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/lit/ - Literature

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6362005 No.6362005 [Reply] [Original]

what's the difference between an intellectual and a pseudo?

>> No.6362011
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intellectuals know they are not intellectuals

>> No.6362013

Amount of self-criticism. Intellectuals have plenty, pseudos have none

>> No.6362016

Pseudos read Foucault

>> No.6362020

>Amount of self-criticism. Intellectuals have plenty, pseudos have none

So Nietzsche was a pseud?

>> No.6362041

was that center part fully enclosed? How do you get high on methane fumes in the open air

>> No.6362047

Intellectuals are interesting by virtue of being interested in whatever it is they study.

Pseudos put every fibre of their being into seeming aloof.

>> No.6362054

what if someone is both interested in learning and interested in looking learned? The two aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.6362064

>le epic humble paradox
Great post, Socrates.

>> No.6362071

Pseudos think modernist fiction isn't worthless trash.

>> No.6362072

classic meaningless pseudo reply

>> No.6362088
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>> No.6362105

>intellectuals know they are not intellectuals
What's that even supposed to mean? That it's impossible to be an intellectual? That even the most intellectual man alive doesn't know everything (well duh)?

It's just stupid rhetoric stemming from the whole stupid tradition of always needing to be humble and modest.
>Me? Oh I'm not intellectual, THAT guy is!

>> No.6362111

how much math you know

>> No.6362114

There is nothing I hate more than meme pictures trying to represent complex concepts.

>> No.6362115

I didn't imply they were.

>> No.6362118
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>> No.6362123
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There's text in the picture. It's simple and quick for this simple and quick post.

I love books but I also love images.

>> No.6362124

do you mean that someone who is genuinely interested in learning is an intellectual as long as they are humble enough to admit that they don't know everything?

>> No.6362127


It's funny because Socrates was against sophists and his most known quote is pure sophism

>> No.6362137


-seeks knowledge
-desires understanding of an objective reality
-strong foudnation in math and sciences
-seeks knowledge from a broad array of subjects

-seriously studies art
-believes everything is subjective
-follows trends
-subject to groupthink
-emotional attachment to theorys and beliefs

>> No.6362139


>> No.6362140

>objective reality

>> No.6362141
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is that what you think I mean?

>> No.6362144

sad tbh

It was a stupid post but it's not exactly a difficult concept to grasp. He's saying a real intellectual should be a humble and never actually consider himself an intellectual, probably based on the rather silly belief that a modicum of self worth will replace any logical reasoning ability with sheer ego.

>> No.6362150


well fug

>> No.6362163

No true scotsman: the thread

>> No.6363546
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Pseudos are in it for the social aspects: if they had no outlet to pontificate in, they wouldn't bother reading. Intellectuals enjoy learning even if nobody knows anything about it. Also, most intellectuals aren't afraid to enjoy dumb things like other humans. It's horribly amusing to see the desperate posturing and insecurity as people try to define themselves by the specific philosophers they supposedly love best.
Most of us are neither, really: we just read shit and try to make sense of it.

>> No.6363623

Pseudos can only argue and don't have the ability to discuss. Intellectuals can do both and understand when it's appropriate to do either.

>> No.6363636
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pseudo goes against Wittgensteins "world is all is the case" logic

>> No.6363640


>Pseudos read Foucault

@ me next time

>> No.6363651

we /self-improvement-general/ now brah?

>> No.6363665
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Intellectual = r/books
pseudos = /lit/

>> No.6363691

Let's get a self-improvement thread going, /lit/. Things that improve your litness in life.

First, if you have the chance, charge your phone. Worried about saving power? The coal is going to burn anyways, so don't feel guilty. Doing this will eliminate the worry for having enough battery left for that one emergency phone call, as well as make you the hero when everyone else's phone in the elevator is dead.

Wash your face. Morning, night, middle of the day, too. It'll keep you awake and aid the reduction of acne.

If you're working, wear shoes. If you're not working, don't wear shoes. Don't wear shoes in bed. Do not work while not wearing shoes of some sort. Your brain will, and probably already has thanks to school, an association between the pressure on your feet and being awake and thinking harder. This association is a good one. Don't fight it.

Stop the porn. Erectile dysfunction is incredibly prevalent among the younger generation because they are not jerking off to a physical object but a computer screen. You will also find it messes with your lifts, making one arm stronger or weaker than the other, and can cause weakness and stiffness.

Know how to fight. Know how to avoid fights. It is important to learn both because sometimes your opponent just won't bug off. The classic one-two punch exists for a reason: it works. Throw one to the stomach to force them to lower their arms down (a reflex they probably won't be able to control) and then sock them across the jaw. Otherwise, study a martial art-but not karate or tai kwon do or anything that focuses on one opponent. Find something that works well on the ground (wrestling, bjj) and combine it with something that will allow you to deal with multiple opponents at once, like silat. Chances are you won't be fighting just one person in a combat situation, so be prepared for more.

Eat big. Get big. CMON

>> No.6363697

Always be learning. The renaissance man is an ideal for a reason. But it's not enough to be a sharp-dressed, /lit/ jack of all trades. Pick a skill and master it. Something you can do which can be marketed - choose and become better than everyone else.

Studying law? Pick a specialty and start reading case law and law review articles about it in your spare time. You could read and highlight two in a week just by reading a little before bed, or while taking a shit. That's 104 in a year. Write down your thoughts.

Driving trucks for a living? Talk to the supply chain guys and learn a thing or two. Take online courses. Don't just drive the truck, learn to plan the routes, work a promotion, get the company to pay for your school and go become an industrial engineer. Be the guy that knows how to get 10,000 things from A to B-Z in no time.

The best guy in a skill can name his price. And if you can manage to get a second, complementary skill to a good level, you can dictate your working conditions, too. The welder who also knows basic accounting is going to be running the place at some point. The only programmer in the firm who speaks Russian can go to a company that does localizations.

It's like the gym. Put in the time, just a few hours each week, and the gains will come.

>> No.6363703

Here's a good tip

Pay fucking attention
Maintain a focus on everything and everyone
Everything can be reduced to systems and cycles
Everything can be traced to a cause, and an effect
Everything is related, even if by a thread

When you begin to notice things working together in multiple systems almost simultaneously, with such a broad perspective that you can almost effortlessly see life playing out before you (but with the ability to understand the intricacies of each detail), you will live well.

I'm going to begin quite general before getting into specifics.

Humans are very flawed.
They waste their time on fleeting pleasure instead of sacrificing to make themselves happier in the long run.
They operate on impulse and are almost not self-aware.

There is nothing "special" about human interaction.
Human interaction isn't as complicated as people make it out to be.

Spend all your time doing productive things or doing things that you REALLY enjoy.
Plan things.

If you ever need inspiration remember that there are guys out there who have sex with a thousand different attractive women a year and that you aren't one of them.

Spend all your time doing productive things or doing things that you REALLY enjoy.
Plan things.
Track what you do using spreadsheet software.
Buy things in bulk. Shop around. Limit impulse purchases.

Plan your meals. Make as much of your meals as you can, once every week, and store them in containers in the fridge.
Buy waterproof plastic containers that you can stack.
Waterproof is important so you can take them places.
Plates take up too much space in the fridge and are difficult to stack.

Buy whatever food you can in bulk.
Buy huge sacks of food.
Avoid buying those little shakers of spices, you can buy huge sacks for cheap.
Make sure you search expiry dates - things like nuts can go off in a few weeks.

Learn to cook well.

Track your diet.

Sleep enough. Sleep consistently.

If you take more than 5 minutes to shit you aren't getting enough fibre.
Always roll back your foreskin before pissing to prevent splashing.
Sitting down to piss is frowned upon by plebeians but it will save you from pissing all over your trousers in public.
Use toilet paper to wipe that last drop.
Purchase a bidet. Use wet toilet paper if in public. If you only dry wipe you are disgusting, I can smell you.

Even plan out how you take a shower. As autistic as it sounds, you will save a lot of time. Here is what I have found to be most effective and efficient.
Taps on (do this first so you don't have to wait)
Undress. Pull your trousers from the bottom to prevent them turning inside out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVYiHI4cGlE
Step into shower
With water, wash your eyes, nose, dick and the rest of your nether regions in that order.
Then use soap to wash your armpits and nether regions in that order.
Use cotton swabs to clean your ears.
Get dressed.
This should take you no more than 5 minutes.

>> No.6363714
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How have you improved yourself this week/month/year? Lifting isn't life, a well-balanced human being is productive, has hobbies, pushes him/herself to succeed, is charismatic, and strives to live the best life they can. Share your successes, failures, methods, and everything in between.

It can be too overwhelming at first, so take baby steps, but START and move forward.

Basic Recommendations to get your life together:
-Have a to-do list. I Used to have Google Keep. Now I’ll be using habitrpg.com (more on that below)
-Have a productivity Framework that is flexible. A mindset that gets you going.
-Use a calendar, like Google calendar. Hours and shit for things YOU WILL DO.
-Learn to focus. Turn off everything else. [Working on this]
-Do routines for things you should do periodically/daily, this covers your Monday to Friday morning as you wake up, or weekly chores such as laundry, cleaning, shopping.
-Identify and Eliminate conflicts within yourself. I’ll detail this on a post further down.
-Focus on identifying the time wasters in your life and eliminate them.
-Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once you’ll burnout. Little by little.

This is a good ‘sticky’ for self-development
This one is a good blog for resources of this kind.


>> No.6363734

>is built for climbing

>> No.6363735

Material reading can be tricky. There will be trash here and there but what do you expect we're /lit/.

But we have to trust others.
The image has a detailed list that an Anon provided on a thread a while back, and a couple of books have been recommended. I've done my best to try to get talks of the authors.

I’ll also be adding videos/talks about the recommended books and authors.

Google a bit about the book, if you think you can get something out of it, watch the talk. If you like it, consider getting the book.

>Michael Mauboussin, "The Success Equation”
>Quiet: The power of Introverts
>The Brain That Changes Itself - Norman Doidge
>Antifragile - Nassim Taleb
>One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way - Robert Maurer

> http://pastebin.com/x7BbYimv (HTTP)
More reading material needs to be added

The Way of The Seal
The Code of the Warrior - Rick Fields
The Story of Civilization - Will Durant
The Story of Philosophy - WIll Durant
Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein 1959 (actually has a lot of really powerful character building stuff in there)
Bravo Two Zero - Andy McNab
Immediate Action - ^
Seven Troop - ^

>Mentally Tough - James E. Loehr & Peter J. McLaughlin
>Practicing the Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

I’m also going to try getting a… place, from which one can easily access some of these books.

Also, Project Gutenberg has Thousands of free books.
You could do lot worse than browsing their top 100

>> No.6363750

How society perceives them; it's that simple. You can't define yourself as an intellectual.

>> No.6363770

This is one of the shittiest /SIG/ threads I've ever seen. Post progress or gtfo

>> No.6363772
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>-Focus on identifying the time wasters in your life and eliminate them.
Will do! One more game of Dota 2 and I will uninstall! Thanks brother.

>> No.6363778


Bukowski was the worst author of the 20th century

>> No.6363805

Bro let me tell you bro
You can't have any more zero days bro
Gotta cut that shit outta your life pronto bro or you ain't gonna make it brah

>> No.6363862

The first step towards improving your looks is to pay attention. Not just to yourself or your friends, but to other people as well; start noticing how people look and what clothes do for them. Absorb knowledge and build a visual reference library in your head (or on your computer). Notice the shapes, lines, colors, and proportions of what you see. Don't worry if you don't have the vocabulary to explain what you're looking at or why you like it. The main goal is to pay attention to the details.

Now be honest: firstly, about yourself. Are you tall? Do you have broad hips? Do you have a short torso? Are your shoulders defined? Then make the same honest appraisal of others. Is he stocky? Are her legs really long? Does he have really built arms? Does she have a less curvy frame?

You'll start to notice patterns. Tall people tend to wear a lot of "fashion" items more easily. Some types of sleeves don't flatter people with rounder shoulders. A defined waist tends to make everyone look thinner. Fine woven wool garments tend to make outfits more dressy. Now see how some of these patterns can apply to your own body.

Think of this in the abstract—this categorical analysis of dressing avoids any mention of rules, anything about spending money, anything about how "X" ought to fit in such a "Y" way because "Z" is totally hipster/brah/prep/etc. You don't have to read fashion magazines all the time or open up a card at Barneys; that's not the point. The goal isn't to conform to someone else's sense of style, but to develop your own. Whether you had never tried dressing yourself before or if you're some super trend-conscious person, you are ultimately rewarded for all this work with autonomy and self-control over your fashion sense. You stop wearing what you think you ought to wear and you begin wearing what you know you should be wearing.

>> No.6363866

First of all, remember that /lit/ is a board on 4chan. Follow advice, but don't listen to everything some anonymous person on the internet says. You want to develop your own understanding of fashion over time.

Developing a personal style involves more than putting together outfits, looking good, following brands, and spending money. Keep this in mind.

The number one thing to develop personal style is going to stores or places in real life that have clothes and trying them on. Honestly that's how you learn to dress well, see what works with your body and find your style. You don't learn how to compose cool outfits by browsing tumblr, you learn by experimenting with what works and what doesn't in real life.

By this point, you should have learned to be honest with yourself. So think: are there certain features that you can improve? Could you lose some weight? Do you need to clean up your skin? Does your hair fit your face?

Because fashion is not just about the clothes you wear—it's also about your general image and how you carry yourself. As designer Rick Owens once said, "Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothes and go the gym instead." The clothes you wear won't matter if you don't have the body and the confidence to pull it off. So constantly work to improve yourself. Stay healthy, lose weight if you need to, and be aware of what works with your face and body type. Work on your social skills; learn to be confident with whatever you wear.

By improving on your weaknesses, you create a solid foundation on which to build your personal style. It takes time to truly develop your tastes—so while you should be cautious with how much money you spend, there's no reason not to consciously improve your body and your looks. You're born into your genetic lot, but you have the power to make the most of it. Don't settle for mediocrity.

You must also ask yourself, honestly, what you want out of fashion at this point in your life. Whether or not you're aware of it, the way you dress sends a message to others. Do you just want to look presentable? Do you aim to impress girls (or guys)? Were you inspired by celebrities or Tumblr, or do you want to look like a high fashion god? How important is fashion to your lifestyle?

Now go buy some clothes. Don't be an infograph slave or bite off more than you can chew, but educate yourself on various styles and trends. It's important to be careful with your purchases. Don't buy something just because the internet told you to, and don't buy something just because you like it—buy a piece of clothing because you love it. This way, you will have more money to spend on individual pieces (even if you're poor), instead of having a closet full of cheap clothing, half of which you hardly wear.

So spend carefully, educate yourself on style, fit, fabrics, and designers, and buy what you love. (Lil B loves you.)

>> No.6363905

1. Brush your teeth once a day.
2. Don't use shampoo or conditioner.
3. Put orange peels in your socks when you're not wearing them.
4. Don't wear clothes made of multiple fabrics, you should've read Leveticus.
5. Only crawdads are afraid of fisherMEN, DON'T BE A CRAWDAD BE A FISHERMAN.
6. Michio Kaku is the greatest physicist of our time and you should be familiar with all his work.

>> No.6363921


Psuedo-intellectual detected

>> No.6363933
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>> No.6363957

2. Try to avoid washing your jeans as it wears them out
3. Get proper hangers for your shirts and don't use crumby plastic ones ya dingus
5. If ants start crawling over your picnic just eat the ants it's extra protein
7. Don't step on any beans (that's just science ya doofus)
11. The root of two doesn't exist and all numbers are rational so stop talking about it
13. Keep a journal of your nightmares so that way you can have power over your fears FOR FEAR IS THE MINDKILLER

>> No.6363994

7. Always eat the paper inside of fortune cookies you get at chinese restaurants. This way the fortune comes true.
8. Gyno can't be cured but it can be treated with suicide.
9. Write all of your aspirations on the wall of your living room, you'll thank me later.
10. If you make your bed at night it will be fresher by the time you're ready to sleep in it.
11. Reading books is slow, just get the ebook (pirate it don't pay for that shit) and listen to it at 10x speed.
12. If you have any deformities just join the circus, you need to take advantage of your natural talents.
13. Bill Gates once said, "I've never respected a man who hasn't watched every episode of Legends of Galactic Heroes." Don't disappoint the man!

>> No.6364700


>> No.6364702

might as well make it black and white lalala

>> No.6364735

Image vs content

>> No.6364759

>green goat obsesses with facts
if you were obsessed with facts you would be disowned by your species. We are not creatures of mechanization nor mental rigidity.

I sincerely hate this cuckold faggot.

>> No.6364790

>It's funny because Socrates was against sophists and his most known quote is pure sophism
sophists did nothing wrong

>> No.6365003

Although i disagree with the Blames Self For World and Obsessed With Facts i like it
people give this one shit, but i think for the most part it's good.

>> No.6365063

-agrees with me

-disagrees with me

>> No.6365523

Understands what i am saying and knows how to argue against it

repeats my words, or someone elses without having a proper understanding for what they are saying

>> No.6365807


>> No.6365819

They once turned a man into a dog

>> No.6365840


>> No.6365858

What's wrong with Foucault, though? Discipline and Punish is a good book. I've read a few of his essays, none of them really interest me.

>> No.6365864

underrated comment

>> No.6365866

Properly rated comment