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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 258 KB, 1536x2048, 936427-james-franco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6372447 No.6372447 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on here read this douche bag's writing? I'd love to see /lit/ tear him apart

>> No.6372461

why don't you do it yourself?

>> No.6372462

Why? So you can screenshot and post them whenever he's mentioned on /tv/? Who cares. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.6372467

Even if it's garbage, it's probably objectively more than you'll ever accomplish in your short, forgettable life, OP.

>> No.6372466

dude has a master in poetry, wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't half bad.

>> No.6372491

I'm not even OP and I felt small reading that.


>> No.6372497

I have been torn apart, good work /lit/. I like it

>> No.6372498

I read the few that are online. It's okay, the main issue someone could have is that it's really banal high society issues and messages. If that comes as a surprise to anyone then they are dumb as fuck. It's not good enough to deserve mention among poetry, there's too much of it and too little an audience.

>> No.6372504

>the main issue someone could have is that it's really banal high society issues and messages

>> No.6372509

he's not even bad since he's so obviously bad. he epitomized self awareness. its like i'm inside his empty head when you read his shit.

>> No.6372528

There are a so many stupid fucks with "masters' in poetry". A degree isnt a qualifier for "good" output in any art field ...

>> No.6372530

i never said it was.

>> No.6372553

Last I heard about him he got a "d" in a class and the professor was fired the next year.

I don't involve myself with pop celebrity gossip though, it rots your mind.

>> No.6372554

You should read about how he got his "degrees".

>> No.6372557

apparently he was a bad teacher and it was just a coincidence.
i mean come on, do you think james franco has the power to get a professor fired?

>> No.6372571

He's a pretty good writer actually.

>> No.6372605

Everyone at NYU knows he didn't actually do any of his own work anyways.

>> No.6372617



>> No.6372620

we have vastly different opinions as to what constitutes "good":



I am The Actor.

I am The Writer.

I am the creator of this book because I am the liver of this life, and at the same time the cut-and-paster of this life.

I am a player in the world, and I am an eye on the world.

I can make two kinds of movies: one where I go out and (expletive) with things in the world, where I am the catalyst; and one where I melt into the walls, just an invisible eye, not of the world, only taking it in, where I am in my little hole making sense and order of what I see.

Michael Moore in Roger & Me or the Maysles brothers on Salesman.

I am a moviemaker on the page and I am a poet onscreen. I am a clown performer, sometimes! I'm a fun funnyman on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, and oh so serious on Saturdays, Wednesdays, and those black, black Thursdays.

When I say I'm a clown, it means that I don't fear embarrassment. That means that my inhibitions are nil; that I know how to take off the restraints and dance; that I can dance, and sing, and write, and perform in such a way that I can make people laugh. I have the power to make people laugh. Yes, I can make them cry too, but it's the power of laughter that is more valuable.

The power to make 'em laugh, it's the best power, you know why? Because laughter is the response I pull out that connects them all to me. When they cries, they does that on the inside, in isolation, in that warm safe place covered in hair. But that laughter, we all hears that, and it connects us — it says, You is my hyena pack, you is my peoples, my spotted peoples, and we love our spots, we luxuriate in our spots, and we gonna cackle and feed on the corpses of those fallen elephants of culture, those dead corpse monoliths that are still filling this earthbound existence. We feeding and laughing, and the blood is flowing, and that blood flow is art, because we destroyin' but also because we is connected! We communicatin'!

That be the power of laughter, communication! An' we all wants that. We in a sea, in a soup — it all mixed up, but if you in the nexus of laughter, you is never alone.


>> No.6372626
File: 91 KB, 960x928, dont be unkind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6372628


His leather jacket kicks it off so well,
Under the opening credits — printed large —
As he hitchhikes on the side of the road;
An indelible image that was Kerouac,

Jack London, Tom Cruise, Matt Dillon,
And my acting infancy.
Now I watched the film with a part-Irish,
Part-Cherokee beauty, with a cheekbone face

And a long elfin body to match, slung
In a cherry-red G-string and nothing else, bundled
In a cloud of Chateau sheets. She remarking
On the close-up beauty of young society Liz;

I silently noting the deft reticence of Clift when caught
In the woods: the leather, now with a Hawaiian shirt.

>> No.6372644

Part of "Angelz":

That was a time we had down in F-L-A.

It was something, like with all movies,

That was special, like a bubble, in which

We all lived, a magic time, where we all

Came together. This is how it iz on all filmz

I didn't expect it to be this bad.

>> No.6372675

very pomo

>> No.6372691

it's an honorary masters
he slept in his nyu classes, there are pictures online of it
when you're famous they hand you the fucking degree and call said famous person an alumni of their university to boost their fame. Colbert has like 15 honorary degrees. You REALLY think James fucking Franco put in the time and effort required for 10+ semesters to get that degree? No, he was banging 16 year olds on tinder and leading a typical Hollywood lifestyle.
Doubtful his novel was even fully written by him

>> No.6372694

>he slept in his nyu classes, there are pictures online of it
he has addressed this.

>> No.6372696

>the main issue someone could have is that it's really banal high society issues and messages
Ya, just like how Gatsby sucked. Too high, society, get on my prole level

>> No.6372716

who cares about that pictures. His prof said he failed to attend almost all classes.
Would you like some whipped cream with that cherry you've picked?

>> No.6372720

What i read was actually not bad, not great either but definitely above average

>> No.6372724

no thanks, i was just pointing out facts.
i don't really know much about this, i just know that that picture (which the anon was referring to) wasn't at a class, and that the classes he couldn't attend was acting because he was shooting a movie.

>> No.6372932
File: 9 KB, 200x218, 1427665840322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd bet a thousand pennies that this thread's Opie is James Franco.

>> No.6372953

Yeah it's me, you faggots. Come on, /lit/, just tell me you love me for once. Come on, just this once...

>> No.6372959

I can see him posting on /lit/ he's such a tryhard counterculture wannabe.

Nigga wishes he was James Dean.

You ain't no James Dean, Franco.

>> No.6373114

#JamesDeanIsAlive2k15 ?

>> No.6373137
File: 16 KB, 225x236, franco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you read it?


>> No.6373460

He is probably just over confident, how can you not be in his position. He does have a pretty good taste in literature at least

>> No.6373497
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 1425004899946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if OP is actually james franco pretending to be someone else so he can get an honest appraisal on his works?

>> No.6373603

Isn't that the point of 4chan?

>> No.6373620

Nope. Failing to do jack shit with an adaptation of a Faulkner novel and then acting like an edgelord because, golly gee willikers, you actually read Child of God...get the fuck outta here.

>> No.6373651

james franco is like that kid in highschool who was super popular and on the lacrosse team and then realized he might get laid more by hipster girls if he starts acting really deep and is "into poetry".

>> No.6373862

all y'all should go check out the bookworm radio segment he was in for Actors Anonymous

pretty cringe

>> No.6373901

I read a couple of his stories and they smacked of a secondhand TC Boyle.

>> No.6373908

what if he just really likes reading

>> No.6373913

He probably does. I've heard him talk out of character before and it was annoying as hell; he sounded like a sober stoner (if that makes sense).

>> No.6373948

Wow, art degrees really are worthless.

>> No.6374304
File: 317 KB, 1920x1080, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have mild HPPD because certain images with JPEG artifacts remind me really strongly of how faces look when I'm on acid. This picture does it really noticeably for me. It's hard to explain.