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6363847 No.6363847 [Reply] [Original]

Odysseus is now the main character of the last book you've read. How smoothly does it go?

>> No.6363863


>Critique of Dialectical Reason
>Dialectical Reason gets shot to shit fast

>> No.6363868

>The Castle
No, it does not go very well. He's probably about as blunt as K., but rather in a different way.

>> No.6363873

Kafka named another character K? top joke

>> No.6363876

What other book had a K. in it? I've only read The Metamorphosis and some of his short stories.

>> No.6363882

The Trial

>> No.6363887

>Joyce's "The Dead"


>> No.6363893
File: 77 KB, 457x640, The-Greek-Myths-by-Robert-Graves-2-Vol-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now I want to reimagine every tale with Ody bounding through it. He'll fix everything.

He'd get into the castle easily enough. Shoot all those bureaucrats with a few arrows and bring back the Baron's head.

>> No.6363908
File: 40 KB, 329x475, thank you jeeves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank you, Jeeves

Wodehouse + Odysseus? I have no idea. Hijinks and bloodshed, I guess.

>> No.6363909

He would probably fit in with the Glanton gang in Blood Meridian tbh

>> No.6363916

Who in the Wode-verse would he have to kill?
He could be quite charming when he wanted to be.

I was wondering what story he wouldn't be so well off in. How about Moby Dick?
Ahab is out to kill Poseidon himself!?
Would he help?

>> No.6363925

Odysseus rounds up the Whole Sick Crew into an expedition to Vheissu, they all get killed by various incarnations of the inanimate on the way back
Stencil goes to Malta where people throw gifts at him until he leaves, having learned nothing about V
Odysseus is saved by an alligator and returns home, together with Stencil they kill all the dentists and cancel their appointments.
The end

>> No.6363929

Kekel, no stalling, emo existential bullshit this time.

>> No.6363938

The Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea

kind of fitting really, now I know where the sailor was this whole time. Hermes would have given him moly and the kids drugs wouldn't effect him. He would probably end up throwing them off a cliff.

>> No.6363944

In Search of Lost Time
Well, that would be funny.

>> No.6363953

Is Odysseus basically the ubermensch?

>> No.6363959

In The Stranger!

>> No.6363968

Confessions of a Mask

He would bugger Omi, he would bugger Sonoko, he would ship off to war probably getting lost and not making it back until the 60s

>> No.6363974

Infact he would probably have been the one behind peal harbour

>> No.6364001

Notes From Underground

90 pages shorter, he wouldn't have waited to spill the blood of the officer who pushed him aside, Zverkov would envy him or be a great rival friend, hed probably treat the girl the same way except he wouldn't be so angsty about it all, he might end up making her his Penelope if she is faithful

>> No.6364179
File: 18 KB, 230x346, 51qFi0rYw7L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would get the whole Napoleon thing sorted out fast.

>> No.6364210

Well he DOES learn both Slave Morality and Master Morality.

Huh, I wonder why Nietzsche didn't pick up on this, given his love for pre-Platonic Greek culture.

>> No.6364234

History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

Odysseus is the immortal emperor of the Romans.

>> No.6364270

>The Metamorphosis
Does Gregor Samsa turn into Odysseus or does Odysseus become an insect creature?

>> No.6364371

He probably wouldn't survive Moby Dick since the prophecy said that his death would come from the sea and if Poseidon capsized their ship in the ocean only Athenas crazy ploys could save him. This "death by the sea" thing would probably create a loophole of him surviving books like the metamorphosis

>> No.6364390
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he was the main character of the last book i read

>> No.6364397

>Brothers Karamazov
Assuming he takes the place of Dmitri, he murders the fuck out of Fyodor, talks his way to freedom in the trial, then dies in peace with his hot bitch Grushenka.

>> No.6364458

>posting on /lit/ and not knowing one of most entry level of /lit/ writers

>> No.6364488

>the Iliad

Agamemnon gets BTFO

>> No.6364709

>A Farewell to Arms
Odyssues doesn't desert, doesn't get that crazy nurse pregnant, Italy singlehandedly wins WWI.

>> No.6364721

>First half of the Book of the New Sun
Pretty much the same.

>> No.6364861

Odysseus at the mountains of madness. Considering he has no concept of scientific curiosity, nor really of fear, he boldly leads his cohorts on a quest of retribution after discovering the slain corpses of the first party, only for his hubris to lead him in to a battle they cannot win. The lone survivor is so shaken by the horrors unleashed upon them that he commits suicide after writing the tale down.

>> No.6364870
File: 18 KB, 224x346, 41ODq6RFGqL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miles better, actually.

>> No.6365245

Odysseus meets the Canterbury pilgrims, duels with the Knight to a noble stalemate, kills the Miller and Reeve for being insolent, kills the Pardoner, Cook, Friar, Summoner and Monk for being smelly sleezebags, gets drunk with the Clerk, Merchant, Squire and Canon Yeoman, seduces the Prioress and Wife of Bath into a Greek three-way, and falls asleep while the Parson is talking.

>> No.6365723

My nigga

>> No.6365735

Harry Potter.
He goes drinking with dunbledore, #nohomo he then bangs the mud blood right out of heroine after tearing down the quidditch arena for being gay, kills the death eaters in 10 minutes andthen falls asleep with the sorting hat on his dick

>> No.6365924

Who was the main character in God Emperor of Dune? Because there were really lots of main characters for me

>> No.6365987

>yfw the last book I read is the Iliad

>> No.6366180

I can't quite imagine Odysseus on horseback heading to Canterbury Cathedral.

>> No.6366198

>the sorrows of young werther
He cucks the shit out of Albert

>> No.6366216
File: 484 KB, 1400x2556, 81adkKbGZgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the Vatican is fucked.

>> No.6366233


Odysseus either cons his way out of trouble or dies a heroic death against the cops