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6367389 No.6367389 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any counter arguments to this?

>> No.6367403


>humans are just chemicals of the mind, useless in the scale of the universe

Including the author. Who gives a shit. It's mind numbingly cynical. Cynicism beyond pointlessness.

>> No.6367406
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>> No.6367414

Well technically that all value judgements are completely arbitrary and that his position doesn't make any more or less sense than any other.

Pessimists often get so caught up in their self pity they easily forget it's completely baseless.

>> No.6367419

I haven't read it and no one I've encountered who has mentioned it has made me feel like I should bother.

>> No.6367427

This. He doesn't provide any real arguments, so there's nothing to counter.

>> No.6367438

there couldn't be any strong arguments against the determinism and antinatalism in this book

>> No.6367447


>> No.6367453

it's gay

>> No.6367495

Antinatalism is merely a whimsical preference, like antiketchupism. You can't really make strong arguments against such a thing, and neither can you make strong arguments in favour of them.

>> No.6367549

>implying there are no strong arguments against anti-natalism
>the "philosophy" that consists of whining "boohoo i don't have a gf therefore it's impossible for other people to be happy in life and so nobody should be allowed to have babies bcuz my life sux ;_;"

>> No.6367562

Yeah, Nietzsche rekt all preachers of death decades before Ligotti was born.

>> No.6367573

He didn't wreck them, he was just a whiny cunt on the other side of the spectrum for balance.

>life is bad lads
>nooooo it's gooood
>no bad
>gud >:)

ad infinitum

>> No.6367601

There's no such thing as the human race

>> No.6367610

gud >:) is objectively the best viewpoint

>> No.6367611


>> No.6367626

This, mankind if a recent invention

>> No.6367645


>> No.6367680

Explain to me how this hackneyed response is relevant to my post.

>> No.6367705

Define "conspiracy"

>> No.6367714

How can it be, if you're judging at as the best? Can't something only be best if it is good to the greatest possible degree?

>> No.6367738

/pol/ believes there are multiple human races

>> No.6368112

The actual conspiracy against human race has been plotted by Archons amd Demiurge. You will only know this through study of comparative literature, comparative archeology, comparative religion and comparative mythology.

>> No.6368126

>Conspiracy theories provide two very important psychic comforts. First, if someone else is controlling things, then your failures are not entirely your fault. Second, it is a proxy-parent; it is comforting to know that there are powerful individuals closely following, monitoring, and influencing everything. Suddenly, there is no catastrophe that won't be averted; suddenly life has meaning, even if it isn't one you pick.

>> No.6368143


Conspiracy Theories are not personal they are collective so your argument is invalid. Also there are many conspiracy theories proven to be true.

>Conspiracy theory is an epithet invented by Jewish polemicist Karl Popper, from his 1945 work in support of rootless cosmopolitanism entitled The Open Society and Its Enemies.

You see that or are you blind?

>> No.6368163

>are not personal they are collective

They are collective because different individuals give credit for it on websites like these. Everything has its source on the individual.

>> No.6368168


Tell that to the archons

>> No.6368306

>straw man

>> No.6368395

Antinatalism is literally "I find vanilla ice cream bad so no one should have it: the philosophy" though.

>> No.6368978

>it's cynical

Wow, great argument

>> No.6368997

Married guy here. Never, ever, ever have children.

>> No.6369001


There's no other argument to be made because the work doesn't travel beyond it.

>> No.6369017

>comparing vanilla ice cream to existence and the possibility of suffering
>comparing not letting people eat ice cream to the creating of new lives in existence capable of causing new suffering and experiencing suffering

Yeah, perfect example and infallible counterargument

>> No.6369020

It's more "Vanilla ice cream is destroying us all but everyone loves it, please stop making vanilla ice cream or we will all die horribly. Also, vanilla ice cream is suffering."

>> No.6369025

I'm just tired of people criticizing works because they happen to be pessimistic or cynical in nature, as if that makes a work inherently bad because it points out the fact that not all things are happy all the time

>> No.6369031
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of course this guy would think being born is fucking horrible. look at him. maybe if he ever got laid he wouldn't have been so miserable and mopey about life.

>> No.6369032

Didn't you get the memo? "Edginess" is the greatest sin in any medium, and only a bland, inoffensive creation can be taken seriously or else it will be seen as "try-hard". Because the current cultural mindset is fucking boring.

>> No.6369036


I was a fan of Ligotti a few years back, but it's so drenched in pessimism that I really didn't need it. His work is draining.

>> No.6369042


where can i read a summary of this meme

>> No.6369044

Somehow I doubt that his ability to get laid informs his system of beliefs, especially given his popularity in the goth/horror scene.

>> No.6369049

Just read the fucking book. It's hilariously bleak.

>> No.6369075

don't bother. it's garbage. it's hilarious to think of him literally sitting at his laptop writing this as if he had nothing else to do with his life.

>> No.6369078

As opposed to critiquing it on /lit/

>> No.6369095

i'm not critiquing it. that would mean taking it seriously. i'm outright dismissing it as garbage.

>> No.6369108

Have you read it?

>> No.6369118

>muh suffering
grow up you big baby

>> No.6369132

that's like asking if i rummage through strangers' trash to find out what they're all about.

my dismissal of ligotti without having read him is about as founded as ligotti's dismissal of life without presumably having lived it, instead opting to write about how shit it is.

>> No.6369142
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>embracing fatalism
whats the point

>> No.6369147

I like life, it's enjoyable. Why do I need points, points are spooky ideology at it's most blood-curdling.

>> No.6369150

So no, then.

>> No.6369151

You've outwitted me this time!!

>> No.6369155

There is no point.

>> No.6369161

Hmm, interesting. Well some people don't like life because it's not enjoyable to them. Sometimes they even write about it.

>> No.6369168

Yep. I think those people could be helped by being exorcised of their spooks though, and their whining about "muh suffering outweighs all pleasure so don't have children" is silly.

>> No.6369185

What's also silly are people who make statements like "you just need to grow up kiddo" "stop whining" "this is just pessimistic garbage" and think they're actually valid counterarguments to be used for anything

>> No.6369186

Buzzword ideologue.

>> No.6369193

they're not counterpoints, they're advice

pessimistic thought is poison

>> No.6369212

>pessimistic thought is poison

>> No.6370231

>Muh universe of meaning

>> No.6370253

I think his argument was more like, we're in it, we recur eternally (actually makes sense if you see that from a higher dimensional perspective all time exists at once and therefore 'forever'), suffering can be beautiful and meaningful, strength can be felt, cool things can be done, things can be attempted. It's not like we have a choice. We fucking in it.

>> No.6370302

Check out Benatar.

>> No.6370310

What if you're antinatalism doesn't stem from hating life as such, but from ecological and societal facts?
Like; I don't want my child to grow up in a world that is undeniably going to be plagued by war draughts, hunger and opression - and the best way for this not to happen to the children of others, is if we stop making all those babbys.

Political anti-natalism? Is that a thing?

>> No.6370315


>> No.6370319

>Life is pointless so I'm sad

Third fucking world problems. Life is hard, bad shit happens, get the fuck over it you little faggot

Let me ask you, in the end, who was happier, Marty or Rust?

>> No.6370335

actually most anti-natalists argue that bringing life here is wrong from ethical standpoint, but yours makes sense too I guess
the thing is that Marty was ignorant and Rust wasn't. There is no way for Rust to become Marty, he has already seen something (whether he's right or not that's another matter), and you can't ever take that back. It's like saying "cheer up m8" to somebody who has depression.

>> No.6370338

Can someone give me a basic rundown?
Is it about how humans don't exist and just imagine themselves, while the universe is just a bunch of particles goofing around meaninglessly, or something like that?

Well, that is correct, but we can choose to ignore it, and cover the abyss with a layer of whatever we wish.

>> No.6370350

Comprehensive as always.

>> No.6370364

Saying Marty was ignorant is very wrong. It is evident that he has seen bad shit. He also has a big problem with fidelity and his drinking is about as bad as Rusts at times. But he refuses to let it drag him down. Rust took a look at the shitstorm and said "this is all there is".

>> No.6370369
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Just download them

>> No.6370370

It's about how life isn't great or bad, it's MALIGNANTLY USELESS

Suicide sucks, not being born in the first place is what should be preferred

>> No.6370390

Marty ignored a lot of stuff that he didn't agree with. He saw it, but he decided to focus on his vices.

>> No.6370399

Marty has seen a lot of shit but he still buys into the belief that life is absolutely positive overall for everyone and defends the default naive optimism. I agree with you that you can't let shit drag you down, but Marty is no philosopher, he doesn't think about the world as deeply as Rust does, he just blindly and stubbornly defends the worldview that everything is alright and doesn't ever confront Rust with rational arguments (which is definitely possible!). He refuses to even acknowledge the possibility of the truth being different which is definition of being ignorant. He thinks that life is worthwhile which is legitimate view, sure, but he believes that because it's the default opinion of our society, not because he thought about it real hard or because he was inspired by great thinkers of the past. He doesn't subscribe to Camus' absurdism nor Nietzsche's will to live nor is he a Kierkegaardian Christian or anything remotely sensible like that.
TL;DR: All I'm saying is that it's not only a question of what you believe, but why you believe that.

>> No.6370417

Moral anti-realists sicken me.

>> No.6370429

Except not one antinatalist argument takes such a form.

>> No.6370449

It's also correct.

>> No.6370454

my life has great use to me, it lets me do cool shit that I like like shitposting on hyperborean solar-worshipping runestones, so how is it useless

>> No.6370459

>It's also correct.
Prove it m8

>> No.6370460


>> No.6370465

I don't agree with Ligotti's nihilism. But I'd say life, once you remove the optimistic biases, can be said to entail more harm than benefit, usually.

>> No.6370472

What optimistic biases are these?

>> No.6370473

Not to any specific arguments or claims, but based off the title I'm going to assume it's a conspiracy theory book feeding on the mentally ill. It most likely does not provide a source for any of the outrageous claims it makes and it is overtly offensive to anyone that isn't a white American male protestant.

Then again it probably has nothing to do with conspiracies and I'm making myself look like a fool.

>> No.6370474

Read Schopenhauer, the utilitarians, and Benatar.

>> No.6370480

>the utilitarians
no thanks, my trashbin is already full
>and that, as a consequence, it is always morally wrong to create more sentient beings.[2]
lol those crazy moralists

>> No.6370481


Another two would include, psychological relativism, where one judges the quality of their life by comparing it to someone worse off, rather than objectively. And adaptation, by which a person gets used to an unpleasant state of affairs, over time.

>> No.6370485


>> No.6370492

It's pretty funny when people delude themselves into thinking their opinions are a law of the universe, especially in the year 2015

>> No.6370493

Oh, and another:


>> No.6370496


>> No.6370624

looks like elliot rodger who made it to his sixties

>> No.6370636

Somehow I doubt Tommy "without tranquilizers, I would exist in unending nightmare" Ligotti cares much for pussy.

>> No.6370670


just have some fucking patience.

you will never convince humans to stop breeding.

on the other hand, the extinction event is impossible

so just get your own dick snipped and have a laugh along the way

>> No.6370675

meant inevitable, kek

>> No.6370693

You've really got to feel bad for just how bad his panic disorder is.

>> No.6370812

>Including the author. Who gives a shit. It's mind numbingly cynical. Cynicism beyond pointlessness.
>his position doesn't make any more or less sense than any other.
That's exactly what Ligotti says in the opening of the book though. It's not written to change the ideas of people that have completely different ones. It's just him explaining his view of things and why he feels they are correct.

>> No.6371044

This is what I'm doing.

>> No.6371080

A nihilist, atheist homosexual professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Thomas Ligotti, a known antinatalist.

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and accept that life is painful, disgusting and ultimately mechanical and nothing actually matters, not even meaning the individual creates for himself!

At this moment, a brave, fecund, pro-life Christian humanist who had seven beautiful children and understood the intrinsic value of human life stood up and held up a rock.

”Why am I holding this rock, pinhead?”

The arrogant professor smirked quite nihilisticly and smugly replied “It's just neurons firing in your brain that have created the illusion that you're a conscious being”

”Wrong. I'm holding it because I choose to of my own free will. If none of us has free will and life, as you say, has no meaning… then why haven't you killed yourself by now?”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Conspiracy Against the Human Race. He stormed out of the room crying those antinatalist crocodile tears. The same tears liberals cry for the “humanity” (who today live in such luxury that most life well into their 60s) while they bitterly try to write edgy novels to make money that they themselves claim is hollow and pointless. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Nick Pizzeria, wished he had done something meaningful with his life and become more than a sophist liberal professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he himself "did not have the constitution for suicide"!

The students applauded and all accepted Jesus as their lord and savior and threw away their birth control devices. An eagle named “Desiderius Erasmus” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. Psalm 127: 3–5 was read several times, and God himself showed up and instilled everyone's lives with value and purpose.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died in a seemingly random accident that was actually part of God's plan and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

God bless ps Be fruitful and multiply

>> No.6371089

Would that be an existential, or moral nihilist?

>> No.6371110

Pure brilliance, by the way.

>> No.6371137

>at this point our professor, Nick Pizzeria,
At this moment, my sides are in orbit.

>> No.6371281

why should i care about the suffering of others? why would a collective extinction be honorable? how the fuck would that please me?

what fucking difference does the self being an illusion make to me, my self?

he discusses man and men on the same scale and throws around spooks like it's halloween bowling night.

>the whole point of Conspiracy is that pessimism as a resolute life-stance is not welcome to the minds very many people
optimism and pessimism are both distractions for me you fucking quack

>The fact that these people are obsessed with making a serious attempt to abolish human suffering, and to establish this aim as the central project of their lives, is nice to see.
he is a humanist in every sense and cannot understand the individual. his god is suffering and he sees nothing else but walking bags of pain. the honorable thing he says would be for all humans to suicide, but of course no one fucking agrees with him. the suffering of an individual and the solution of suicide, of nonexistence, should be left to the individual to decide on. no individual should commit suicide for the suffering of another, especially when that suffering individual continues existing, continues suffering. agree with this guy and take up his honorable cause of murder and self extinction to realize his dream.

he is obsessed with mankind, but fails in carrying out his scale of intricacy which defines everything chemically, that everything is scaled, he doesn't understand animals or anything else at all exists with arguably equal or lesser experience. he seriously believes humans alone are fucking magic and nothing else can suffer, or empathize, or understand death, as if we are fucking born into this world thinking hard and good about death and what it means to be alive, what even constitutes living. it's a joke man. his scale doesn't apply for other forms of life because it's easy as fuck to discuss man alone and disregard all the other lesser shit.

disclaimer haven't read it lól

>> No.6371351

seconding this entire post.

>> No.6373388

Still hilarious

>> No.6373491
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Has anyone ever considered that maybe death and suffering are inherently good things?

>> No.6373512

they're not inherently anything, they just are.

>> No.6373529

yeah, it's stupid, dumb, and gay

>> No.6373554
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Unless they're teleological. What if they're meant to teach us something?

>> No.6373562

starting from "live is inherently meaningless", there are a few options (probably not limited to): naturalism, existentialism, or antinatalism.

naturalism would say that life is good in so far as it's what people are naturally inclined towards, which isn't an objective standard but it's obvious that for most people, at least, they live rather than die and many enjoy it. people can argue for an objective value in naturalism, but the value is said to come from nature rather than an abstract objective value which should be imposed onto people or which people should reach toward.

existentialism says you can choose whatever meaning you wish. most existentialists choose to live and choose whichever values appeal to them, which are often not that different from the values that non-existentialists hold for other reasons.

at least, those are two systems which take many of the same premises as antinatalism and come to different conclusions. antinatalism stops at the premises and says they don't make sense so the result is that everyone must die.

>> No.6373572

>TFW there are moral realists on /lit/ right now.

The worst part are the ones who aren't even religious, and just think the values they inherited from their culture are somehow universal laws of science.

>> No.6373584
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I think you took his post too literally, anon.

>> No.6373591

>Tiepolo's Just Kidding

>> No.6373592

Antinatalism will always be a failed philosophy from a logical perspective because the very existence of life is the ultimate argument against it. All arguments, even those AGAINST life, are CONSTRUCTED by life. It's like if you held a debate and your opponent decided not to show up. You'd win by default, wouldn't you?

Unlife is never going to show up. Life wins.

>> No.6373597


>> No.6373606


Antinatalists will be right when life is extinct, except they won't because nobody will be around to have an opinion on it. Too bad,

>> No.6373607

There is no metaphysical teleology.

>> No.6373614


>> No.6373623

Says the godless apostate.

>> No.6373638

It has less to do with life than it does consciousness. Though consciousness is still required to understand the inherent shortcomings within consciousness, it does not make those shortcomings any less real. Depression, ennui, existential suffering, these things are dependent on a state of consciousness, and it is through consciousness that we can infer that a lack of consciousness would solve the problem of their existence. And before you respond "why not kill yourself?", suicide is not the answer, but it is *an* answer.

>> No.6373640


>> No.6373643

Yes, that is correct.

>> No.6373647

The same argument applies, unconscious beings can't have opinions or make arguments.

>> No.6373656

go to bed Rust

>> No.6373677

No one is arguing with unconscious beings, the question is of the value of consciousness for conscious beings. Human beings are the only species that make a number of ethical, valuation, and logical arguments, but because the existence of a human being is required to begin the debate, it doesn't undermine the validity of those debates as they relate to said judgments. That 'X must exists in order for X to be judged as bad' does not imply 'X exists therefore X must not be bad'.

>> No.6373884

What actual argument do you have against moral realism?

>> No.6373888

This seems to be based on the questionable premise that values require subjective experience. If moral realism is true, and values are objective, they would exist independently of any conscious recognition of them, like the speed of light being c, even if everyone is ignorant of it.

>> No.6373910

>If moral realism is true
Well there you have it. Antinatalism is bullshit.

It tries to make objective value judgements based on the subjective experiences of individual beings.

Life isn't "Good" or "Bad" because those concepts aren't real things. Antinatalists are just trying to project their personal opinion on the rest of the universe. It's my personal opinion that that's arrogant as fuck.

>> No.6374062

I think it's fair to say you don't know the arguments for moral realism.

>> No.6374321

Go to bed, Palahniuk, your conception of edginess isn't really edgy because it was hijacked by angsty high schoolers.

>> No.6374334

>All the hate for anti-natalism in this thread

This is tantamount to hating atheism. Instead of actually arguing why natalism is a good thing to begin with, people just spout logical fallacies all day, like religious nutbags do against atheism.

>> No.6374338
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>> No.6374341

dank memes bro

>> No.6374346
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>> No.6374380
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>> No.6374415

Ethic is a spook

>> No.6374425

Of course there are. You'd have to be an atheist to take this book seriously. If you're an atheist, you realize life is meaningless. If life is meaningless, so is antinatalism.

Oh, and antinatalism is a spook.

>> No.6374435


the one single problem here is that you're mixing the individual with the societal

this is why there is no argument to be made against you because you oscillate freely between these to very distinct phenomena

in this way your argument is structurally flawed which makes it impossible to logically refute, thereby giving you the illusion of it being flawless

please print this post and refer to it every time people post a fedora picture for you

>> No.6374442


>please argue against my neurosis

>> No.6374449

>If life is meaningless, so is antinatalism.
It would still be ethically more right, to not cause more life, which ultimately is pain. And don't get your spooks into this.

>> No.6374451


how can you fail at nihilism so badly

>> No.6374530

You haven't even read the book have you? It's not about nihilism, it's about pessimism.

>> No.6374630

>I have a magical device in my brain that detects entities that don't interact with anything else
>I can't explain how it works, where it is, or how it developed but it's TOTALLY THERE
>oh and different people detect completely different things even though their magical morality-detecting devices are perceiving the exact same entities, but I'm just gonna pretend that doesn't happen

Realists are literally insane.

>> No.6374646

You don't know anything about moral realism. It's also fair to note that your criticism would apply to mathematics, and logic, too.

>> No.6374651
File: 335 KB, 1024x964, itstoospooky3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"fedora" meme

>> No.6374652

Though Ligotti did say he was a moral nihilist in an interview. Which is obviously incompatible with antinatalism.

>> No.6374653

>It's also fair to note that your criticism would apply to mathematics

I don't think that is fair to note at all, unless moral realism necessarily implies mathematical realism. Which it does not.

>> No.6374657

What is fictionalism.

>> No.6374658

If true I don't think you could offer a truly compelling reason to act in a given way.

>> No.6374664

That's Ligotti's point though, the fact the debate is still alive and well 2500 years later means there is no ultimate answer that everyone will accept or even entertain. Best you can do is poke holes in the opposition's arguments and reveal their possible contradictions.

>> No.6374673
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>> No.6375290

>muh /b/-tier strawman

>> No.6375312
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>> No.6375313


>> No.6375392


>> No.6375401

Look up Godel's incompleteness theorem. Even math requires arbitrary axioms. It's impossible to create a perfect logical system which describes all occurrences.

I believe this applies to everything, Philosophy, Morality, Math, Science, and Logic.

The only reason we are so obsessed with finding a perfect system that describes the whole world, is because we still belong to a monotheistic culture. Also probably Socrates.

A true pagan or atheist should be comfortable with the fact that there is no such thing as a universal truth, and be happy with a collection of partial truths that accurately describe his current existence, but would become distorted if applied to things too far removed.

>> No.6375408

What is with retards misinterpreting the theorems, they're not that hard to grasp.

>> No.6375424

What does that have to do with moral or mathematical realism?

>> No.6375435

Godel Escher Bach makes a very clear explanation to layman. It does have implications for any system which attempts to apply to all cases without contradicting itself. Nobody is misinterpreting it but you.

The fact that you want to pretend it's just some purely academic math thing that has no bearing on everyday life is because you are afraid of the implications.

The universe was not created by a single god, nor does it operate on a single set of logically consistent rules. Realism is a bad assumption.

What doesn't it have to do with that? You can't make system that will apply to all situations, full stop. It doesn't matter if it's math or morality. You will always eventually find a case where the rules will become contradictory. Hence the halting problem, Russell's paradox, and everyday moral ethical dilemmas.

This shouldn't be hard to understand for anybody with a little perspective, unless they are deluding themselves into thinking they can know all the answers.

>> No.6375451

>Godel Escher Bach
Perhaps you should read something besides pop science "recursivity is kind of neat" horseshit by someone who's not taken seriously by basically anyone in the academic world.
>It does have implications for any system which attempts to apply to all cases without contradicting itself.
No, it only has implications for formals systems powerful enough to allows the formation (indirectly or not) contradictory and self-referential but syntactically correct statements presuming that we want to hold on to the law of non-contradiction, with which dialetheists wipe their ass with.

>> No.6375452
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>> No.6375480

>No, it only has implications for formals systems powerful enough to allows the formation (indirectly or not) contradictory and self-referential but syntactically correct statements

Yes Godel's theorem only applies to formal systems, but you can make a formal system out of anything. And most of the things realists consider to be "Real" do in fact fall under it's umbrella.

For morality to be real, it would have to be a powerful formal system, and thus susceptible to contradictions. If it's not that, then it's not real. Is that hard to understand?

As for dialetheism, that's hardly incomparable with moral anti-realism, moral realism on the other hand is not. If morality is real, then actions must be either right or wrong (or exist on some spectrum of rightness) , thus they should never be contradictory.

>> No.6375496
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>Nick Pizzeria

>> No.6375533

>For morality to be real, it would have to be a powerful formal system

I don't see why that has to be the case.

Assuming moral realism is true, why can't it just consist of tiny, independent packages?

>> No.6375554

if it is tiny independent packages, then none of them can claim to be objective or universal.

Unless I'm fundamentally misunderstanding moral realism. I consider myself an anti-realist, and i think that truth is just a bunch of tiny independent packages.

>> No.6375562

You can't judge the value of life as a participant imo

>> No.6375595

>if it is tiny independent packages, then none of them can claim to be objective or universal.


>> No.6375626

Because they are each specialized for a particular society, and even then mostly come down to personal opinions or observations.

I know killing is wrong, because that's what my culture tells me. In another culture it might be different. I know the sky is blue, because that's what I see when i look up, but sometimes it's grey or red or black.

>> No.6375628

What is positive?

Would that be a state of complete singularity? If so, then life, as long as it can be called such, is inherently a negativity seeking the positive, making every human action to be a positivity eventually leading unto being.

But what if we are already a part of the singular being? Being here means everything known and everything beyond to be known. We constricted by our mind only for everything that is to be known, seeing the one structure out of the infinite other ones, which means that everything we do is inherently positive(again, thinking as pure being as a positive thing, without which everything falls into irrelevancy and is neither good or bad, becomes a state that we must accept in all its depictions).

>> No.6375656

I don't understand your argument. If they exist then they are independent of society, that's not even debatable. And what does that have to do with "if it is tiny independent packages, then none of them can claim to be objective or universal."?

>> No.6375689
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>> No.6375702

Because they don't exist outside the cultures that practice them, and even within those cultures they are constantly being re-evaluated or contradicted.
They only exist for humans, and even then it's not a very tangible existence. You can't prove or falsify a moral judgement.

Unless I'm misunderstanding realism, Is it not a belief that "It's possible for things to be objectively right or wrong."?

>> No.6375714

Moral realism says moral rules literally exist. Like your keyboard exists. Cultures don't even come into it.

>> No.6375729

Well then, it's false, because moral rules are just cultural constructions.

>in b4 somebody argues that my keyboard is a cultural construction because it was built by people.

>> No.6375756

>>in b4 somebody argues that my keyboard is a cultural construction because it was built by people.
It doesn't matter that it was built by people. The essence of what constitutes a keyboard is the construction. Everything about your keyboard ultimately breaks down when you attempt to remove it from semantics.

>> No.6375790



>> No.6375796

What do you mean here?

My keyboard will still be a physical piece of plastic silicon, and copper, no matter what context it exists in. It has mass and volume.
In the context of my culture, it becomes a device with a purpose, but it still exists even if it is never used.

Morality on the other hand will always only ever be an idea in peoples heads, and even then an idea that is constantly being re-evaluated. It has no objective existence.

>> No.6375803
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>Hating on best girl.

>> No.6375930

>You don't know anything about moral realism.
I read this one paper "I'm a moral realist and so are you" or something like that. The author is either lying through his teeth or functionally retarded.

>> No.6375946

>Googling "I'm a moral realist and so are you"

This one?

>> No.6375989

You're an idiot, nietzsche's claim was that some individuals have the power to master life and enjoy it, he was anti-universalist so obviously he didn't make any sweeping statements such as 'life is inherently good'

>> No.6375995


>> No.6376005

This is what happens why you try to be Christian without God.

"You could have prevented this!"

"jk love fate"

"I am Jesus being crucified by haters."

"He speaks to me!"
-everyone who has a life with no accomplishments in it

>> No.6376008

>This one?
yeah, that's it. I was on the verge of actually writing a response and pubishing it on academia.edu, but I feel like I already wasted my time just reading the paper itself, and in order to write a response I'd have to read at least the first level of criticism and response to criticism.

>> No.6376011

So, basically

Fact: We're all going to die.

Book argument: Life is pointless and meaningless and everything we do in life is just to keep our minds distracted from the fact we're going to die, and we suffer due to being aware of our own mortality. The only way to escape this cycle is to stop reproducing, because non-existence never hurt anybody.

Is that about right?

>> No.6376013

That is a beautiful gif

>> No.6376020

Reading it now. Ugh, his whole argument seems to be "People defend their beliefs."

His example with the child not liking spinach being fundamental different from a modern person finding a particular action immoral hinges on the author hoping the reader agrees with the judgements and can't tell the difference between their own preferences and an objective morality.

The child not liking spinach is funny because we are adults who have come to the conclusion that spinach isn't "Icky." The examples involving racism or the flat earth (perpetuating a dumb myth along the way) aren't funny because we the audience personally believe that racism is wrong and the earth is round.

He even half admits this with the line.
>I hope you agree with me on this (if youdon't, replace this with a moral judgment you're rather confident in).
How convenient for him that the audience is likely to believe in things and want to defend them.

But really, that doesn't make them objective, it just makes them important to particular people or groups of people. Those people are not the universe.

>> No.6376022


>> No.6376025

Pretty much, coated with black and bitter humor.

>> No.6376026

Yeah. The argument bugs me but I'm not smart enough to come up with a counter so I'm just reading this thread

>> No.6376054

You don't need to write an argument against it though. The act of living itself is the best argument against death.

Find a mate and make at least two children if antinatalists bug you so much.

>> No.6376063

>The act of living itself is the best argument against death

But see, if life is meaningless, then so is death, and being dead is about as useful as being alive. It's worth fuck-all either either way, which is why—I guess—antinatalists don't kill themselves.

>> No.6376107

Yes, but the vast majority of living things seem compelled to go on living. Even if you kill yourself, your body would be decomposed by living bacteria and turned into fertilizer for plants, which would inevitably feed animals. You can't help but perpetuate life.

And life seems to be very good at living in hostile places. it could be conceivable that some very primitive yet hardy forms of life are spread by comets to every planet in the universe. In that case life wins up until the heat death of the universe. Making an argument against it is pointless.

Now, it's also true that death has existed for infinitely longer than life, and that it will exist for infinitely long after. But we exist in the life phase of this universe, and it will continue long after we stop observing it. Right now life is winning, and that's all that really matters.

Also, the tendency for simple systems to combine into complex ones might just be a side effect of entropy. In which case the existence of life is actually a function of the very process that ultimately destroys it. In that case, making arguments against life or death are even more absurd. Life is just the universe's way of efficiently breaking down existence.

>> No.6376124

>Life is just the universe's way of efficiently breaking down existence.
I like this, very poetic I might say. Reminds me of how Brassier argues in Nihil Unbound that philosophy is the "organon of extinction," that it is only because life is conditioned by its own extinction that there is thought at all.

>> No.6376183

Enough many people enjoy life so there's no reason they should care about this book.

He adresses this though, and says there's no point in in retaliating because things will keep going the way they do anyway.

He's just stating his view of things, it's interesting to consider but it's not a part of any "debate" about much anything. The chapter about supernatural themes in literature is really interesting regardless of your stance on the pessimism/antinatalism issue.

>> No.6376540

Possibly the most retarded post I've read on /lit/ this week.

>Living things feel compelled to go on living.

No shit. You are a puppet to your genes, a literal appendage to your germplasm. Which explains why people get so buttangsty and personally offended at even the idea of antinatalism.

And the moron upthread quoting Stirner doesn't even recognize his own spooks inherent in his worldview. Every single antinatalism thread is the same thing: one or two people causally discussing the actual topic of the thread amidst a bunch of retards getting personally offended at the charge that their life is filed with nothing but meaningless interactions meant to distract them from the fact that they will soon die and that they - their fuzzy ideas about personality, their "being", their "self", only exist so that their DNA can replicate itself at the expense of the individual.

>> No.6376550


>death has existed for longer than life

Nigga what lmao

>> No.6376557

I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself - we are creatures that should not exist by natural law... We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, that accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everbody's nobody... I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction - one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

>> No.6376560

haha he posted it again!

>> No.6376572

I can watch television, too.

>> No.6376581

>the suffering of an individual and the solution of suicide, of nonexistence, should be left to the individual to decide on.
That's pretty much the antinatalist argument though, that you shouldn't force an individual into existence without that individual making the decision. Since you can't ask him beforehand, it would be best not to bring the hypothetical individual into existence, just like you would do best not to fuck someone up the ass if you have no way of gaining permission to do so.

Ethically, having children is sort of like raping a comatose person.

>> No.6376596

Being unhypocritical is a spook. Stirner never says "spooks are bad", either. You're pretty spooky yourself m8

>> No.6376806


>> No.6376844

Holy fucking shit, this is terrible

>> No.6376895

>Possibly the most retarded post I've read on /lit/ this week.

No that would be your post right there.

>> No.6376927

Time is infinate (as far as we can tell) yet you life for a finite amount of time.

This an infinite amount of time passed before you were born, and an infinite amount of time will pass after. Extrapolate this to all living beings, and you have an infinity of time before life existed, and an infinity of time afterwards. All of human existence, in fact any existence at all, is just a thin slice of time bounded on each side by an eternity of nothingness.

Another reason Antinatalism is dumb, if life is so horrible, don't worry, it will all be over relatively soon. You can go back to the blissful oblivion you dream of forever.

>> No.6376976

Life sucks if you had bad luck or stupid choices, or bad environment or things like that.

Life sucks also if you are obsessed with thinking and you have this little voice telling you 24/7 that you suck and you should die.

Life is awesome if you get pussy, friends, a good environment, a good place to be, power, influence and other things

srs, having genuinely good life is possible, it's what makes our existance more miserable. If everyone had a bad life it wouldn't be so bad psychologically, but seeing genuinely good lives makes our one much more shitty.

That being said, it's our personal problem and nobody will care about you except yourself, you are fucked up and there is nothing you can do except being part of the game and try to have a good life even at the cost of others.

>> No.6377262

>david enoch


>> No.6378098

>Another reason Antinatalism is dumb, if life is so horrible, don't worry, it will all be over relatively soon. You can go back to the blissful oblivion you dream of forever.

Could it be said there's an element of altruism in antinatalism? e.g. the desire to spare further generations from the pain and grief inherent in life.

>> No.6378109

The statement "death has been around longer than life" was moronic because something has to first be alive before it can be dead. You're an idiot.

>> No.6378129
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Thanks to most everyone on this site for following along and playing my little game. While a couple people every once in a blue moon speak out, most here are loyal natalists. However, sometimes people get pissed at the whole circus and call me out on it.


Angry human:

>I really dislike the phrase: "Who knows what the future might hold? The possibilities are endless." I think that it is just a bullshit phrase people like to tell to each other to falsely cheer one another up and avoid facing mental distress by ignoring the sad reality of their current existential situation.

And well, actually, we do know. Perhaps not with complete exactitude, but we can get a pretty fucking accurate idea.

The future certainly holds death, for everyone. And before death, there are a limited amount of mundane, insignificant and meaningless occurrences, events and situations that could happen and that a person could end up experiencing. Many of those depending on the social situation, genetic composition and personality traits, can already start to be discarded as they have almost zero chances of ever happening other than inside the individual’s imagination. Not to mention that none of it, not even the best case scenario of a combination of things happening, will have a significant impact whatsoever on anything other than distracting the meat puppet from the fact that it is decomposing towards nothingness, about to say bye bye forever and that their forced emergence from the void to just momentarily being to purposelessly swim around lost in a sea of cosmic indifference, was monumentally futile and absurd.

>> No.6378133


>> No.6378155
