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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 400x619, nine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6383809 No.6383809 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ do sharethreads?
I have something special for you guys.:^)

The Compleat Moon Shadow (1985-1987)
>fairytale, surrealist, cyberpunk, longform poetry

>> No.6383817
File: 441 KB, 391x331, 1411870043771.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6383820

It's twelve independent .cbr
I needed to compress them somehow.

>> No.6385157

This is a good idea wasted on a not very good board. Don't feel down OP

>> No.6385172

It's not really an original idea by any means. We have sharethreads all the time on /mu/ and I'm hosting lots of ebooks between Mega and slsk, so I was just wondering if you guys did the same thing.

>> No.6385191

Thanks! Ignore the compooter illiterates who can't handle a .rar

>> No.6387050
File: 85 KB, 497x750, lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lawrence Lessig - Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress--and a Plan to Stop It
>political commentary, socioeconomics
Title is pretty self-explanatory. Good book

>> No.6387064
File: 265 KB, 1560x2273, prophet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khalil Gibran - The Prophet
>26 prose poetry essays written in English by the Lebanese artist, philosopher and writer Kahlil Gibran

>> No.6387093
File: 33 KB, 234x346, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lloyd Kenyon Jones - The Eighteen Absent Years of Jesus Christ
>speculation into the unaccounted years of Jesus according the Biblical testimony

>> No.6387100

is this good? do biblical scholars trust it?

>> No.6387111

>is this good?
I dunno, I enjoyed it.
>do biblical scholars trust it?
Who cares. It's fun to entertain. It's nothing obscenely outside the realm of possibility.

>> No.6387134
File: 22 KB, 260x396, germs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jared Diamond - Guns, Germs, and Steel
>seeks an extremely thorough and multifaceted answer to how the powers that be were prosed for colonial and imperial dominance

>> No.6387141


> Who cares. It's fun to entertain. It's nothing obscenely outside the realm of possibility.

not him, but why read that when there's tons of exciting stuff that's actually accepted by scholars? sell me on it

>> No.6387145

We have them all the time, from the start of the board. Just seems to have been a bad crowd today.

>> No.6387170

It can be read in under and hour and is substantiated with some Biblical history. It's just pretty rare for ebooks so I figured I'd share it.

>> No.6387194

Hardly "all the time". There's a sharethread up every now and then but most often there isn't.
Good on you OP.

>> No.6387203

At least monthly. Is there a need for one more often? I mean, it's books, not music. There's only so much need for free books to read. Mostly people barely get through a dozen each month.

>> No.6387220

though if you're going to open a thread on a /lit/ board with a comic you ought to at least make it explicit that it's a comic and that you need to extract the files or use a comic reader to view them. Most people here are tech-illiterate.

>> No.6387250

whut. It's a fucking .rar file, it's not like a .gpg or a hidden .jpg file or anything incredibly advanced. You can't be serious.

>> No.6388740

It's a great series. I have the trade, so I don't need the cbrs, but anyone who can't open a rar file should just kill themselves now and get it over with.

>> No.6388805

If you're not into comics, you don't know what CBR/CBZ are. Hell, you'd be surprised how many people do read comics and don't know that they're renamed rar/zip files.

>> No.6389297

/lit/ really ought to have more sharethreads.

>> No.6390178

I've got a bibliotik account. If anyone wants me to look for something ye can't find on libgen and bookfi just ask.

>> No.6390307


"Three Men in a Boat" by Jerome K. Jerome

>> No.6390359

the size of the universe by joseph cardinale

>> No.6390375

It's on libgen
Check before asking, don't be a dipshit

No luck man, sorry.

>> No.6390511
File: 28 KB, 300x464, Infinite_jest_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest
>New-Sincerity, Metamodernist Literature, Maximalism

>> No.6390553


>> No.6390564

this is on gutenberg nigga

>> No.6391578

Joris Karl huysmans -Marthe: The Story of a Whore

can anyone find that? id appreciate it

>> No.6391607


or for that matter, Parisian Sketches, Stranded. Those 2 books to. thanks. i cant find them anywhere.

>> No.6391802

Jean Baudrillard - The Agony of Power

>> No.6393576

Wise Blood?

>> No.6394646



None on bibliotik.
Huysmans' I found: Là-Bas, and Against Nature
and Baudrillard, there's pretty much anything BUT that one. Sorry.

>> No.6394688

>We Bibliotik now.

Is this you? Get cracking, nigga, download and share.

Also thanks OP, there's never a bad time for a sharethread. If you wanna upload files under 50 mb, I recommend you use pomf.se, super fast and easy, no login necessary.

>> No.6394772

Sure man, I've got no problem in sharing (it's not even against the rules or anything), but give me something to look for, I ain't going to download everything.

>> No.6395013


Could you look up ifctheres any milan kundera? Id like to read more of him, only read unbearabke lightness. Thanks. (Epub)

>> No.6395035


Sorry to bother again. But could you look up if theres any gustav meyrink? Ive only read the golem. Thank you.

>> No.6395086

Guys, you really oughta learn to use libgen, it's as simple as googling, there's a lot in there:
However, there are some more in bibliotik. If there's any in specific you're looking for, ask me and I'll get it for ya.

Currently fetching "The Opal and other Stories", and "The Green Face", will post links in a while.

>> No.6395109

Seeder doesn't seem to be online right now, and I'm leaving for work in a while. Will post it tomorrow after I wake up if it's done by then.
If thread 404's I'll make a new one and post it there once it's downloaded, so don't worry.

>> No.6395173

Sorry bout the flood

Noise; The Political Economy of Music (Jaques Attali)
Anarchy After Leftism (Bob Black)
Chaos - The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism (Peter Lamborn Wilson)
Slow Chocolate Autopsy (Iain Sinclair)
King Mob - Nosotros el Partido del Diablo (King Mob)
Role Models (John Waters)
Pursuit of the Millenium (Norman Cohn)
Heliogabalus; or the Crowned Anarchist (Antonin Artaud)
Hatta Shuzo and Pure Anarchisim in Interwar Japan (John Crump)
The Mysteries of Mithras The Pagan Belief that Shaped Christianity (Payam Nabarz)
Persuasion and Rhetoric (Carlo Michaelstaedter)
Legitimizing the Artist: Manifesto Writing and European Modernism 1885-1915 (Luca Somigli)

and last: Anything by René Girard and Mark Dery

>> No.6395200

Do your homework first. First title I checked, and it's on libgen. Look for every single one on that list in there, and when you've got some you couldn't find, come again and I'll gladly see if it's uploaded on the tracker.

>> No.6395204
File: 37 KB, 409x409, 1426880440515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they have RE/Search magazine? Especially their Ballard edition? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RE/Search

Lovecraft's correspondence, all volumes?

Solar Labyrinth: Exploring Gene Wolfe's "Book of the New Sun" by Robert Borski?

Gate of Horn, Book of Silk: A Guide to Gene Wolfe's The Book of the Long Sun and The Book of the Short Sun: Michael Andre-Driussi

Strokes by John Clute

Gene Wolfe: An annotated bibliography and criticism on Wolfe's science fiction and non-fiction writing: Joan Gordon

Can you sort by publisher like on libgen? If so, are there books from Dedalus or Creation Press? Especially Dedalus, there are not nearly enough on libgen. Anything is good.

>> No.6395213

keep 'em coming, it only takes 20 secs to search for each of those on bibliotik. Got a few of those for you, some are epubs, some pdf, there's one djvu. Not the best, but it's what we got.

>> No.6395221

>Solar Labyrinth
>Gate of Horn
>more Wolfe

Sure, there are quite some of Dedalus, I'll look for a collection and start downloading them, but won't be posting until tomorrow

>> No.6395227

Sorry about that, I've checked those books some time ago and none of them were there. Most of them still aren't, namely

Chaos - The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism (Peter Lamborn Wilson)
Slow Chocolate Autopsy (Iain Sinclair)
King Mob - Nosotros el Partido del Diablo (King Mob)
Pursuit of the Millenium (Norman Cohn)
Heliogabalus; or the Crowned Anarchist (Antonin Artaud)
Hatta Shuzo and Pure Anarchisim in Interwar Japan (John Crump)
Persuasion and Rhetoric (Carlo Michaelstaedter)
Legitimizing the Artist: Manifesto Writing and European Modernism 1885-1915 (Luca Somigli)

>> No.6395229

Thank you!

Shame that RE/Search seems to be unobtainable, I was intrigued by that magazine.

>> No.6395239

Honestly, I've been trying to read some of these for so long that I'd be more than glad if you sent me a 300 jpeg zip file.

Thank you very much

>> No.6395247

You can find some RE/Search stuff on academia.edu, and physical copies are somewhat easy to find (though some might be a bit expensive).

It's a good magazine, well worth the money

>> No.6395254
File: 205 KB, 388x408, Screen Shot 2015-04-11 at 3.35.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you post what format it's in you fucking pleb.

Post mobis only. [Seriously guys get a kindle]

>> No.6395255

It seems to require registration which I cannot do at the moment due to severe OCD. Will keep it in mind, thank you and if anyone can be bothered to upload it on mega or wherever, all the better.

>> No.6395256

Found one named Dedalus Decadence Series
Downloading that one. Might take a while since there don't seem to be many seeders.
There are more books however; if you want specifics, ask.

>Persuasion and Rhetoric (Carlo Michaelstaedter)
Is that one the one you found as .djvu, other anon? If you're already downloading that one tell me so that we don't end up posting the same stuff.

The rest aren't on bibliotik as far as I've seen (though the site was kind of shitty today, I'll give it another scan tomorrow).

>> No.6395261

why not just pdf so all formats can read.

>> No.6395265

How to get account? daskb1@gmail.com if anyone can send an invite:^)

>> No.6395272

Because some fuck retards literally scan the book. PDF is fine if its text and not scans

>> No.6395278

Yeah, Persuasion and Rhetoric is the one I'm getting him, .djvu. There were a few other of those (>>6395173) on Bib, but don't worry, I'm getting them for him.

Getting you John Waters, Norman Cohn, Michaelstaedter, and some Girard and Dery. I'll check aaaarg later, because they're big on anarcho-lit, so you might be lucky. Check back tomorrow, seeds are dead tonight.

>> No.6395295

Antonio Gramsci - The Prison Notebooks, Volume 2 (Translated by Joseph A. Buttigieg) cant seem to find it. I will be very thankful if u stumble upon it. If not, thanks anyway.

>> No.6395297

when's your birthday, anon?

>> No.6395300

Because pdf doesn't transfer good on kindle. It shows text in lines, not paragraphs.

>> No.6395304

From Dedalus:

Vivo: The Life of Gustav Meyrink by Mike Mitchell

Most of anthologies Dedalus puts out (they start with 'Dedalus Book of' and only few are online)

The Zero Train, by Yuri Buida

I have not read Dedalus' published authors so that's why I asked for search by publisher, if/when you have time. Any/most of it is good, they are not too sensational in their approach to marginal subjects.

The Man Who Was Norris by Tom Cullen

>> No.6395306

June 6th, 1996

>> No.6395308

How the hell do you think books get digitalised and OCRed in the first place?
>fuck retards

>> No.6395314

Ok folks, I'm getting out for today. Currently downloading:

>The Dedalus Book of Decadence
>Meyrink's The Green Face

Also, downloaded this one for myself, but in case anyone else wants it:
Jamie Ward - The Student's Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience [3rd Edition/2015]

>The Opal - Gustav Meyrink

>Solar Labyrinth Exploring Gene Wolfe's BOOK OF THE NEW SUN - Borski, Robert

>Dedalus Decadence (only missing Stableford's Book of Decadence so far)

Because pdf is shit. Every other format can be manipulated and converted to the others (even to pdf) without much hassle, but pdf breaks everything down, even when it's just text.

Not getting one from me, but good luck with it.


Found only
>Selection from the Prison Notebooks
But I'm leaving, perhaps the other anon can download it for you if you want it.

Gonna sort for publisher and paste a list here then, but tomorrow.
>The Man Who Was Norris
ain't there though

See you tomorrow people, have a nice night!

>> No.6395319

I think you're missing the point. Some people would prefer to only download books that have already been digitalized. I'm sure someone pople wouldn't care it was just a suggestion for the *share thread*

>> No.6395320

Molecules at an Exhibition by John Emsley

Also by Emsley:

An A-Z of the Elements

The Elements

there's quite a few of his books on libgen but not these. Thank you for searching.

>> No.6395326
File: 1.93 MB, 1200x1627, 1426807838943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again and good night

>> No.6395342

John Emsley
>The elements of nature: a history of poison

There's 52 Dedalus books on Bib, I'll just go ahead and get them all and post a .rar here.

>> No.6395346

Does anyone have Edward Abbey's Desert Solitaire?

>> No.6395364

>Gothic lolita game
What game is that?

>> No.6395370

Thanks, that one from Emsley is on libgen already.


He's pop-sci but I like how concise he is about chemistry and what it does to everyday life.

>There's 52 Dedalus books on Bib, I'll just go ahead and get them all and post a .rar here.

Great, thanks!

>> No.6395372

This series kicks ass. Glad to see it getting some love.

>> No.6395374
File: 424 KB, 1920x1080, 1426880689277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloodborne. Also that's a doll.

>> No.6395386


seriuosly recommending this

>> No.6395397

did you forget to greentext that?

>> No.6395486

Thank you man, yoi're a saint

>> No.6395508

How to apply for a aaaarg account?

>> No.6395551

I just got an account. It's fucking garbo. wtf is all requests and shit

>> No.6395905

but, how can I get one?

>> No.6396619


Thanks, I see Laughable Loves there, Im computer retarded, which mirror do I click? Is libgen usually safe? I would like any other book by him thats on bibliotik, if thats okay.

>> No.6396623

Does anyone have an ebook of Andre Bretons Nadja or any fiction by Jean Cocteau?

>> No.6396641

Danilo Kis - Garden, Ashes, Hourglass, A Tomb for Boris Davidovich

>> No.6396724

jesus h. christ

>> No.6396944

What is it, anon?

>> No.6397158

Usually the first mirror, but they should all work anyways. Libgen is pretty safe, double check everything you dl, but yeah, it's safe.

>> No.6397636

Any chance you have a list of what you have?

>> No.6397738

Most of it is being hosted on slsk.
Username fora-mejora

>> No.6399532

The Dedalus Collection, 52 books for your personal enjoyment.


Not gonna bother listing them, somebody can take a screenshot of the .rar for you guys.

>> No.6399632

>Escape velocity _ cyberculture at the en - Dery, Mark, 1959-.pdf

>Evolution and Conversion - Rene Girard.epub

>michelstaedter - persuasion and rhetoric.djvu

>Role Models - John Waters.mobi

>Violence and the Sacred - Rene Girard.pdf

>> No.6399645

>Norman Cohn - The pursuit of the millenium

>> No.6399662

> people literally complaining about their precious FREE download being not their favorite file type ever

Holy shit /lit/ you're worse and more entitled than /v/ and /mu/ put together

>> No.6399681

Some time ago, an anon uploaded don quixote that he/herself made(scanned/formatted etc..). apparently it was the best version available on the net (according to both him/her and the other anons who commented on it). But im struggling to find that upload link and the 4chan archive post it was located in, so for those,who have downloaded it, i will be grateful if you are able to point me to the direction

>> No.6400468
File: 331 KB, 1217x1772, 1427341468896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you amigo

>> No.6400494

wow these fucking .rar files contain a lot of formats i have no interest in

>tfw no html files

>> No.6400637
File: 45 KB, 500x500, HPL_SL_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no one cared to digitalize complete Lovecraft's letters considering the 'dedicated' fanbase and all?

That being said, does anyone have Storm of Steel in epub or mobi?

>> No.6400867

Dude, thank you forever

>> No.6400878

Double check those pdf's anon, a few have malware attached.

>> No.6401276

Yukio mishima - forbidden colors
Yasunari kawabata - palm of the hand stories

Does anyone have ebooks of those 2? Thankee

>> No.6401704

bullshit, they're straight off of bibliotik, no malware there.

I've seen you requesting this in previous threads. Sorry, can't find them anywhere.

>> No.6401713

The Dark Domain by Stefan Grabiński
Anything in English by Arseny Tarkovsky (probably "Life, Life: Selected Poems")
The Tunnel by William H. Gass

>> No.6401764

>does anyone have Storm of Steel in epub or mobi?


>> No.6401862


My nigga. Would also like Arseny Tarkovsky.

>> No.6402283

>Dark Domain

>Forbidden Colors
>Palm of the Hand

Downloading those right now. Goin to sleep, check back in a few hours.

Thanks man, nice job.

>> No.6402413

thank you!

>> No.6402440


Dude, if you seriously found those 2 ebooks. I will be so happy. Thank you so much.

>> No.6403695


Good luck for both of you!

>Dark Domain
>Forbidden Colors
>Palm of the Hand

>Meyrink's The Green Face

>> No.6403713

>Slow Chocolate Autopsy (Iain Sinclair)

If you steal this book from Iain then you're a proper cunt m8. He's still alive, and he's skint. Buy the fucking book.

>> No.6403725
File: 98 KB, 704x1134, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I made a screenshot of content

100000 hours in mspaint

>> No.6403744

Tried adding "http" to your archive search? might bring down the volume it returns to something you can sift through

>> No.6403757

you could also search for "quijote" instead of "quixote"

>> No.6404855

Zip em up and send me a rar and I'll host them on slsk forever.

>> No.6404870

If I manage to get one (which I couldn't last year), it'll be used anyway

>> No.6404983

the original file here >>6399532 is already a rar.

>> No.6404987

those... already... literally the post they were replying to...

>> No.6405247
File: 32 KB, 343x403, 1426881595860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some sort of writers' diary/correspondence/letters collection on bibliotik? That kind of stuff is not found too often on libgen.

>> No.6406159

post some titles and I'll look them up, the browse funciton on bib sucks.

>> No.6406189

go look up the audiobook of in search of lost time on the internet archive. It's fcking exquisite, realistically you're not reading that shit yourself, so get someone else to

>> No.6406313

Can anyone find a Penguin edition of Gerald of Wales' History of Ireland? (epub) thanks.this thread has been great.

>> No.6406332

The Confessions of Victor X, one of the books that prompted Nabokov to write Lolita.


>> No.6406399



>> No.6406666

Theres this 'obscure' russian book called Novel With Cocaine, i havent been able to find it.

Im posting from mobile, so excuse me, is ernesto sabatos el tunnel on libgen? If not, does someone have it? En espanol.

>> No.6406683

>En espanol.

best place for that is espaebook.com. They have plenty of stuff. If you get confused with the download links (a lot of them are ads), read the instructions.

>> No.6406707

Chris Adrian- The Childrens Hospital
Iain Sinclair- Landor's Tower

>> No.6406937

got anything on hemingway, proust, malarme, crowley, robert e howard in that regard?

>> No.6406975

Thanks for Dark Domain!

>> No.6407023


I prefer epublibre to espaebook tbh. The community is more involved and it has a better web design.

>> No.6407225


someone should sticky that dedalus folder.

>> No.6407251

post an email and someone will probably send you

>> No.6407686

>someone should sticky that dedalus folder.

Keep in mind I made a small mistake and added a few books in that .rar that are not Dedalus, like the John Waters book and the MFA book.

>> No.6409369

Ive asked before in other sharethreads, if anyone can find Lady Shikibus diary, I would love that, I think its a penguin release.

Btw, does anyone here use mobilism?

>> No.6411001

Not on bibliotik as of yet, sorry.

>> No.6411038


Is "Levels of the Game is a 1969 book by John McPhee, nominally about tennis and tennis players, but exploring deeper issues as well." on the site?

>> No.6411959

>use mobilism
What do you mean by "use"?
I occasionally grab books from there that I haven't found elsewhere first, sure. Sometimes browse the latest releases too on these occasions but it's 99% the garbage you'd expect

>> No.6412104
File: 59 KB, 300x438, weird_2303[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any one knows where I can get weird tales magazine prior to 1931? all I can find is stuff 1931+

>> No.6412121


>> No.6412823


I too would be interested in this.

>> No.6412847

i too

>> No.6414974


>> No.6415338


Fuck, I'd even take post-1931 stuff.

>> No.6415406

me, too. all i have is 15 issues from the 80s, if somebody would be interested in that i could upload them