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File: 1.46 MB, 1732x2162, sam harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6384875 No.6384875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Atheism is a term that should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a "non-astrologer" or a "non-alchemist."

>We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive or that aliens have traversed the galaxy only to molest ranchers and their cattle.

>Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.

Do you agree?

>> No.6384877

pls no

>> No.6384888

Fuck off

>> No.6384905

OP, you do realize that the board janitors have bannable offenses and deletable offenses for flagging? Sam Harris is a deletable offense on /lit/.

It doesn't matter how many Harris threads you make, how on topic they are, you could even post one of his books and try to discuss the writing style, it will get deleted.

The janitor has to flag all Harris threads, along with a list of other things, and the mod will eventually delete it.

>> No.6384910

He actually went for four years to college and studied philosophy to arrive at that

>> No.6384923
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* As long as those completely rational naturalistic truths conform to conclusions arrived at through theoretical physics that I don't understand and trust other people to interpret for me, conform to my Westernized Patriarchal Mindset arrived at through social constructs and Abrahamic-influenced concepts of chauvinism and masculinity and natural rights and have nothing to do with those OTHER completely rational naturalistic beliefs arrived at by primitive societies around the world, including the atheist tribe in South America who despite not believing in Gods have absolutely nothing in common with the Jingoistic rhetoric I infuse my "secular" books with

>> No.6384924

He's just one of those public figures like Bill O'Rilley or Seth McFarlane that play a character to cash in on repeating the public's opinion back to itself.

>> No.6384931

>He actually went for four years to college and studied philosophy
you can do a philosophy bachelors in three. he didn't do a masters

>> No.6384939

If Bill O'Rilley or Seth McFarlane just "repeat the public's opinion back to itself," why do they say different things?

>> No.6384946

Are you genuinely asking or just looking to incite a shitflinging contest?

>> No.6384948

different publics

>> No.6384952

>different publics
Oh so now we have multiple publics? So they are not really "repeating the public's opinion back to itself" if the public is a varied and diverse body with many views and opinions.

>> No.6384968

But it isn't. The public is a varied and diverse body with a handfull of very popular opinions (each which aforementioned characters tend to pander to) and many from those differing opinions or amalgations therof, held by very few people.

>> No.6384983

*tips fedora*

yfw I say that as an atheist who completely disagrees with Harris (and his ilk) and his rhetoric
yfw most of the people who use le hat joke are atheists for that exact reason

>> No.6384991

(as in, use the meme for that reason)

>> No.6384995

believing in God is popular today, so "atheists" are rare
no believing in God would be more popular tomorrow, so "believers" would be rare

>> No.6385002
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>"fedora" meme

>> No.6385017

that's how God decides who gets in to heaven

>> No.6385032

Underrated post

>> No.6385036

*my post
sorry everyone, I try to avoid these mistakes

>> No.6385040

>believing in God is popular today, so "atheists" are rare
Not really, unless you live in Burgerstan. in first world countries, most people have outgrown religion. Unfortunately, especially in Bongland, a lot of people get a child christened because of the novelty of doing something with a baby and "hey, omg, you wanna be godmother?", and the church keeps baptism records to grossly over-inflate their membership stats. Really though, the average person doesn't care about your saviour-on-a-stick cult.

>> No.6385045

>completely disagree with his ilk

I swear we're reaching a point where atheists will deny not beleiving in god just to not appear contrarioin. Can you even produce an argument against what he said my fellow non believer in benevolent omniscient kitchen appliances?

>> No.6385062

>I swear we're reaching a point where atheists will . . .
post all day about how much they adore Aquinas and Kierkegaardashian, and how how grateful they are to God for the amazing miracles saints perform every year to get canonized.

>> No.6385079

Atheism is actually very popular nowadays. Even religious people are much less orthodoxic than they used to be.

What do you mean by

>> No.6385083

>can't tell if satire.

>> No.6385087

what is the source of this quoted text?

>> No.6385095


And afterwards he says "#Le ReKd, NOScoPe"

>> No.6385099
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>"hey, omg, you wanna be godmother?", and the church keeps baptism records to grossly over-inflate their membership stats.

You need to notify the Secular Society that you want your baptism revoked and give them the name of the church that performed the baptism. They sent a court ordered cease and desist, and the Church has to legally strike your name from their baptismal records and stop using you in their member count. Then you get a fancy certificate.

>> No.6385103
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>Westernized Patriarchal Mindset

>> No.6385116

Being an atheist is taking a standpoint about the whole metaphysical debate.
Even if you only go as far as saying "god does not exist", which is quite a reactionary attitude more than an ideology with something to propose, you're not getting rid of your internal metaphysical debate, but more like replacing it with something else.

In the case of the *fedora tippers* is seems like they have all their faith in the cientific method, as this was the only "reasonable" way to solve any problem that life could present. In fact they go as far as thinking that they could solve life itself.

Austistic fedora tippers feel so catered by this because it's simple and it has tangible results in the real world.
If would be funny to see them exposed to some good epistemology. I would like to see how they faces melt when they hear some good arguments debunking the cientific method, or at least showing the flaws of it and how limited actually is.

>> No.6385119

stop oppressing me, atheist shitlord

>> No.6385120

>in the name of huan reason
I lost it.

>> No.6385123

He's right.

>> No.6385148
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This one's good.

>> No.6385155

>before embracing free thought and reason
>renounce that primitive rite
AAAYYYYYYY !!!! The spooks are strong on this one.

>> No.6385163

>We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive
If it was assumed by the majority that Elvis was still alive, you were criticised for saying he wasn't and you got tax breaks for saying he was, then there would be a word for it.

This is just the etymological fallacy, focusing on the dictionary definition of the word atheism rather than how it is used in society.

>> No.6385166


>le sneer culture maymay!

Pleease die.
You can't produce anything.

>> No.6385174


>debunking the cientific method
It works even if it's flawed initially. Planes fly, computers compute. Refusing science is silly.

>solve life itself
Oh come on, what does it even mean?

If not on reason, then on what should we base our problem solving? What should guide us?

>> No.6385178

the answer is

>> No.6385189


Get triggered, fat cunt

>> No.6385192
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>If it was assumed by the majority that Elvis was still alive, you were criticised for saying he wasn't and you got tax breaks for saying he was, then there would be a word for it.

The Numbers of people who beleive Elvis is alive are small, however there are very large numbers of people who do believe a lot of bullshit, and no names for the people who reject it.

>> No.6385228

There's a large number of people that believe a large number of silly things. But ear candling and levitation aren't believed by the majority. Until acupuncture has a special day of rest in the calender and the money says "under bigfoot we trust" there wouldn't need to be abigfootists.

>> No.6385240

To be fair, the whole idea of original sin is abhorrent.

>> No.6385257

>To be fair, the whole idea of original sin is abhorrent.

What Eve did was abhorrent.

Our entire species is now forever cast out of the Garden of Eden, and her descendants still carry the weight of her sin. I think you are forgetting that she had been granted PARADISE and still disobeyed God.

Official dogma dictates that every baby is born with original sin, there is no getting around that, and a baptism performed with holy water cleanses them of that sin and brings them into the loving heart of Christ the Redeemer.

>> No.6385263

Yeah trying to think of something original is hellish these days
Oh wait, this one's funnier

>> No.6385268


>truth isn't truth because it hurts muh feels

>> No.6385276


Looks like someone was triggered.

>> No.6385292

You idiot. If she hadn't sinned, someone else would have. That's the nature of man.

>> No.6385295

spot on

>> No.6385296


>> No.6385309

Well meme'd my friend :^D

>> No.6385310

why did god create her with a sinful nature then lmao

>> No.6385313

>let me tell you how to green text

>> No.6385315


When people claim to have the moral high ground while using something that is both abhorrent and clearly fictional as justification they should be disregarded.

>> No.6385324
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>tipping intensifies

>> No.6385325

>why did god create her with a sinful nature then lmao

He didn't give her a 'sinful nature', he gave her the gift of free will, the responsibility to make her own decisions, and she was unable to resist temptation.

>> No.6385326

because your a fag

>> No.6385329

>clearly fictional
This level of tipping is impressive. At least a 7 on the tipometer.

>> No.6385330

You people need to get an actual counter-point.

And your head would explode if you went to any Western country other than the US.

>> No.6385335

>because your a fag

See me after class.

>> No.6385338
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>> No.6385339

shut up general dicklicker

>> No.6385340

>You people
Just because I am a woman of color, you think you have the right to say "you people"?

>> No.6385342

Doesn't the fact a word is widely used show it's necessary?

>> No.6385343

negro slut need to go to reddit
this is Anonymous bitch
we re legion

>> No.6385346


>> No.6385347

>shut up general dicklicker

See me after class.

>> No.6385349

'The biblical story of creation is fictional' is not a remotely controversial statement unless you are a religious extremist and/or mentally ill. So why do you idiots spend all day calling anybody who realises the obvious a fedora tipper.

The fact some of you are atheists yourselves makes it even more pathetic, if you were a butthurt Christian it would at least make some sense.

>> No.6385352
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>See me after class.
See me after mass

>> No.6385356


>> No.6385360
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>> No.6385362

Most people don't care enough to do that though.

The Average American calls themselves a christian, but doesn't give two shits about religion, and probably goes to church twice a year at most.

>> No.6385367

it's is LE MEME JEW
the most EPIN and SILLY meme OF THEM ALL
I mean

I especially love when he says "oi vee gorim"
can you post some pictures like that

>> No.6385368

>Doesn't the fact a word is widely used show it's necessary?
Like "you know" among the British upper class. Absolutely necessary.

"I was taking a stroll outside of the manor. Just, you know, admiring the rolling countryside, when one of those, you know, those bloody peasants accosted me with, you know, one of those, you know, those whatjamacallits . . . err, you know, one of those things that they use for, err. . . Oh rats, what are they called. The thinks with the, you know, the thing. . ."

>> No.6385370

>It works even if it's flawed initially.

Lots of things work even though they are flawed, including most popular religions. It dosn't matter if god exists, because the church manages to convince everyone to act as if it does, and thus is able to change the sociopolitical landscape in ways that benefit itself.

>> No.6385385
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This christposting shit has gone for enough.

>> No.6385391
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>> No.6385396

go read a fucking book on discourse analysis/pragmatics, you goon. "you know" is a discourse particle, and it has a function.

>> No.6385398
File: 11 KB, 655x275, le meme jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I mean like this

>> No.6385401

>'The biblical story of creation is fictional'
If your dogmatic belief were true: If your belief that "The biblical story of creation is fictional," had any truth to it at all, then babies wouldn't be born with original sin. As babies ARE born with original sin and require baptism, you are clearly wrong and probably one of those odious hat people from reddit.

>> No.6385403

I get the feeling that the whole question of God boils down to this: is the world uncreated or created?

We seem to have many good reasons to accept either.

>> No.6385411
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Maybe you could oy vey for me, Chaim?

>> No.6385422
File: 23 KB, 300x340, 1428259817001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the world uncreated or created?
it exists so it was created

>> No.6385426
File: 18 KB, 820x460, tee hee goyim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tee hee goyim

>> No.6385428

>Doesn't the fact a word is widely used show it's necessary?

>a discourse particle, and it has a function

Sorry. Could you help me with 'discourse analysis/pragmatics' then?

Which of these would be correct?
a) Something with a function is not a word.
b) A discourse particle is not a word.
c) If a discourse particle has a function, it is not a word.

>> No.6385436
File: 60 KB, 476x510, 1426715869092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Chaim, o-y v-e-y. Like a yid.

>> No.6385441
File: 22 KB, 820x460, oy vey is shoah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey is shoah

>> No.6385458
File: 989 KB, 746x742, jew_penny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's better! Just like back on the shtetl! Here's your jew penny as a reward.

>> No.6385472
File: 20 KB, 820x460, le meme jew owns money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i run this shit

>> No.6385481

>help me
>answer my uninformed questions that fit a senseless framework
not gonna do that for you, friend. There are plenty of things that aren't words that convey meaning. See: morpheme. There are also words that convey little lexical meaning, but have grammatical function. See: auxiliary verbs.

I won't define what a word is, because who can? fool's errand.

"you know" is a device used to show the attitude of the speaker, and also is used to create a structure for interaction with the hearer. this sort of thing is found in many languages throughout the world, and is not unique to posh english.

here are some books that would make good entry level reading:

>> No.6385492
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>I get the feeling that the whole question of God boils down to this: is the world uncreated or created?
ho mate, shit what have you done.

the world is created, once you separate the creation form the origin.

the creation is the question of the lack of the selfsufficiency

the uncreation is the question of the selfsufficiency

but now, the humanity asks about the selfsufficiency

By the results in biology, we know that it seems that the humanity does not really escape the world, the humanity is nothing but an animal, a bit special but many apes are just like us.
the world is then selfsufficient

the world is uncreated

if, on the contrary, we believe that the humanity is not really part of the world, that it is to world world by another degree of the animals, then the humanity holds an absolute place in the world. this is then the moment when the world no longer suffices to itself, since there are some degrees to be in the world since the humans are part of the world.

The world then ceases to be selfsufficient

the world is no longer to be sufficient to hold in itself its sufficient principle of existence.

the world is created

further :
if hte humanity is some strange part of the world, a part of the world which itself asks about its sufficiency, then the fact that somebody on earth, in the world, asks about the world shows that the world is created

>> No.6385548
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taking the bait (pic related):

We have words for "astrologer" and "alchemist" because most people are not astrologers or alchemists, therefore it is necessary to denote that astrologers, etc. are different. Similarly, we have the word "atheist" because most people are not atheists. If most people were and had always been atheists, we would not have nearly as much use for this word.

Nevertheless, it is silly to talk about whether or not words "should exist": if they do exist, they should. I am looking at this from the perspective of a linguist fyi.

>> No.6385553

>we have the word "atheist"

I don't have this word

Don't group me with your spooks

>> No.6385563

He jumped straight to a PhD or he only has a pleb degree?

>> No.6385566

>claims to be taking bait
>actually drops his own bait

If what you said is true, why do we have the word theist?

>> No.6385569

Free will is incoherent, and if it did exist, and it's existence entailed such suffering, it would be better if it didn't exist.

>> No.6385578

fuck me. i just spent about three minutes looking for nudes of her. are there any?

>> No.6385581

We cannot talk about the "usefulness" or "necessity" of language in terms of meaning, but only aesthetics. In other words, although all those "extra" words/phrases may look ugly to you, the sentence still conveys more or less the same amount of meaning as it would without them, and therefore it cannot objectively be said that they should be removed.

>> No.6385588

>being an ignorant, subservient animal forever in stasis


>> No.6385599

Because there is a need for it, i.e. to identify and group "theists". The point is that there is also a need for "atheist", and every other word that has ever existed. I merely gave a more specific explanation on why "atheist" is necessary/how it arose -- I didn't say that this explains the origins of all words, or that if a word does not conform to this origin then it is unnecessary, etc..

>> No.6385644


>> No.6385656

At least you didn't post a hat man

>> No.6385809

Anyone who knows basic Psychology realizes that Harris is a fraud using science to get Autists into buying his shitty books laden with sophomoric, half-baked ideas on spirituality and Religion

>> No.6386012

>it works even if it's flawed
Yes, but fedora tippers believe it's the ultimate way of understanding the world.
>what does it even mean?
Every single problematic that life presents is solved through a methodic analysis of the possible choices.

Have you ever read or talked with one of those guys? They lack even the most basics forms of intuition. For them life is just a giant paper waiting to be writed.

>> No.6386082

This. It's just was a matter of time before someone would fuck things up.

God was a douche, I'm glad he's dead.

>> No.6386194

"Basic psychology" is like "basic economics." It's oversimplified to the point of near-uselessness and its only purpose is to provide a reference point for further study to explain why almost all of it was wrong.

>> No.6386205

>My claim is that there are right and wrong answers to moral questions, just as there are right and wrong answers to questions of physics

>Just as there is no such thing as Christian physics or Muslim Algebra, we will see that there is no such thing as Christian or Muslim morality.

>Despite our perennial bad behavior, our moral progress seems to me unmistakable.

Based Sam Harris

>> No.6386215

>makes a claim
>doesn't justify it, just demands you accept is a fact because of a meaningless analogy

Sam Harris.

>> No.6386216

Are these actual quotes of his?

>> No.6386225

yes, they all can be found in The Moral Landscape

>> No.6386265

dodging the point. Sam Harris isn't a serious scientist in his field . Even his Atheist colleague thinks so here where he calls him a 'sorta scientist' , 'writer': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGPIzSe5cAU#t=14m

>> No.6386277


What the fuck is this? Why are you dumping your shit-tier metaphysics on me? I'm not reading this garbage.

>> No.6386286

It's because theism is a majority it gets a word
If barely anyone was religious of course it wouldn't need a word

But in history this is an "abnormal" thing

>> No.6386293

his PhD is in neuroscience, not philosophy. He only got a bachelor's in philosophy, which really doesn't mean anything at all.

>> No.6386296

We had a poll, and it's been established that /lit/ is mostly agnostic/atheist and just pretends to be christian

>> No.6386309

People are more honest in polls?

>> No.6386311

All I see here is fedoraposting

>> No.6386313

If anything people use polls as an opportunity to troll.

>> No.6386321

A single poll doesn't show anything, especially considering the majority of /lit/, myself included, never even saw this poll.
Also >>6386309

>> No.6386328

Is this real? If so that doesn't make any sense just as >>6386215 said.
If he actually said this, Sam Harris is a fucking hack.

>> No.6386337

I swear to you they're real quotes. Go to libgen and download the book and zoom out and search each chapter with cntrl + f if you don't believe me, you'll find every one there. I'd give you the page numbers but I got rid of the copy I had on my computer and I don't feel like downloading another

>> No.6386339

I am euphoric
We are euphoric

This is /lit/

>> No.6386354


Morality is NOT like algebra or physics. That's almost the entire reason Sam Harris is so fucking bewildered by Islam.

Ethics has to operate and unfold within cultural constructions. If your reaction to such limitations is to reject the culture altogether, you're not doing anything but promoting conflict.

A certain set of ethical rules-of-thumb can be established which are probably recognized by all cultures. This is the idea behind human rights.

But Sam and others fail to realize that this purely rational formulation of human rights cannot appeal to all cultures. In Islamic societies for example, it appears as a floating, bizarre and very human construction which is greeted with suspicion as a colonial device.

Human rights can have universal applicability, but their ethical foundations have to be formulated in languages which each culture understands. Floating rationality might work for the west, but it simply doesn't for most of the world.

Sam and others take this as grounds to reject those societies altogether, whereas they might make themselves useful by learning other "languages" (theological, cultural, revelatory, traditional, whatever; anything non-secular) and arguing for ways to make human rights viable within such languages.

It irritates me to no end, this fake "rationality." Morality is more like aesthetics than algebra for god's sake.

>> No.6386383

Oh look, the religious dope pretends to be Atheist to win an argument.

>> No.6386496
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>> No.6386769

i refuse to believe that people are truly convinvced by memeposting

>> No.6386798

Just because William Lane's Craig divine command theory of morality is shit (and divine command theory of morality was wrecked by Leibniz), doesn't mean his apologetics outside moral theory are. He's without a doubt the very best apologist for the historicity of the Gospels.