt School

>> No.6392337
File: 967 KB, 4621x2914, fsflochart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankfurt School Cultural Marxism is Based in Jewish Mysticism

The Frankfurt School and Its Legacy

Critical Theory (Cultural Marxism) and Jewish Thought

Fallen Jews, Critical Theory, and Cultural Marxism

Bill Whittle on the Narrative: Political Correctness


>> No.6392348

is this the white-nationalist DA JOOZ = FRANKFURT SCHOOL = CULTURAL MARXISM meme?

>> No.6392354


And I really don't understand how: Benjamin's Kabbalism = Jewspiracy

>> No.6392357

Its /pol/ copypasta.

>> No.6392365

>this is what /pol/ actually believes

>> No.6392378

has anyone said ayn rand or

>> No.6392381

what a fuckface