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/lit/ - Literature

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6384744 No.6384744 [Reply] [Original]

>It was at that moment that I finally realized... that I was no longer human.


>> No.6384750

Isn't that the name of the book?

>> No.6384760

Yeah, Daft Punk also has an album very similar to the title.

>> No.6384811

>there's a catch

>> No.6384970

>my name is Winston Smith and these are the documented events of year 1984
wasn't surprised bout this cheese tbh

>> No.6384997

>It's like we were all caught in an infinite jest

Stick to tennis, Wallace.

>> No.6385004

>I have to be Superman 4, the quest for peace

>> No.6385007
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>So this was him, huh. The "Great" Gatsby.

>> No.6385014

>He had done his crime, and punishment was his future.

You think this is a fucking joke, Fyodor?

>> No.6385016

>That's when it hit me - we were all part of the infinite jest

>> No.6385037

>As he watched his appendages float away, he made his farewell to arms.

;_; Hemingway, I....

>> No.6385046

> he sat for hours gazing at a portrait of the artist as a young man
Fucking Joyce, man

>> No.6385051

I think The Crying of Lot 49 has my favourite book title because the fact that the reader spends his time looking for the title only to find it at the end and how that ties in with the plot

>> No.6385056

> I am become The Stranger, the destroyer of arabs
Wtf Camus

>> No.6385065

>The body lay there, in a grove.

It must be a jap thing

>> No.6385071

>and that's the moment i realized...he was the great gatsby


>> No.6385085

>lolita, lolitaaaaaaaaa

Nabokov you basterd

>> No.6385086
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>My name is Jayne Eyre. If you're reading this, I am most likely dead.

Shit just got real

>> No.6385088

>And then I knew... Knew for a fact... That androids dream of electric sheep.
Really? I mean, really?

>> No.6385090


>> No.6385101

>I could finally see Graivty's Rainbow

Pynchon? More like Pleb-on

>> No.6385106

>and then Lena could really see the Light in August.
Faulkner pls.

>> No.6385117

>As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself having undergone a metamorphosis.

ya blew it

>> No.6385128

>John Grady Cole looked out across the bloodred plain at all the pretty horses


>> No.6385129

>At last, I understood the history of sexuality.

Really, Foucault?

>> No.6385138

pro tip: the book was named after the quote and not the other way around

>> No.6385153

>She asked him if there was still country for old men such as him out there. No he said.

Pulitzer Prize laureate

>> No.6385164

>As the stream of semen arched, traversing through the air and catching the light so that every possible color was reflected into Slothrop's eye, that gooey projectile, that V2 semenschwarz rocket on its path to Katje's dripping asshole, Slothrop realized he had finally achieved Gravity's Rainbow

bravo pinecone

>> No.6385179

>This book will cover the basic understanding of Physics 1
Really Introduction to Physics 1? gotta namedrop in page 1?

>> No.6385182

>He rode through on through the Blood Meridian[1] and felt no thing
>[1]Or the evening redness in the west

You don't need a typewriter, CMC, you need to typeBETTER

>> No.6385194

> And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the Great Gatsby.
Omg it all makes sense now

>> No.6385199

>Like flies, we were all caught in Charlotte's web of lies.


>> No.6385215

>The house stood for one hundred years of solitude

Like why tho?

>> No.6385216

As he plucked the fruits from their stems and bit into them one by one, he could not help but admit that these were indeed truly ... the grapes of wrath.

are you fucking kidding me, nobel prize winner john steinbeck

>> No.6385224

>I took a toke of that fat blunt and sat back, ever the Stoner.

No wonder this piece of shit was forgotten for so long

>> No.6385233

>! chased my kid sister Phoebe through that lousy field, and brought her down to to the ground underneath me, and all. As I tore at her undergarments I realised that I had become, like, the catcher in the rye that I had always imagined myself to be, or whatever

wtf i thought they were in manhattan you creepy recluse

>> No.6385238

>"Where's the old man?" Pedro asked. "In the sea, I think" I told him.


>> No.6385282

>this was, with certitude, the horror at camp jellyjam

For ReaL, RL stine?

>> No.6385289

>one morning,he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect-like creature. from uneasy dreams, finnegan awoke

How but I stomp ur shit u fucken pussy Joyce

>> No.6385297

light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta
u aint foolin no 1, I see what u spelt there u smug mcaque

>> No.6385308
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>attempting this

>> No.6385314

>The spear tore a hole in the native's chest, and it in, I could see a Heart of Darkness.

Oh really, Conrad? OH, REALLY?

>> No.6385377

> Wyatt, in the perplexed state of subterranean loquacity, adored the portrait; of the light of God; and awakened were The Recognitions of his soul.

fuck you gaddis

>> No.6385393

>Ulysses (the cunning) looked back upon his journey, boy had he been though quite a bit; all he could say for sure was that it had been quite the Odyssey.

I knew this trend was old, but Homer, really?

>> No.6386092

>not getting the point of the thread

>> No.6386116
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>Gregor thought to himself "man. I have undergone a metamorphosis."

More like Franz Crapa

>> No.6386491

>she cleaned up the entire server network, using, naturally, the broom of the system

this is such bullshit

>> No.6387031

>"When you play the Game of Thrones, you either win or you die. There is no middle ground."

Nice job GURM

>> No.6387056
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Damn a lot of days since i laughed like this, well done /lit/