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6375351 No.6375351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A key that opens every lock, is a great key. A lock that is opened by any key is a shitty lock.


>> No.6375354

Everyone has a boipuccy

>> No.6375359

>Reducing female sexuality to an object

Do I really need to explain how problematic that is?

>> No.6375365

resentment from the mentality of men who expect too much from women.

women are strange animals and their essence is fully sexual. They are a well of pleasure.
Just look at what they do during their orgasms. Stange little creatures that they are.

Also, the more women on the market, the better.

>> No.6375366

maybe not 'shitty', but this is otherwise 100% truth

it does the same to male sexuality you deluded tumblrista faggot

>> No.6375367

that post gave me eurphoria

>> No.6375368

woah, I love that book!

>> No.6375376

A key that is repeatedly used to open locks will eventually wear from overuse

>> No.6375387

Argument from analogy is a fallacy. The argument hinges on the idea that vaginas are locks and penises are keys. They are not so the analogy fails.

>> No.6375399

This could perfectly mean that a female sexuality, even directly a pussy, that's desired by most men is a great key; while a masculine sexuality that can be activated by any pussy is pretty shitty.

Basically what this good anon said >>6375387 analogies aren't meant to produce new interpretations.

>> No.6375444

Unfortunately, the art of locksmithing isn't as popular as it once was.

>> No.6375448


>> No.6375460

don't worry, anon. the lock hasn't been made that your tiny key will open.

>> No.6375473

This has absolutely nothing to do with literature.
Go here for off-topic shitposting.

>> No.6375475


>> No.6375483

Lock technology used to be far more sophisticated than it is today, to be sure.

>> No.6375488

So you're saying pussy-whipped betas are... locked up?

>> No.6375493

As they say in France, comparaison n'est pas raison.

Sage for shitposting

>> No.6375499
File: 226 KB, 1206x529, polack warriors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right. MENS RIGHTS NOW



>> No.6375502

inb4 Roastie Internet Defence Force join in

>> No.6375510



>not literature related

mods, wake up

>> No.6375515
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>tfw tiny key

>> No.6375537
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>tfw tiny lock

>> No.6375557

claiming 'fallacy' to discredit an argument is a fallacy

>> No.6375575

just doing that it is, that anon explained the error so that's not the case

>> No.6375633

That would imply that an argument is entirely false if it contains a fallacy.

>> No.6375643

>Stange little creatures that they are.


>> No.6375657


>> No.6375667


>> No.6375724

irony fallacy
fallacy fallacy fallacy

>> No.6375785

Specious. We value locks for security, but sex is for pleasure (sure, kids too, but far less). There is literally nothing prima facie wrong with pursuing or increasing one's pleasure.

The analogy also fails in its own terms, a key that opens every lock isn't a great key, we don't pick keys off the shelf not knowing how many locks they unlock, keys that open multiple locks are designed that way again, for purposes of security and maintenance of facilities. There's no matter of virtue or accomplishment involved here.

>> No.6375829

>sex is for pleasure
And some people also see it as status.
In which case sleeping around decreases the value of the woman.
It could have possibly been the other way around, but in our current society it's not.

>> No.6375865
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>A key that opens every lock, is a great key. A lock that is opened by any key is a shitty lock.

*serious and long explanation how I'm very much opposed to Tumblr and SJW BS*

But this shit is just so patriarchy it makes me think of WoW, /pol/ and obesity.

>> No.6375879

This isn't a substantive reply to anything I said, not sure if you yourself believe your post is.

"Some people" also see homosexuality as the cause of natural disasters. Just because "some people" think something doesn't mean it's true, meaningful, or even worth considering.

>> No.6375881

sometimes rape is a force for good (see genghis khan)

>> No.6375892

Just when I thought the internet could no longer make me cringe, your post came along

>> No.6375923

It's a false equivalence, and a pretty poor analogy. All you really have to do is question why the female is lock and the male a key, and you've found that the whole allegory is nothing more than "Girls shouldn't have sex with a lot of guys", It doesn't really prove anything, it just propagates a statement in a really pseudo-intellectual way. It doesn't inherently prove the statement "Girls shouldn't have sex with a lot of guys", it just rehashes it. Why is a key that opens a lock great? Is this the implication that the purpose of a penis is to have sex? Isn't that also the purpose of a vagina? They both exist for sexual reproduction, why is one considered more virtuous to use than the other? All the statement has done is assign the sexual organs to random objects, which have nothing in common with the actual organs themselves.

>> No.6375931

Girl is the lock on the genetic doorway, the offspring bottleneck

did you give this any thought at all?

>> No.6376004

he gave it more thought than you did. the sperm is as much a genetic 'doorway' as the egg. it's a 50/50 split of genetic information, the male doesn't "pass through" a gate fully intact.

i don't think the evolutionary argument applies here anyway. could expand on this if you want.

>> No.6376033


oh you

>> No.6376048

a man can produce viable sperm 24/7 365 days a year and potentially have babies with as many partners as he wants

a woman can be impregnated naturally by only a single man at a time and will then be reproductively tied up for nine months

the logic and knowledge seem pretty basic

>> No.6376090

monogamy is a very recent construction. Our species has only gained an understanding of heredity genetic and physical traits in the past 10-20k years. Prior to that, a female would fuck many, many men, and nobody would be aware that they were the father. This prevented any rivalry, as any male could potentially be the parent of the offspring, and it promoted a collective tribe mentality.

"A lock that is opened by any key" was a very good lock. It prevented the baby being slaughtered, and enabled hunter gather tribes to grow.

>> No.6376105

until the babby was born with an obviously wrong pigmentation

ever wonder why albino negroes are discriminated against worse than any other racial group anywhere else in the world?

those root tribal behavioral tendancies are alive and well

>> No.6376117

Evolutionary psychology is always good for a laugh.

>> No.6376136

>"A lock that is opened by any key" was a very good lock. It prevented the baby being slaughtered, and enabled hunter gather tribes to grow.

This. If you only have one women and three men and she bangs them all, they all act as daddy in peace. If only one guy got to fuck her, the other two would know they didn't reproduce and violence would break out.

>> No.6376169

depends on your bias

the two guys who spend their energy taking care of genetic material that isn't their own are getting fucked over which is probably why the "hit it and quit it" philosophy is so prevalent

without paternity tests and external coercion, if you are banging a known slut, it's best to just cuck 'em all

>> No.6376175

nothing you said touched the point i made. if the woman was really a 'genetic doorway' then the man would have to 'pass through,' but he doesn't. the metaphor fails, since the man isn't the only one who has the transmission of their genetic information at stake.

second, part of why i mentioned that the evolutionary argument fails is because men in most developed societies are no longer trying to have babies. people take measures specifically NOT to have children, from condoms to abortion.

third, >>6376090 monogamy is not a "recent construction" not only in humans, but throughout the animal kingdom. some commonly known examples are birds and mammals, who usually make a mated pair for their lifetime. you seem to believe that the only means of securing the passage of genetic information is having as many babies as possible (like spiders), when it is clear from observing nature, especially other mammals, that the protection of offspring by the original parents is another just as commonly used means.

fourth, like most theses in evolutionary psychology, it is not a known fact that "a female would fuck many, many men," it's speculation. there's no recorded proof. observations of undeveloped societies and cultures today rest on the unreliable assumption that their culture today is the same as it was thousands of years ago.

if we are thinking historically and geographically, any group that has been through genocide campaigns are the most discriminated against. this isn't just being ostracized, its total annihilation.

going to bed now. hopefully someone else might try to slog through the mess that is your belief system and put any sense into it, but i doubt you would change your mind

>> No.6376190

when a sperm penetrates a viable egg a baby is made

this is the case regardless of whether you live in a "developed" society or not

the more you know

>> No.6376207

Your scale of thinking is so small.

>> No.6376215

>monogamy is not a "recent construction"
“Marriage," "mating," and "love" are socially constructed phenomena that have little or no transferable meaning outside any given culture.

Many examples of rampant ritualized group sex, mate-swapping, unrestrained casual affairs, and socially sanctioned sequential sex are all reported in cultures that anthropologists insist are monogamous simply because they've determined that something they call "marriage" takes place there.

>when it is clear from observing nature, especially other mammals, that the protection of offspring by the original parents is another just as commonly used means.
Lets look at the females of our closest cousins then. Primatologists say that female primates are highly attracted to novelty in mating. Unfamiliar males appear to attract females more than known males with any other characteristic a male might offer (high status, large size, coloration, frequent grooming, hairy chest, gold chains, pinky ring, whatever). The only consistent interest seen among the general primate population is an interest in novelty and variety. In fact, the search for the unfamiliar is documented as a female preference more often than is any other characteristic we perceive.

>> No.6376250

No group-living nonhuman primate is monogamous, and adultery has been documented in every human culture studied- including those in which fornicators are routinely stoned to death. In light of all of this bloody retribution, it's hard to see how monogamy comes "naturally" to our species. Why would so many risk their reputations, families, careers- even presidential legacies- for something that runs against human nature? Were monogamy an ancient, evolved trait characteristic of our species, as outdated evo-psych insists, these ubiquitous transgressions would be infrequent and such horrible enforcement unnecessary.

No creature needs to be threatened with death to act in accord with its own nature.

>> No.6376317

>sure, kids too, but far less
They sure had condoms a 100 years ago.

>> No.6376522
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more like phallusy amirite?

>> No.6376577

I'll never understand people like you.
You can visit any other webpage or forum board
And you choose 4chan? Why? Are you searching for content to anger your "moral highground"?

>> No.6376583
File: 11 KB, 300x299, michel-foucault2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human nature
>human nature
>human nature

>> No.6376587

kek stay a virgin m8
Btw, fedora means literally the opposite
But sure, I get where you're heading. Nicely meme'd friend! :^)

>> No.6376638

whoa, turns out there are limits to metaphorical conclusions!
you fucking chauvinist

>> No.6376648

false analogy.

>> No.6376655


Cool story babe,

Go make me a sandwich?

>> No.6376668

Just keep it well lubricated and it should last for years

>> No.6376676

A pencil sharpener that sharpens a lot of pencils is still a good pencil sharpener, but a pencil that has been sharpened by a lot of sharpeners is a small and shitty pencil.

>> No.6376871
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>> No.6376884

I love how people repeat this as though it's at all related to human sexuality, solely because of the phallic nature of a key into a lock.

Sex isn't an achievement or something anyone gives to someone, it's something you share. Thinking about it as a game with points is why so many people are so fundamentally unhappy.

>> No.6377005

It depends on the telos of an object and the importance you assign to it.

In terms of uniqueness, a lock that is opened by any key is just as unique of an object as a key that opens every lock. Then again, you are comparing two different objects---which is illegitimate, because you rule out any objectivity. Were you to judge two locks in terms of 'security', where lock #1 is a lock that is opened by any key except one key is a better lock than a lock that is opened by any key, you'd be right.

Calling a key that opens every lock 'great', suggests that invading someone's property is an okay thing to do. Calling a lock that is opened by any key 'shitty', suggests that you wouldn't be okay with someone invading *your* property. So, the key is 'great' insofar as you benefit from it and the lock is 'shitty' insofar as you are robbed in virtue of it. Etc. etc.

Many analyses could be given.

>> No.6377128

Fedoras are the 'dandies' of our age

>> No.6377351

>Just look at what they do during their orgasms.
What do they do?
I haven't seen what does a woman during an orgasm.

>> No.6377354
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they seem genuinely happy and even tremble of pleasure, the bastards. and it's not even vaguely ironic!

>> No.6377365

It's easy to see it this way when you have plenty, Chad.

>> No.6377367

Yes because I don't see the problem

>> No.6377371
File: 228 KB, 850x1252, [s]he's like a prince.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A toothbrush that goes into many mouths is disgusting, a mouth that has a toothbrush inside three or four times a day is desirable.

>> No.6377374

probably the only sensible post in this thread.

seriously, do yourselves a favor, people, for fuck's sake

>> No.6377376
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Forget analogies and abstractions, it's objectively easier for a female to have sex, so why should she be valued for basically saying "Yes" to every proposition. Meanwhile, if a male wants to have a varied sexual life he must improve to make himself worthy of it, therefore he is more valued for it.

>> No.6377379
File: 178 KB, 400x550, c8cd7f140fd89ef32883d7a49bac6eb3fbc2dbe6 matsuo hiromi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An electricity socket that can have multiple plugs is good, those european plugs that can't be put in any socket suck.

>> No.6377380

>this concept completely fucks up my entire philosophical worldview, so I will just dismiss it with a sidehand so I don't have to deal with it's implications

>> No.6377381
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>> No.6377386

>actually believing this shit

this is why you fucking retards don't get laid.

>> No.6377389

So, you see, male retards don't get laid, but female retards do.

It's fucking easy to have sex as a female.

>> No.6377390
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Once you use a straw in a drink you toss it, but you don't toss the glass after drinking from it.

>> No.6377397
File: 108 KB, 569x1280, 1f4b58cc35db26b08911943ae0ddefdb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You put as many pencils as possible in your pencil case, if you lose one or it stops working you jut get another and keep it filled.

>> No.6377405

yeah, because as men we're all so eager to fuck the fat retarded hambeast just so we can get our dicks wet right?

i don't understand you fucking people.

>waahhh, its so much harder for men

no, it isn't. alpha studs don't want to fuck the fat ugly girl, just like primo babes don't want to fuck fat neckbeards. desirability is a two-way street, and crying about how much harder it is for you based on your identity is fucking victim complex bullshit

>> No.6377413


>alpha studs don't want to fuck the fat ugly girl, just like primo babes don't want to fuck fat neckbeards. desirability is a two-way street, and crying about how much harder it is for you based on your identity is fucking victim complex bullshit

Everyone else on the internet outside of socially inept image boards are laughing the hell out of the "Virgin Beta" and "Alpha Stud" dichotomy, you know that, right?

You people are a gold mine of comedy

>> No.6377420


meant for



>> No.6377423

>fat ugly studs
there are thousands

>> No.6377426

>analogies to inanimate objects prove points

>> No.6377455

>They do not.
But everyone knows they do. :^))

>> No.6377471
File: 30 KB, 482x662, 0000edb87db7899d78a7dad9a86f4ae8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A ring that can be worn over and over again is a good ring, a finger that can only wear a few rings is bad for fashion.

>> No.6377484
File: 175 KB, 1500x1000, idelber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alpha studs don't want to fuck the fat ugly girl

No, but they gladly fuck the average girl, who therefore don't need to fuck the average guy anymore.

I was in socialist-leaning university and was involved in student unions, and what I saw there was the same as ever, alpha males at the top of the hierarchy, such as the union leaders and professors banging all the hot girls.

"Alpha studs" are a reality. Pic related. That teacher made a point of fucking married women in the ass to humiliate their husbands.

>> No.6377492
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>"Alpha studs" are a reality. Pic related. That teacher made a point of fucking married women in the ass to humiliate their husbands.

>> No.6377511
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>equating the mens right movement with white nationalism

>> No.6377522
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A banana that entered many mouths is disgusting, a mouth that regularly eats fruit is healthy.