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/lit/ - Literature

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6374998 No.6374998 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried doing a madman diary? I don't know if there's a more accurate term for it, googling it has been a bitch.
I always wanted to do something like this, with a secret code in it, and leave it somewhere for people to freak out. Sort of like an art piece.
Anyone tried it? Any tips or ideas? Anyone interested in this kind of shit?

>> No.6375023

I wrote a diary in Cyrillic as a teenager and left it in places I hoped it would get picked up. Nobody ever did pick it up.

>> No.6375041

>Anyone interested in this kind of shit?

I am, I have thought about doing something like it in various forms. I view it like an art piece too. I have thought about doing a fake translation of non-existent ancient texts (in the area where I specialize) and seeing how many experts would be fooled until the joke is figured out.

>> No.6375047

no one caring is the fear of every artist.

the issue there is that you should do a really top notch job for it to work

>> No.6375068


>> No.6375076

no im not nuts

>> No.6375171
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>> No.6375187

no one caring is the freedom of a true artist

>> No.6375219

I think it' one of those 50/50 issues
there's freedom in knowing you might have no audience, but there's little reward in that too

>> No.6375403
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and a last bump

>> No.6376461


>> No.6376509

I do a sketchbook/visual diary.
A friend once pointed out to me that I could construct one where the reader then can figure out a story of what has happened to the author.

Been toying with that idea for a pretty long time, maybe one day I'll do it.

>> No.6376534

4chan is a collective, digital madman diary

>> No.6376541

so maybe yo should, hu?

>> No.6376561

On a related note, plastering toynbee tiles around town is a pretty /lit/ activity. Me and a close pal have put down six or seven, one in the middle of a market in broad daylight.

>> No.6376601

I found a bunch of homeless drawing in an abandoned fountain bowl thing that was kind of like this stuff.

>> No.6376661


any pics?

>> No.6377296

If you do shelf it in the library with a Twilight cover on it with the first chapter and last chapter written out to complete the illusion.

Somebody will read it eventually.

>> No.6377343

>Has anyone tried doing a madman diary?


>> No.6377348
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I know, I'm using the term to describe the look the work would have.

>> No.6377352

You don't try to do something like this, you just do it.

You let go of your restraints and use the notebook to investigate patterns and thoughts from different perspectives not bound by format.

>> No.6377356
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but what if I want an overarching narrative? how do I find the middle point before I start inserting information that goes against the things I want?

>> No.6377358



>> No.6377360

I suppose he could try doing it on acid, or better yet, datura. Although good luck staying focused and making it somewhat cohesive.

>> No.6377398
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Tips: what about taking different kind of esoteric symbols, sigil and stuff like that and just mix it?

You could still try to swallow shrooms and writing stuff, schematics but it might end shitty as u will be better watching the stars.

Finaly your idea remind me Lovecraft and Necronomicon, he created a diary/book that no one as ever read but everybody was fantasize about it

(sry for bad english)

>> No.6377399


please get the fuck out
any mother fucker who writes anything at all nowadays is copying something. welcome to the 21st fucking century

>> No.6377402

only foreseeable way of doing this legitimately without the fakery « 零 » is accusing you of would be to deprive yourself of sleep long enough to forget why while drink a lot of coffee so as to induce a temporary psychosis, then maybe add in a small dose of psychedelics and get to work

>> No.6377404

the problem of course is that once you're temporarily psychotic and have forgotten why you induced said psychosis your plan will probably fall by the wayside as you pursue other threads of paranoid thought. the upside is that these threads may lead you to document anyway

>> No.6377406

Oh fuck. I have these exact scribbling s all over my notebooks from when I was a boy

>> No.6377412
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I'm ignoring him because his argument is idiotic. If I chose to imitate a style for a narrative purpose I'm not ashamed of not actually being a crazy person. I don't want to be crazy, I want to create something that at first sight looks crazy.

>> No.6377417

>i'm a trans girl btw

>> No.6377428
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there are a few in /lit/, just enjoy it.

>> No.6377437
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pics? (of the notebook, obviously)

>> No.6377441


He got a point >>6377402

You use madman more in a Da Vinci or other kind of scientific/mystic stuff, a real mad person would just write stuff like the same word in carner repeated x1000 or things he thought about his environnement.

By the way I like the art way of your idea. Last summer I was writing stuff for my songs and was trying to give it a continuity (kind of shitty concept album), so basically I was just reading many books about religion just to have the folklore touch and watch a huge amount of canvas and photos to try catching the universe I would write about. At the end, I didn't slept enough, begin to have nightmare, was thinking about those things 24/7 (Kind of red sky falling on a black rainy city with only shadows as inhabitans ettc...). Finally I had some "nocturnal terror" when someone came to wake me up one morning. Thought It was some king of monster. So I choose to step bac and wait for a better moment to continue my work on this.

>> No.6377454

you're not good enough to convincingly be crazy while self-consciously trying to seem crazy. sorry

>> No.6377463
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I'm sorry to tell you that your on-line psychoanalysis of my posts isn't gonna make me not do something, anon

>> No.6377477


OP, how would you want your diary to look?

>> No.6377496
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The two or three examples I posted here seem cool, besides that I've been trying some easy cyphers and calligrams. I'd really like to just go with metaphorical text with a coded meaning but so far I haven't been able to come up with any ideas good enough.
I have a vague narrative of a neet being harassed by a cult, if I ever finish it I would take a chance to make an argplease don't hate me

>> No.6377514

I was at the local pub once with some friends, when this old guy sat down at one of the tables near by. After a while he got out this diary and started drawing in it. One of my friends stumbled over to him and asked to look at it, which we did. It was full of cryptic messages, weird mazes, and strange "to do" lists.

I asked him why he did this, but instead he pointed to one of my friends and said "She is the queen arachnid; do not trust her. She will draw you in with her charm and then feast off your flesh. Get out while you can."

How do people get this crazy?

>> No.6377532

Maybe he was just trying to be friendly. He could had been a /r9k/robot for all you knew.

>> No.6377537

I can't find the ones I took of it. It mostly looked like a bunch of hobo political and philosophical theories with a bunch of grids and names

Its in that one park in Kensington Market

>> No.6377539
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>weird mazes, and strange "to do" lists
great ideas

>> No.6377545

I once came up with my own code for journal writing. Nothing too crazy, just a symbol (different for upper and lowercase) for each letter of the alphabet. I eventually got tired of it. I've thought about getting back into it, but I've almost completely forgotten the symbols.

>> No.6377551
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>Its in that one park in Kensington Market
I'm not gonna go check!

>> No.6377553
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Actually I really like your idea as I mentionned here >>6377441 and here >>6377398 , so don't hate you.

As some I mentionned below you can try to provoke some transe/shizo state of mind to feel the state of mind of the "author" of the diary.

I don't think you should contain yourself from copying things, it will be better for you and your projects to have inspiration from anything.

I would say the main things are:

1: find your narrative
2: find and build the universe of this narrative (create or copy different sigil, symbol)
3: As mentionned , the symbol are a very strong part of those kind off stuff (look in movie or in metal music, everyone is putting symbols everywhere ex:Rob Zombie movies)
4: Get involved in this project but when you think you go too far for your mind take a breath and wait before continuing. You don't have to become schizo to have a great stuff

By the way if you finish this I would be honored to look at it.

>> No.6377558
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I was looking through my old journal and there were some scary things written there by my past self. Like, two of the pages were densely marked with things like "I DONT TRUST HIM." and "I SEE YOU"
It really looked like paranoia, until i turned to a page where there was a drawing of someone holding their hand like a gun and stuffing it in their mouth, somehow causing their brain to hit the back of the wall behind them. There was a page with the words "I cant I cant I cant I cant.." interluded with "please" or "help". The rest of it was boring day to day shit & dreams I've written down like a black cat in a white expanse leaking writing on the ground out of its paw pads. There was also this.. weird one I had about men in brown suits dancing, and people clinging to me and having no idea who they are, and arriving at a beach to yell at a giant crab before it kills me.

I also wrote had entries entirely written in braille when I was obsessed about the blind, and blind men & women in stories & literature. I think I wanted to gouge my eyes out at some point.

>> No.6377588

no i mean you aren't good enough to do it; my "psychoanalysis" as you call it is irrelevant; you literally can't do the thing you're proposing to do

>> No.6377593
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OP dead?


>OP as gone by himself starting washing walls with poo, eating cockroach and seeing Spiderqueen everywhere

>> No.6377604
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are you the dysphoria anon or someone else? while those are interesting things to keep in mind for the paranoid angle I think you should talk with someone about those issues even if they aren't on the surface anymore.

lol, I already have a particular recurring sigil. It's really one of those things that feel like an obligatory step.
If it ends up looking cool I'll post a few pages, but I have nothing interesting so far.

I'm glad you have the capacity to measure power levels through the internet. You sound like a very interesting person.

alive and well, I just have a life outside 4chan :^)

>> No.6377619


You're posting on 4chan, that's sufficient evidence of your lack of power.

>> No.6377722 [SPOILER] 
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I wrote most of this while in a mental hospital. I was about sixteen at the time. I had tried to kill myself, so they put me in there. If I have any advice, either kill yourself or don't - but that place is like jail, watch out.

THE dysmorphia anon? Well i'd probably agree with the definition, but i'm not THE dysmorphic anon.

Notable scrawlings include "ATLEAST HE ISN'T SHOWING YOU", "Do they ever shut up?", "GOD ISN'T REAL."
>(A little nietzsche in training.)
Shakespeare's Sonnet 121
Robert Frost's "Fire & Ice" Poem
Robert Penn Warren's "All the Kings Men" Chapter 7 "West" monologue. (For the west is where we all plan to go one day... It is where you go when you are told you are but a bubble on the tide of an empire...)
Russell's Paradox Equation

The rest of this stuff is prose, adaptations of poetry (John Gillespie Magee's Flight & some russian poet who wrote about silence), this symbol repeated over and over, and pure math on "Recursive Patterns In Prime Numbers".

>> No.6377764

there is an infinity of styles. you defend your lack of originality with obvious insecurity. and have no idea how an insane person actually thinks unless you have been insane.

>> No.6377809

I REALLY want to stalk one person and write down exactly what they wear each day in a notebook. I would continue to do this for about two years, filling numerous notebooks and then I would leave the notebooks neatly wrapped up on their front porch and watch them flip out. I think this would be hilarious.

>> No.6377901
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do it, record it yourself doing it, post it in youtube, realize that the internet is doing to you what you're doing to him, be a meta legend.

>there aren't infinite styles that could fall under "mad man"
you need to let go the term i used in the op, it could had been "codex looking diaries" or "apparently ilogical ramblings with a general idea through them" or any other thing. why can't you interpret through the exact word? are you a real life autist?
you need to relax