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/lit/ - Literature

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6366570 No.6366570 [Reply] [Original]

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is one of my favourite movies. Can anyone recommend me a book or author that captures the same kind of elegant grittiness and existential dread as Leone or Pekinpah?

>> No.6366573

The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger.

>> No.6366612

You want Cormac McCarty, OP

>> No.6366714

>You want Cormac McCarty, OP
Yeah, "Blood Meridian".

>> No.6366730

Blood Meridian is not spaghetti but it's still the ultimate western

>> No.6366740

What are some good literary fiction novels that take place in the Wild West?

>> No.6366764

Where the West Runs Yonder by Jonathan Twindle

>> No.6366781

Lonesome Dove is the ultimate western, Blood Meridian is the ultimate anti-western.

>> No.6366818

Appaloosa - Robert B. Parker

>> No.6366833

I was going to say, I get the same kind of vibe from southern gothic literature, so any recommendations for that specific wave (aside from the obvious Faulkner, O'Connor, etc) are welcome.

>> No.6366847
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>you will never be a lawman or an outlaw in the Old West

>> No.6367467

The Gunslinger by Stephen King.

it's good i swear

>> No.6367491

Only thing I've ever read was Shane. That was like 13 years ago when I was like 12 years old. Don't remember much of it at all.

>> No.6367517

Butcher's Crossing by John Williams is amazing.

Warlock by Oakley Hall is Pynchon's favorite western.

>> No.6367729
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>> No.6368728


FOR REAL you need to read blood meridian OP

>> No.6368764



>> No.6368792

+1 Blood Meridian
Git yo' self some Cormac McCarthy up in here.

>> No.6368796

Oh and another one --

The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt. Not really a western per se, but very worth reading.

>> No.6369358

Evening Redness in the West. I can't believe you guys haven't recommended it yet

>> No.6369477

How many of the books recc'd here are genre fiction and how many are literary fiction?

>> No.6369551

bout three or so

>> No.6369576

point out the genre fiction

>> No.6369600

read warlock by oakley hall. And if you like that ignore all the williams bashers and pick up butcher's crossing.

Both are incredible and will satiate your craving for an unorthodox western.

>> No.6369602
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mfw i post identical recs without reading the thread.
