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6369762 No.6369762 [Reply] [Original]

If one proclaims himself as a absurdist, can then a curiosity for if there really is meaning to life be justified.
sorry for bad englando pic unrelated

>> No.6369935

>If one proclaims oneself as an absurdist, can a curiosity for if there is a meaning to life be justified.

Yes, in the same way that a creationist can be curious as to whether evolution is true, it would be unhealthy not to be.

>> No.6369958

I think absurdism is a reaction that comes from within, much like the stoic philosophy.

It is triggered by the realization of the absurd that comes from the exterior, yes, but the reasoning is inside and thus it is a reaction to external elements.

In this fashion, an absurdist can still react completely normally.

>> No.6369970

Absurdism doesn't even necessarily hold that there is no meaning; just that we can't know it if there is one

>> No.6369975

Absurdism involves justification?

>> No.6370046

Let me elaborate my question. I just finishen Camus' works and the idea of the absurd seems as the most sensible or logical to me, by far. Can i consider myself an absurdist if i keep on studying other philosophical branches, for the sole purpose of discovering a deeper meaning of it all, even though i as an absurdist, should consider this inobtainable. In this hypothetical case, i don't study philosophy for fun, i don't do it to impress my friends nor is it required in any way for me to do. This is probably super pleb-tier for most of you guys

>> No.6370055

>Can i consider myself an absurdist if i keep on studying other philosophical branches, for the sole purpose of discovering a deeper meaning of it all, even though i as an absurdist, should consider this inobtainable.
This is the specific question

>> No.6370061

>the idea of the absurd seems as the most sensible or logical to me, by far
Nice contradiction, plen

>> No.6370067

The average IQ of that group must be like 175.

>> No.6370068

Jesus Christ man, i am a self-admitted pleb and i realize in strictly philosophical terms, that is a very paradoxial sentence, but i bet you still get the point of what i am saying. Let me put it in other words, the idea of it is the most satisfying and adequate explaination i can imagine therefore it appeals to me

>> No.6370073

Then you should probably kill yourself, if you're serious.
Is this literally the first phosophical book you've ever read? If so you should have started with the Greeks. In fact, just read the Greeks in chronological order.

>> No.6370077

Don't listen to that faggot. Keep studying philosophy(and a variety) if it interests you. You may find something else that resonates with you more. Also check out literary and dramatic absurdists, not just the philosophical writings. I recommend Albee and Pinter. Of course there's Beckett but I wanted to give you different names

>> No.6370080

I literally told him to read the Greeks and suicide is something absurdism advocates/tolerates. Starting with absurdism is a terrible idea.

>> No.6370087

This doesn't have to be about me personally, in fact imagine Camus discovering the idea of the absurd. Would he continue studying philosophy, if it hypothetically only was to disvoer a meaning. I don't agree that you need to have read the greeks, to understand absurdism. Of course perspective is important, but in this hypothetical case i don't think it matters

>> No.6370088

Thanks man i will check them out

>> No.6370090

In Camus's works, "the Absurd" simply references the fact that life is necessarily futile and meaningless yet man still innately searches for purpose and meaning. "Encountering the Absurd" references when a man realizes and fully appreciates that he has no reason to live. At this point, he has a choice: physical suicide, "philosophical suicide" (which, in Camus's works, refers to the adoption of religion or some other ideology that justifies existence), and embracing the Absurd. Camus believes both physical suicide and philosophical suicide are perfectly rational courses of action, but he holds them inferior to "embracing the Absurd" because, after encountering the Absurd, he believes man cannot truly be happy without embracing it. In embracing the Absurd the man decides to live knowing he can change nothing anyway, if only for curiosity, and finding some meaning the act of defiance.

Therefore, the answer to your specific question depends on why you are following this course. If you are attempting to study other philosophies in a vain attempt to restore purpose and meaning to your life, then you are either choosing philosophical suicide or you have not fully appreciated and understood the encounter with the Absurd. If you are studying other philosophies because that's just your special brand of enjoying life despite understanding its uselessness, then you are embracing the Absurd. So yes, studying other philosophies is perfectly consistent with the Absurd man's philosophy. Recall that Absurdism is kind of in between existentialism and nihilism with its recognition of the purposelessness of life but its contrasting opinion on what kind of action should be inspired from this recognition. But in all three of these philosophies, the follower has near complete freedom and can do essentially anything.

>> No.6370092

Is philosophy about finding a meaning?

The Greeks are more important than you think and Camus is less.

>> No.6370104

That was what i was looking for, thank you! I sincerly appreciate you taking time to answer my question thoroughly. All the best to you

>> No.6370110

It is the part of it that is the most interesting to me

>> No.6370112

You just have shit taste, then. Enjoy your edgy first philosophy.

>> No.6370114

Well that is just like, your opinion man

>> No.6370115
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Is it, now?

>> No.6370120

Am i misunderstanding you, or are you trying to argue that my taste is objectively shit?

>> No.6370128

Yeah you were really helpful. Telling someone new to philosophy to kill themselves and literally spouting a meme.

>> No.6370136

>trying to argue that my taste is objectively shit?
Babby's third misguided philosophical concept: objectivity vs subjectivity. "Like, can philosophers even objectively verify the existence of philosophy. Woah, dude."

Just wait for misguided concept number four: free will vs determinism. Shit will blow your mind.

>> No.6370141

It's not my fault you're both too stupid to realize that an absurdist has to give suicide some thought.

>> No.6370147

You are making a lot of presumptions

>> No.6370151
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>Just wait for misguided concept number four: free will vs determinism. Shit will blow your mind.

>> No.6370158

You aren't making enough of them :^)

>> No.6371125

IQ starts to be worthless when you get past 150-160