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/lit/ - Literature

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6375316 No.6375316 [Reply] [Original]

Please share your bookshelves with the world /lit/. Here is mine:

>> No.6375322
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can you guess if i'm a guy or a girl?

>> No.6375331
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there's a bunch more stephen king books i want to get... many of these are new haul so i've just started them

>> No.6375338
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these bottom books are from when i was younger,
anyways that's it for now- please share your bookshelf i will respond with predictable enthusiam!

>> No.6375341

I would imagine that no self respecting man would feel the need to pose such a question, so I'm going with you being a girl.

>> No.6375345

ya man high five haha ha yea

>> No.6375369

Your shelf is essentially good but overall it seems like a primer collection. For that, I'm going to say it sucks, but I believe it's in the right direction, and I hope to see new additions that complement the current inventory.

>> No.6375372 [DELETED] 
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Attention whore :)

>> No.6375373

Another "bookshelves" thread and I'm still wondering if really the majority of the /lit/zens are making photos only of the most representative books to brag about them or they just don't have much books to show us.

>> No.6375381

Especially >>6375331
A bunch of crappy paperbacks does NOT equal a collection worth being proud of.

>>6375338 is the best so far and even THAT is full of tat.

>> No.6375390
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It's probably not really representative but I'm way too technologically retarded to know how to make it work any other way. Sorry.

>> No.6375395

>A bunch of crappy paperbacks does NOT equal a collection worth being proud of.

Maybe, but I think it's equally likely that you're so clearly a tight-assed jerk off that you have as many paperbacks lodged in your ass.

>> No.6375398

Call me whatever you want.
I've always been an outsider.
Just sharing it with love.
Hope you feel better bullies.

>> No.6375400

Man, I wish. As it happens, I keep my paperbacks in a cupboard, quite separate from my REAL books.

>> No.6375407

thanks man. there is decency in you i see it

>> No.6375419

Truly impressed by what amounts to not much.

>> No.6375433

"To be proud of having two thousand books would be absurd. You might as well be proud of having two top-coats. After your first two thousand difficulty begins, but until you have ten thousand volumes the less you say about your library the better." -- Augustine Birrell.

Just you think about that, Anon.

>> No.6375438


>> No.6375443

kek a pronounced emotional response to a fedora-tier troll

you're definitely a grill

>> No.6375466

What faggy bookshelves you all have.

>> No.6375539
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your shelf literally sucks shitty asshole

>> No.6375540
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gett on my level, BITCH

>> No.6375546
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>> No.6375549
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>> No.6375551
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not me though, my shelf kicks ass.

>> No.6375559
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>buying books that've been in print for decades
hope you get raped up your ass, faggot.

>> No.6375568
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>> No.6375571
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>> No.6375572
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>> No.6375607
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nice, no you're a asshole
ya get on his level
saving these three anon
op approves and saves anon
can't have erotica with the plague :)
cool cool, save save
got russian lad here cunt
the physics guy again, i was gonna be an einstein until the doc dropped me
looks good ruskie, op approves

Man, the first few people that started throwing eggs kind of got me upset, but then I think it helped like break the ice whatever and you guys shared.
I'll come back in hourly increments and respond to every bookshelf.
Thanks for sharing, I can't stop staring.

>> No.6375625

Kill yourself

>> No.6375644

Is Crime and Punishment worth reading?

I can't stand preachy lit.

>> No.6375650
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fuck off, retard.

>> No.6375660

oh, you haven't read it?

>> No.6375675

There are some very sweet books above but how about some wider angle shots?

>> No.6375691

Of course I've read it, retard. Now come back when you've read every book on the /lit/ starter kit, faggot. God, you're so fucking gay. Just kill yourself.

>> No.6375705

lel penguin editions

>> No.6375717
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>> No.6375735

interesting... titles are not legible.
are they law books anon?

>> No.6375741

You are in quite an abrasive mood.

Please, do calm down.

>> No.6375759

those military books look comfy as fuck

>> No.6375760
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i'm abrasive af
been listening to BIRDSEED everyday for three years, cunt.

>> No.6375770

wow thats hardcore

>> No.6375781
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Sci-fi fan out of fuckin' nowhere!

>> No.6375783
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>> No.6375801

Crime and Punishment isn't in the starter kit.

>> No.6375802
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>> No.6375814

Not that anon but no they aren't
Source: law school graduate, I've seen quite a few legal volumes and they lookike none I've ever seen. Aslo can make out some words here and there in that pic. One is The Jerome Papers.

>> No.6375819

nice, i want to match those asimovs, gonna keep a tab on it...
any king recommendations? was th 11/22/63 all he made it out to be (i suspected he called it a fav for promo...)
woah old edition vietnam. broad sweep on history, diffusionist, saving

>> No.6375821

>Everyman's Library
My nignog!

>> No.6375827

jerome papers, i will look into this, ty anon

>> No.6375833
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>> No.6375838

If you haven't read The Stand yet, get on it right now. It's a thick book but one of the best post-apocalyptic books I've read. 11/22/63 was meh, but so are a lot of his books post-accident.

>> No.6375856

i want that confucius book
lol post accident. i heard that leveled on him a few times.
ya the Stand has biblical parallels, lending itself naturally to a longer format, ty anon

>> No.6375859

Is the Rise and the Fall of the Third Reich any good? What does it say about the holocaust?

>> No.6375890

Actually Ayn Rand is the only shit tier writer on your bookshelf.
The others are at least "ok tier" (even including King)

>> No.6375893

Are you enjoying Summa Thelogica?

>> No.6375907

Third reich seems very good, covers history and battle. There is zero mention of the holocaust in the chapters and index.
The more I read about history there is no doubt the Germans were systematically executing Jews, Poles, political dissidents.
I mean the Germans were absolute monsters I have no doubt of this the more I read.
Whether the 6 million figure is inflated is a matter of debate.

>> No.6375913

Author- God
lol anon

>> No.6375927

>The Holy Bible

top kek m8
more like a bunch of guys from iron age

>> No.6375942

I approve of this. You even have Pinecone's non-meme books

>> No.6375951
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>> No.6375964
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>Implying you both shouldn't shut the everloving fuck up, you shitspamming retarded /mu/tants

>> No.6375967

nice. labels out private and straighten your back

>> No.6375978

do you get your taste solely through /lit/?
I come to /lit/ for the first time in months and you're still posting this same fucking picture.

>> No.6376039

In a way. /lit/ influenced me to get into PoMo and Maximalistic literature. I've also started reading books from the recommendations-- hence all that shit.

>> No.6376059

I've got roughly 125 in my collection currently. I've given away probably twice that number. I also didn't read much (by which I mean only a handful of books, dozen at the most per year) between the ages of 18/19 and 24/25 (I'll be 26 next month). I was in school, plus working anywhere from 30 to 80 hours a week, and spent almost all of my free time drinking/doing drugs/going to parties.

>> No.6376130


>> No.6376142
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>> No.6376152
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>> No.6376162
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>> No.6376192

What did you think of The Goshawk?

>> No.6376225

by all means share it with the world anon instead of being a sour faced baby
nice, i had no idea the iliad was so long. i wonder what gravity's rainbow is all about

>> No.6376283

>armchair general/10

>pretty good but pretentious/10

>dank lit memes/10

>grad student at no-name university/10

>shitty camera/10

>unironic fedora/10

>english 101 booklist/10

>> No.6376312

Very nice

>> No.6376341

Is buying 60s paperbacks a new meme?

They look dirty as fuck how do you not touch them without wanting to immediately wash your hands.

>> No.6376343

strong people lift other people up not put them down

>> No.6376348

always give used covers a spray down

>> No.6376366

>by all means share it with the world anon instead of being a sour faced baby

I have no idea what this means.

I would post pics but I'm not at home and because of my living situation my books are mostly in boxes.

>> No.6376368

oh nm, i assumed were the guy you were replying to

>> No.6376384
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thanks for letting us know how autistic you are :^)

>> No.6376445

It's not long, it's just the Penguin edition size. The poem it self in that book is a little over 600 pages, but the introduction, translator introduction, maps, notes on the translator, and maps make up over 200 pages, maybe even 300. Plus, it's pages is thicker than most others. The War and Peace edition on that shelf is 1100+ pages, but it's printed in, like, fucking size 6 front.

>> No.6376448

They're not dirty, they're just stained by age.

>> No.6376464
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>The Possessed

mah nigga

>> No.6376481

oh ic ic

>> No.6376490

Your Don Quixote and Gravity's Rainbow are disgusting.

>> No.6376665

Are you being serious right now or are you mocking /lit/'s generally rude manner?

>> No.6376693
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>> No.6376732

You should make sure to get the unabridged version someday too.

>> No.6376809

Thoughts on your Iliad and Aeneid?

>> No.6376862
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No bully pls

>> No.6376870


Is the Gulag Archipelago good? I could've picked it up for $0.50 but I got Ivan Denisovich instead

>> No.6376872

What'd you think of A Month in the Country?

>> No.6376887


Elegant prose, and descriptive literature. Sub-par story telling though.

>> No.6376904
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>implying I've read it

>> No.6376925

nice, never seen most of these titles

>> No.6376978
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Is this a joke?

>> No.6376983

Archipelago pretends to be a history. It isn't. It is a confused literary work amounting to a historical fiction with all of the difficulties of language of a history and all of the verisimilitude and historiography of a historical fiction.

Ivan is the better novel.

Follow-ups for Ivan:
First Circle
Cancer Ward.

>> No.6376987
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anon would you snap those in segments so we can read the titles.
who are you gandalf

>> No.6376998

ahhh shouldve picked it up for fiddee cent wot

>> No.6377001
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Books on linux and other computer systems, plastic bags and literal garbage on a bookshelf.

Am I supposed to be impressed??

>> No.6377003


Most of it is German, but if you really want, I'll give you a few snaps.

>> No.6377024

oh very much so gandalf please do

>> No.6377030

shhh shut the hell up he has an exquisite collection. it is a reality

>> No.6377113
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I have some philosophy here

>> No.6377125
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and art books

>> No.6377135
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a few classics

>> No.6377144


some more lit - I liked to read Bernhard currently (always liked to to) can recommend in general, but not sure if available in English

>> No.6377146
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sorry forgo>>6377024
t pic

>> No.6377156

Germans make such ugly books

>> No.6377159
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also some science and stuff

>> No.6377176
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and yes, there is also some computer stuff. (Plastic bags are not in the shelf, but there is some stuff in front of it.

>> No.6377177


I only have an ereader. All my old books was in my mothers house and when she died i sold them.

>> No.6377194
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last year I read some Mann - can recommend. Might be available in English, but not sure if as nice as in German.

>> No.6377202


that's it for now: don't like to do more books/pics now.

>> No.6377349

Thank You

>> No.6377582

sorry to hear about your mother,
you can always buy new books though

>> No.6377647
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>> No.6379148

2x Die Räuber?
How was Doktor Faustus?

>> No.6379177

hows pillars of the earth, should i read it next or leave it a few down on the list?

>> No.6379221

How do you organize your shelves? I organize by author's last name and then title.

>> No.6379226

Order of purchase.

I have a good memory.

>> No.6379233
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>> No.6379239

why do people keep dust jackets on their books?

i thought you're supposed to throw them away

>> No.6379240

I might be called an imbecile for doing this, but I arrange my books by size--the largest, tallest books on the left and the shorter, skimpier novels to the right.

>> No.6379241
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sry this is better

>> No.6379251

lol imbecile.
but i do the same.

>> No.6379254


>> No.6379257

meh i read a lot of his stuff in high school

>> No.6379292

god damn look at this profligate

>> No.6379301

I do the same as you. I only have two shelves. They converge in a corner of my studio apartment where there is a pedestal with a statuette of Artemis and a nifty little vintage business card holder I put note cards in and use as a catalog system. It's fun for me to do, and I'm getting to the point where I might need a third shelf, which is cool. I'm building the room into a library slowly, but hopefully once I get a house of my own and stop renting more permanent things can be done. I know it's dumb, but it makes me feel nice, so whatever.

>> No.6380092


How is that Iliad?

>> No.6380128

Alright. I prefer his earlier stuff tbh.

>> No.6380132

I had an entire wall dedicated to books once.

Then my house got Haiyan'ed.

Never saw them again.

>> No.6380138
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i umm... have no read it. give a it a go ya
my top is battle books, history, then fiction
wonder what that monster island is all about
some used books come with a double transparent plastic diaper on top, i through that away
i do that, organizing genre by tiers though
yeaa black ops
well that sounds lovely anon do you care to snap a photo of it?

>> No.6380142

i know
RIP books

>> No.6380149


I cried over it.

That said, I also lost a bunch I lent to friends who were also hit by the typhoon.

>> No.6380158

Fight me!

>> No.6380169

just show us what you got ya lousy bum

>> No.6380173

I read all the philosophy I can in German, but I've not read a german novel since Eine Woche volle Samstage in the first grade

>> No.6380177

Sams is best
won the 7th grade "Vorlesewettbewerb" of my school with that book

>> No.6380186

Ever read kraut tongue twisters in class?

>> No.6380214
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>> No.6380215

sure, here are some

Es klapperten die Klapperschlangen bis ihre Klappern schlapper klangen

Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid und Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut

Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritz

(if you translate german's "Zungenbrecher" it literally means "tongue breaker")

>> No.6380246
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Still own it

>> No.6380250
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>> No.6380251

interesting, will definitely follow up on some of these titles

>> No.6380255

Poster here, any in specific?

>> No.6380256

oh man irish folk tales? do want

>> No.6380261

i'm going to look into them all, which one resonates with you?

>> No.6380277

"Storm of Steel", "Walden" and "Ride The Tiger" are my top 3 on that shelf, "The Trial" as fourth but that's already been shown in other collections

>> No.6380286
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new apartment new shelf arrangement

>> No.6380293

rgr that chally wally

>> No.6380316

gifandeehopzan hanzandee ho!
(only thing i know in german)

>> No.6380350
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and the shelf in the other room
books on the left are my girlfriend's, books on the right are mine

>> No.6380354

Nice Things Fall Apart. I just finished it a few days ago.

>> No.6380378


>> No.6380382

thanks m8
achebe is a role-model tier author IMO

>> No.6380526

Amusing Ourselves to Death is pretty interesting.

>> No.6380773

I wish. I feel incredibly retarded trying to read it. I put it on hold after 500 pages or so and started De Civitate Dei, which is much more accessible to me.

I know guys. I just didn't feel like having my Kindle tell me "Bible, by a bunch of random faggots over a couple of hundred years", it seems rather unaesthetic, or undignified maybe.

>> No.6380894

if you like easy books that you learn nothing from it is great. I enjoy thinking and learning when I read so I hated that retarded shit, but you may like it.

>> No.6380914

I would love to, but I'm working (well, at my workplace) at the moment.

>> No.6380958

i too. enjoy thinking and learning

>> No.6381027
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Collection so far, sorry for swedish.

>> No.6381056


sweet. You're on the minimalist/realist path of literature, pretty different (equally as enjoyable) from the titan works of imagination seen in /lit/'s very postmodern tastes. I recommend Hemingway, Raymond Carver, Knut Hamsun, 'Almost Transparent Blue' would be appealing to your taste for drug-fueled interior characters and the tales of their city

>> No.6381113

god playing dice with the universe, very quantum of you.
i want drugs