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/lit/ - Literature

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6365228 No.6365228 [Reply] [Original]

>a bunch of rightwing hacks who churn out 1930s-tier pulp adventure stories got their neckbeard autistic lolbertarian readers to bloc vote in the hugos

>> No.6365234

>the hugos

The what? Lmao please don't tell me this is science fiction related

>> No.6365236

>implying standing up against ideological hegemony in your genre makes you "right wing"
>implying 1930s pulp adventure isn't well worth reading much more so than much of the current literature

yeah okay op

>> No.6365237


It is. The Hugos are the big science fiction ward.

Also, OP, when did Sliders become popular enough again that people are throwing that image around as a meme?

>> No.6365239

>>implying standing up against ideological hegemony in your genre makes you "right wing"
what cultural hegemony?
>>implying 1930s pulp adventure isn't well worth reading much more so than much of the current literature
not when its been done a billion times and their particular works poorly written

>> No.6365240
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The Futurians
The New Wave
SF has always been Left/Liberal, with a Libertarian side current

>> No.6365243

I've had it and used it for years

>> No.6365247


Henlein, C.S. Lewis, and several others come to mind as right leaning science fiction authors

John Ringo if we're talking about modern pulp trash

>> No.6365260

Heinlein was Libertarian/Eisenhower Republican

He made a point of putting women and people of colour in his works, often times you would only learn halfway or towards the end of the book that a character was African (The Moon is a Harsh Mistress) or Filipino (Starship Troopers)

Lewis was a Catholic weirdo, and people hardly claim his work as SF

>> No.6365264


>and people hardly claim his work as SF

Except that he wrote an entire series that was specifically science fiction

>> No.6365268

While Heinleins Revolt in 2100 has the earth controlled by Christian fundamentalists and Stranger in a Strange Land was spot on in predicting the modern televangelist

>> No.6366254
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>SJWs eliminate authors who are deemed to have the "wrong" personal opinions, and bloc vote the fuck out of the Hugo awards for years
>People get fed up and form their own blocs in order to undo the bias and allow a variety of content to compete for awards no matter who the author is
>SJWs realize they were beaten in their own game

>> No.6366276

> some illiterate hambeast didn't win a literary prize as a reward for checking privilege, this is an outrage worse than Hitler.

>> No.6366285

Also, thanks to your buttblasted shitposting I've discovered Vox Day, he's a much more fun and intelligent dude than your pudding-headed, limp-dicked SJW bullshit.

>> No.6366294


>> No.6366315

Read this (1000 words): http://www.apex-magazine.com/if-you-were-a-dinosaur-my-love/

If you do not believe that this was one of the best speculative short stories written in 2013-14, congratulations, you are a rightwing hack.

>> No.6366367
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>angry reactionaries get mad at their ideological mirror

>> No.6366502

Its a popularity contest, bruh. Of course there's gonna be cliques.

Gene Wolfe is conservative.

>> No.6366878

I missed something. What is this about the Hugo awards. Did a conservative award get created or something?


>> No.6366894

A lot of more conservative SF authors and fans got really angry because they felt like they were being deliberately and unfairly excluded from recognition and/or actively mocked by liberal authors. Much butthurt and name-calling was had over the Hugo awards for this reason.

This year, some of the people the conservatives liked got onto the Hugo ballot. Cue exact reverse situation, but mirrored left to right.

>> No.6366918


Cool. Who were the conservative nominees / winners? About time this shit happened.

>> No.6367038

>progressives are unpopular

this is news to you?

realize the rise of soc jus media is because rich people tend to lean left on social issues and with the rise of big data advertisers can now target you instead of just looking for large audiences

it is not evidence of popularity just income inequality

you are fighting proles in a culture war and they outnumber you

on every comment section
on every forum
on every popular website

your fucked kiddo

>> No.6367059

>genre fiction

>> No.6367089


I need some context.

Everything I'm finding seems to reveal some elaborate plot by a group of voters who blocked a bunch of SJW-infused bullshit because that's what had been happening in previous years. Now the SJW's are getting butt hurt because their own tactics are being used against them.

Seems pretty fucking hilarious to me.

>> No.6367115

>this is news to you?

Most major cities even in conservative areas are largely populated by the kind of people whose ideas would be derisively called "social justice warrior" etc on 4chan


The nominees were probably just centrist Democrats who ideological hacks claim as conservative because they're not far to the left enough

>> No.6367159
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But everyone is so fucking far right and far left that there is little difference between a centrist dem and moderate republican these days.

Trust me I've voted for Dole and Obama, no side wants me anymore

>> No.6367170

i am not aware what the current status of the hugo awards is but i find it pretty sad that what was once given to philip dick for the man in the hight castle is been humiliated by right wing scum (vox day etc)
why can't people just understand that the political opinions and personality of the author is completely unrelated to the quality of his work?
Also, sincei can't think of a better spot to post this, can anybody tell me that's up with the massive drop in /lit/ related stuff here?
most threads are out of place, not even philosophy or politics just straight up shitposting.
sorry for any mistakes in this.

>> No.6367186
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>People were being ostracized for their political views or even supposed connection to unfavorable political views
>A small group of progressives dominated the scene by ostracizing anyone who had the "wrong kind of thinking"
>This is somehow rationalized because they paint a caricature where deviation from their norm is a collection of buzzwords they lash out with: conservatives, republicans, nazis, rapists, misogyny, etc.
>The previously dominant group is now furious because democratic process is being practiced, and they do not have an ideological command of who is nominated or awarded anymore

This is honestly disgusting that anyone would defend the kind of mindgames these petty people play. It's been curious enough that some truly awful series have won Hugo awards, but once you realize that author is friends with the right people or preaches the right gospel, suddenly the unfair advantage makes sense. What happened to judging a book or author objectively, or for the content of their work instead of vetting them by some arbitrary standard that says "you think like we do!" Some animals are more equal than others indeed.

>Furious critics of the nominations crying about poor women and minorities being passed over for nomination, of conspiracies by straight white men who rule the world, and somehow videogames are involved.

This is some kind of meta absurdist comedy, I'm sure of it. Pic related would have been ostracized for his own views.

>> No.6367191


>Unrelated to the quality of the work

Except that all art is political and science fiction in particular lends itself to and often serves as a channel for political commentary

>> No.6367305


>If you have a different opinion than I do, you are right wing!

>> No.6367348

Why do people respect the Hugos so much? Doesn't it just show that sci-fi is a lesser genre/style that its main awards are given out by a community vote that just requires paying for.

When I found out how the Hugos were selected, I lost a lot of respect for them and was amazed at their esteem

>> No.6367360


>yfw Jim Butcher was nominated for Best Novel
>yfw Gene Wolfe was not

I mean The Land Across was far from his best work but it's far superior to anything Butcher has ever put out.

What is this farce award?

>> No.6367412

Dan Simmons won a Hugo for Hyperion, was was nominated for Fall of Hyperion, Rise of Endymion, and Illium.

He also wrote a short story about a time traveler who appears in a liberal's dining room to warn him about Islam taking over the world and forcing his future daughters to wear burkas and hate America.

>> No.6367463 [DELETED] 




>> No.6367475 [DELETED] 

t. Gawker Media

>Last August, the Hugo Awards for science fiction and fantasy were swept by a younger group of women and people of color. At the time, we said "This was really a year that underscored that a younger generation of diverse writers are becoming central to the genre." So maybe it's not surprising that there was an organized backlash.

>But this year's list of nominees seems to herald the beginning of the Hugos becoming "political" in the sense that each "side" will have its own recommended slate of nominees. People won't get to spend months chewing over the best things they read in the previous year and grappling with their own consciences about what to nominate — instead, each side will have to decide early on which standard-bearers to double down on.

They begin the article by stating outright that they threw a party for white men not winning awards, then end it by bemoaning that people will "start" voting based on skin color and gender instead of story quality. What a pack of shills.

>> No.6367706


Harlan Ellison called this shit out twenty years ago

>> No.6367939

Well, it's neither speculative nor a short story, so I guess I'm Glenn Beck.
It's a fairly interesting prose poem, though.

>> No.6367957

Oh please, stop pretending this isn't just a petty attempt to one-up ess jay double yoos, under the guise of a self-effacing, masturbatory savior complex.

Yeah, submitting subpar genre fiction written by cranks and loons to replace subpar genre fiction written by mad people is really fucking saving literature and super brave.

>> No.6367960

better than doing nothing

>> No.6367976


You know what you could be doing instead that's better than jacking off online while you grin your troll grin and write comments calling left wing internet slacktivists a bunch of fascist meanies because wa wa wa they actually care about oppressed populations?

You could be applying to grad school to further your education, writing your own creative works of fiction, getting a social skills coach (because anyone who foams at the mouth about liberals online is clearly socially maladjusted), or pursuing some other endeavor that would be a much better use of your time.

>> No.6367995

>doing the online equivalent of blowing spitballs at a maladjusted bully in your seventh grade class (while you are a maladjusted jerk yourself) is better than just letting him be miserable by himself and devoting your time to intellectual pursuits
Okay anon whatever you say.

>> No.6368002


It is literally worse than doing nothing

>> No.6368013


>He also wrote a short story about a time traveler who appears in a liberal's dining room to warn him about Islam taking over the world and forcing his future daughters to wear burkas and hate America.

Yeah, but he ain't got nothin' on this infamous bigot of the science fiction world:


>> No.6368026

i am in grad school and i'm published in like three short fiction journals on campus and one local one. almost entirely for speculative fiction, most of it science fiction-y.

i obviously agree that vote rigging is dumb in either direction and the end result here is that the hugos are worthless now (they actually have been for ages) but this is what bugs me:
>because wa wa wa they actually care about oppressed populations?

at first you act like you're taking a the high middle ground by criticising both sides' vote-rigging and ideological politicking, but then you default to ABLOOBLOOBLOO GOD FORBID WE CARE ABOUT THE TRANNIES AND BLACKS YOU RACIST!! you are exactly why this thing needed to be blown into the open by an equal effort from the 'other side': because faggots like you will let it pass by without comment when it conforms to your ideological position, as you did last year, and then freak out and cry 'racism', revealing perfectly the 100% ideological character of your investment in an award for literary merit.

this is exactly why this was a good thing. the hugos have been a joke for ages but now they are a politicised joke. the end result of this is that the leftist majority opinion - the one capable of more easily manipulating them by default, and hence the first to do it - is now just as out in the open as the 'right wingers' who had to organise a little bit.

but the net result is that the whole farce is visible. otherwise it would have continued. kill yourself.

>> No.6368068


>Being educated enough to be in grad school
>Still being a knee-jerk reactionary blindly against movements for positive representation of people who are not white, straight, or male

>> No.6368094

Holy shit you actually think this tit for tat schoolyard level drama is actually accomplishing anything and "exposing" a farce that clearly DEMANDS immediate attention, despite being the Teens' Choice Awards of fucking books.

You don't have to do anything, just an FYI. This is ultimately unimportant and those making a stink about this or gloating they're "pushing out the liberal cabal/hegemony/illuminati/whatever" are currently playing on the level of overcompetitive elementary schoolchildren.

Also, congratulations on being an officially recognized subpar writer.

>> No.6368101


See. I've seen people tell me that anyone who can afford Grad School must be oozing with ability and talent to get there.

You are the golden example, the evidence I've been looking for, that people who can afford to get into a university are frauds.

>> No.6368106


Are you bitter because you got rejected from every university you applied to? I imagine from your posts here that your writing samples were quite cringeworthy, or at the very least provided admissions counselors with some entertaining comedy.

>> No.6368110

>tfw going to be a right-wing reactionary writer and nothing you can do about it

>> No.6368117

Are we supposed to care? Enjoy mediocrity, I guess.

>> No.6368132

not at the cost of dismantling meritocratic competition sry

not only that, you're doing real damage to the agency of these people by giving them artificial recognition. it's not only condescending, it's especially insidious because it has materialistic benefits (money, career benefits of recognition) that might trump their ethical qualms at receiving hollow praise. in the long term it just perpetuates the attitude that 'representation' is distinct from self-presentation, and the solution to your lack of recognition isn't to get better but to cry discrimination.

i was fortunate enough to receive a full scholarship. i'm working class and couldn't have afforded it otherwise.

i guess we just differ. i prefer this immediate and stark controversy to another eleven years of
>Best Short Story: African Men on the Moon by Rainbow "Chocolate" Starfish
>*polite clapping* so brave, i read it, i even know a black guy, i upvote all trannies on twitter
with anyone who dissents being shouted down by mincing passive aggressive homos like this dude >>6367976


thank you

>> No.6368137

How does it feel knowing you're literally the fallacious majority rabble of academia?

>> No.6368157
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>*polite clapping*


>> No.6368162
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>angry reactionaries get mad at their ideological mirror

Except that's what happened to OP.

>> No.6368231
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>implying I'm liberal
>implying I'm not just a rational centrist who thinks this slap fight between neckbeards on the Internet is retarded
>implying everyone that disagrees with egoistic right wing douchebags with a martyr complex on a Laotian fresco forum must be a bleeding-heart liberal Marxist post-structuralist

>> No.6368257

Je suis a rightwing hack.

>> No.6368263


As a liberal who recognizes the radical anti-intellectualism and manipulative tomfoolery inherent in arguments common to both Marxism and Post-Structuralism it's amusing seeing people assume you must be some kind of rightist when you bother to critique either Marxism or Post-Structuralism

>> No.6368269


No I'm better because I'm broke, I'm chronically ill, and I'm fighting through an education to get enough money to get enough units to get to a university to study Sociology (only field that really interests me) and there's such an enormous amount of work while such a titanic price tag some days it feels like I should give up and get a minimum wage job for life.

The only way I could afford it would be scholarships. And I have plenty saved up, it's just never enough and student loans get involved.Education is just a fucking disaster.

>> No.6368271

This fucking sucks

>I’d watch the gore shining on your teeth.

Nice use of idiomatic English you fat fucking lesbian cow.

>> No.6368277


>I only would ever want to study a subject whose main scholars validate my existing views

>> No.6368288

>muh silent majority

The majority's never silent, my friend. That's a myth spun by losers to kid themselves that no, it's *everyone else* who's weird.

>> No.6368291


>I only would ever want to study a subject whose main scholars validate my existing views

Is there any better kind of subject?

>> No.6368299


>on every comment section
>on every forum

They key to nationalist victory is freeforums and the youtube comments section

>> No.6368314

>Read this (1000 words): http://www.apex-magazine.com/if-you-were-a-dinosaur-my-love/
> If you do not believe that this was one of the best speculative short stories written in 2013-14, congratulations, you are a rightwing hack.

>i want u 2 be a dinasore because ppl are mean
>this is speculative fiction

>> No.6368321


Maybe one that exposes you to a variety of ideas that you did not consider previously or that you're not simply appropriating to verify your biases. Every one of your posts on /lit/ displays a toxically insulated mind.

>> No.6368327

>trying to reason with a tripfag

>> No.6368337


Except the guy nominated is a dumb as shit racist hick that pulled a scifi styled Gamer Gate move to fix the polls.


It has nothing to do with democracy
, if crap like this wins the Hugo award then it might as well be trash.

>> No.6368342


So what do you suggest? If he's interested in sociology, where will he find 'ideas' that 'counter' the ones found in sociology courses?

>> No.6368344


I am convinced that Marxism and Anarchism are key to engineering a better society and the arguments against it are the very arguments I'm convinced of its own authenticity.

In other words, I'm hardly convinced by Internet Nationalists their ideal society would function well for anyone else. Because they just want to repeat glorious history and never attempt anything new.

You have people who believe in Capitalism who are nothing but sycophantic believers who think there are no faults within it or the modern conception of State.

The only conclusion I've personally come to, is that Marxism of some form is a better model, or philosophy fundamental for future society.

And it's key to criticize the political world, as it is now, so you can have a continuous base of understanding for any future society.


I enjoy how you find tripfags less reliable than people who believe in worldwide marxist jewish conspiracy.

>> No.6368348

Not even calling it by name- Sad Puppies ...
Saying that the Sad Puppies slate is "right wing" is an outright lie. There's even a bisexual socialist on it. She wrote A GOOD FUCKING STORY is why.

Want to know more? Go to monsterhunternation.com , Larry Correia (the founding author of Sad Puppies) has a summary up.

>> No.6368351

>crap like this wins the Hugo award then it might as well be trash.
>implying it hasn't been trash for a long time

I have some bad news for you.

Voting at Hugo has been political for quite some time now. Right wingers have simply joined in the shenanigans and liberals are upset because they can no longer hog the buffet table of bullfuckery.

>> No.6368356

Do i even have to?

>> No.6368358

Nominated for what? Do you even know?

>> No.6368365


What are you even saying

>> No.6368387
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It was my idea that people voted in terms of MERIT and not ideology?

So what was political about "Among Others","Redshirts","The Emperor's Soul",and "The City & the City"? All novels writen by men btw and all of them being Hugo award winners.

Face it you are a reverse SJW drama queen that can only get the attention you so desperetely desire by pulling publicity stunts like these. Of course everyone now is going to vote No, and you will cry "help I'm being opressed" becuase no one is taking these silly passive agressive shenanigans seriously.

If pic related doesn't win and that redneck hick writing his christian fan fiction wins it unstead the Hugo will lose all credibility forever.

>> No.6368399



Redshirts was military science fiction criticizing the expendable nature of soldiers in a military setting. It was criticizing how the military is an environment based around human life being potentially forfeit to the extent that the humanity of everyone involved is sacrificed.

How is that not political

>The City and the City

It was written by a Marxist trained in Political Science theory and was about the exclusory nature of borders and the concept of the "other". Do I really need to explain this one?

>> No.6368413

>Face it you are a reverse SJW drama queen that can only get the attention you so desperetely desire by pulling publicity stunts like these.

Black/white fallacy.

Just because certain Anons call left wingers on their hypocrisy when they whine about right wingers for once being the ones hijacking the voting process at Hugo doesn't mean that said Anons are right wingers who participated, nor that they actually give a fuck about Hugo per se.

>> No.6368441

If sjw deal with the problems that soldiers face in the field, training and society then they are much more focused in male issued than mra advocates.

>> No.6368479

Newsflash: You're still gonna be fucking broke.

>> No.6368484
File: 261 KB, 1119x872, octavia-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Whenever we try to envision a world without war, without violence, without prisons, without capitalism, we are engaging in an exercise of speculative fiction," writes Imarisha in Octavia's Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements, an anthology of short sci-fi stories co-edited by her and Adrienne Maree Brown. "Organizers and activists dedicate their lives to creating and envisioning another world, or many other worlds, so what better venue for organizers to explore their work than through writing science fiction stories?"

>Although the anthology features established names and writers like LeVar Burton, Tananarive Due and Mumia Abu-Jamal—who shares an essay about Star Wars and imperialism—the editors reached out to lesser known social activists and organizers as well, including some who had little to no experience with fiction and science fiction.

>Imarisha calls the progressive strain of sci-fi in Octavia's Brood "visionary fiction," defined by its insistence on imagining freer and more liberated worlds or critiquing injustice, rather than uncritically recreating the power structures of the world as we know it in fantastical garb.

>"Visionary fiction encompasses all of the fantastic, with the arc always towards justice," writes Imarisha. "We believe this space is vital for any process of decolonization, for the decolonization of the imagination is the most dangerous and subversive form there is, for it is where all other forms of decolonization are born. Once the imagination is unshackled, liberation is limitless."

Are you ready to have your imagination decolonized, /lit/?

>> No.6368495

>Literally stating they want to control your thoughts
What a time to be alive.

>> No.6368496


Social Worker is actually a highly demanded job.

>> No.6368500


You keep using that slur, it sounds like you're furious a group you identify with is losing traction and you're demonizing your opposition.

>> No.6368514
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>"Visionary fiction encompasses all of the fantastic, with the arc always towards justice," writes Imarisha

I'm glad we all have a universal and predetermineed standard of justice that lets us make statements like this.

>> No.6368521


>LeVar Burton is featured

That actually doesn't sound too bad. I wonder how Reading Rainbow guy writes?

>> No.6368526

>science-fiction fans
>being allowed to shit on other genre-fiction fans
Science-fiction is just code-word for focusing more on the setting to make up for lack of skill in prose-writing or making a good meaningful story for the plot.

>> No.6368527
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>Implying demand translates to salary

>> No.6368538

implying a lot aren't you, your ass has split in two

>> No.6368558


Money isn't everything :)

Helping people is what I want to do :)

>> No.6368564

Get used to being poor as fuck then

>> No.6368566

Salary doesn't matter in the slightest. Don't you know that having a job is about honor and duty and being free of the stigma of unemployment. Considering how rigged it all is, the difference between average salaries is negligible. The benefits are in having a place to go and stuff to do so nobody might get the idea they have the right to annoy you.

>> No.6368572

There is nothing inherently wrong with or amoral about thought control unless you're a spoilt boomer. In all imaginable cases it is preferable to physical coercion, do you not agree?

>> No.6368583

>There is nothing inherently wrong with censorship
Great point there comrade, we don't need to torture people if we just police their thoughts so they never disobey and have the same ideology as whoever's in power

>> No.6368596


I'm already broke :)

>> No.6368619

Are you that intimidated by the prospect of peer disapproval to equate it with totalitarian historical regimes? How iconoclastic.

>> No.6368626


Conditioning = Torture

Although there's plenty of reasons that the People's Republic of China failed, Mao actively turned the negative rule of Land Lords into a positive airing out of all problems in combination with various guidelines and rules which allowed people to become happier ten fold within that time period.

The way he did it, was once he got into power, land lords were held on trial, and people could air everything they were guilty of in front of them, in crowds. This made multiple ways of coercion easier, because it naturally placed Mao as the light of people being free from legitimately rotten exploiters.

On top of this, you have the Great Leap Forward.

If you read Mao, most of his work is genius. He psychologically lead people forward out of previous conditions.

Most ways to go about this don't involve much physical intimidation at all, you are naturally lead into these beliefs, you hold for life probably. But there's a convoluted set of environmental conditions that have to exist to allow them to happen.

Anyone smart enough could lead people towards this in a counter culture way, however. Once you realize it's all basically marketing, it all opens up.

>> No.6368706

I've been seeing lots of accusations of people being "right-wing" and "libertarian" recently.

Is there a witch hunt going on? Does the hivemind of the left feel threatened for some reason?

>> No.6368715


It depends. Can the right now be criticized for its glaring faults? It's been ages since it has been here.

>> No.6368738

Well, people from the right aren't calling me a "reactionary neo-conservative MRA" for disagreeing with their hysterical rantings.

Perhaps the crazies of the left are the new Tea Party, and they should be ostracized and ridiculed into irrelevance.

>> No.6368746


>Well, people from the right aren't calling me a "reactionary neo-conservative MRA" for disagreeing with their hysterical rantings.

Because you agree with the right.

>> No.6368762

So it's binary then? If you disagree with the left, you are automatically right?

No other possible positions? No such thing as a moderate?

>> No.6368763

Liberal ala modern Feminists and SJWs have nothing to do with left wing politics. They are collectively an annoying distraction with entitlement issues but firmly Capitalist in nature.

>> No.6368779

Yet they self identify as leftists and view right-wingers as their eternal adversaries.

But the fact that you want to separate the left from the "SJW" means they are already well on their way on becoming the Tea Party equivalent of the left. I just hope the left is ready for them and their methods.

>> No.6368785


>Liberal ala modern Feminists and SJWs

That's cute. You're a liberal too.


And so are you.

>> No.6368793

Nobody in major left wing parties takes them terribly seriously after the mockery their ilk turned occupy wall street into.

>> No.6368800
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>So what was political about "Among Others","Redshirts","The Emperor's Soul",and "The City & the City"?

>> No.6368804

I wonder if it's possible for anyone to criticize any political position without you responding with just a label.

I disagree with that notion, it seems OWS' failure has emboldened them instead.

>> No.6368810


>I wonder if it's possible for anyone to criticize any political position without you responding with just a label.

If it honks like a liberal, chances are it's a liberal.

>> No.6368823

If anything it just makes the labels meaningless.

You called me both right-wing and a liberal. So which is it?

>> No.6368828


You are a liberal with right wing tendencies.

A liberal doesn't make a reactionary, but a liberal doesn't make an anarchist, or any radical.

You think it's useless, but these terms have existed for decade after decade after decade after decade

>> No.6368839

Not really. When yuppie feminists and other college kids kept interrupting every meeting whining about arbitrary things like there not being enough 'diversity' in representation all the CPUSA/SPUSA and Union organizers packed up and left. It made it impossible to actually get anything done and is the reason OWS never got past talks with low level city reps, never had a coherent action plan.

It may have emboldened them, but give them a thousand years and they won't accomplish anything anyway, and a lot of people I know refuse to work with them now specifically because of that incident. Its likely they'll just dig their own political grave and move on.

>> No.6368840

>A liberal doesn't make a reactionary
These days it does, effectively.

>> No.6368860

Social justice isn't supposed to be constructive or a positive force.

It's an acidic, regressive force that seeks only destruction and it should be treated as such. Zero tolerance.

>> No.6368865

Did SJWs really divert OSW from economic goals in favor of their diversity circus?

>> No.6368867

What's destructive about constructing safe spaces?

>> No.6368871


Then they wouldn't be a liberal, really. They'd be a radical. A radical is different than a liberal. A radical could be far right or left. A far right radical is known as a reactionary. Far left radials have been called everything in the book

>> No.6368872

Did you see the Colbert piece on it? It pretty much encapsulates the entire disaster.


>> No.6368876

Yes. Its why it effectively petered out and stopped getting news coverage after a few months.

The people who actually had a plan were the minority, and it still saw limited success in some areas. But as a whole thats the root cause of failure if there ever was one.

>> No.6368880

Well, what is a safe space?

A foam-covered playroom full of teddy bears and play-doh?

Or is it segregation based on race, sexual orientation and/or gender?

>> No.6368886

only because the economic goal was lost in the lack of initiative and that power vacuum, that they recognized too late, was suddenly filled by vague equality ideas. Exactly the same that happened to the hippies.

>Didn't you see the propaganda? It pretty much explains things in a way I find comfortable
why do you chose to trust what a company tells you? why do you feel the need to spread their discourse?

>> No.6368887

Liberal hegemony, dude.

>> No.6368895

How about you ask the people who actually want to feel safe?

>> No.6368897

jesus christ

>> No.6368916

>Didn't you see the propaganda?

You know, when I first saw the piece back in 2011 I thought the exact same thing. Prop up a few actors pretending to be clowns, discredit OWS across the media to protect the rich elite.

But as it turns out that wasn't the case. There is some real bad blood between OWS and the social justice types. The progressive stack is a real thing, look it up.

These people are actually out there and are just as ridiculous as they were on that piece.

>> No.6368924

I asked you what a safe space is, since you brought it up.

>> No.6368928


Well, in my outside opinion, a safe space would be where people would be free from physical intimidation and harassment. But that's probably not the definition being used by either side.

>> No.6368929

I'm just surprised there weren't a few people with balls to bring everything in line and take control, all 'revolutionary' type movements need people like that. I guess more serious people might have been put off by how the media made it look like a big joke. Or such people just don't exist anymore.

>> No.6368954

The propaganda aspect isn't the poor kids they played around, it's the experienced comediant with a team of writers driving them to a series of set ups that are then edited a certain way to make the jokes land better. If Colbert didn't play with that ironic character thing, if it had been any other comedy central correspondent, he would had looked like a complete asshole to two kids half his age trying to explain the things he asked for. The joke of eating a buffet in front of people who were sharing the food and trying to last there was already a dick move in every way, it was a joke played on Colbert's character but it was a dick move for someone to do to someone else. Directing most of the discussion to the dumb looking voting system they had and then the dumb political correctness terminology she chose are also pretty obvious ways of not bringing up shit, they didn't talk about anything and the kids were trying.
It feels like to twenty naive somethings being played by a team of people twice their age backed by a corporation. How can someone think that represents anything is dumbfounding.

Closing it with a "transexual people are confusing" joke just cemented it as nothing related in any way with what was being discussed.

>> No.6368957

Like I said earlier, all of those people left. There wasn't anything to take control of or beat into line, people just wanted to make themselves feel like they were doing something without any of the effort that goes into actually doing something.

People like the ones in that colbert video actually made up a sizable portion of the useless mongoloids at OWS. You cant revolutionize that. They all cried about it and their feelings.

>> No.6368966

They were convinced that democracy had magic powers that make things work. Americans have zero idea about this kind of issues and really shows. You haven't grown up with chracters like Bolivar, Fidel, Peron, and so on, who clearly played the masses for their own sake even if at some point they became pieces of shit.

>> No.6368973

>How can someone think that represents anything is dumbfounding.

Because people involved in a revolutionary movement should have the sense not to make themselves look like pants on head fucking morons on a major media stage. If these people don't have the sense not to expose themselves as maniacs like they did then any kind of organizing done by them is a dead end.

>> No.6368985

The point is that the social justice crowd infested OWS and gave them a ridiculous strawman for the media to ridicule. They gave the media the tools necessary to run a propaganda smear on OWS.

As I said before, social justice is a destructive force and OWS is just another example of their work.

>> No.6368999

But where are the non-SJW leftists? Essentially all websites/new sources with at all leftist are full of them, you'd be hard pressed to find any kind of left wing organization that doesn't want to talk about intersectionality 24/7. The only place I ever see any number of non-SJW leftists is /lit/.

>> No.6369009

Liquidating OWS was a favour.

>> No.6369019

In the United States, Unions (IWW is big, etc), some fringe elements in the Democratic party (Not referring to Bernie Sanders here), and the CPUSA/SPUSA.

Its easier to find all variety of Democratic Socialists/Anachro-Communists etc in the rest of the world.

>> No.6369024


This. Nothing new under the sun.

The left wing cryptofascist SJW contingent is just complaining because someone nudged their glittery thrones and some of the sequins fell off and fluttered down in an unsightly display. Left them looking just as tawdry as the vote riggers. Ugly all around.

>> No.6369038

These are the Nebula, dork.

>> No.6369260

Has anyone bothered to look at the suggested slate they put up? Lots of PoC and women on it. Several noted liberals. Even a self declared socialist.

>> No.6369372
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>tfw /lit/, the most politically literate and civil board on 4chan, that has harboured socialists, liberals, fascists, monarchists all without any trouble, is now also infected with the retarded SJW boogeyman
>tfw glorious Marx threads or arguments about economics or reactionary literature threads will soon be replaced with the constant screech of the pro-GamerGate and anti-GamerGate retards
>tfw the dream is over

>> No.6369386
File: 10 KB, 351x352, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Amerifats think libertarian means liberal
>mfw Amerishits think liberal means the same as progressive
>mfw Americunts are retarded

>> No.6369398

They aren't retarded, they just happen to live in the creep colony of neoliberal imperialist hegemony.

>> No.6369404

>tfw these people claim to be socialists but advocate gun control
>tfw they claim to admire Marx but dislike violence
>tfw they support Islamists and negros only because they are brown and they feel guilty about being white
>tfw they support identity politics like feminism and anti-racism
The left is dying under the weight of these latte sipping, limp wristed, bourgeois intellectuals.

>> No.6369410
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>mfw people assume the two words are descended from the same political tradition and therefore one linguistic community is using the word 'wrong'

>> No.6369415


gr8 b8

>> No.6369417

>>mfw people assume the two words are descended from the same political tradition
But they're not, libertarians are anarchists and liberals are capitalists.

>> No.6369427

How is that bait? It is what is actually happening. In many countries the entire workers movement has been splintered or destroyed due to the bourgeois intellectuals shifting focus from workers to assorted non-issues like racism, environmentalism, feminism, homosexuality etc. Workers are turning to pro-business parties because the workers parties are closing places of work, such as pulp mills and dams. The primary demographic for labour parties is now inner city University students and middle class office workers, who may even be (very feminine) men.

>> No.6369439


>non-issues like racism, environmentalism, feminism, homosexuality

>> No.6369447

Yes. We don't need to play identity politics and the workers come before some replaceable trees and some bushland, which nobody would notice if it was dammed.

>> No.6369455

>But they're not

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

>> No.6369456


But how are those issues not issues of the workers themselves. Especially when rightists would ignore them. I feel like calling anything about the wide range of topics under those umbrellas irrelevant is a hazard. It's better to explore every possible avenue and hazard to work towards something better than to believe we are objective observers in the fight for worker's rights.

>> No.6369460

I'm not familiar with the controversy and can't find anything online except ax-grinding. Who are these "right-wing hacks"?

>> No.6369461

>We don't need to play identity politics

None of those things necessarily imply identity politics. Especially environmentalism.

>> No.6369465
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>> No.6369467

Because workers care about their standard of living and not hurt feelings you out of touch SJW goon.

>> No.6369468

Because we don't need to splinter the workers into niggers, faggots, whites, women etc. If you agreed that we are all humans you would see this. We don't need to worry about non-issues like having two men get a piece of paper saying the state recognises their union. That's irrelevant bullshit. We don't need to care about privilege and other such nonsense, as that is only a byproduct of treating others differently. If we identified others as only our fellow workers there would be no issues.

>> No.6369472

>durr I'm a nigger/faggot/dyke/hippie/bitch give me extra attention
It doesn't matter what a person thinks of themselves. They're either a worker or an enemy.

>> No.6369488


That's not how people work

>> No.6369520

The problem is that these people aren't interested in equality, they're interested in cultivating a special position for themselves at the masses' expense, at the expense of the unity of the working class.

>> No.6369521

>if i ignore what he said it'll look like i'm not retarded

No, it won't.

>> No.6369522


>> No.6369549
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>even Marxists can't stand SJWs
Hasta la victoria siempre.

>> No.6369656

Once they get some Mao into them they'll be set.

>> No.6371309

How does one register to vote for the hugos?

Are the works in question provided for you to evaluate before voting?

I keep hearing you can pay 40 dollars and receive the works nominated for the year but the website for World Con seems to be created by a time traveler from the 1990s.

>> No.6371315

> listening to reactionary teens who consider Stalinism and Maoism the unfallible Marxist schools of thought in the field of social politics

>> No.6371401

Someone needs to read up on the Third Estate Revolt.

>> No.6371464

this board is no different. It's the same male white garbage memes as the ehole site

>> No.6371502

Nice ideology

>> No.6371525

>Laotian fresco forum
I'm so glad to have popularized this maymay

>> No.6371615

>hurr durr white males

Cry moar.

>> No.6372213
File: 371 KB, 500x376, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still, I’d know that it was for the best that you marry another creature like yourself, one that shares your body and bone and genetic template. I’d stare at the two of you standing together by the altar and I’d love you even more than I do now. My soul would feel light because I’d know that you and I had made something new in the world and at the same time revived something very old. I would be borrowed, too, because I’d be borrowing your happiness.

this is like otherkin + female cucking + men are bad + womyn stronk

>> No.6372271


As a fan of dinosaur on dinosaur pornography I have to say this entire story was a let down. Why wouldn't the protagonist simply hop on the genetic engineering bandwagon and turn herself into a bejawed chicken? Any story that alludes to a relationship with a dinosaur which doesn't end in someone's cloaca getting tongue bathed during an egg laying scene simply isn't worth the web space it's displayed on in my opinion.

(Source: Five years of writing furry smut)

>> No.6372280

Anyone else went to Loncon this year
>all these feminists with shiny cultist eyes
>all these panels about "muh queer gender theory"
Going to panels on interstellar travel was like going to besieged fortress(still there were hundreds of us)

>> No.6372291

the fact that shit like Redshirts won over 2312 is a travesty and disgusting example why Hugos are worth nothing these days.

>> No.6372301
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>Spending 40 bucks so you can vote for badly-written, cultural-Marxist science fiction or badly-written, popular military science fiction.

I'd rather hang out with the cool dudes on /lit/.

>> No.6372336



It may have been Star Trek fanfic, but it was literary quality Star Trek fanfic that was genuinely amusing and engaging. I have no idea why you didn't like it.

>> No.6372485

If you believe that Scalzis toilet break novel is comparable to 2312 there is a special place for you.

>> No.6372613
File: 68 KB, 552x423, redshirts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's Redshirts. Haven't read 2312 but the bar for being better than Redshirts (not that I didn't enjoy it) is pretty low.

>> No.6373074

The funny thing about all this is that Larry Correia is a great writer (red state as hell still good tho) but he will be remembered as that guy that fucked up the Hugos. He gets no sympathy from me tho he went looking for nerd drama and found it. Doubt we will see his stuff make it to Hollywood now maybe some shitty web series.

>> No.6373432
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Wait this is a real thing? Omg

>> No.6373682

Correia responded along the lines of "I'll be crying myself to sleep on top of this big pile of money."

And the Hugos were already broken, unless you believe that a SJW diversity checklist and assorted sycophants trumps actual talent as awards worthy.

>> No.6373801

Any notable snubs in recent years you'd care to highlight? Cause if the stuff these weirdos chose to drag to center-stage like Kevin Andersen or The Dresden Files Chapter 11,000 is the best of what's been snubbed, then there's even less worthwhile genre stuff out there than /lit/ snobs would normally suggest.

>> No.6374084

Didn't Wolfe win Hugo a few times already?

>> No.6374152

I don't think Heinlein fits into the whole left/right framework pretty well. He's some kind of eclectic centrist.

>> No.6374181
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>Didn't Wolfe win Hugo a few times already?
Nope. Wolfe never won a Hugo.

In contrast, a certain 'Ann Leckie' won the Hugo, the Nebula, the Clarke and the BSFA awards. That makes her one of the most decorated authors of all time.

She's famous for writing fiction with gender-neutral pronouns.

Pic is a sample of what this James Joyce of sci-fi wrote.

>> No.6374191
File: 58 KB, 600x400, gfs_46587_2_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukon trail fan fiction tier

>> No.6374200

This most likely old but Environment is a way bigger than that. I'll agree Labor issues weighing against environmental issues are hard but without an actual planet that is livable we're all fucked. There won't be any Labor vs Capital just endless dust.

The Hugo's are a joke so is most literary awards.

>> No.6374215

Well If I learned anything it is to not take awards that seriously anymore.

>> No.6374223

Never heard of her. Also that prose is very boring and has the need for cliche names of sf.

>> No.6374230

Chapter 2 reveals that the annoying narrator is some kind of ai from a two thousand year old dune type troop ship.

>> No.6374235

Ai shouldn't sound like a writing of a teenage girl, assuming programmers weren't retarded.

>> No.6374237

Its got a pretty heavy peter f. Hamilton vibe crossed with honourverse. I'm cringing pretty hard. Its kind of enthralling in a 50 shades of Greg bafflingly terrible fashion.

>> No.6374250

There is an alien race called the rrrrrrr


>> No.6374252

>Kevin Andersen

Seriously? The guy who used to write X-Files adaptations (and perhaps even original novels!)? He's like one step above RL Stine, if he even is above RL Stine. Who's next, Peter David?

>> No.6374253


Jesus that actually is awful.

>> No.6374256

It gets worse. The plot flips back and forth between some inanely boring astro racial politics and the Yukon trail story.

I'm waiting for the point of the novel, which will presumably be when the narrator- who refers to everyone as a she, despite being a non human ai, will talk about gender politics for 40+ pages

>> No.6374260

Living proof of why modern liberalism is cancer.

>> No.6374261

I've encountered a few published no talents like this before. Its like they've spent their whole lives building this shitty plot and then realise they needed to wrap a world around it, and, oh yah, gave characters. Its just so flimsy.

>> No.6374265

What always gets me is why they think anyone would want to read their no talent prose and contrived story when dune and foundation already exist.

>> No.6374276


>> No.6374277

Because feminism and diversity and plebs

>> No.6374281

I think because 16 year old girls is the correct answer

>> No.6374288

Same thing m8
And of course grrls who never stop being 16.

>> No.6374297

Yah his race war books aren't bad actually.

>> No.6374300

>caring about awards and accolades
definition of hack, I tell you what

>> No.6374371


Please elaborate

>> No.6374512

When is Christopher Paolini going to ever win a genre award? He deserves one.

>> No.6374709

Lewis was pretty much a complete social democrat, with some conservative views on society.

>> No.6374715

So it's fighting fire with fire? Unmeritocratic selection neutralised with unmeritocratic selection from another perspective to prevent "bias", meanwhile nobody is actually judged by quality.

>> No.6374742


By the standards of most social justice oriented science fiction writers today, however, Lewis is practically a borderline-fascist reactionary

He did allude to supporting absolute monarchy and detesting progressive educational styles in his children's books, but that may have just been him trying to be edgy

>> No.6374833

And, unlike many of the SadPuppies nominees, Ancillary Justice actually ended up being really fucking good. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you didn't actually read it.

>> No.6375028

>nobody can provide any evidence or cite any examples of any sort of "SJW"/liberal plot or agenda

>> No.6375096

They put Anderson and Dresden files in their ballot bloc to act as beards so they can argue "we're not political we just want simple old fashioned fun not high fallutin' literature"

>> No.6375115

>2312 didn't win
If there is a conspiracy of "SJW", liberal intelligentsia, etc then shouldn't by definition 2312 have won?

Guess what ladies and gentlemen: sometimes a literary work wins and sometimes a fun work wins, sometimes a politically themed work wins and something a work with no regard for politics wins
People are nominating and voting for whatever they like!
This is what the cultural warriors of the far rightwing cannot wrap their heads around. To them everything is Identity Politics.

>> No.6375126

I can't tell if you're talking about the mythical "SJW" bogieman that exists only in the mind of the far right, or the far right attack dogs trying to remake society in their image

>> No.6375131

Thomas Beale, John C. Wright, Larry Correia, Brad Torgerson

>> No.6375146

There is no such thing it is a fantasy of the right used to justify there fury

>> No.6375157
File: 157 KB, 600x471, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Kevin J Andersons book that got nominated
>those tense changes

>> No.6375164
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>John C. Wright

>> No.6375194


The sequel is up for a Hugo for best novel this year as well.

So is the sequel to the sequel which I believe hasn't even been written yet.

>> No.6375203


>Kevin J Anderson

isn't that the asshole who writes terrible red headed step childs of the Dune series

>> No.6375218


>> No.6375222


Wow the hugos really are dead.

>> No.6375224

Apparently he doesn't actually write

I have heard dictates into a recorder and someone else transcribes

Often while he is out hiking

>> No.6375233

This is good! I love when the status quo gets shaken up by people with different, ostracized political beliefs! You know, like what the Science Fiction scene used to be about!

>> No.6375241
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>> No.6375243

>shaken up by people with different, ostracized political beliefs!
Like women, racial minorities, and sexual minorities?

Well that's what these clowns are complaining about

>> No.6375257


>> No.6375267

Feminism, anti-racism and pro-homosexuality are 'ostracized political beliefs'?

What the fuck insane parallel universe do you come from?

>> No.6375276

>People are nominating and voting for whatever they like!
Yeah? Name one nominated work that doesn't speak disparagingly about Christianity. Name one that isn't pro-homosexual.

>> No.6375280

>married to a black woman
>racist hick
Lol ok sir, brilliant argument you have put out there. Truly you are a thespian worthy of our highest regards!

>> No.6375282

>women and blacks and gay people have been welcomed in society since the beginning of recorded history

>> No.6375289

>I don't like the nominees
>its a conspiracy!

>> No.6375294

>married to a black woman
I find that hard to believe considering what he called N.K. Jemsin

>> No.6375337

>bourgeois intellectuals
It's worse than that, they're not even real intellectuals, but more like faux-intellectuals. They're the kind of people who pick up a book, read it, see some fancy phrases and then quote it when talking to other people just to show off as "cultured" and "enlightened" when in fact they never processed the book through their own judgement. These anti-intellectuals are the kind of people who can't comprehend the idea that nobody will agree with them on EVERY issue, thus when they disagree on something, they immediately brand their "opponents" as heretics, racists, sexists, rape-apologists, conservatives, reactionaries [i fucking love when I see this one thrown around, since it doesn't mean jack shit in the end] and many other types of brain-dead smears. With this kind of people you can't actually hold a conversation since you either completely agree with them or you're branded the things I mentioned above. What's the point in talking to someone who is incapable of having his ideas challenged and that is so inflexible?

>> No.6375349

Those are real issues and concern workers as much as anyone else. Worker owned factories have the power to do something about the environment unlike a corporation

>> No.6375353


Calm down Moldbug Number of 2

>> No.6375356

Vox day is a racist, and a sexist, and he claims marital rape is impossible, and a conservative reactionary
>by framing it as what vox day is I am trying to bring this back on topic

>> No.6375364

>tripfag in charge of using buzzwards
Mhm, really fascinating retort you had there my friend.

>> No.6375380


Do you even know who Moldbug is

>> No.6375396

>le evil reactionary may-may
Perhaps someday people will realize that every ideology, social theory, political view, philosophical work and other similar things are a REACTION to the world surrounding us. We all are reactionaries. And when everybody is a reactionary, nobody is.

>> No.6375410


So you don't. Moldbug among many others, copied Stormfront in believing they could subtly adjust the politics of socially maladjusted people for their own ends "red pilling them" (despite The Matrix being written in half or more by a trans woman), in order to influence people to take Libertarianism, Fascism, and Rightist politics more seriously.

4chan is one example of this, with Stormfront doing the same previously.

Moldbug among others in what would be called among them "The Dark Enlightenment" would literally pass out custom magic the gathering cards with they're name on them in Magic games to market themselves.

They were humiliated into obscurity. Rightists coming up with these bizarre internet mind games to try and "influence" people, is the problem nobody is willing to discuss.

>> No.6375415


>implying redpill is transphobic

It's one of the more trans-inclusive communities I've observed in my travels through the web as a crack internet anthropologist

>> No.6375454

>magic the gathering cards
I really though you were joking

>> No.6375471

The concept of red pill was invented by Lana Wachowski

>> No.6375472

>despite The Matrix being written in half or more by a trans woman
That person began transitioning after the movie came out, though.

As for the rest of your post, it's really funny that you tell that I'm here to "redpill you" while multiple people ITT throw slurs like "racist", "sexist" left and right, with no actual proof besides the "I don't agree with him".

And regardless if you see it or not, anti-intellectuals are all over the place. Too often I've seen radicals denying facts [sometimes with dumbass retorts as "you're mansplaining boi!"] and refusing any sort of insight beyond seeing the world in black and white. "I'm a bigot against bigots and if you think I'm a bigot, you're most likely a bigot" is a perfect quote of the way anti-intellectuals think, no measure, no thought, "with me or against me" mentality all the way.

>> No.6375530

>Rightists coming up with these bizarre internet mind games to try and "influence" people, is the problem nobody is willing to discuss.

The hysteria in gaming recently? This attempted hijacking of the hugos?

>> No.6375573

That scandal didn't even start with political debates. It simply was about a journalist [so-called or not] who slept with his source for at least two articles and who did not mention this in any of his articles. Like any scandal, there were a bunch of trolls and people going after other people's throats, but this whole "sjw vs rightists" started about a month after the initial flare-up, by people who had nothing to do with the initial subject.

>> No.6375581

>That person began transitioning after the movie came out, though.
so you think she suddenly woke up one morning and started being trans?

>> No.6375592

The first reports of her transitioning process appeared after Matrix was released, as far as I remember.

>> No.6375600

>video game 'reporting'

I'm sure chomsky is rewriting the propaganda model for this

>> No.6375791

>Like women, racial minorities, and sexual minorities?
As an Eastern European in UK I am a minority that gets discriminated by racism pretty often.
Yet I would never be recognized as an author by current Hugo crowd because I was born white.

>> No.6375807

so until something is reported nothing previews has happened? until war is reported there is nothing setting it up?

>> No.6375885

>I find that hard to believe considering what he called N.K. Jemsin
I don't give a shit what color skin she has. Look at her blogpost: http://nkjemisin.com/2014/09/what-ive-been-up-to-lately/

She's bragging that she got a tattoo for her birthday, calling it a 'treat' and a 'personal milestone'. She's literally human trash, Vox was actually too kind to her.

>> No.6375895

Isn't "I don't like the nominees, it must be a racist rightwinger conspiracy" exactly what you're complaining about, fucknuts?

>> No.6375904


>> No.6375924


What the hell do you have against body art, you ridiculous cretin?

>> No.6375968

People that are proud of self-harm are human trash. Other than that -- go ahead and do whatever. I suggest you commit to the ultimate body modification and cut off your head. Save the planet, the net utility of your continued existence is negative.

>> No.6375984


You're being ridiculously hostile just because someone has a tattoo. If you don't like them, don't get one, but there's no need for you to act like an utter jackass about other peoples' decisions to do something they enjoy.

>> No.6376003

>but there's no need for you to act like an utter jackass about other peoples' decisions to do something they enjoy.
Says who? You and your limp-dicked thought police? Go fuck yourself and take your human trash buddies with you.

P.S. I'd doing something I enjoy: calling a spade a spade. Don't you dare act like a jackass and try to shout me down.

>> No.6376046

> but there's no need for you to act like an utter jackass about other peoples' decisions

>> No.6376358

NO! You're just harassing women on the internet!
Stop marginalizing women, she is talented af!

>> No.6376458

Torgersen, who organised the Sad Puppies list, is married to a black women (source: https://bradrtorgersen.wordpress.com/2015/04/07/fort-living-room/).). The Vox day guy from Rabib puppies is married to some musclewoman. I havent read any of these books but Torgensen seems like a very nice religious guy with legitimate views which i am sympathetic to. Vox day OTOH sounds like a truly awful attention whoring edgelord who is trying to jump on the bandwagon for personally profit. His presence is greatly damaging the Sad Puppy cause.

>> No.6376539

Good one.
>proceeds to stick fingers in his ears "Lalalalalala! The evidence surfaced from Gamergate doesn't exist! Lalalalalala!"
Keep it up buddy.

>> No.6376546

/pol/ here, keking at your butthurt

>> No.6376553



why do you think anyone should care about you citing gamergate

>> No.6376558

We actually had nothing to do with this.
If we had, Mein Kampf would of been on the list.

>> No.6376566


There happen to be many losers in the world, you just happen to be the most blatant example. But there are others.

There are nerds everywhere, you're certainly not alone.

>> No.6376568
File: 1.25 MB, 300x150, 1396634967024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any story that alludes to a relationship with a dinosaur which doesn't end in someone's cloaca getting tongue bathed during an egg laying scene simply isn't worth the web space it's displayed on in my opinion.

>> No.6376575

>some tripfag retard
>calling other people losers
>calling other people nerds
mien siden

>> No.6376584
File: 651 KB, 1067x800, where do think you are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling someone a nerd
>calling someone a looser.
>on 4chan.

>> No.6376590

>There are nerds everywhere, you're certainly not alone.
>Tripfag /lit/cuck
>calling oter people nerds
You don't happen to be one of the many losers you are talking about?
Stay butthurt that people are not only allowed to have different opinions from yours, but also act and vote based on them

>> No.6376599

Why do you think anyone should care that your ignorant of the evidence before you that goes against his claim? Also why do you care to namefag friend?

>> No.6376604
File: 390 KB, 500x800, 5cR2Q8j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Believing there's a Jewish Conspiracy worldwide that involves feminists and lesbians and Marxists is far better than having a trip on 4chan.


I know exactly where I am, and I was exactly expecting you.


>Stay butthurt that people are not only allowed to have different opinions from yours

You have no opinions. If you had opinions motivated politically via 4chan, you would not be capable of maintaining consistency.


I cannot care.

>> No.6376606

When have SJW ever cared about merit?

>> No.6376609

Get a load of this pretentious faggot. Do you realize you are trip fagging on an 4chan?

>> No.6376612

The new left feels a lot like the right AKA WASPS. There is no winning. Normies don't care enough to accommodate everyone, they just want to mold the world to fit their fanatic views.

>> No.6376614
File: 2 KB, 125x89, 1359781148447s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Get a load of this pretentious faggot. Do you realize you are trip fagging on an 4chan?

An 4chan

>> No.6376619

kek underrated post

>> No.6376621




>> No.6376623
File: 723 KB, 1078x641, 1426581727623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fingers in his ears "Lalalalalalalala! I cannnot care! Lalalalalala! Ignore my tears! Lalalalalalala!"

>> No.6376625

Now you have sunken so low as to feel the need to attack what was obviously an accident? Topkek, /lit/ is even worse than i thought.

>You have no opinions
One of my opinions is that you are butthurt

>> No.6376626

Fuck the Hugos you assblasted faggot.
>democracy is bad when we don´t win

>> No.6376630

>being a newfag
>being a tripfag anyway
>being a cuckold
literally kill urself

>> No.6376631

>I are pretentious faggot.
>I don't irony

>> No.6376633
File: 880 KB, 3000x2000, pol_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like every sapy love poetry I have been forced to read, but with cringe worthy teh-peguin-of-doom randomness added. Who does that to people?

>> No.6376634


That's one small pathetic looking dildo.


>Now you have sunken so low as to feel the need to attack what was obviously an accident? Topkek, /lit/ is even worse than i thought.


>One of my opinions is that you are butthurt

Am I getting redpilled?

Exorcise the fake-commie pomo lib from me, please.

>> No.6376639
File: 39 KB, 960x540, 5467348956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's one small pathetic looking dildo.
I'm sorry we can't all be sitting on a dragon dildo like you right now.

>> No.6376641

sounds interesting what's it called

>> No.6376645





>I don't irony

That sentence does not make grammatical sense. Could you try using grammar next time you post, on /lit/?



>> No.6376654

>tripfag and dildo elitist
I don't know what high horse you sit on to look down at people--oh wait, you are on a dildo.

>> No.6376656

>That's one small pathetic looking dildo.
yeah it must be white right XD

small wite dildos
*crowd boos and hisses*
big black dildos!
*crowd cheers and starts masturbating vigorously*

>> No.6376658

>That sentence does not make grammatical sense. Could you try using grammar next time you post, on /lit
I see the joke went over your head.
>I can't into humor. I super serial.

>> No.6376659

>tripfag and dildo elitist
>implying you can be one without being the other

>> No.6376662


What is wrong with you


Tell /pol/ I'm a dildo elitist


>>I can't into humor. I super serial.

That doesn't make much grammatical sense either. Care to elaborate?



>> No.6376670


>> No.6376672
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1327467854805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate capitalism as much as war, violence, and prison.
>charge money for books

>> No.6376677
File: 66 KB, 500x375, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


General ideology: Reactionary, the techno-commercialist wing. I was redpilled by Moldbug. The tl;dr. version is this: optimize for intelligence, optimize for asabiyyah(As much as possible in a declining civilization) and select for a higher quality population.

Dark enlightenment chart position: Connected to the political philosophy people via Moldbug, Idegoria, Nydwracu, Spandrell, James Donald and the Techno-commercialists via Nick Land.

Trichotomy position: The techno-commercialist branch, with some sympathies to the ethno-nationalist branch(Supporting omniseperatism) and willing to allow theonomists their own country.

>> No.6376678

>Tell /pol/ I'm a dildo elitist
Nope, sorry to break it to you namefag no one knows or cares who you are or what your dildo collection is like or what your presence in books are. You can always brag to your mom though if you decide to leave her basement.

>> No.6376683


Everyone cares about dildos you fucking fascist

>> No.6376686

>That doesn't make much grammatical sense either. Care to elaborate?
Not him but he is clearly poking fun at you using critical irony. Now stop tripfagging and posting, you are making us /lit/fags look bad.

>> No.6376688

But those problems can all affect a workers standard of living.

>> No.6376691


>Now stop tripfagging and posting, you are making us /lit/fags look bad.

For who?

>> No.6376694
File: 35 KB, 493x387, 1427101754922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
Thank you for the keks /lit/

>> No.6376695

>taking the bait.

>> No.6376697

>you are making us /lit/fags look bad.
Can't speak for other boards, but /pol/ already viewed you as pretentious commie faggots

>> No.6376700
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1427377586863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls people fascists
>wants people only to vote for his selection of books
>wants people only to post photos of dildos he approves of

>> No.6376704

thought control is for people who want to convince others but don't actually have enough conviction enough to put themselves at risk for it. physical coercion is for people who are willing to risk themselves against the one who is wiling to call their bluff.

also women will make the excuse that, on average, they exude less force than men and therefore incapable of physical coercion. this in itself is a form of thought control, as the concept of a lever has existed since time immemorial, but the simple truth is that they are weak of conviction and would rather not risk harm for such a minor gain.

>> No.6376705

Eat shit ;^)

>> No.6376706

but that's looking good.

>> No.6376710


The judgement of /pol/. I'm screaming.


Maybe you could start the conversation, by actually reading a book.

>> No.6376713

Kinda...Ok, yea.
And we're not the only ones.

>> No.6376715


How old are you?

>> No.6376717
File: 30 KB, 356x400, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you're literally making our board look bad right now. take off the trip you stupid cunt.

Honestly guys, he JUST got that trip, he's a faggot and we all know it

>> No.6376718


Every board on 4chan is cancer. r9k for the misogynists, adv for the perpetually depressed and various types of chronic liars, pol for the angry anti-intellectual fascists and monstrously disgusting racists, lit for fedora tipping philosophy majors and anti-intellectual foaming at the mouth far leftists

you get the idea

>> No.6376719

Utterly unimpressive.

>> No.6376725

>genre fiction
Umm, nobody here actually cares about this, right?

>> No.6376728

And he derailed the thread.

>> No.6376730

>Maybe you could start the conversation, by actually reading a book.
My bad, you seemed pretty focused on dildos. Last sci-fi book I read was Bladerunner in German. Felt like the German language made the book extra right wing.

Funny story, did you know the book's original title was "Do Cyborgs dream of Electric Sheep?"

>> No.6376731

fiction is for children and autists.

>> No.6376737

Why is it tripfags no matter what the board are always cancer?

>> No.6376741

Will somebody tell me the fucking name of the book so I can call it plebshit? Jesus christ, we're literary critics not fucking politicians

>> No.6376748
File: 2 KB, 80x80, weffew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Last sci-fi book I read was Bladerunner

Blade Runner isn't a book.




Because I enjoy irritating 14 year old students who just learned about racial tension.


I'll derail twelve.

>> No.6376755

>/lit/ cannot into archiving.
You should really start doing it more.

>> No.6376756
File: 453 KB, 1920x1080, wheel-of-time-use.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ignorant am I? I had no fucking idea Tor and the sci-fi/fantasy crowd were progressives.

>> No.6376763

Wait, sorry, wrong link.

>> No.6376766

Think about it guys.

This person is so angry that his favorite shitty author didn't win an award in a genre that's incredibly oversaturated, that he made himself a name and personality on a Taiwanese mocha frappuccino board and is throwing such a bitch fit that he's literally stopping people from talking about the award that his author didn't win.

>> No.6376768

>Heinlein was Libertarian/Eisenhower Republican

LOL. You think a libertarian would/could write Starship Troopers? Of course he didn't outright say, "I'm a fascist." He would have been crucified like the left is trying to do to these authors. His ideas speak for themselves.

>> No.6376769

Here it is.

>> No.6376771

>Blade Runner isn't a book.
Never forget that /lit/ is full of hipsters, so it dosn't count if it's something you could have heard about without being a pretentious fag

>> No.6376773

So which book is /lit/ pissed off about? Ancillary Sword?

>> No.6376774
File: 153 KB, 634x801, article-1189467-051CE773000005DC-756_634x801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bladerunner isn't a book
>my sides
Yeah the movie was first. *sarcasm*

>> No.6376781
File: 9 KB, 493x402, 1367710222377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last year's Hugo went to a shit space opera because it never once used male pronouns

This shift was long, LONG overdue.

>> No.6376784


I'm not even discussing the awards. I'm mocking you.

Stop saying guys, this is not 2004


The book is not called Bladerunner nor is it called Do Cyborgs Dream of Electric Sheep.

It's called Plebrunner Do Plebs Dream of Genre Poop

>> No.6376791

Thank you.

Yep, plebshit.

Carry on.

>> No.6376793

>your reading comprehension

Holy shit. I thought you're supposed to be able to read, if you actually want to read books.

>> No.6376803
File: 160 KB, 600x300, 3452398467234896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The book is not called Bladerunner nor is it called Do Cyborgs Dream of Electric Sheep.

>It's called Plebrunner Do Plebs Dream of Genre Poop

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Good, let the butt hurt flow through you.

>> No.6376807

no it's called do tripfaggots dream of human friends

>> No.6376810
File: 2.69 MB, 500x281, kill everyone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure.
All look like shit.

>> No.6376811
File: 29 KB, 621x618, 1369429025216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I thought you're supposed to be able to read,

Are you unable to read?


And are you 15?

>> No.6376812

Jesus, is this normal for /lit/? I should come here more often, this made an average afternoon absolutely hilarious.

>> No.6376814
File: 25 KB, 211x346, 518-zRV20yL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is a published tie-in edition of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" with the title "Blade Runner", you utter dolts


>> No.6376823


Virtually every discussion on lit that remotely involves politics involves angsty, unloved 18 year olds who decided to adopt either neo-nazism or utopian communism as their ideology flinging verbal shit at each other

It's kind of funny how you can tell there are no actual adults in threads like that

>> No.6376824





>> No.6376829


You're not an adult

>> No.6376830

>>women and blacks and gay people have been welcomed in society since the beginning of recorded history

>implying any group has
Everyone has always hated everyone

>> No.6376831

>And are you 15?
I'd still be too old for you.

>> No.6376836

>Virtually every discussion on lit that remotely involves politics involves angsty, unloved 18 year olds who decided to adopt either neo-nazism or utopian communism as their ideology flinging verbal shit at each other
So it's /pol/lite, only with less cuckoldry?

>> No.6376839



>> No.6376846

You are actually trying to purposefully derail this thread. Get out.

Keep in mind that Orson Scott Card also got snubbed on the Hugo awards by the SJW cabal because of his views on gay marriage.
They're disgusting human beings. Worse, they believe they have a monopoly on morality.

>> No.6376848
File: 713 KB, 3840x2160, ultraHD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for digging them up. Google "Katrina: The Gathering" for related content.

>> No.6376853


This thread has existed for several days. You're a bit late

>> No.6376865
File: 646 KB, 1920x1080, 1427728882391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delicious leftie butthurt
I wish something like this would happen everyday, it's too enjoyable and I never even gave a fuck about the Hugo

>> No.6376866
File: 58 KB, 450x1280, penny for your thought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you published anywhere?

>> No.6376874

>not speculative
>not a short story
Guess I'm a right wing hack

>> No.6376878


But I've just been mocking you

>> No.6376879

Foucault was killed by his own fagottry, pretty bad for an Intellectual who actualité studied medicine.
Try maurras or Peguy instead.

>> No.6376880
File: 19 KB, 400x400, what_the_fuck_am_I_reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for right wing hack reporting in.

Pic related, >mfw the entire time.

>> No.6376883
File: 101 KB, 664x786, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on /pol/


>> No.6376888



>> No.6376905

I read Ancillary Justice before finding out anything about it.

Didn't know it was written by an SJW author
Didn't know it apparently pushed "liberal ideology"
Didn't know it won anything more than a Hugo

And I liked it. What it seems to me when I see threads like this, are people bandwagoning about a book they've never actually read, while completely misinterpreting how or why gender was used in the novel.

It wasn't pushing an ideology, it was used as a literary device because the protagonist is an AI within a society that uses a language without gendered pronouns. That was it. That is all this "omg liberalssss" butthurt is stemming from. Get a fucking grip on yourselves; I don't like the SJW's either, but your complaints about Ancillary Justice are fucking bunk and make you sound like the SJW's you claim to hate.

>> No.6376906

>lolbertarian neckbeards did what ivory tower academic urbanites have been doing for decades and im pissed
Maybe you should open your mind to alternative points of view.

>> No.6376912

>everything that shifts public perception away from SJW views is now gamergate

>> No.6376920

>B-b-but I've been mocking you guys. It's not the other way around. A-at least not in my mind i-i-it's real...
Time to take your pills because the voices in your head don't count.


>> No.6376921

You're appropriating my french culture, you must stop now, i find it oppressing shitlord Also check your cis gay privilège.

>> No.6376924


The trip user known as Foucault's worldview is so utterly solipsistic that we may as well all just be voices in his or her head

>> No.6376930


Foucault was full of shit but that's the reason you should dislike him, not because he was homosexual

If you're going to despise someone let it be for their ideas and actions and not factors like race, gender, sexuality, etc.

>> No.6376937

It's like his life could be turned into a dark comedy where after the laughs the audience would be left feeling pitiless towards the main character.

>> No.6376939


Damn. I'm steaming. I'm so fucking furious right now. You insulted my favorite philosopher I'm begging you to stop. Please, I need you to relax.





>> No.6376940

If you have to tell someone that you're mocking them, you're probably not doing a very good job

>> No.6376941

>not xir's head

>> No.6376947

voted for bob dole and obama....So what is it like being wrong everytime you step up to the voting booth?

>> No.6376951

I really wish these /pol/ losers would just open their minds and watch one episode of Russel brands trews, maybe they would learn a thing or two!

Dont they realize their views have no place in the world?

>> No.6376953


Or you're too fucking stupid to pick up on any kind of subtext what so ever.

I'm pointing it out because it seems a lot is going over your head, I just want to help.

>> No.6376957

feminists are just /pol/ on the other side of the spectrum
just exchange the words "gamergate" and "men"
with "jews" and "lizard people"

>> No.6376962

>awards of any kind mattering
>democratic awards not done by a predetermined populous mattering
>bringing politics into it
it's like you guys don't even like reading

>> No.6376965
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1427727374208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dont they realize their views have no place in the world?
How does it feel being /pol/ but on the opposite end of the spectrum?

>> No.6376968
File: 2 KB, 126x95, 567865906789679789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of autistic butt hurt is this?

>> No.6376969

/pol/ hates Russel Brand because of how blatantly wrong he is and because he thinks he's so important.
Also the guy had a micro-penis. I cannot help but feel sorry for the guy every time he speaks.

>> No.6376970

>I didn't win therefore democracy is bad

kill yourself, retard

>> No.6376971

For you

>> No.6376979

Foucault was full of shit because he took part in huge gay orgy which let him depressed af. But he never saw the vacuity of his sex Life, instead he though he was depressed because homosexuality wasn't considered normal. And oh the irony it killed him.

>> No.6376981

I hope you aren't implying that watching Russel Brand once did change your worldview in such a way.

Do you have any rare-pepe?

>> No.6376982

liberals have always been fascists
they're only in favor of democracy when they are in power

>> No.6376984
File: 29 KB, 192x171, 1327815311364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russel Brand
The fact that anyone takes that coked-up commie shithead seriously is evidence that full democracy is a terrible system.

>> No.6376985


You sound like a 65 year old wine mom

>> No.6377006
File: 126 KB, 768x899, 1424229969348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what constitutes as rare

slavsquat pepe?

>> No.6377011


perhaps if you actually listened to Russel brand rather than judging him by his appearance you would be a little wiser, Russel brand is (correctly) regarded by me as one of the greatest minds of this generation

I wouldnt go as far as to say he is the next Sartre or Che Guavera but his arguments are absolutely watertight- and I know that terrifies you fascists

>> No.6377019


>> No.6377035

>Great minds
>Sartre French Marxist
>Che Guevara a retarded Marxist gorilla fighter who lost his campaign horribly and fought his whole life against capitalism to be sold on a shirt at GAP
Holy shit, you could use a dose of reality. For fuck sake, Russel Brand tripped acid a couple of times and is just attention whoring in a different way. The dick head has no clue when it comes to economics or history which clearly shows the flaws of marxism and communism.

>> No.6377036
File: 46 KB, 960x601, DERP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russel brand is (correctly) regarded by me as one of the greatest minds of this generation
>Che Guavera
That's funny. You're funny.

>> No.6377037

The cultural hegemony which insists that if you are not 100% in agreement with the Authoritarian Left, you are a right winger?

>> No.6377041

Does taking 10 dicks in the ass and getting pissed on in a dirty backroom sounds like the true meaning of Life for you? If the guy was heterosexual you would have labeled him as a sick pervert, which He was. And that is your philosophical référence. maybe Strauss Kahn is your économic model, since you seem to have a fetish for french pervs.

>> No.6377051


This comes across as a troll

>> No.6377052

I get good cooking ideas from /ck/ sometimes at least.

>> No.6377060


Except Dole was a decent center-right candidate, although he could never have been half the president Clinton was (that anon would have only been wrong if he or she had voted for Ross Perot)

>> No.6377072

>pol for the angry anti-intellectual fascists and monstrously disgusting racists
Asking for evidence of the races being equal in terms of intelligence and physical ability is not "anti-intellectual" just because you can't find any.

>> No.6377073

Yeah, just wait for all those semen cooking recipes

>> No.6377088


I dont belive that quote exists

You and your cronies are obviously dullard...maybe you should read a little political theory before you come and debate with the big boys?

>> No.6377095

This is so painfully obvious that I'm surprised anyone identifies as a liberal anymore. I guess they just like ideologies that give them the illusion of being oppressed so they can identify with the proletariat.

>> No.6377110

>you should read a little political theory before you come and debate with the big boys?
Just more evidence that /lit/ is unable to think for itself

>> No.6377114

>SF has always been Left/Liberal, with a Libertarian side current

SF has always been liberal and libertarian.

Modern lefties fall on the authoritarian side of the political spectrum, it is unsuprising that there has been a backlash against them.

>> No.6377126

cry more, bitch nigga

>> No.6377137

>I don't believe you
>you should read some [insert book name or subject] before arguing with me
Talk about a sense of superiority

“The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese.”

“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”

"We're going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing."


>> No.6377141

>vox day

>> No.6377142

No it hasn't

>> No.6377150
File: 53 KB, 599x622, brad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing I gathered from the Sad Puppies thing is that the supposed "enlightened left" are racist as holy FUCKING HELL...

...or at least batshit insane.

>> No.6377154

>It wasn't pushing an ideology
The author herself stated that she was pushing ideology.

>> No.6377169
File: 161 KB, 592x734, elzbTNK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand why the media worships this psycho tranny

>> No.6377171

Big China is incapable of introspection or detection of irony.

>> No.6377172

This is glorious.
At this rate I predict /lit/ to be taken over and assimilated into /pol/ collective within 17 hours.
Future threads
>hey guis which book is most red pilled
>hey guis what you think of Mein Kampf
>hey guis what books is the best to become Aryan warrior

>> No.6377184

Why are you talking like this? The whole Sad Puppies slate is composed of a whole bunch of people. crackers, blackies, straights, fags, what have you.

Why are you upset?

>> No.6377185

Yeah so what if he has a black wife?
What a meme phrase
He still is a reactionary cis male that needs to check his privileges further

>> No.6377192

Hitler was a better speaker than writer. Most of German /lit/ would agree with that.

I long for a version of Mein Kampf in English without Jewish footnotes taking up 5 times the space that the actual book does, doing nothing but hammering into your head how bad Hitler and muh 6 quadrillion were just in case you were about to think for yourself. Can anyone tell me how I can get one?

>> No.6377201

You mean like the privileged white men and women who organized this social justice cabal in the first place?
Just because they dye their hair pink does not mean they're people of color, by the way.

>> No.6377208

God pol is in full force and stupid as shit
Who would have thought

>> No.6377215

Ironic thing is that the Asian guy married a white woman.

>> No.6377218

I'm actually glad. The increasing extremism that the left has been showing lately has been pushing a lot of rational, free-thinking people away from it. Having this creature, with her desperate persecution complex, delusions of grandeur and overflowing economic privilege, at the helm is waking people up.

>> No.6377220

>not /pol/
You must be new on this site, now GTFO

>> No.6377226

In one twitter post he says his wife can still be racist while still being married to him. What a twat, hope she cheats on his ass but he would probably enjoy being a cuck.

>> No.6377230

All I did was ask a question.
Not even a NatSoc. I just acknowledge that owning the most controversial book in the last century is a valuable thing.

>> No.6377235

>implying he's not already a cuck

>> No.6377246


>> No.6377249
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It is because of "Intersectional Feminism." The justifications for this shit all come from that belief, which is the leading type of Feminism right now. 90% of the time these days when "Feminism" is discussed these days it is just implied that it is "Intersectional Feminism." I caution you on going down that path though, it is a bitter pill to swallow.

>> No.6377251

But I am not upset.
I actually despise Scalzi and his SJW/tumblr fans

>> No.6377252

>most controversial book in the last century
Yeah no

>> No.6377257

Then you know the stuff in >>6377172 won't really happen

>> No.6377265

Chu's a special kind of crazy

>> No.6377266

Man, if you don't agree with them and they know it they will just say you are from /pol/ anyway. At some point you just gotta say fuck it, and fight these people anyway.

>> No.6377274


>> No.6377275



>> No.6377278


Except that /lit/ has been temporarily flooded with that crap before

>> No.6377280

>attempt to exclude the kind of books that Brad Torgersen describes as "niche, academic, overtly to the Left in ideology and flavor, and ultimately lacking what might best be called visceral, gut-level, swashbuckling fun."
Muh fun LEL

>> No.6377292

It's 4chan, don't take everything so seriously

>> No.6377301


>people of color

Colored people?

>> No.6377303

I blame Star Trek and Doctor Who for this leftist cancer in sci-fi.

>> No.6377311


>> No.6377316

This comes from marxist feminism from the 80s actually. They use a marxist analysis of "social" class as their foundation for their concept of social power structures. Basically the cis white republiarchy is the bourgeois and everyone else the proletariat.

Pants on head retarded i know, but its an attractive ideology because it lets people blame their position in life on some unfalsifiable boogeyman.

>> No.6377319
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>> No.6377325

If it makes you feel any better, Adria Richards was fired a year ago and still doesn't have a job

>> No.6377336
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Not that guy, but this does make me feel better.

>> No.6377350

They are.

>> No.6377424

of course she did; gender is a social construct

>> No.6377443


>> No.6377451


If a white person wrote this it would be The Turner Diaries or some other understandably reviled racist shit

>> No.6377458


Except that both Doctor Who and Star Trek are great stories

Star Trek also emphasizes the values of service to society and defending your society from attack which extra far leftists think is horrifying and authoritarian.

>> No.6377501

>defending your society from attack which extra far leftists think is horrifying and authoritarian

>> No.6377739


>> No.6377743

>wanting this piece of shit to win

>> No.6377790
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>> No.6377808

/pol/ here
stay mad faggots

>> No.6377835

Got fucked sjws

>> No.6377879
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>marxist propaganda should win the hugo awards

top kek op

>> No.6377880
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posting in thread to call focault a shitposter

>> No.6377893

>marxism isn't clearly visible

lol good one, hows that ethnical displacement of whites going?

enjoy your civil wars faggot

>> No.6377959


What is the Dominion War arc of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?

What are several episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, including the one with the human infesting conspiracy stereotypes?

I could go on.

>> No.6378015
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You want to know why this happened?

Because shit like THIS:



Happened before.

It is 100% crystal clear that the leftist influence is dragging the hugos down into the mud.

NOw guys like pic related are being called racists and sexists and all the like because they decided that they could *use the rules of the convention itself* to make a difference.

Anyone who tells you this a 'right wing' thing is missing the fact that the nominees are from a variety of political backgrounds.

Right wingers are involved but its utter nonsense to suggest that its a right wing movement. THere is zero, ZERO factual evidence to back up the claims being made against them.

Lots of whinging though.

>> No.6378019

>Star Trek also emphasizes the values of service to society and defending your society from attack which extra far leftists think is horrifying and authoritarian.

That's retarded.

>> No.6378020
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>oppressed populations

are you talking about the oppressed populations who have their own countries and are given affirmative action in white countries?

so oppressed

you lefties are fucking insane, if anyone is oppressed its whites

>> No.6378152

>I am convinced that Marxism and Anarchism are key to engineering a better society



>> No.6378276

Correia wasn't protesting them necessarily for politics. He was protesting John Scalzi's clique and how they not only have a giant circlejerk in deciding upon the Hugo Award, but they also make it personal in that if an author does not agree with their political ideas and politics, they get snubbed. You guys can go ahead and say whatever you like, but I don't see Correia and his group in the wrong. An award for WRITING should be awarded based on the author's WRITING, not their political persuations. Even Anne Bellet, Kary English, and Rajnar Vajra backed up Correia. Why? Because fuck Scalzi's clique. It's doubly hilarious that the Sad Puppy used the exact same tactics that Scalzi and his group openly advocated, and there's nothing the latter can do about it. They can't even smear Sad Puppy as wingbats because there are women, non-whites, and liberals backing them up.

It's seriously a fucking sorry state of affairs that leftists in this country are now becoming the stifling, censoring entity that they railed against back in the 50's and 60's. What was once an ideology meant to encourage openness and freedom has now become the leftist version of HUAC.

>> No.6378283


>They can't even smear Sad Puppy as wingbats because there are women, non-whites, and liberals backing them up.

Hasn't stopped 'em.

>> No.6378288


I seriously don't get it. As an historian, it's like watching HUAC in 1950, except in reverse. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.6378293

Isn't it awarded by vote? So whoever gets the most votes wins?

I don't understand the issue.

>> No.6378309


Most prestigious award in sci-fi writing is the Hugo.

Small clique centered around a dude named Scalzi decide to use bloc voting to get people they like nominated. Since it's a popular vote, they all band together to vote for whomever the top of the clique wanted.

This went south because anyone that did not agree with their political or social ideas, which had ZERO relevance to the quality of their books, got deliberately snubbed. Many writers with libertarian or conservative leanings were particularly targeted and we have a 1950s-style blacklisting similar to how anyone accused of Communism was blacklisted by HUAC. These writers were deliberately snubbed just because of their politics, not their books. Scalzi and his group openly espoused this and basically go "neener neener neener" to everyone else.

A group of other sci-fi writers decide to fight fire with fire. They rally around a group that eventually became "Sad Puppy." This group encompasses many conservative writers, but also women, non-white, and liberal writers who are kind of sick of Scalzi's shit. They do literally the exact same thing as Scalzi's group - bloc voting - and since the majority of sci-fi readers aren't hard-line SJWs, they outnumber Scalzi's circle and get a book nominated for the Hugo that Scalzi's group finds "problematic," to use a Tumblr SJW term.

Now Scalzi's circle is freaking the fuck out, accusing everyone on the other side of sexism and racism (and hack journalists had to apologize since women, non-whites, and liberals are part of Sad Puppy), and now Scalzi's clique are shifting to GamerGate-esque tactics where everyone who voted with Sad Puppy "aren't true sci-fi fans."

>> No.6378320

So where is the issue. That's called democracy

>> No.6378335


The issue is Scalzi and his clique are having an apoplectic shitfit about it and acting like children who can't have cookies before dinner. Scalzi's clique once mocked conservative/libertarian writers and now they don't know what to do besides smear tactics. Their smear attempt failed because Sad Puppy is composed of, as I said, women, non-whites, and even liberals. Since Scalzi's group has no ammo left, they're using social media as their last resort.

>> No.6378348
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>If we lived in a world of magic where anything was possible, then you would be a dinosaur, my love. You’d be a creature of courage and strength but also gentleness. Your claws and fangs would intimidate your foes effortlessly. Whereas you—fragile, lovely, human you—must rely on wits and charm.

call me adolf fucking hitler

>> No.6378360
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Sliders are fucking delicious man, their small enough to eat fast and you can have multiple sliders without feeling like a pig.

>> No.6378389

Hahahahahahahahaha have fun being in debt for the rest of your miserable life

>> No.6378426



>> No.6378479

Except most of /pol/ doesn't believe their own shit.

>> No.6378496

You are a master debater.

>> No.6378593

Wow, I just came from /pol/ after hearing the news of assdamage over this vote, and I've got to say, for being a board about literacy and reading, /lit/, you're pretty much fucking retarded.

>> No.6378654

This needs a bump, the blog shows whats going on

>> No.6378668

Hey now, don't diss leftists too much.
They get together, wear PJs, drink hot chocolate and talk about getting Obamacare.

>> No.6378674

/pol/ here. Top kek all around.

>> No.6378708

>The majority's never silent

Oh is it fuck. The majority is to busy working to bother with some pink haired dyke who wants to talk about how everything is triggering her. As the only place your kind fester and multiple is on collage campuses studying bumfuck courses and talking about how special a snowflake you are.

The real world laughs at your shit, or rather, it would, but it's too busy working, what with a government to support and all, a government that needs taxes, to pay for your kinds 'education'.

Seriously, once you get out in the real world, you realise that the vast majority of people don't care about politics enough to bother putting you down.

>> No.6378721

In leftists' and SJWs eyes, muh democracy only works if they gain anything by it. They circlejerk in this illusion and create bullshit news stories like this.
However I thought /lit/ was more "classy". Guess you can't judge a book from its cover.

>> No.6378758

>hack journalists had to apologize since women, non-whites, and liberals are part of Sad Puppy

Ha. Link or Site name?

>> No.6378800

>If you were a T-Rex, then I would become a zookeeper so that I could spend all my time with you. I’d bring you raw chickens and live goats.
Help I can't breathe. How do you even defend this?

>> No.6378823

Are you a right-wing misogynist?

>> No.6378825


>> No.6378832
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>> No.6378845

I know, right? At least /v/ knows it's stupid and wasting its time on games, but /lit/ is doing the same thing while smelling its own farts.

>> No.6378864
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Honestly I will say that before this I had no idea what the Hugos were. I came here from /pol/, but nothing should be voted on for its political message over its actual value as a piece. Surely some of you guys defending social justice understand that this isn't just because evil nazi racists are out to slap their patriarchy all over you.

>> No.6378881

Biology, economics, history... Take your pick.

>> No.6378884

You are a fucking leech.

>> No.6378909
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>> No.6378924

>But how are those issues not issues of the workers themselves

simple example?
>be german
>work in slaughterhouse
>EU expands, now includes romania and bulgaria
>tons of romanians immigrate to germany
>they live in shitty shanties and work for ridiculously low wages
>lose my job because company hires romanian dude that costs half as much as i do

yet when i complain about it, the reaction from the left is a bunch of upper class people preaching about
>muh racism!
>muh xenophobia!
>remember the six million! never again!
>you're not some kind of fascist, are you?

the left literally abandoned the white working class in favor of foreigners.

>> No.6378958

It's less that they promoted right wing people as much as they completely fucking stomped the left wing courtesy votes.

The problem is politics, not "sad puppies." If they didn't want to turn this shit into a battle ground they shouldn't have tried to take the ground for themselves in the first place.

>> No.6378974


Well how do you extricate the politics from the process at this point?

One of these 'sides' is categorically unwilling to come to the table and talk peace, and its not the conservatives.

>> No.6378975
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>democracy is bad because people vote for things I don't like!!!!


>> No.6378979
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>> No.6378997

wtf am i looking at
did some 16 year old fedora write magic fanfiction based on his edgelord ideas?

this is *unsheathes katana* tier cringe

>> No.6379003

>reading fiction
>reading shit about my feels and symbolism
>muh allegory

When did you grow up and realize that fiction was a waste of fucking time?
You should only read technical manuals, history, and maybe philosophy (unless its Marxist drivel.)

I never read fiction. I use to, then I realized how stupid that shit is. I can only respect fiction that has no allegory or political motive/ too deep for you.

I refuse to read faggot short stories and novels about fake ass shit.

>> No.6379007

If you think Heinlein is a fascist based on Starship Troopers then he must be a raging communist based on Stranger in a Strange Land.
It's patently ridiculous in both cases.