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/lit/ - Literature

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6381497 No.6381497 [Reply] [Original]

What books would be a good starting place if I'm interested in learning more about linguistics?

>> No.6381608

not Chomsky

>> No.6381615

with the Greeks

>> No.6381617
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I am open to any recommendations.

>> No.6381621

Saussure, you ass

>> No.6381632
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I will look into his work. Thank you.

>> No.6381636

So, i actuLly asked noam himself this question and he said Intro to Language by Victoria Fromkin

He answers his emails...

>> No.6381675

Don't, it's bullshit.

>> No.6381749
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>> No.6381758

Student at MIT, literally bawling my eyes out. Chomsky was just rushed out into an ambulance. I think I heard someone say he wasn't breathing and that he unresponsive. Turn on CNN they should be talking about it soon unless they want to respect his privacy or something.

>> No.6381764

don't do stuff like this

>> No.6381766 [DELETED] 

update: friend told me he's at Mass. General right now, his condition's apparently stabilized.

>> No.6381785

update: my boyfriend is at the hospital right now, he just stepped out to call me. I can't make it there yet but as soon as I'm done with what I'm doing I'm going to go over there. Chomsky and I talk almost every day. I can't believe this is happening. I've been reading him since I was 15.

UPDATE: I don't know what's happening things were going good now they're not letting anyone in his room I'm really really confused I'm on the phone with my bf now he says he has no idea what's going on but he thinks Chomsky might have gone into cardiac arrest. I can't stop crying.

>> No.6381791

>literally bawling my eyes out

>> No.6381801

He's a wonderful person, if he passes today I don't know what will shake me out of that depression.

>> No.6381803

stop fetishizing that old fart-smelling cuck

>> No.6381812

fuck you mate
Yesterday he said he was well, the possibility of his death is a low one.

>> No.6381819

UPDATE: guys they just pronounced him dead. He went into cardiac arrest and couldn't be revived. I have no words, the tears won't stop. Someone needs to tell his wife, I really hope she doesn't find out via the news.

>> No.6381821

The possibility of his death is one of certainty

>> No.6381822

He is (or was..) 86. He's going to kick the bucket any day now (assuming he hasn't already).

>> No.6381823

mods, ban this fucking idiot.

take this shit to /b/ or /pol/ or /r9k/

>> No.6381826


I'm telling the truth. Turn on CNN they'll probably be doing tributes to him tomorrow. I can't believe he's gone.

>> No.6381839


>> No.6381841


>> No.6381979

Holy shit.

>> No.6382072

Is there any particular area of linguistics you're interested in?

For syntax, it's hard to go wrong with Syntactic Structures, so long as you realize it's just a starting point. Maybe follow it with Aspects of a Theory of Syntax. From there, it really depends on what you're interested in and what kind of framework you like.

For semantics, the standard textbook is Heim and Kratzer's Semantics in Generative Grammar, but I think Dowty, Wall, and Peters Introduction to Montague Semantics is good too. Lewis's article "General Semantics" is a really nice overview article. Partee and Portner's Formal Semantics: The Essential Readings is a good collection of papers and Partee, Meulen and Wall's Mathematical Methods in Linguistics is a great resource for learning the most of the relevant math and logic.

For pragmatics, Grice's "Logic and Conversation" and "Further Notes on Logic and Conversation" are the place to start.

>> No.6382127

Read Saussure, then JL Austen, then Derrida, then feel forever trapped in a textual reality

>> No.6383390

Skinner --> Chomsky --> Krashen

>> No.6383575

good one

>> No.6383645

I hate this meme

>> No.6383671


>> No.6383698


you're bullshit

>> No.6383746

respectfully disagree with this anon-- if you are interested in syntax, which you should be, start with Vivian Cook's book Chomsky's Universal Grammar. Chomsky is just a shitty writer, and it's not worth slogging through those books tbh. He's a great thinker, but a lot of other people like Cook and like Howard Lasnik, have done a much better job of explaining his ideas.

Semantics recs legits tho

>> No.6383783
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Start with the Tractatus logico-philosophicus

>> No.6384104

Why do people seem to think /lit/ is /humanities & social science/? We're fucking /lit/! If you want to get into any science then look up introductory books online.

>> No.6384135

true dat

Though it's healthy to leave the artsy side of literature and be familiar with philosophy, political science and stuff

>> No.6385042

I'm agree but most of lit, including myself, don't know jack shit about philosophy or social science. This is the kind of people that will recommend Platos "the republic" to people interested in politics and Tractatus to linguistics.

>> No.6385067

no. this is wrong.