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/lit/ - Literature

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6367426 No.6367426 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/ I am tired of people giving horrible advice on how to start philosophy so I was thinking of giving a comprehensive guide to end all guides, I have made a draft which will be the Introduction of the guide and I want you to have a look at it!


What I want to do is something like pic related but go beyond that, giving alternate translations of the same work, recommended reading order

>> No.6367468

Once I am done I will need someone to add details in regards to Analytic philosophy

>> No.6367558

No interest?

>> No.6367566
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I'll dump some screencaps if they will help you.

>> No.6367574
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>> No.6367578

I already have books listed in the google doc covering that, I just want some people to review my google doc draft

>> No.6367580
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>> No.6367586
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>> No.6367594

Please stop posting screencaps, if you read my google doc you would know that I already have Copleston's work. There purpose of this thread is a critique of the draft

>> No.6367596

If you actually solve all the ignorances and stupidity, all of /lit/'s conversation topics would dry up. And until we get a picture in the sticky, the sticky gets good, and people actually start to use it, nothing will change and the cycle of newfags posting the same shit will never end.

>> No.6367625

I just want people to stop suggesting for example to read Heidegger's Being in time Penguin edition without previous philosophic knowledge. Conversations will just be merely filtered

>> No.6367627

I'm actually looking forward to this OP

>> No.6367918
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>> No.6367930


I support you on this project.

>> No.6368036

>implying there's anything to read past the bible

>> No.6368975

Looking forward to this very much. Please keep /lit/ updated

>> No.6369066
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OP here I am up to early political philosophy already, who knows I might be able to finish this tomorrow?

>> No.6369094

Thank you OP

>> No.6369097

I support this

>> No.6369494

The Essential Epicurus is useless. Just leave De Rerum Natura, that translation also isn't very good I'd recommend the Hackett translation for a prose translation or the Oxford World's Classics one for verse.

For Kant I think Prolegomena is REALLY underrated, and much more accessible than CPR. The only thing you should read to know what's going on in Prol. is Hume's Enquiry.
Great job so far though, I like it a lot.

>> No.6369525
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woop Woop

>> No.6369685

Plz post on lit when done

>> No.6369926

Time to go sleep, If you want to help I suggest you use the google doc suggestion edit tool. I want to see a full guide on how to read Plato and Aristotle when I wake up :^).

>The Essential Epicurus is useless
>Original writiings of the guy is useless
Well I added the Hackett translations Epicurus anyways.
And yes I've had Prolegomena in mind from the start, also Groundworks to Metaphysics of Morals and Metaphysics of Morals.

I will

>> No.6369961

I made some annotations

>> No.6370792
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Update: I Finished everyone before Kant and am Finishing Kant, will move onto Fichte tomorrow morning!

>> No.6372396

You da best

>> No.6372645

Hypothetically, if one has only a poor translation available, let's say the Penguin version of Kant's Pure Reason, what's the best course to take in this scenario? Should I not read it at all?

I ask this just in case I'm ever in a position like that.

>> No.6373065
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How's this coming??

>> No.6373467

Yes don't bother reading Penguin, I guess if your really tight you could hope the kindle version isn't fucked up

I just woke up

>> No.6374290

I dont really understand where to start, its a fucking mess bro

>> No.6374298

Listen to this u shits.


luv Xenon


>> No.6374305

What part needs improving exactly? The Preface and introduction is where you start.

>> No.6374327

Great guide so far. I will definitely help on the analytic section.

>> No.6374345

Looking forward to a complete version of this, plebs like me will find it useful for sure. Thank you so much OP.

>> No.6374402

>What part needs improving exactly? The Preface and introduction is where you start.
the layout, I didnt really catch right away what's the first boook I should read (which now I guess its apology of socrate)

>> No.6374467

Ah my mistake I will add that you should read the start with the greeks Image, I shall edit it

>> No.6375307
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I hate bumping dead threads but I need some help here, what should the guide say about Analytic philosophy's disregard for Fichte, Schelling and Hegel? I mean if someone were to study Analytic philosophy German Idealism isn't as important right?

>> No.6375389

Thank you Op, it looks very great

>> No.6375397

It seems really promising!

Also, is it worth to study philosophy in university or should I do it on my own?
I'm going to study Computer Science, but REALY like philosophy too. I'm currenty thinking about double major in CS and philosophy. Education is free in my country if that changes anything.

>> No.6375414

I really need someone to help on this section, please use the suggestions function in google docs.

Thanks but I still need someone to do the Analytic section!

Yes, you're going to university to study Computer science, why not Philosophy? In this regard they are one and the same.

>> No.6375423

this is amazing

>> No.6375612


>> No.6376206

Good thread man. I'm wondering how necessary is it to follow philosophy chronologically. I understand the need to read the Pre-Socratics, Plato, and Aristotle as a base, but do you need to read every other philosopher chronologically to understand the next, or could I finish the Greeks then jump to Nietzsche as an example?

>> No.6376253

double major, but don't strictly major in philosophy.

>> No.6376259

Start with the Chinese

>> No.6376274
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For some reason I decided to do Hegel before Schelling and Fichte, oh well.

You probably want to read Nietzsche because you heard about him from pop culture no? If you truly appreciate him you should read Schopenhauer, but to read Schopenhauer you need to read Kant, to read Kant.......

Go make your own guide on Oriential philosophy

>> No.6376353

At first, yes. (before I found /lit/ and discovered more philosophers. But he was just the first that came to mind for my example) Thanks for your reply anyway. So am I correct in assuming you should follow philosophy chronologically (as shown in your list) but can you split off into certain paths/topics (existentialism or political philosophy as examples) depending on what you are interested in? Or must you simply read philosophy in a single chronological line? (Again, thanks for making this list, it's much better than trying to get a good guide then being bombarded by memes)

>> No.6376361

>my post saved
w-well thanks

>> No.6376400

>58 pages of autism

Oh man you poor dude.
You are going to overwhelm yourself if you don't have incredible willpower.

Don't start systematically reading the Greeks, you'll burn out. Read some overviews of western philosophy, listen to podcast on historyofphilosophy.net, read stuff like Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and IEP (both good sources but SEP is best), even some youtube channels are cool like Gregory Sadler. Basically get immersed in this shit, like multimedia-wise, it will pay off and keep you interested.

>> No.6376441

>but can you split off into certain paths/topics (existentialism or political philosophy as examples) depending on what you are interested in?
Yes, it even says so in the guide. I suggest you follow the Preface and Introduction as of now.

>Don't start systematically reading the Greeks, you'll burn out. Read some overviews of western philosophy, listen to podcast on historyofphilosophy.net, read stuff like Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and IEP (both good sources but SEP is best), even some youtube channels are cool like Gregory Sadler. Basically get immersed in this shit, like multimedia-wise, it will pay off and keep you interested
I have that, should of read the actual thing :^)

>> No.6376484
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Ah I must of missed that. Cheers for your help and the guide m8

>> No.6376554
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Holy fuck, OP this picture is blury

>> No.6376610

The formatting and placement fucks around alot, (first time using google docs!) still a draft too.

I also forgot, as well as Analytic philosophy I need someone to do Pragmatism for me too!

>> No.6376615


Actually, all of the pictures are a tad bit blurry

>> No.6376679

I think it's to do with your screen. on my screen it is fine, since the final version will be in a PDF try this (or someone else) should test if it's blurry in a PDF

Also does anyone have any ideas on where to upload it too?

>> No.6376898

wow man this is awesome


>> No.6377940
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I would really really really like to have a good Hegelian review this part of the guide to the selection of works to read before reading Phenomenology and Hegel's other harder works in pic related.

>Where muh Kojeve and Hyppolite?
There in a section dealing with secondary above that includes them so don't worry fag.

>Why are you asking?
Just double checking but the main reason is I am also not sure if Hegel's Berlin Lectures on Logic would be appropriate for starting off
I also still need someone (or peoples) to do Analytic philosophy and Pragmatism

>> No.6378159

It's perfectly clear on the desktop, but I know mobile view is just hazardous.

Thanks for doing this man, I really appreciate it