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File: 37 KB, 182x284, Lovecraft1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
637641 No.637641 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/.

What's a good Lovecraft book for me to start with? Never read any of his books, but I wanted to try go through some classic horror novels.

>> No.637642

The one with the sea monster that wants to take over the world

>> No.637658

he's very overrated

>> No.637660

Lovecraft didn't write novels. His work is mostly short stories and a few novellas. Good stories to start with are Rats in the Walls, Colour Out of Space, and Call of Cthulhu. Then move on to stories like Dreams in the Witch House, The Whisperer in Darkness, and Shadow Over Innsmouth. Save Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, Case of Charles Dexter Ward, and At the Mountains of Madness until you've read most of his other stories.


>> No.637665

Just get a collection of his short stories.

>> No.637667

inb4 every says cthulu mythose, then they start an argument about how they can't respect a racist author even though an author's views have no relation to craft

read the dreamquest of unknown kadath first, I read it when I was little kid and liked it before I knew anything about HP Lovecraft or his other books

>> No.637671
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>an author's views have no relation to craft

>> No.637679

>doesn't understand the definition of "craft" in a literary context and has no formal training in the arts, doesn't even have cursory knowledge gained from how-tos, and only reads western canon fiction

yes, I have inferred that you are a hipster faggot simply because you contradicted me

but you know I'm right

>> No.637683

Lovecraft's prose is terrible. He can't write worth a damn. But he had a few creepy ideas if you can get past the bad writing.

>> No.637689 [DELETED] 

Black guy here.
Fuck anybody who didn't read him due to his racism. I found it hilarious. (much like 4chan) He had a cat named Nigger Joe for godssakes! How can I be offended by that? He was anti-semetic and married a Jewish girl who had to constantly remind him of it. Everything bad ever is caused by evil African Voodoo orgies! Mixed couples lead to the devolution of the world! That's the kind of stuff you can't make up and I enjoyed it.

>> No.637686

>I can't understand proper english, only the butchered modern version they teach in public schools.

>> No.637687

on the contrary, one of things that make Lovecraft so creepy is his weird prose

he can write very much worth a damn, and would not be remembered if it weren't for his odd selection of words

lovecraft > "writers" on /lit/, at any rate

>> No.637688

OP look up the necronomicon, (big bundle of collected Lovecraft work, shit is cash.

>> No.637691

you are now aware that lovecraft was a weeaboo for england and based his style on several anglo-saxon traditions

>> No.637692

Agreed. Lovecraft is very funny.

>> No.637695 [DELETED] 

actually the cat's name was Nigger Man

>> No.637693

stereotype based on one simple picture. wow that's exactly what I am! It's like you know me.

And by the way, I'm currently reading a non-fiction novel that details the life of a Chinese farming community, so no, I do read more than Western canon fiction.

Also, what exactly is western canon fiction?

>> No.637697

Being a weeaboo is a bad thing. Anglophilia isn't.

>> No.637698


>> No.637699


You need a better education in the English language. Lovecraft was rejected many times because of his bad writing. His prose is among the worst of his era. Just because it sounds old to a modern ear, doesn't make it good. He reuses the same limited number of adjectives in every story. His story structure is piss poor and he didn't know how to write a good character at all. Lovecraft was terrible at writing. His imagination is why he is remembered (that and the long, hard work of August Derleth to preserve his writings. If it weren't for Derleth, no one would even remember who Lovecraft was.)

>> No.637700

>non-fiction novel that details the life of a Chinese farming community

Hipster garbage.

>> No.637701

Does anyone actually believe this

>> No.637702

>doesn't know the canon

oh lord you best be trollin

if not, you are dumb for two reasons:

a) it is considered the most "important" collection of fiction in the English speaking world (actually it's a bunch of stuffy old bullshit but you should still at least know what it is)

b) it's plastered on this board CONSTANTLY

>> No.637704
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>August Derleth

Easily the worst thing to happen to Lovecraft's work.

>> No.637706

Most of those books rule, sorry

>> No.637708

August Derleth published the works of Lovecraft using his own money. He was the best (and only) thing to happen to Lovecraft. Without Derleth, there would be no Lovecraft collected works.

But yes, Derleth's own writing was even worse than Lovecraft's.

>> No.637710
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God forbid we ever have a nice discussion.

>> No.637715

>implying most writers aren't rejected many times

also, explain what "worst writer of his era" means, especially since everybody from great writers and pulp readers liked him, and he is considered the father of horror

exactly how does being extremely well-known and praised decades after his death make him "the worst writer"

you make it sound like everyone considered him shit, which is not the case

and I don't. many people don't. so you are a faggot.

>> No.637718

Fuck Lovecraft. Borges didn't know shit.

>> No.637720

Just start at the top and work your way to the bottom.

>> No.637721

Everyone Mythos writer's work is worse than Lovecraft's. Because he was the greatest writer of horror fiction of his era. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.637725

Too bad horror fiction SUCKS*

*(after a specific era)

>> No.637729

Lovecraft was a godawful writer. He couldn't write to save his life. That's what held his works back. Here are some articles on the subject of Lovecraft's inability to write, they include many quotes from masters of writing who consider Lovecraft to be a terribly inept writer:



>> No.637730

Yeah. Post-Lovecraft horror is terrible.

>> No.637733
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>even worse than Lovecraft's
That's possible?!

>> No.637734

Almost as much as during-Lovecraft horror.

>> No.637735

Lovecraft was a very bad Poe imitator. He wanted desperately to be the next Poe but he had none of Poe's talent.

>> No.637740

fuck you asshole. Goosebumps is some good shit.

>> No.637741

>Old = good!

>> No.637743

>check the articles
>"masters" who can't write worth a damn themselves
>they mad that Lovecraft is more popular than them

>> No.637744
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>harvard writers

>> No.637745
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Remember this? Classic.

>> No.637746


>> No.637749
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>he thinks lovecraft was a good writer

>> No.637751
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>he thinks he wasn't

>> No.637753
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>> No.637760

I'm sorry, but if you think Lovecraft was a good writer, then you are retarded. He was one of the worst popular authors of all time. Not only was he a bad imitator of Poe, but he only had a repertoire of about six adjectives which he recycled ad nauseum.

Something is big, so it's "cyclopean"
Something is scary, so it's an "indescribable horror"

Lovecraft could not write. He is not famous for his writing. He is famous for the ideas he introduced, such as the Elder Gods. It's a miracle his ideas were able to survive his cancerous inability to craft a story.

>> No.637761

I always liked Cool Air, even though no one ever mentions it in these threads.
It was short, in comparison to other Lovecaft shorts, it did not make your brain go splat when you read it, and it has a nice ending (not spoiling it).

>> No.637767

>He is famous for the ideas he introduced

In his writing. Which was good. Go read Twilight, it seems more your level.

>> No.637771

Lovecraft is an extremely polarizing author. I personally like him, but I can see why lots of people might hate him. That's pretty much the long and short of it.

As for trumping out "masters" and say "HOR HOR HOR DIS PROVES DAT LOVECRAFT IS A BAD RITUR", plenty of SUCCESSFUL authors really like and are influenced by Lovecraft (King, Gaiman, etc.). Not that it matters. Something doesn't become good or bad because someone famous likes or dislikes it. Unless you're a hipster faggot, anyway.

>> No.637772


His ideas were interesting. His actual prose and writing were terrible. Everything from his word choice to his story structure were amateur.

>> No.637773


Cool opinion, bro.

>> No.637774

I have to disagree somewhat. His better known stories set on our world were pretty bad, but his Dream Cycle novels read like poetry.

>> No.637775

No one is going to take you seriously if you keep trolling like that

>> No.637776


>> No.637779

>It's a miracle his ideas were able to survive his cancerous inability to craft a story.

Jesus Christ. How the fuck did this happen?

Lovecraft starts getting popular, so then people realize that his influence isn't really proportionate to his writing ability and all of a sudden people start running halfway around the earth with it to the conclusion that he apparently was a horrid writer.

Lovecraft was no Shakespeare, but he could write a good yarn. He also wrote some crappy yarns, and some decent ones. He wrote some spine-chilling descriptions and hilariously overwrought ones. Lovecraft was a mixed bag, not a literary genius nor a literary failure.

>> No.637781

>implying Shakespeare had an original bone in his body
Writing according to a formula is not creative writing.

>> No.637782

I think the only time I actually enjoyed Lovecraft's writing style was in The Colour From Outerspace. That was like slightly better than average poetry. Not as good as a master like Poe, but it was much better than most of Lovecraft's badly written stories.

Most authors would agree that Lovecraft couldn't write, but that he had interesting ideas buried under thick slabs of poor adjectives.

>> No.637783


>The Colour from Outerspace


>> No.637784

>The Colour From Outerspace

Idiot confirmed as not knowing what he's talking about.

>> No.637787

Oh, sorry. It's The Colour Out of Space. Big deal. It's just the title.

>> No.637789
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>The Colour From Outerspace

>> No.637791

You're still a dumbass.

>> No.637792

I agree with Stephen King, Lovecraft is something you enjoy when you're a teenager and then you grow out of it and move on to better writers.

>> No.637793

I was talking about virtuosity with language. It was pretty obvious I wasn't talking about originality, because I don't think anyone has criticized Lovecraft for a lack of originality because that would be immensely retarded.

>> No.637795

>make a typo
>your entire point which was validated by expert opinions, facts and source is now irrelevant because a fanboy with the taste of a child is angry over the typo

>> No.637796

I also agree with Stephen King on things

>> No.637798

King is an example of a real hack.

>> No.637801


You hate Shakespeare and like Lovecraft. Yeah, that pretty much proves our point about Lovecraft. It's pulpy trash for morons. Anyone with an education in English would hate it.

>> No.637806

>Get the title wrong
>call it a typo

You don't know what a typo is. Which just goes to show that you are a fucking idiot.

>expert opinions, facts

You don't know what "expert" means or what "facts" are.

>> No.637810


bump for fellow reactionary

>> No.637812


You never read the articles, did you? If you had you would know why Lovecraft is widely known as a bad writer. Only fools think he was good at writing.

>> No.637813

Or perhaps I prefer originality to flowery writing. Shit with roses on it is still shit.

>> No.637817

>I pretend to have an education in english to make my opinion seem valid

>> No.637819

Huh. Well I guess that makes Borges a fool. News to me!

>> No.637821

Hello there. You're receiving this message because of the following statement:

>Anyone with an education in English would hate it.

The following infractions cannot be tolerated
- Failing to understand the subjective nature of artistic taste
- Using education as a benchmark for what some one else should like, as long as it matches your own subjective taste. (See the first infraction)
- Being an utter fuckwad when expressing an opinion.
- Presenting said opinion as incontestable fact.

For these offenses, you are politely asked to leave /lit/, engage in a little self reflection, or die horribly and alone. Whichever is most convenient to you.

We hope that this judgement does not prove to difficult for you.
Thank you for posting on /lit/

>> No.637824

Then why do you like Lovecraft? He was a huge abuser of flowery writing.

>> No.637825

I read them. They're filled with opinions. And anyone who thinks opinions are facts (for instance, you) is clearly a moron.

>> No.637830

Actually he isn't guilty of any of those things

>> No.637834

I like Lovecraft and all, but anyone who says they hate Shakespeare is clearly a faggot teenager who thinks they're an OMG UNIQUE SNOWFLAKE.

>> No.637835

Yes you are.

>> No.637836

It a fact taht people had those opinions.....

>> No.637841


>> No.637844

Still doesn't make the opinions correct.

>> No.637845

We're not talking about subjective tastes. We're discussing Lovecraft's low quality prose. Which is something that can be objectively measured by commonly accepted criteria of quality writing, including word choice, story structure, detail, characterization and originality of the writing. Lovecraft had no originality of prose, he stole all of it from Poe. He had original ideas, but that doesn't excuse his high school level writing.

>> No.637847

Hello there! You're receiving this message because you seem to fail at interpreting words in the English language. As such, you will also fail at understanding this message. So, really, we're both wasting our time.

>> No.637849


>> No.637850

Lovecraft = flowery fluff writing

>> No.637851

But he was also original. Shakespeare's writings were generally nothing but retoolings of other stories.
And, again, formulaic.
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy watching a good play--but that raises the other fault in all of this. Shakespeare's works are NOT literature. They were intended to be performed, not read. It is an ill comparison at best.

>> No.637855

You're my favorite kind of darkie :3

Fuck Borges everywhere, always, for any reason.

>> No.637859

>objectively measured by commonly accepted criteria
>objectively measured
>by commonly accepted criteria
>commonly accepted

You have failed. Please. die.

>> No.637865
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Shakespeare's works are NOT literature

>> No.637867


>meant to be performed, acted, not read

Swift decent into classical v. modern shitstorm incoming

>> No.637869

Art is subjective. Twilight is art. Myh poo is art

>> No.637874


You realize that pretty much all stories are just rearrangements of cliches and tropes that have been around more or less since the dawn of civilization, right?

There's nothing new under the sun when it comes to storytelling, dude. Just because something is telling a story we've all heard before doesn't make it bad.

>> No.637875

My poo is fart particles in its solid state

>> No.637876

Yeah...but it'll be fun.

>> No.637885

Retelling it using poetic verse doesn't make it good, either. Following a precise method of writing certainly doesn't add any charm.
Shakespeare's sonnets were beautiful. History has done him a disservice by remembering him for his plays.

>> No.637889

Lovecraft is a bad writer. This is a fact. Let's pick a random sentence from one of his most popular stories, The Cast of Charles Dexter Ward:

>As to his graveyard search, whose object he freely admitted, but the details of whose progress he did not relate, he said he had reason to think that Joseph Curwen's mutilated headstone bore certain mystic symbols - carved from directions in his will and ignorantly spared by those who had effaced the name - which were absolutely essential to the final solution of his cryptic system.

That is shitty writing. Lovecraft sucked at writing. Deal with it. You don't read Lovecraft for his mastery of the English language, you read it for the monsters and scary shit that goes bump in the night.

>> No.637890

Animals, plants and light particles express themselves artistically

>> No.637896
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>one of his most popular stories
>The Cast of Charles Dexter Ward
>quotes an excellently written sentence

There are so many things wrong with this...

>> No.637898


>my opinion = fact DEAL WITH IT HURR

That passage isn't really anything special. You could find FAR more embarrassing instances of purple prose.

>> No.637900

Here's the deal, faggots.

He was and is influential. Anyone thinking he just ripped of Poe has read one or the other, but not both. Or doesn't understand the difference between influence and pastiche.

Sorry. You may not like it, but it's influential both stylistically and structurally.

Yes, it's unnecessarily florid, especially from your viewpoint in the future (just like chicks in old paintings are fat by your standards... see the connection?). Yes, he does have a fondness for certain words that he overused. Yes he was abysmal at writing dialog. Yes, these things and more make him an uneven at best prose stylist.

Don't matter. He inspired and influenced many people. You can bitch and moan about how ONLY IDIOTS LIKE HIM or IM A HUEG FAGGOT PLEASE RAPE MY FACE. But it only makes you look like a huge faggot.

Without Lovecraft, there would be no Borges, at least, not in the sense that we know.

Deal with it.

>> No.637902

>excellently written

Now I know you're trolling.

>> No.637905 [DELETED] 

>Lovecraft had no originality of prose, he stole all of it from Poe.

How the fuck do you say things like this with a straight face? How much Lovecraft have you even read?

His prose wasn't his strong suit, I'm not going to claim otherwise, but to suggest that wrote nothing about the high-school level is just ignorant.

>> No.637904

>let me pick a sentence I dislike greatly and call it random
>got it tattooed on my cock so I can abuse myself while hating Lovecraft's writing
>I am the final word on what is and isn't good and anyone who disagrees with me is stupid
>I frequent /b/ but consider myself a good person because I don't post CP that often
>I'm at home alone arguing with other people who are also at home alone
>my life could be summarized in a book shorter than a Chick Tract.
>I cry myself to sleep at night
>every day suicide looks like a better option
>please, God, I don't want to be alone any more
>why do I have everything?

>> No.637906
File: 25 KB, 360x359, deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not. It is.

>> No.637907

>Without Lovecraft, there would be no Borges

And you think that's a big loss? No one would ever notice.

>> No.637909


Thanks for that opinion, but no, I will NOT rape your face.

>> No.637910

The Call of Cthulhu is enjoyable, and At the Mountains of Madness is very epic as well.

>> No.637913
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I started reading this reply and kept expecting reasons to back up his opinion. But they never came...

>> No.637914

>Lovecraft had no originality of prose, he stole all of it from Poe.

How the fuck do you say things like this with a straight face? How much Lovecraft have you even read?

His prose wasn't his strong suit, I'm not going to claim otherwise, but to suggest that wrote nothing above the high-school level is just ignorant.

>> No.637918

He's a dumbfuck. You can't expect people like that to understand reason.

>> No.637919

Then let's pick some more shitty sentences from the same story.

>It seemed to soothe him, and he staggered to his feet after a time; lamenting bitterly his fright-lost torch and looking wildly about for any gleam of light in the clutching inkiness of the chilly air.

>A wave of nameless fright rolled out to meet him, but he yielded to no whim and deferred to no intuition.

>Mr. Ward, dazed by the flood of grotesque morbidities and unthinkably maddening suggestions that poured in upon him from every side, could only acquiesce; and half an hour later the doctor was locked in the shunned room with the panelling from Olney Court.

>At the very first word from Willett's mouth the previously commenced formula of the patient stopped short. Unable to speak, the monster made wild motions with his arms until they too were arrested. When the awful name of Yog-Sothoth was uttered, the hideous change began. It was not merely a dissolution, but rather a transformation or recapitulation; and Willett shut his eyes lest he faint before the rest of the incantation could be pronounced.

Lovecraft's writing is terrible. You can't go a single paragraph without running into sentences like these.

>> No.637922
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Can you actually state reasons those sentences are bad, or are you simply a hater?

>> No.637923

If you seriously thought that was quality writing, then you're hopeless.

>> No.637926


None of those are bad. Flowery, sure, but flowery =/= bad.

Stop being such a fag.

>> No.637927

>You can't go a single paragraph without running into sentences like these.
>Can't go a single paragraph without running into good sentences.
>I don't know what good writing is.

>> No.637929

>his fright-lost torch

Come on. That is horrible writing. Do you honestly believe that's good? Because it's Stephanie Meyer bad.

>> No.637930

Perhaps you could explain to us what makes them so poorly written.

>> No.637931

too many useless & uninteresting adjectives. clauses thrown about randomly

>> No.637933

I think you're the one beyond helping here, friendo.

>> No.637936



Holy opinions, Batman!

>> No.637938

Yeah, it's full of unnecessary adjectives, pointless flowery verbiage and run on sentences. It's fucking horrible. If you turned this in to a publisher, they'd send it back for a complete rewrite.

>> No.637942

I never said that. I'm just hoping for some quality reasoning. Durr.

>> No.637943

That phrase works great in the context of the story.
Hemingway is boring.

>> No.637947

>If you turned this in to a publisher, they'd send it back for a complete rewrite.

Different writing standards today broseph.

>> No.637950


Those people who want you to change your prose to pander to the brain-dead readers?

>> No.637951

But Charles Dickens isn't

>> No.637952
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>people ITT implying that Stephen King is even half the writer Lovecraft was

>> No.637954

Let's dissect one of these bad sentences.

>Mr. Ward, dazed by the flood of
>grotesque morbidities
Redundant adjectives are redundant

> and unthinkably maddening suggestions
What is that even supposed to mean? Would it be okay if it was thinkably maddening?

> that poured in upon him from every side, could only acquiesce;
Oh noes, he has acquiesced! How frightening.

>and half an hour later the doctor was locked in the shunned room with the panelling from Olney Court.
Why is this even in the same sentence? This is a completely new event which belongs in its own sentence.

This is bad writing.

>> No.637955


Yeah, Lovecraft occasionally wrote an ending that wasn't shit.

>> No.637956

no, the people who pay you for writing and make sure that somebody besides your mommy reads what you wrote

>> No.637958

Fright-lost torch is brilliant, actually.
Let's look at this:
>...lamenting bitterly his fright-lost torch...
What we have is a character, lost, along, and trapped in darkness. His fear of what may lay in the darkness has caused the loss of his one defense against it.
Consider the language of the day; one, now, could say he lamented the loss, or was bitter for the loss, but the subtle shift in word meaning gave this more impact; to feel bitter about something was seen as a cynical reaction; he was troubled not simply for the loss, but by his own foolishness.
It's brilliant.

>> No.637959

And why is the room "shunned"? Shunned by whom? He's in the room, so he's not shunning it. No one in the story has shunned the room at all. It's just bad writing plain and simple.

>> No.637960


>If I keep stating my opinion in further detail, everyone will accept it as undeniable truth!

Nice try, champ.

>> No.637962
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>> No.637963

You think this is bad? It's excellent in context, entertaining, and creative.

>> No.637967

>If I keep ignoring reality I can keep believing my opinion isn't formed from ignorance.

>> No.637969

>implying publishers read

>> No.637970
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You can't possibly be that dumb.

>> No.637974


>> No.637976


Yes, I keep ignoring the "reality" that you are the objective authority with the final say on what is and isn't good writing because I want to keep my "ignorant" opinion. Deep down I KNOW that it's bad, but I just want to keep liking it for some reason!

Because THAT makes sense. Faggot.

>> No.637978

>implying I didn't intern under several editors and watch them read every manuscript I suggested

>> No.637980

You really think they can't be that dumb? These same idiots hate Shakespeare and think it's bad. Yes, they are that dumb. Don't bother trying to educate people who won't listen. There's no point.

>> No.637981

Clearly, smarter than you are. I can actually enjoy the story for what it is. A well written tale by a good author.

>> No.637982

>Redundant adjectives are redundant

If 'grotesque' and 'morbid' mean the same thing, which they most certainly don't.

>What is that even supposed to mean? Would it be okay if it was thinkably maddening?

Are you this retarded? Do you not know what the colloquial meaning of "unthinkable" means? Taking an idiom overly literally will make it seem absurd, but this does not make use of the idiom bad.

>Oh noes, he has acquiesced! How frightening.

This isn't even a criticism. This is just you desperately trying to make fun of something that has nothing wrong with it.

I'll give you the odd use of the semi-colon at the end.

>> No.637983
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>the one troll samefagging ITT

>> No.637984
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>> No.637986


I like Shakespeare AND Lovecraft. Deal with it.

>> No.637987


Oh, so you're unemployed?

>> No.637988

But which side is troll????!?

>> No.637989

Subjectivity does not excuse run on sentences with pointless adjectives and meaningless phrases. Lovecraft is full of this meaningless phrases like "unthinkably maddening". Sure a common reader might get past it without thinking about why that doesn't work. But anyone who thinks about what they read is going to stop and realize how stupid and non-sensical his descriptions are.

>> No.637990
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but that has nothing to do with H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.637995

it's every troll for himself in this thread

nobody in here is serious

>> No.637996


>> No.637997

Shut up. We don't care anymore.

>> No.637999
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the pro-lovecraft side, obviously

>> No.638000

Figures a love of Lovecraft would be in the army. Every Lovecraft fan ITT is retarded.

>> No.638002

>is a grunt in the US Army
So this is why you are so thick-headed, non-sensical, and incapable of understanding rational thought.

>> No.638004

>the army

I didn't realize they accepted morbidly obese basement dwellers now. Standards have really dropped.

His stories are only frightening if you think about what you're reading. Learn to use your brain before criticizing something as good as Lovecraft.

>> No.638005

Pretty sure the Lovecraft fans are trolling. There's no way someone can say Lovecraft's writing is genius and Shakespeare is stupid and be serious about it.

>> No.638008

Whatever you say, chief.

>> No.638010
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Hey.. C'mon, that was uncalled for.

>> No.638011

please see

>> No.638012

If you think, you will hate Lovecraft. If you enjoy mindless pulp, you will love Lovecraft. A thinking man can not read Lovecraft without vomiting from the bad writing.

>> No.638013


The guy who was shit-talking Shakespeare may have been trolling, but as far as my defense of Lovecraft goes I'm dead serious.

>> No.638015


>> No.638016

Then you're retarded. And I'm dead serious about that. You're welcome to rejoin /lit/ when you're older and better read.

>> No.638018

There's also no way to say Lovecraft isn't brilliant without either trolling or being a retard.

>> No.638022

>dead serious about being a faggot

>> No.638023

Only a retard could think Lovecraft was anything but shit. He writes about monsters for fucks sake. This is Dean Koontz for the early 20th century.

>> No.638024
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>> No.638025

> Lovecraft is full of this meaningless phrases like "unthinkably maddening".
>But anyone who thinks about what they read is going to stop and realize how stupid and non-sensical his descriptions are.

By which you mean people with asperger's who insist on literal meaning in descriptive language and are incapable of appreciating the disjointed, anti-rational atmospherics which effectively invoke states of panic and terror will think his descriptions are stupid.

>> No.638026

Okay, pal.

>> No.638027

Funny. I'm a philosophy major and Lovecraft is my favorite author of fiction.

>> No.638028



Real searing insight ya got there. I could call you retarded back, I guess. Would that make you happy?

>> No.638029

There is no way to do either one or the other of two contradictory things without being either trolling or a retard

>> No.638034

So it was metaphorically unthinkable? You're an idiot. Kill yourself. Either something is unthinkable or it is not.

>> No.638037

>hello I'm fat

>> No.638038

>writes about monsters and shit.
So did Shakespeare. In fact, its probably one of the oldest archetypes of story telling.

>> No.638040
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>philosophy major

Why did you admit to being stupid?

>> No.638042

You have no idea how thought works.

>> No.638045

actually, the post about being and intern and the post with the army logo were the only two posts I have made ITT, I just responded to your inane bullshit because I felt like it

also, my stock reply to people who talk bullshit about the military is "do something about it"

because you can't

because you skinny little liberal naive college kids wouldn't survive in a war zone, you'd be too busy trying to empathize with the "plight" of the muslims while they cut your fucking heads off

enjoy your desk jobs, and then have the nerve to talk shit about how I'm the one getting bossed around by idiotic superiors

>> No.638047

You're thinkably retarded. See what I did there? I wrote brilliant prose like Lovecraft. I'm a genius.

>> No.638048
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>So it was metaphorically unthinkable? You're an idiot. Kill yourself. Either something is unthinkable or it is not.

>> No.638051


Sure is internet tough guy in here.

>> No.638052

Your ideas look good on paper but then it comes out in statistics that most Lovecraft fans are autistic

>> No.638053
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>> No.638055

>philosophy is stupid
>the first scientists were philosophers
>science is stupid

>> No.638056


If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so i can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. yea you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but i bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this.Don't want anymore problems....didn't think so faggots. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin pieces of unpatriotic SHIT.

>> No.638058

if you can be IRL tough guy then you're allowed to be internet tough guy

>> No.638061
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10/10 would LOL again

>> No.638063

Yeah, but what's your excuse?

>> No.638064

Yes, because there are plenty of statistics available on just what kinds of authors people with various mental handicaps enjopy reading.

>> No.638065
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>> No.638066

Oh boy. We've come this far.

>> No.638067

I'm pretty sure Lovecraft had aspergers. That's why he couldn't write human characters that were believable. He didn't understand human speech, emotion or thought. All of his characters are written as stereotypes like you see in the writings of Christian Chandler and his Sonichu series.

>> No.638070


Enjoy getting your legs blown off and returning to a Veteran Affair's system that won't do dick for you.

>> No.638071

I certainly hope you know more about "Guerrilla" warfare than you do about spelling, or internet behavior.

>> No.638074

>enjopy reading.

I can tell you "enjopy" reading Lovecraft, because quality writing doesn't matter to you.

>> No.638075

>implying that's not copypasta

>> No.638077

>Lovecraft couldn't write human characters
>hasn't read The Silver Key
>doesn't know what he's talking about

>> No.638078

>implying guerrilla isn't the proper spelling
>he actually thought it was spelled "gorilla" warfare
>lol monkeys fighting

>> No.638082
File: 1.88 MB, 200x168, 1272836450460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.638083


>he thinks gorillas are monkeys

>> No.638084

>I'm pretty sure Lovecraft had aspergers
>He didn't understand human speech, emotion or thought

You are an idiot. Lovecraft was an exceptionally sociable individual to those he considered friends. Read his letters.

>> No.638087

Gorillas are apes, you fucking monkey.

>> No.638088

it only has one r lmao

>> No.638089

>I'll critique your spelling rather than refute your actual point. THEN PEOPLE WILL LIKE ME!

>> No.638091
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>> No.638095

i post thing on internet. i ams ociable

>> No.638096

>implying lovecraft wasn't a recluse
>implying his dialogue didn't come straight outta the aspie playbook

I like Lovecraft and even I know the dude would probably have ended up a basement dwelling virgin if the internet was around in his day

>> No.638098


Only good post in the entire thread.

>> No.638099


>so. much. troll.

>> No.638100

You're an idiot. Lovecraft was a shut-in who lived with his mother and had no friends for most of his life.

>During that time, he lived a hermit's existence, having almost no contact with anyone but his mother.


>> No.638102


>> No.638104 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 250x296, smug lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Famous. Well read. Considered a classic author by numerous publishing companies. Destined to be forever remembered as one of the greatest authors of horror tales, regardless of what a few people think of his prose.

You mad, niggers?

>> No.638106

Yeah, but I'm more mad about Tolkien

>> No.638108

Lovecraft had periods of reclusive behavior (1908 to 1913 for instance) but was not a recluse his entire life. He was charming and witty man, and was in fact quite sociable.

Seriously. Read his letters. Read a detailed biography.

>> No.638111

he also appears to have had a huge underbite

srsly, wtf is going on with his bottom lip

looks like he has a can of skoal in his mouth

>> No.638112

No one's ever heard of him. Died poor and unknown.
>Well read.
Only read the Poe books he plagiarized.
>Considered a classic author by numerous publishing companies.
That is only claimed by the publishing companies trying to sell his stories.
>Destined to be forever remembered as one of the greatest authors of horror tales, regardless of what a few people think of his prose.
No one will remember that because it never happened. He will be remembered as a racist hack with aspergers.

>> No.638113


If by "witty" you mean "god-tier pre-internet troll".

But your main point stands.

>> No.638115

> I don't like him so I'll make fun of how he looks.

Sure is middle school in here...

>> No.638117

He only wrote letters because he couldn't talk to people in person. It's the same reason other Aspergers kids today use the internet to communicate.

>> No.638119

>During that time, he lived a hermit's existence
>that time being a 5 year period, not his entire life
>you apparently failing to notice this basic fact, nor realizing from context that if he was a recluse his entire life it would not be notable to remark on a particular stretch of it
>you failing to cite sources other than wikipedia, and even failing to properly understand what you are citing from wikipedia

Try again.

>> No.638121

says a guy communicating anonymously on the internet!!!!!!!!

>> No.638122

>In 2005 the prestigious Library of America canonized Lovecraft with a volume of his stories

>> No.638126

He's got the "Innsmouth look". (Aspergers, with a little bit of Downs)

>> No.638128

I never said I didn't like him

there are at least 100 trolls in this thread you know

>> No.638129

>publishing company published his stories and canonized him to sell more copies.

Cool story, bro. Confirms what I said.

>> No.638130


I like Lovecraft, but yeah, he's a pretty ugly guy. I'm willing to bet his wife wouldn't fuck with the lights on.

>> No.638131

>If by "witty" you mean "god-tier pre-internet troll".

Quit insisting you know what the man was like when it's so obvious you haven't even read his letters. The wit in his letters is not trolling.

>> No.638135

>The Library of America (LoA) is a nonprofit publisher of classic American literature.

>> No.638138

Then he obviously knows what he's talking about.

>> No.638141

Of course, because it's non-existent

>> No.638146




>> No.638149
File: 12 KB, 287x337, FinderScreenSnapz045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask for Lovecraft recommendation on /lit/
>100+ posts of trolling

>> No.638152


Only a fool would expect better.

>> No.638156

Welcome to /lit/, filled with retarded people who don't read good authors and think their opinions are facts.

>> No.638157

Try asking about visual novels or ereaders and see what happens.

>> No.638161

you are now aware that you are posting on 4chan.org

>> No.638164


>> No.638165

H.P. Lovecraft was secretly Jewish.

>> No.638166

Exactly, there are way too many retards who watch anime, read graphic novels, and Lovecraft.

>> No.638171
File: 33 KB, 302x300, opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole fucking thread

>> No.638173

If you don't Lovecraft every night then get out of /lit/

>> No.638175

Obvious troll, but you're still a dumbass if you think Lovecraft isn't the best author of horror stories in recent history.

>> No.638178

if you believe that [thing] you are autistic

>> No.638185

For a guy named Lovecraft he sure doesn't seem to, heh, *love craft*

>> No.638186

>If you don't Lovecraft...

>> No.638189

I was making fun of the guy's goddamn sentence structure you asshole

>> No.638190

I don't know what that means. Could you please rephrase it in the form of a statement that isn't retarded?

>> No.638194

i also don't get puns because I am aspergers

>> No.638196

>read graphic novels, and Lovecraft.

How is that a bad sentence structure? They read graphic novels and Lovecraft. Maybe that comma doen't belong there but the sentence is sound.

>> No.638197

If you don't sleep in a room with a corner of non-euclidean geometry, you're smalltime.

>> No.638202

either you are a troll or really autistic

>> No.638203


Fuck. Now MY sentence is fucked too. This thread is making us all retarded (like Lovecraft lol).

>> No.638205
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It was just a question, man.

>> No.638210


He's autistic because he trusts the reader to reassign the verb based on context? Yeah, what a total tard.

>> No.638211
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>> No.638224

no, guess again

>> No.638229

255 posts.
I've never seen a thread so full so fast.

>> No.638232

{verb direct object, verb direct object, direct object}

It just looks bad. But repeating the word "read" would also look bad. You're fucked, buddy.

>> No.638238

you are autistic too

>> No.638241

I wouldn't consider Poe recent. He died in 1849. Lovecraft was active within the last 100 years.

>> No.638243

everyone in this thread is now autistic

>> No.638247


So both the defense AND the prosecution are autistic. I'm starting to think you're not a psychiatrist.

>> No.638248

Lovecraft was an epic troll. He still pisses people off with his work long after his death.

>> No.638252

It should go {verb direct object, verb direct object direct object}

The second comma doesn't belong, it separates the second direct object from the verb. Also it was a list so it goes {first item in list, second item in list} separated by a comma. Since the items in the list being separated were actually verbs the last comma doesn't belong.

>> No.638256

ITT: H.P. Lovecraft trolling beyond the grave

it has a bit of poetic justice to it, considering his material

>> No.638260

/lit/ - Autistic grammar nazi haters gonna hate

>> No.638286

> Stephen King,
> then you grow out of it and move on to better writers.

Irony overload

>> No.638289

That's not what irony is goddammit

>> No.638298

You expect a Lovecraft fanboy to understand the English language? No one with more than a rudimentary understanding of English could read Lovecraft without wanting to slit their wrists.

>> No.638315

So, tell me, does trolling make you feel better about how daddy never hugged you?

>> No.638326

My dad was an unnamable adjective horror from the adjective dark and adjective adjective adjective depths of the underworld, he was indescribable. I went unspeakably unthinkably mad from being near his unspeakable adjective awfullness.

>> No.638337


So you're the Dunwich Horror?

>> No.638342

Which would mean he eats whole cows for meals. God, what a fatass.

>> No.638353
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And his mom's the Dunwich Whore.

>> No.638364


>> No.638380

Ecchi Pī Ravukurafuto wa sugoi desu