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6369268 No.6369268 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books make you feel like you are in a dream?

>> No.6369270

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath

>> No.6369274 [DELETED] 

I have never read a book so I wouldn't know.

I hate books, my only regret in life is that I will never be strong enough to rip every book in two. Cruel is this fate.

>> No.6369278

thats fine. Are you here for the philosophy threads?

>> No.6369287

No, philosophy is alike in every way to book worship. I wish to tear apart each and every book with my bare hands, but alas, I am not strong enough for this task.

Cruel is my fate.

>> No.6369293

If we worked together we could do it

>> No.6369301





I'll sell you half of these Marlboros, they're up to the walls

>> No.6369304

Nausea, Sartre

>> No.6369326

Ficciones che

>> No.6369357

Most of Faulkners books

>> No.6369360

the size of the universe by joseph cardinale

>> No.6369365

In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan

>> No.6369367

The Fault in our Stars.

>living this nightmare

>> No.6369407

I'm not very familiar with art. Who painted OP's painting? That's impressionism, right?

>> No.6369408

It's a Monet

>> No.6369426

Try John Ashbery's "Girls on the Run."

>> No.6369428

Ulysses and Finnegans Wake

>> No.6369430

Finnegans Wake is a dream book, but it's much too laborious to make you feel like you are in a dream.

>> No.6369431

The blind owl

>> No.6369432

Thank you.

>> No.6369435

Doestoevsky's short story "White Nights"

>> No.6369451
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Worst dream ever

>> No.6369453

>>>/fit/ can help.
OP, try Metamorphosis.

>> No.6369484

or that one passage in c&p where raskolnikov has that vivid dream about a foal being tortured, most accurate literary description of a dream ive ever read.

>> No.6369566
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To all those sleeping soon. I hope you have pleasant dreams.

>> No.6369575

The Unconsoled by Kazuo Ishiguro is the first novel that popped in to mind.

>> No.6369582


not if you read it aloud like a silly kid's gibberish book, then it's super fun

>> No.6370129

came to post this. Never had this feeling with another book

>> No.6370149


>> No.6370175


>> No.6370188

Finnegans Wake on a ton of morphine is otherworldly