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/lit/ - Literature

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6362890 No.6362890 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6362929
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Thanks for reminding me to finish my homework.

You're a good guy OP

>> No.6362934
File: 189 KB, 960x1280, 05 April 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to not write and live with the delusion that I might write something great.

Better than actually writing and confirming what a hack I am.


>> No.6362964
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Well don't write with the intent of gettin blowjobs and cheddar.
Write somethin shitty or write something great, but write for yourself, bro.


>> No.6362970


>> No.6362992
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But Anon, every writer starts out as a hack. It's only through experiencing the being of a hack that we're able to learn how to write great literature.

>mfw trying to write while sick
Headaches and writing. Not a good combo.


>> No.6363009
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>> No.6363014
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Everything I write feels as pathetically crafted as the type of prose I often critique harshly when I'm reading other authors. I hate myself for not having the ability despite so many tries. Maybe I'm not cut out for writing? Its all I want to do in life, but If I can't be happy with anything, why bother?


>> No.6363028
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>250 word essay due tomorrow
>about to stop browsing /lit/ and write it

>> No.6363029
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If you post your work in my thread, I'll give you what advice I can to help.


>> No.6363036

>tfw you finally worked out how to edit properly

>> No.6363061
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I wait a day or two and print it off and then nervously worry about what my dad would think about it. That cleans it up real good.

>> No.6363064
File: 80 KB, 600x443, fan_ho_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a small snippet of a short story i'm working on, I'm not at all proud of the whole thing but i'm happy with the first few paragraphs. I appreciate you taking the time.

>> No.6363083

Great. You can watch this while I read. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlOUZ3OAX60

>> No.6363098


>> No.6363116

Wait a day, then completely rewrite it referring to the original draft.

>> No.6363176


>tfw I can still hear the voice in my head

"A boy has the right to dream..."

>> No.6363201
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>"As they search, they are always asking questions: what's out there? What's waiting for me?

Anyone else here try to practice how to edit a story? I did it for a little while in high school, and now I just do it with everything that I read.
>mfw reading writing that clearly hasn't been proofread
It's good practice, but damn there's some basic shit people need to use before anyone else sees the manuscript.

>> No.6363243
File: 202 KB, 910x606, 616302_6198b3e_910x910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just read it and it's not as bad as you probably suppose it, but the piece isn't concise and being concise--having the reader understand you--is essential to the art of writing. If someone can't understand what you've said then what you've said was meaningless.

It's manifest that you want to write in a poetic way, but at this point I think you don't possess the capabilities to do so. You understand what I mean by that ? Some day you may be able to describe a man scooping up a rolling dodge-ball with a great sum of detail, but today is not that day. It's just beyond your ken as a writer (at this time anyways). if you continue to write--and learn from writing, your own and others'--I really do believe you'd be able to do what you're attempting to do, but with grace and power.

Your ideas aren't bad, far from it really, but it's just difficult to understand.

And hear this: When you're writing some (SOME) things have more weight when you describe them in less detail. (Be careful with this notion though. It's easy to get carried away with sparse writing.)

Structurally: Demonstrate one idea and then start a new paragraph/line. (like this post.)

Thanks for sharing it with me, pal. I hope you continue to write.


Take the lyrics of this song as evidence or example for some of what I said.

>> No.6363324

I see what you mean, the "purple prose" problem i have is definitely something I admire in other writers (Pynchon, Joyce, Wallace , etc) but I can see that it takes a fundamental understanding of the core of writing as a foundation, in order for it to work. I also enjoy Hemingway's very brief style, and in fact i feel like the last line of The Sun Also Rises is a perfect example of, as you say, things having "more weight when you describe them in less detail". So I think i'm going to begin writing as minimalist as possible and then work from there.

Thanks for the genuinely helpful constructive criticism, and I am a huge fan of the Mountain Goat's work, that album you posted in particular. The stories he tells in all of his work are always masterfully expressed i feel. Have you read John Darnielle's novel? I read it last month and I was v. impressed. If you haven't already you should check it out. Have a good week man.


>> No.6363330

>250 words
I thought it was Spring Break for all the kiddos.

>> No.6363391

I heard about his book on NPR, sounds really interesting and I oughta have a look at it
I'm so glad you understand. Best of luck to you anon and have a good week too.

>> No.6363466


Is that webm real OP? it looks fake

>> No.6363508

It's real. It was a video on reddit a month or so ago.

>> No.6363566
File: 21 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTY5MjM0OTUwMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTg1NDAwMQ@@._V1_SY317_CR5,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not a good person. You're a procrastinating, lazy, embarrassing shit bag who will never get anywhere with your internet connection. You probably can't even spell.


>> No.6363576


>projecting this badly

just sit down and do nothing but try to write for one hour

you have to do it for the whole hour though

no breaks, no "lemme masturbate or play vg first real quick"

just one hour

if you want to be a writer, you can easily afford one hour

then repeat