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/lit/ - Literature

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6368812 No.6368812 [Reply] [Original]

Any journalists out there? How do you like your job? How does one begin work as a journalist?

Currently writing for my campus newspaper and really enjoy it.

>> No.6368866

How to be a journalist in three easy steps: Just live in hotels, write articles, and do heroin.

>> No.6369098


>> No.6369192

1. Yes!
2. I love it! Like anything else it's mostly boring work for a great payoff when you get to write something you're really proud of.
3. You're on the right track. Send articles to the local newspaper and any magazine where you'd like to work. Get on the campus radio if that's your thing. Work your ass off while you can afford to not get paid, then get paid.

>> No.6369209


What about the heroin part?

>> No.6369215

It's fucking awesome if you get to write about what you want to write about. I was an investigative journalist for a magazine for a couple of years and had the time of my life. Adventures and writing and potentially making righteous stands. You'll never make comfortable money out of it, sell drugs on the side.

>> No.6369219

You have to do heroin

>> No.6369280

What's your experience with hard drugs? Heroin in particular?

>> No.6370109

Ok thanks

>> No.6370405

>Send articles to the local newspaper
Really? Just send them stuff? I would assume that you have to ask them if they're interested first or go through some HR thing.

>> No.6370415

That depends on the newspaper. You can send short stories to Nature, the biggest scientific journal, for their "Futures" program, and you can send them unsolicited. Other magazines or newspapers are different.

>> No.6370434

heroin is the name of your pillow on a dark july night

>> No.6370438

How do I find out the correct way of going through it?
I really like a certain national newspaper and they have an lgbt suplement that's even a bit insulting. I have some stuff that is in their line and better than a lot of their published stuff, do I just send it and see what happens? Do I contact the HR department before?

>> No.6370780


>> No.6370793

Letters to the editor.

>> No.6370799

I liked it so much that I quit the entire industry to earn 1000 dollars more every month.

>> No.6370802

Wow, if I ever saw a fake journalist this is it. No sensible journalist would ever tell you to join the industry, and neither would he say, just write shit and send to the local newspapers. For fucks sake.

>> No.6371249

Why shouldn't I join the industry?

>> No.6371449


>> No.6371584


>> No.6372391

No one else?

>> No.6372416

It's easy OP, all you have to do is heroin, apparently.

>> No.6372427

Fuck I love a bit of smack

>> No.6372432
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>implying cocaine isn't the obviously superior literary drug
C'mon mate.

>> No.6372434

Yes. I just barley support myself.

>> No.6373227

What about the hops?

>> No.6373278

To truly live the literary lifestyle you have to stay exclusively in shitty motels and have a heroin or meth addiction.

Good luck.

>> No.6373960

Sorry, the industry is pretty much in a free down-fall. Any real journalist would know this and would not recommend you entering the business. It's literally impossible to make yourself a name these days, unless you have the contacts. In America that means upper class jewish, or Ivy League Schools.

Free-lance you'll be able to sustain for a while, but they fuck you over so much you just get sick and tired.

Also, the work you think you will do, is not what you will do. You will end up pampering to the masses with click-bait shit like '24 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life By Doing it Like Super Mario" or whatever shit. That is what they use beginners for. And the only way to get out of that shit is to write some even more sensationalist shit but deeper. That means third wave feminism bull-shit. White men this and that, Rape culture also Racial Tension pieces.

Sorry if I sound bitter, but I am. I regret ever becoming a journalist.

>> No.6375085

I mean, I go to one of the "little ivies"

>> No.6376750

Would you care to elaborate some more?
Do you work in the US? If not, where?
Has it reached a stage where you can call it brainwashing?