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/lit/ - Literature

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6382357 No.6382357 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a lazy fucking mess /lit/ and I cannot do anything productive for more than 15 minutes other than reading.

Are there any books that can help me become eager to study and eager to explore life?

Pic Unrelated

>> No.6382378

Read more philosophy and try to add more non-fiction into your reading list. Eventually you will be bored with reading and will have a strong urge to study.

>> No.6382386

any suggestions? or just general stuff

>> No.6382401

>read Tao Te Ching
>realize success is as dangerous as failure
>return to the source
>spend the rest of your days watching crickets dancing in the moonlight

>> No.6382447

Being and Time

>> No.6382451

I recommend you to read "The Age of Wonder" by Richard Holmes.

Then just try reading general stuff, it's up for you to decide what to read by what you find interesting. Just try to search for the quality stuff, and don't meddle with self-help or any shallow books of that sort.

>> No.6382759

>I'm a lazy fucking mess /lit/ and I cannot do anything productive for more than 15 minutes other than reading.
Fuck off to >>>/adv/

>Are there any books that can help me become eager to study and eager to explore life?
Helium suicide: a practical manual

>> No.6382765


>fearing danger

Nigga do you even live?

>> No.6382778

The Gay Science. Spiral out my man.

>> No.6382794

I can see you've never watched crickets in the moonlight.


>> No.6382803

>tfw can't focus on a book for more than 10 minutes anymore
>can only sit down, get comfy and read on very rare occasions

I don't know what happened anons. Hjälp mig

>> No.6382804


Like 60% of 4chan did wu wei through all his puberty and now they have crippling social issues and relationships problems with others.

>> No.6382805

I can't even imagine what it's like to be eager to explore life. I see it in movies and read in it books and it makes a lot of sense there but when applied to the real world, I don't get it.

>> No.6382812

>Like 60% of 4chan did wu wei through all his puberty and now they have crippling social issues and relationships problems with others.

Not really, they were like a paper boat in the mountain stream. But they were not the current. They were not the crickets. They were not the moon.

>> No.6382813


go and read in a place without a computer


I'm eager to explore life because I realize that my 20-30 are my best and only age when I can do a lot of things effortlessly and can get away with being unresponsable or stupid. YOLO

>> No.6382824


I'm pretty sure they weren't crickets neither the moon, and I'm also sure that 'doing what it brings' made them lose a lot. If they had someone that did say to them that they had to struggle and be real to their intentions without ironic dettachment, they would be a lot more happy today.

>> No.6382833


anyway i'm projecting

>> No.6382838

You're also entirely right about me and my former classmates anyway.

>> No.6382857
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>pic related

>> No.6382867

Wu wei requires an effortless effort, and effortlessness that is effortful. Wu wei requires both these things and neither. Wu wei requires. Wu wei does not require.

Sit facing the wall, in a chair or on the ground, very close to the wall, look at the wall with eyes half open, do not look at the wall.

A hikki and a neet were browsing an imageboard. They were on their way to wizard status and it was no fap February. They came across a touhou, standing by a river of shitposts. "Help me across this river to a high content thread," said the touhou. The hikki picked up the touhou, carried her across the shitposts, masturbated about the bloomer upskirt, and then walked on.

The neet and the hikki walked on until 2am, when Flan was posted. The neet asked the hikki, "It is no fap February, and we are wizards, why did you masturbate about the touhou." And the hikki replies, "I left my spunk beside an janitor deleted shitflood, you are still masturbating."

Think about this koan. whc 2hu wld u fk?

>> No.6382869

>implying I don't use that image as a countdown to death in the same way a child uses an advent calendar for christmas

>> No.6382888

On the eve of your 78th birthday the suicide fairy comes and takes away all your pain and troubles!!!! But only if you say with me, "I do believe in helium regulators!"

>> No.6382906

so I am an adult already? damit