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6384957 No.6384957 [Reply] [Original]

What movie based on a book is better than the book?

>> No.6384966
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>> No.6384977
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>> No.6384982

Jaws, Goodfellas, Casino, Raging Bull, Stanley Kubrick's movies.

>> No.6384988
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>> No.6384993

Fight Club.

>> No.6384994 [SPOILER] 
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Not joking

>> No.6385012

Godfather I
Gone With The Wind
Wizard of Oz

>> No.6385205

Great Gatsby

>> No.6385221
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I dunno if it's really fair to say it's based on the book, but

>> No.6385230

brade runna
yes, I have read the book

>> No.6385245

>Stanley Kubrick's movies
Except Lolita and Eyes Wide Shut

>> No.6385270

Maybe EWS.

>> No.6385371
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>> No.6385378

I loved the movie. I later read the book and it's hard for me to say which is better. I might give the edge to the book. The book's a masterpiece.

>> No.6385388

if you discount the sheriff's monologues the book is one of his poorest offerings

>> No.6385420

The sheriff's monologues were definitely my favorite parts. Whether it's his weakest book I can't say because it's the only one of his I've read. Still, I thought it was a masterpiece. And there were parts between the monologues that I thought were great. I know No Country isn't supposed to be his best, but I was still very impressed with it.

>> No.6385435

glad you liked it. if you want more of him and you feel like reading an epic try Blood Meridian. if you want personal and easygoing try Suttree.

>> No.6385439


>> No.6385446

Let the right one in

>> No.6385455

I actually like the beginning of 2001 in the book better.

>> No.6385456
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>> No.6385657

Disagreed. Easily stronger and less self-indulgent than some of his earlier stuff.

>> No.6385687

Fear and Loathing is equal. Rum Diary goes to book easily.
Godfather, Goodfellas

>> No.6385714

>not mentioning Clockwork Orange

>> No.6385717

Lol. Both are good though.

>> No.6385722
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>Fear and Loathing is equal

>> No.6385737

Sure is.

>> No.6385747

>Fear and Loathing is equal.
This is a hard call for me. It's a pretty stellar adaptation.

>> No.6385964

which fucking one?

>> No.6385973
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The posters are sexy af

>> No.6386000
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>no mention of this

I remember reading the shining when i was p. young on a family holiday and vaguely enjoying it. I sat down to watch this and felt like Kubrick had made an epic out of a "spooky tale". The film King wrote to "show Kubrick who's boss" is p. laughable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sGl1LVtszU

>> No.6386011

The Naked Lunch book / movie are different but I enjoyed the movie more

>> No.6386599
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I love all the books, but the movie had 'expanded universe' so it was cool. And these guys were funny as fuck

>> No.6386774

Movie was better

>> No.6386825

Rum diary far goes to the movie. The book was just kind of a pointless mess that HST cranked out to assuage his misery at not getting the job in San Juan. It had no style, muddled themes, and an incoherent plot; the movie fixed all that.

>> No.6386837

I like Apocalypse Now a little better than Heart of Darkness, in part due to the slightly more nuanced racial optics and in part because Vietnam seems more relevant to my life than colonialism does. Both are masterpieces though. Same with Kubrick's Lolita, only I prefer the book a little in that case.

The best PKD adaptations (including the obvious one) tend to transcend their source material; Dick was not a brilliant prose artist. Still waiting for a great adaptation of The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch.

Starship Troopers, for sure. Maybe Moneyball. Both of those are pretty loose adaptations, though, or at least adaptations that come from very different angles.

>> No.6386839

retard, eyes wide shut is incredible

>> No.6386841

Kubric turned kings work on it's head though. The book was intensely personal, with some of the best portrayals of the horrors addiction and fate and family and internal struggle I've ever read. Kubrics movie was a masterpiece, but I understand king being upset that the only thing he kept from the shining was "spooky hotel makes dad go something something."

>> No.6387185

The Godfather (and the flashback portions of Part II, which are from the book)
L.A. Confidential
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (both movie versions)
Die Hard and Die Hard 2
The Bourne Identity

Most crime or thriller movies, basically.

>> No.6387477

Gone Girl, by far. And the book is kinda good when compared to YA bestseller standards.

>> No.6387870
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Fight club was on point

Meeting tyler on a plane makes so much more sense than in a nudist beach

also A Clockwork Orange

>> No.6387891

Berlin Alexanderplatz.

>> No.6390018

What >>6385435 said. Just finished Blood Meridian last week and it was incredible. Judge Holden is way more fucking terrifying than Anton Chigurh.

Have not read Suttree yet, but will get to it sometime. The next two McCarthy books I'm planning on reading are that and Outer Dark.

>> No.6390068

Star Wars

>> No.6390076

Star Wars is not based on a book you stupid fuck.

>> No.6390099
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>> No.6390115

Blade Runner

>> No.6390123

Forest Gump
The Shining

>> No.6391482
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mostly because Lampedusa couldnt actually finish the book, and Visconti could make a better ending for the story.

>> No.6391492


>> No.6391497
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are you aware that Fassbinder's adaption is a minisseries for television and not an actual movie, aren't uou?

>> No.6391515


>> No.6391554

Perks of Being a Wallflower

>> No.6391668

This bait atually gave me cancer.rip lit. double cancer if yiu mena t the kubrick adapration,

cant even type coz im already dying

>> No.6391703

the bible