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6373693 No.6373693 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your beliefs, the rest of /lit/ tells you why they're wrong and what books will change your mind.

>There is such a thing as a purely altruistic act
>On an individual level, human beings are fundamentally good
>Ireland has the richest literary history of any nation on Earth
>The state should not have the right to enforce its laws through physical force.

>> No.6373698

You smoke weed, right ?

>> No.6373707
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>You can't ever have enough bananas

>> No.6373724


Irrelevant. Also no.

>> No.6373804
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>old ways are the best ways
>must return to theistic roots and find what makes our society strong and prosperous
>reinstate religion as the pillar of society and the family as its backbone
>acknowledge the existence of social hierarchy
>the female is to be obedient to her husband, the male is head of the household
>the moment a women has sex out side of a committed relationship she puts a price on her head,
and that price is low.
>The state should have the right to enforce its laws through physical force.

>Any proletarian movement will be violent because the masses are basically cognitive children. There is no limit to their cruelty, and their inability to recognize others as having different underlying motives & preferences leads to insane attempts to deny human nature and impose uniformity at any cost.

>leftists tend to be mentally ill and feminists are usually autistic. Autism manifests itself differently in women than it does in men. In women it makes them more irrational, emotional, and hyper-empathic. This is why feminists are insane and ugly.

>Many "poor" people have a recent smart phone and data plan, a tablet computer, a laptop, a late model vehicle financed at a high interest rate with aftermarket wheels and an expensive stereo, cable or satellite tv service with premium channels, and eat out frequently. Yet a majority of them will blame their financial woes on others who don't buy things for the sake of buying things.

>> No.6373894

>people should work their entire lives to lose all emotion
>nobody should ever judge anything
>nobody should form opinions
>technology has been warped into being evil beyond return
>all forms of government lead to corruption
>everybody should try to make as close to no impact on everybody else as possible
>nobody is wrong or right, foolish or smart, only differing opinions and views
>humans have an instinct to turn everything into a religion

>> No.6373903
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Eternalism is retarded.

Sola Scriptura is retarded.

Not reading the New Testament in the original is retarded.

The Gospels were written either directly by the apostles, or (notably in Peter's case) by their loyal followers/scribes. Revelation was written by John in exile, and is not apocryphally attributed. Revelation is yet to come and does not describe 1st and 2nd century events, at least not solely.

Faulkner and Hawthorne are the greatest American writers.

Imagism isn't retarded.

>> No.6373914

>The universe is apathetic and humans are meaningless.
>Science can make the process of living easier. Philosophy and art can too. But any pursuit of truths or higher relevance is laughable.
>Individualism is a spook.

>> No.6373921

Don't worry friend. You'll stop being edgy one day.

>> No.6373932

>The core of everything is nothingness.
I know this is straight up Sartre, no need to point it out.

>To not recognize the undertones of Nihilism in everything you think, do, feel, etc. is to turn away from "truth."

>Science is just as guilty as religion in trying to create ideology out of Nihilism.

>Brown women are best women.

>> No.6373937

Nice judgments and opinions, man

>> No.6373966
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Girls with dicks are real.

>> No.6373977
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>>old ways are the best ways

Which old ways, and where?

>must return to theistic roots and find what makes our society strong and prosperous

Define prosperous or strong.

>reinstate religion as the pillar of society and the family as its backbone

I'm open to this

>acknowledge the existence of social hierarchy

You lost me.

>the female is to be obedient to her husband, the male is head of the household

See. You can go many directions with this. The one I'm going to go with, because you seem like a sociopath, is one of squandered potential. Women, happen to be human beings. I know, I may have lost you there.

But, as human beings, we tend to be dominant, because we are filled with ingenuity. It is the ingenuity, that leads us to go forward, and invent, create, devise, build. Paint, create art, write, and program, and engineer.

Making women's soul job to fuck and cook for men who probably don't know how to wash their own ass, is a serious societal hazard because of potential advancement lost, that other cultures around you might gain ahead of time.

Worshiping Rome, can only get you so far.

>the moment a women has sex out side of a committed relationship she puts a price on her head

Might want to take that up with your mom


>The state should have the right to enforce its laws through physical force.

When I was an MLM, I might have agreed. Now? Not so much.

>Any proletarian movement will be violent because the masses are basically cognitive children. There is no limit to their cruelty, and their inability to recognize others as having different underlying motives & preferences leads to insane attempts to deny human nature and impose uniformity at any cost.

And what exactly, makes the ruling class so smart?

Let me in on you a little secret. People who are always having tactile experience, hands on thinking, at a young age and throughout life, have a constantly active mind. They have greater memory, and problem solving ability.

So, the laborer usually has an advantage, over the uninspired, and lazy in life.

>leftists tend to be mentally ill and feminists are usually autistic. Autism manifests itself differently in women than it does in men. In women it makes them more irrational, emotional, and hyper-empathic. This is why feminists are insane and ugly.

Honest question, are you fucking around?

>> No.6373980




>> No.6373984

>not knowing evolakid

>> No.6373987


>not knowing evolakid

I know him. I love his wildcard sensibilities. You never know what he might say next.

>> No.6373989

420 blaze it

>> No.6374008
File: 12 KB, 300x210, CABINET_DES_DR_CALIGARI_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German is a beautiful language
>It is impossible to take an action without affecting the lives of others, therefore one should always act with the fact that there will be unforeseen consequences (to oneself and others) of every action.
>Consent is a lie invented by the justice system to justify revenge
>Since it is impossible to act without violence (forcing situations on others), therefore the most consciously violent acts are both the most self-aware and most valuing of all acts
>the Übermench is an incredibly difficult, but achievable goal

r8 me.

>> No.6374025

>our idea of reality is constructed by predictions we make about it
>those predictions must be defined in advance
>they must also be testable
>they will never give us an infallible picture of reality

>> No.6374032

>>Brown women are best women.
Literally nothing can unteach you this truth, as it is the truest truth.

>> No.6374036

at least your primary cinema choice is intertesting, edge lord. All hail german expressionism.

>> No.6374038

>edge lord.
How are these beliefs edgy in any way?

>> No.6374096
File: 12 KB, 158x230, Sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Entertain all thoughts but have faith in nothing. Once you believe in something you lose the ability to believe the opposite.

>Desire is the root of all emotion.

>All healthy people in a fair setting have the same potential.

>Nothing is purely original.

>Religions are fine until made more important than the real experience.

>All negative emotions that come from the past (regret,shame,etc) shouldn't be taken too seriously.

>People, until aware of their inherent power, will do as little as they can get away with.

>People turn negative experience into a badge of honor to cover their insecurity.

>The world is already beautiful. No god is needed to put things in perspective. They (gods) only fill in the gaps of peoples understanding.

>The arts are only as important and complicated as you make them.

>Drugs are not bad if you can handle yourself

>People can't always handle themselves.

>Truth and trust should come before safety.

>> No.6374102

Realism is nihilism.

Every realist is a nihilist.

>> No.6374110

Really the first one is the only one I can get behind, because the others are merely opinions bound to change.

>> No.6374137

Is this a troll? Seems like basic Kant.

>> No.6374157
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>Mass human gatherings attempted at changing society will always fail because humans can barely communicate enough information to figure out what the goal is, let alone if they agree on the goal
>Any attempts at changing society overnight will result in failure or a distortion of the attempted goal
>Individual actions are always preferable over group actions
>Nothing is stopping you from living the life you want, even in a rotten society like ours, if you think that you're unable to do so then most likely you're just a lazy hypocrite
>Religion has done a lot more good than harm
>Minimal local government is best government
>Men and women are not equal and men are superior but there is no shame in this, women should learn the art of being women
>Technology is mostly pointless

>> No.6374166


>No one "owns" anything. You only own what you currently use and can physically protect, be it a tool, or a piece of clothing, or a room, or a house. If you lost it then it wasnt yours