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6383075 No.6383075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>get promoted to management in Cisco
>they make me to fire twenty people I used to work with
>"baptism of fire"
>find out later from one of my management co-workers that it's just a way of severing loyalty with the workers and shitting on them to show your new dominance, and to cement loyalty with management

I feel like shit, on the verge of hating capitalism. should I try reading Marx? can Christ absolve me of my sins? where do I go from here?

>> No.6383083

Christ will absolve you brother.

>> No.6383097

Only if its with the one and holy Catholic church

>> No.6383103

Christ will absolve you no matter what, but would want you to do the right thing also. In this case probably quitting and perhaps writing an account of this to the media.

>> No.6383111

be Machiavellian for once in your miserable late capitalist life instead of the spineless untermensch your absentee dad and overbearing mother raised you to be and put yourself into a position to fire the old management

>> No.6383119


hope this has the answers you need OP

>> No.6383120

Capitalism is a tool of the devil, Anon. Reject the tyranny of banking and markets and embrace distributism.

>> No.6383121

>on the verge of hating capitalism
It is the superstructure that breeds and nurtures this sickening practice. To feel better/make it up to them, maybe you could help them look for work and be a good reference.
>where do I go from here?
Fuck this Christ meme, He's dead and knows nothing of this world. You already belong to a church, fine, use the connectings to help your old co-workers out

>> No.6383134

What denomination?should I get rid of my wealth to be a serious Christian? I make a hundred-and-sixty grand a year

what about the episcopal church? I've been seeing some good things about them posted on this board

I was made to understand that this is pretty common in a lot of companies, I don't know how much good the media would do. I should probably look for another job to slip into if I'm going to quite, though, but I don't know where else I'd rather work where me resume would hold a lot of water, considering the idea that this sort of thing is common

>> No.6383140

Christ will absolve you, so will opium.

>> No.6383146

oh whoopee, you think things are going to get any more ethical the higher you go? you know, the average salary of a ceo comes to about $7000 an hour, I bet the higher you climb, the more blood is on your hands

I might help them with a reference, but I feel awkward as hell getting in touch with them when I was friends with a lot of them, and I fired them right after getting promoted. it's like slapping them in the face and I think that's what it was supposed to be

>> No.6383166
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>f*** this christ meme
I'm praying for you butterfly, you know not what you say.

>> No.6383169

It was a slap in the face. Now awkwardly get in contact with them and help them. Ask forgiveness from them (Certainly not Jezzeeus)

>I bet the higher you climb, the more blood is on your hands
Absolutely. Just look at the oil companies. They're responsible for most of the environmental disasters we suffer and the all wars we fight.

>> No.6383170
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just kill yourself

>> No.6383175
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>> No.6383177

Read Up In The Air by Walter Kirn on lunch break.

>> No.6383186

Buy a well loved copy of The Prince and bury it in your second drawer.

>> No.6383193

>Just look at the oil companies. They're responsible for most of the environmental disasters we suffer and the all wars we fight.
[citation fucking needed]

>> No.6383201

Schedule the full text of Stephen King's The Shining to print on all printers, and fire your secretary for not telling you how a printer network is connected before you picked up some light reading. This works better if your office printers are not connected to a network.

>> No.6383219

>Insist every team member reads your novel or there will be another purge
>Never publish

>> No.6383296

>Just look at the oil companies. They're responsible for most of the environmental disasters we suffer and the all wars we fight.

5 out of 25 http://list25.com/25-biggest-man-made-environmental-disasters-in-history/5/

The long term effects of oil spills are still not well understood. But despite the initial environmental damage caused by spills, environments can often recover quickly. The run-off of fertilizers into the gulf of Mexico is probably causing more long term harm than the recent oil spill in the same area.

>> No.6383315

>the wars we fight?
>buzzfeed tier list puts some an oil spill at number 5

I'm not saying our environment isn't fucked but that oil is being bought by everyday people who are equally complicit. All those people filling their cars with gasoline and putting on a shit ton of hair spray and buying cattle thats been shipped across the country are participating in the destruction of the environment not just some shady room full of exxon executives. Unless you walk everywhere you share some of that blame anon.

>> No.6383333
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>not hating every single one of your coworkers
>not relishing in the opportunity to fire them

Clearly you are not living the literary lifestyle

>> No.6383334

Uh-hu. Your point being?

>> No.6383365

>Your point being?
blaming the oil companies for global warming is like blaming Mcdonalds for making you fat

blaming them for "all the wars" means you should look into an appointment with a psychiatrist

>> No.6383370

proving my point re: you are a spineless faggot. you need to restructure your thinking or leave the country you are living in

>> No.6383386
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ITT: Christians realise anarchism is the true Christian system.

>> No.6383393
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>> No.6383402

Well I do blame capitalism more than just the oil companies. I'm not one to call for their CEOs hanging or anything like that. I just want the system fixed.
>you should look into an appointment with a psychiatrist
Oh child. I hope you mature soon.


>> No.6383416

sounds like you should switch from Cisco to Christo, friendo

>> No.6383431


hey op what is your salary?

>> No.6383483


>> No.6383490

Dedicate half of it to hiring new people, invent a company just to give money away.

>> No.6383493


>> No.6383494

Real talk, what the fuck do you even do with that much money?

Assuming that you don't have a wife and kids, that's an insane amount of money. Wife and kids makes it less, sure, but I can't imagine what I'd do with that money, man

30k pleb here, and I wish I had more, definitely, but 5x as much is into "why can't I hold all these dollars" territory

Just wanting to know what it's like

>> No.6383508

I don't think I can hire a lot of people with half that, maybe two or three

I have sex with a lot of women in haunting memory of the patrician gf I used to have but we never consummated our relationship. and she's disgusted with me now because I'm le bourgeois pig. I also take kickass vacations and go out to eat a lot, but the company pays for that more often than you'd think. and I own two nice cars a very nice house

>> No.6383539

You could start a literary magazine open to unpublished authors. If you want an editor you could get a dozen from /lit/ who would work just to have a real paper magazine in their curriculum.

>> No.6383627
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what education/certs do you have?

>> No.6383636

>not getting over your first love

>> No.6383647
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jesus would have walked into your office and slapped the shit our of everyone

>> No.6383653

Lol, /lit/ has had several tries at this and they all fucking failed because /lit/ refused to even appreciate them.

>> No.6383659

This, becoming a christfag is just trying to distance yourself.

Donating money is just a way to try and free yourself the fact your bourgeois as fuck. Face it your just a capitalist with a conscience.

>> No.6383732

everyone should read capital
you may also want to read into accelerationism

>> No.6383736

It's funny because those banks are Jewish

>> No.6383739

YEah, there's been four that i know. Are any still going, i've literally forgotten the names to all of them and i've posted poems to each.

>> No.6383740

>tech company
>ever getting rid of anyone who isn't a detriment to the company

cool story OP. non-techfags out there: trust me, this would never happen

if it did happen, they were shit employees in the first place

>> No.6383743

>lets fire experienced people so we have to advertise, train up new hires and take the hit to productivity just for one new member of management's promotion

Is this what's its like to work in murrica? Do workers have any rights at all? Are none of them in a union?

>> No.6383745

Just a /mu/tant passing through. Is this actually a Christian board?

>> No.6383754

it makes the price of the stock go up when you fire people. a lot of the people who own the company aren't owning it long-term, their speculators, so firing is people is really good

>> No.6383758
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>> No.6383770

Yes, now be gone heathen.

>> No.6383772

>that happened

>> No.6383780

>ITT : Things that never happened

>> No.6383784

good, i can say that I have a small penis then

>> No.6383791

small penises r cute :3

>> No.6383816

You knew how thing where from the begining.
Go cry somewhere else.

>> No.6383832

Corporations don't do this idiot.

>> No.6383862

Corporations cull employees all the time, it's called rank and yank. You look at the bottom performing such-and-such percentage, and you fire them all, or a selection from them. They don't have to be bad employees, necessarily, it's a matter of whether or not they're making a lot more money for the company depending on how much their pay has been going up, because however much training costs, an awful lot more can be recouped by firing someone who has had a lot of pay raises and hiring someone fresh.

If OP was telling the truth, they were just assigning him to do the firing of the people they selected. What they're doing isn't really outrageous or illegal or even crazy, it's common business practice with actual results, especially in share value.

>> No.6383876

Quit being a pussy and absolve yourself.

>> No.6383898

*snickers* of course not, we're mostly atheist although most have a great respect for Islam and Islamic culture/literature

>> No.6383903

It's amazing though from a non-American standpoint, workers have a lot more rights elsewhere it seems.

>> No.6383914

Isn't that the thong song guy?

>> No.6383917

Where the FUCK are you assholes coming from?

>> No.6383919

Well Reagan is popular among the working class here, should tell you something. Why socialists should think workers too stupid to eve comprehend their own fundamental interests should be running the entire economy is beyond me, but it might make more sense in Europe.

>> No.6383933

This. Anyone who has actually had a (even junior) management level position at a blue chip corporate like Cisco knows OP's story doesn't make sense.

>> No.6383934

My cousin is a senior manager as Cisco and she went through something like OP, everyone she fired was older than her too. My mom ran into one of the people she fired, neither of them knew it, but they both found it out through conversation, and the person vandalized my mom's car later (at least I'm pretty sure it was them).

>> No.6383987

I'm not calling for workers of the world to unite or anything, just pointing out there are regulations in place to prevent summary terminations like this, and unfair dismissal procedures, basic stuff I think. And while unions have turned into sick bloated parasites, they can help in these situations.

>> No.6384001

I am pretty sure most of them are pretending, some people take them seriously though.

>> No.6384010

>I just want the system fixed.
You are cute. You seriously believe such a thing will ever happen?

>> No.6384014

>a capitalist with a conscience.
The wrong kind of capitalist. I can't wait to start making 160k and having no regrets whatsoever

>> No.6384030

this sounds like a political issue. So you should ask /pol/ ;^)

>> No.6384082

You are a faggot. Marxism and unions are the reasons these practises exist.

>> No.6384121

It's not loyalty or whatever. New guys do the shittiest jobs noone wants.

Needless to say, the firing was about finances.

>> No.6384211

>He's dead and knows nothing of this world.
Neither does Marx

>> No.6384223
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>just pretending

>> No.6384234

Christ has died, Christ IS risen, Christ will come again.

>> No.6384245

Catholic church has consistently been the most anti-State organization in the West since the Fall of Western Roman Empire.

>> No.6384251

> I don't think I can hire a lot of people with half that, maybe two or three
> Hire people
> Make them do something productive
> ???
> Acquire profit

>> No.6384257

then shut the fuck up you little bitch

>> No.6384261

I am from Finland which has one of the highest unionization rates in the world and generally some of the most comprehensive workers rights, and I still know businesses that bind workers to them by giving a raise to someone made to fire their colleagues.

Competition, competition. Now thats what people want.

>> No.6384270

You mean the most significant statist organization in Europe for most of its history.

>> No.6384497


top lel

>> No.6384502

Long live the anarchist dream

Only after your rid yourself of the church and OT.

Shut up, bitch.

>> No.6384844

>should I try reading Marx?
I don't know, OP. Would you have rather executed them?

If so, then yes, you should read marx.

>> No.6384853

>I'm not calling for workers of the world to unite or anything

In that case you've already fucked up.