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6361847 No.6361847[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's Resurrection Sunday, /lit/.
Have you went to Mass yet?

>> No.6361851

I'm not a whore for ancient traditional arms of state power

go fuck yourself and your phallic cross and your Oedipal allmother

>> No.6361860
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Can I get absolution if I watch the pope's thing on youtube?

>> No.6361899

>why do you believe the gospels are historically accurate?
>if God is the creator of everything hasn't he created evil and sin?
>is heaven a physical place?

>> No.6361912

Sin is the disordering of that which is good by its nature ; evil is the absence of good.
About heaven, probably yes, Christianity doesn't really support neo-platonist ideas about disembodied souls - humans are compounds of matter and form, they can't be pure form like the angels. This makes more sense to me philosophically too.

I'll leave the first question to someone else

>> No.6361933

not a christian

>> No.6361939

How do we determine what is good?

>> No.6361943


>that which is good by its nature

'good' is a linguistic construct

>> No.6361944
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I'm going in a few hours.

pic related my basilic

>> No.6361947


Read Kant you uneducated apes

>> No.6361953

Muh feels. No, really.

>> No.6361955


>> No.6361964

When it fulfills its purpose. The good cannot be determined when we do not take the purpose of a thing into account - this is why rival ethical notions of today can never rationally defeat each other, since they take different starting points. Since humans have a purpose, the final good is in conforming themselves to that purpose, and turning away from it is what leads to evil.

>> No.6361969

I'm so happy retards believe in this shit, I get a 4 day weekend of debauchery!

>> No.6362001

>mfw my tax money goes to people who have no reason to live

>> No.6362003

yeah man. Never go to church, but today my local church offered guided tours up the tower to see the sun rising over Copenhagen. They had a really good trompetist playing. Shit was spiritual.

>> No.6362024

>going to any kind of church

You are not a christian.

>> No.6362038
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>heretic who rejects apostolic authority accuses someone of not being Christian

>> No.6362040

So what if my acts are criminal and unchristian and my purpose is to be as criminal as possible? I have a purpose to act.

>> No.6362044

You do not have a purpose to be a criminal or commit any kind of evil, that is a ridiculous notion.

>> No.6362057

I would like to be a teen again

>> No.6362058

Why would I not have a purpose to do that? Why would I have a purpose to be good? Didn't eve purposefully eat of the fruit and therefore committed an evil act out of her own purpose?

>> No.6362063

One half of me is telling me to embrace whatever freedom I may have and simply be as long as I am, without giving myself to a religion or dogma. The other half of me is telling me to convert to Christianity. How do I decide? I'm going to have to take a leap of faith sooner or later, this has been bothering me for too long.

>> No.6362068

If you have to ask someone to decide how to think, you should convert

>> No.6362070


purpose is a social construct

>> No.6362073

I'm only asking for a bit of advice.

>> No.6362075

Next you'll be telling me science is a social construct

>> No.6362084

>apostolic authority

I follow the Apostles, not the churches.

>> No.6362089

>To a degree yes
>God's creation goes beyond the concepts of good and evil

>> No.6362092


in what way is science not socially constructed?

are you retarded?

>> No.6362094
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usa stronk!

>> No.6362103

People like you are society's problem.

>> No.6362104

You're intentionally misrepresenting teleology so I don't know if I should even bother responding.

Eve's purpose, as a creature dependent upon God, is to assent to his will. This is the only path upon which we can find true fulfillment and happiness, as we are indeed ontologically purposed towards God - not just because he's mean like that.

However, God in his limitless love allows us even to reject him out of our own free will. As objectively speaking, we can never live on our own terms, and this eventually leads to isolation and sadness - the ultimate consequence of which is Hell as the ultimate abandonment of God.

Eve commits the prime sin of pride as she relegates to herself that, which only belongs to God. This is Original Sin.

Now, what you need to ask yourself is why God allows us to turn away from him instead of chaining us to Him, who knows what is best for us in the way we never will? I do not know - he saw it fit to do so, and we may only know his plans in full when we are united to Him in Heaven.
I would guess that true freedom is that which is pursued in our choice of love, instead of being forced upon us. The main fact of Christianity is that God wants us to love him.

>> No.6362119

I converted, sort of. Life is agony, is a ficght between faith or not.
Man I believe in Jesus, I like what he says and I have "chills" while reading the NT ("chills" that I don't have reading the OT or Quran)

>> No.6362126

My problem, personally, is Christ and not anything else. I've read natural theology for a good long while and it makes so much sense to me, but I can't accept the historicity of Christ. I don't understand why we would be given only vague hints and conflicting accounts, it seems rationally irresponsible to a degree.

>> No.6362147


are you saying that science as a discourse somehow exists outside of discourse?

>> No.6362154

What conflicting accounts? I clearly see the events that He made on Earth.

>> No.6362157

The type of things Jesus says are just... weird.

>> No.6362168

Like what?

>> No.6362184

Fuck off Leibniz. The bad in the universe is not "paid back with interest" and I'm not going to chain myself to God on the off chance that there is a hell. Voltaire tore your ass up, you fucking Germanic bitchboi.

>> No.6362189
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Christians, I want to better understand your religion. Should I begin with the New Testament?

>> No.6362204
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>> No.6362209


Catholicism isn't Christianity

>> No.6362212

Here we go

>> No.6362248

Read it. I didn't need anything more than that and my thoughts to become Christian.

>> No.6362259

Yes, read the entire New Testament. Then read Ambrose, then read Augustine, then read Gregory of Nyssa.

Ignore this butthurt Protestant.

>> No.6362263

Of course they are. It's irrational to love your enemies, to forgive those who curse you, to bless those who hate you. It's irrational to give up your life for a complete stranger.

"You are thinking not as God does, but as man does."

>> No.6362266

Don't respond to the heretic, fellow Christians. Just enjoy the Paschal peace and think not of the miserable ignorance of the non-Apostolic apes.

"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

>> No.6362281

What is Christian passion?

>> No.6362282

What's "non-Apostolic"? I hate catholicism and every other Church, but love the Apostles and Christianism.

>> No.6362290

Stop shitposting you pathetic loser.

>> No.6362291


>> No.6362294

>tfw no traditional mass near you

>> No.6362306

>love the Apostles
>hate the churches founded by the Apostles

Do you know absolutely anything about Christian history or do you just gobble up your (I assume some crazy non-dem sect) propaganda?

>> No.6362316

The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church consists of the Churches of Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Alexandria, as well as the various particular Churches and autocephalous Churches that have been created by the authority of the original 5 Churches.

>> No.6362321
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Oh please

>> No.6362329

No. I'm Protestant (though like most I have yearnings for the mother church). Where I live there's nothing but a bunch of bullshit "independent evangelicals" stinking up the strip malls. Don't have a church of my denomination within an hour's drive. Miss church though.

>> No.6362335

I (wait for it)...

>> No.6362339

I know about Christian history actually, but, even if I admire Peter I will not help the Catholic church, because I think it's totally "rotten" and even Peter would destroy it.

>> No.6362340

Are you a big bang theory screenwriter?

>> No.6362345

Yes, but if you want the quick version, read:

That'll get you the core of it.

And I think Lewis' "Mere Christianity" is approachable.

>> No.6362349

My local priest is actually a cool guy.
It's really interesting to follow his Masses.

>> No.6362351

No, I just mimic their jokes (badly).

>> No.6362364
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>determine what is good

>> No.6362365

Of course. I don't hate good priests, and I don't hate everything about the Catholic church (Caritas, for example). But I'm fine without being catholic. I am just christian.
I have attended some masses, and I have met cool priests, just to clarify.

>> No.6362369

Your jokes can't be worse, you only miss the laughter background.

>> No.6362371
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No mass please, we're Christian!


>> No.6362373

I do miss it.

>> No.6362376
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>there are people this stupid

>> No.6362380
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it amused

>> No.6362388


>> No.6362426
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>> No.6362485

Why do you still believe in a random sandcult that's no more likely to be true than Islam, Buddhism, or fucking Hinduism?

>> No.6362510

Because in this sandcult God has teached with example instead that only with books and prophets.

>> No.6362512

>you will never be a Franciscan friar

>> No.6362559


You're assuming that there isn't an interest in tampering with historical evidence that confirms His existence and works.

>> No.6362619

>Now, what you need to ask yourself is why God allows us to turn away from him instead of chaining us to Him, who knows what is best for us in the way we never will? I do not know

That one's easy. Morality cannot exist without free will.

And ultimate pureness in complete morality is the highest form man can achieve.

>> No.6362682

>you will never live among dominican philosophy experts

>> No.6362696
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I would like to wish all my Roman cousins a very happy Easter. I eagerly await the bridegroom!

Remember to study the Scriptures!

God bless.

>> No.6362700

>really nice Mass in Italian and Latin at some small village in the Toscana
>been here barely three days and everyone treats me as if they knew me for all their lives
>cute girl from the bakery invited me over for coffee at her place after church
I-is that the miracle of Easter I've heard about?

>> No.6362709
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>tfw you will never be Italian

>> No.6362752

It's not too late Anon.
I made it, you can, too. Buy red Prada shoes and come to Cetona.

>> No.6362794

It's really more of a state of mind than any specific geographic location. It's entirely possible to 'be Italian' and not live in Italy, though depending on where you live you may get some odd looks.

>> No.6362863

>I follow the Apostles, not the churches.
Yes, the apostles . . . who planted and supported churches.

>> No.6362954
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>tfw no latin mass to go to

>> No.6362997

Just got out.

>> No.6363012

My family did, I got an extra hour of sleep

my local church holds a latin mass every week or month. I'm kinda tempted to go to just listen to the language of Virgil

>> No.6363019
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I am who I am. Can't change it.