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6369969 No.6369969 [Reply] [Original]

Was Nietzsche an Atheist?

>> No.6369973

Yes u dumb

>> No.6369974

What makes you think yes?

>> No.6369977

No u dumb

>> No.6369979

how can believe in dog if dog is kil?

>> No.6369990

Fuck off

>> No.6369996


>> No.6370015

How can something you don't believe exists be dead?

>> No.6370018

How can it still exist if it's now kill?

>> No.6370024

My point is that to die you first have exist.

>> No.6370032

You didnt get him at all, do you ?
He never said the holy god died one morning and suddenly theres nihilism.
He meant that the people will start to realise that their system if belief is flawed and beginns to crack. They realise that christianity is over. (the belief in) god is dead

>> No.6370039

God can't literally die by definition. You misunderstand the phrase. God isn't literally dead; Nietzsche claims that Christianity no longer controls Western European life. He does not claim that a necessarily existent being ceased to exist.

>> No.6370040


Alright, I'm just a moron. I'll go read something. Thanks for pulling my head out of my ass.

>> No.6370072

I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.6370075

>God can't literally die by definition.
Maybe not your pussy God, but I'm an Anglican. My God is so powerful he could commit suicide and end his own existence if he wanted to.

>> No.6370076

>Implying I want to worship dead gods

>> No.6370081

I'm a Catholic and my God did that, but he still didn't stop existing when He died.

>> No.6370082

Well, I don't think he has committed suicide. Either way, as the Anglican God is the only true God, if you don't worship him you'll burn forever in a lake of fire.

>> No.6370094

>My God is so powerful he could commit suicide and end his own existence if he wanted to.

That's the only thing God wants - an end to his meaningless existence. That's why he created us. In another few billion years we will be advanced enough to kill him, and he will finally be at peace from the existential suffering that plagues him. Sending Jesus down for us to kill was just a very primitive test run.

>> No.6370095
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>> No.6370247

He was his own God

>> No.6370733
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I'm getting some weird Michelstädter vibes from you

>> No.6370784

Sounds like a pretty shitty god then.

>> No.6371316

Sort of but not really. He was an atheist toward pleb style 'literally physically existing' gods, but he believed in the reality of 'god' as a way of saying 'the highest values'

>> No.6371589

He was a Shi'a Muslim because at least Islam assumes it's dealing with men and says "yes" to life.

>> No.6371594

Still shit morality though and is a retarded culture compared to rome and greece

>> No.6371595

Is this your pussy god

>> No.6371609

"War to the knife with Rome, peace and friendship with Islam."

Sorry if your buddy Walter Kaufmann thinks "he totally hated Islam and Palestine."

>> No.6372342

"Almighty God, I am sorry I am now an atheist, but have You read Nietzsche?"

>> No.6372356

Recently I have found Nietzsche spooked as fuck and really childish

Am I cured yet?

>> No.6372381

Sorry kiddo, but Nietzsche is the final boss. ur pussy god stirner is like level 4, lmao

>> No.6372834

no, he was a Returnalist

>> No.6372850

Slave morality being quasi-"bad" because it's "inauthentic" just comes off as a really boomer way to look at things.

Nietzsche hasn't aged well.

>> No.6374006

>Taking 'Spooks' seriously
You got a long way to go kiddo

>> No.6374246

I've never heard of someone being moved away from Christianity by anything Nietzsche wrote. As an atheist he's pretty shit, and his ideas are really only applicable to a small number of people who are already atheists.

>> No.6374279

It's that society's god is dead, not that the big burly dude in the sky has bit the fucking bullet, you fucking cheese-wit, OP.

>> No.6375426

But societie's god is the only one who ever existed. Big dude in the sky was dead from the beginning.

>> No.6375440

lol u're god, a zomby

>> No.6375482

>I've never heard of someone being moved away from Christianity
Could've stopped there.