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6361241 No.6361241 [Reply] [Original]

Vox day. Are you fucking serious? Its one thing gamergate faggots hijacking the entire hugo awards but jesus fucking christ they could at least have a semblance of fucking taste.

>> No.6361277

I don't care about video game awards. Video game criticism is beyond stunted.

>> No.6361299

The hugo awards are a massive literature award event dude. The academy awards of /lit/

>> No.6361333


>Gamergate hijacking the Hugo Awards.

Nice listening and believing, champ. That Sad Puppies thing has been in the works for years.

>> No.6361345

Oh sorry, I looked it up. I didn't realize what it was because I don't read pleb level genre fiction written as masturbatory material for man children in between seasons of Stargate or whatever they watch these days.

>> No.6361356


>> No.6361363

And failed hilariously every year until this year with KiA and briebart on their side

>> No.6361364

>so if he and his friends lost it was clearly because people were politically biased against them
They did at least learn something from the PoC Defense Force

>> No.6361420

>Caring about the Hugos
>Likening them to the Academy Awards

Holy fuck lol

>> No.6361462


What the hell is GG, the fucking boogeyman? I see every god damn thing wrong with the world blamed on them these days, what the fuck is up with people?

>> No.6361476

Beautifully egoist

>> No.6361488

>their term for anyone who cares about anyone other than straight white cis men


>> No.6361495



>> No.6361505
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This whole fucking GG thing is so god damn cringe worthy. I hate when people say this because it is such a cop out to take the higher-than-though middle road, but both sides of this thing are acting like idiots.

I just read the comment sections of the huge 2015 nominee articles and these people don't know what the word conspiracy means.

They can't just man up and say they have an unpopular opinion. It's one thing to try and shift that and it's another to say that the popular view is caused by brainwashing from the scary nothingness that they have no evidence for.

I don't like the new jultra-sensitive-judgmental liberals either but this conspiracy shit is stupid

>> No.6361507

In the article anon linked, about the term "SJW". Basically the same hyperbolic shit all lefties use

>> No.6361511

You mean the same hyperbolic shit you just used?

>> No.6361512


As bad as GG has gotten, the people fighting them are so much fucking worse. Like really, just a big pack of some of the ugliest, meanest people I've ever seen.

>> No.6361514

I like it, it's fun to watch

>> No.6361519

I didn't use hyperbole.

>> No.6361520


I thought SJW was a term tumble social justice people called themselves?

>> No.6361532

>(SJW — right-wing arseholes’ abbreviation for “Social Justice Warrior”, their term for anyone who cares about anyone other than straight white cis men).


>This is strictly within the rules, but it’s the worst kind of entryism in that it denies the majority a voice.

"They didn't violate this spook, but they did violate that spook" lmao!

>> No.6361533
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Not really, they are both horrible. One is utterly stupid and ultra sensitive, like if the wind hit them the right way they might have a panic attack, and the other is utterly stupid having a near heart attacks because they are so angry and afraid of people who have panic attacks over the wind.


>> No.6361537
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>The same hyperbolic shit all lefties use
>all lefties

You don't know all lefties, you are exaggerating. You're either a hypocrite or an idiot.

>> No.6361540

Apparently only "right wing arseholes" who are intrinsically not just racist, but actively hateful lol

>> No.6361545


Really? I mean, GG is basically /v/, so them being extremely angry all the time makes sense. But the kind of crap Anti-GG pulls seems so much worse. The public shaming, social pressure, doxing, attacking neutral parties, the list goes on.

I want nothing to do with either of them, but some part of me is glad the latter is being dragged out into the light of day.

>> No.6361548

I define lefties by their use of hyperbole in regards to their leftist politics.

>> No.6361552

"A professional game designer and early supporter of #GamerGate, [Vox] Day credited the gamers’ rebellion with giving hope to sci-fi fans:
"The connection between Sad Puppies and #GamerGate is that both groups are striking back against the left-wing control freaks who have subjected science fiction to ideological control for two decades and are now attempting to do the same thing in the game industry. #GamerGate has shown people in science fiction, in fantasy, in comics, and even in journalism that you don’t have to hide what you truly think anymore because SJWs are going to attack you and try to drive you out of a job. You can read, write, develop, and play what you want without fear of their disapproval.""

>> No.6361557

>in my mind are only not considered a terrorist group because they’re white men who target less-privileged women


>> No.6361560

Honestly, I'm content. I don't like the idea of any group holding a monopoly on any kind of awards event, regardless of their politics. Competition is a good thing.

>> No.6361561
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>The public shaming, social pressure, doxing, attacking neutral parties, the list goes on.

GG does all of this. Both sides are huge anonymous groups on the internet that might have a decent portion of people made up of trolls or fake accounts. You cannot accurately show what GG or Anti-GG really looks like since someone can make x amount of fake accounts for either side and then portray that side in whatever actions they take.

I mean did you watch the GG threads? Everyone was fucking schizo paranoid calling everyone else a "shill" for not absolutely bowing down to the group think even when the group was full of fucking retards being led by fucking retards. They knew this and were afraid that the Anti-GGs were going to come o 4chan, say some shit, and then post back on tumblr or whatever as proof that GG did x.

Fucking. Retarded.

>> No.6361562

no, I think it started as a term against off the wall shit within the 'social justice' communities but I forget if it was started in group by people in those communities or by other tumblrs making fun of it
there were anti-sjw blogs on tumblr, ranging from fun to weird right wing at least a couple years before I saw it adopted by reddit/out groups

>> No.6361569

So now you make up new definitions for commonly used words without letting anyone else know until after youre called out in order to backtrack hard enough to make yourself look correct? You're not fooling anyone, you're just a fucking hypocrite who is too lazy to take the time to create distinctions in arguments. Get out.

>> No.6361570

didn't really answer your question all the way- i forget if it started as an ingroup insult or not, but it's basically meaningless bc it can and is applied to everything from 'oh wow plantsexual dogkin is dumb' to 'women shouldn't be able to vote bring back slavery'

>> No.6361573


I haven't seen GG do anything on the scale of that Shirt thing. It seems like the difference between the two opposing sides is that one has more popular support and influence (political/social) than the other, so despite using the same slimy, awful tactics the media is more willing to glorify one group and demonize the other.

>> No.6361581

Before I comment what exactly was the shirt thing? I stopped paying attention to GG in decemeber

>> No.6361587

4chan users might look on the GG neckbeards with a slightly lesser amount of scorn since, although they're acting like idiots, it's less likely for them to be *sincere* idiots - whereas trolling for fun isn't part of the SJW culture

>> No.6361588


>> No.6361589

Yeah, I have a hard time disagreeing with gamergate when websites nominally dedicated to talking about video games promote feminist agendas

>> No.6361591


Shirtstorm, that guy who landed a probe on a comet getting publicly ripped apart and reduced to a tearful apology by the PC police for wearing a shirt (given to him as a present by a female friend) with drawings of women with sexy sci-fi outfits on.

>> No.6361596

Sure, but when did you accept that you're gay?

>> No.6361600

>implying I must be self consistent and must not contradict myself

I can do whatever I like.

>> No.6361604

>reduced to a tearful apology
His fault for being a pussy.

>> No.6361606
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The guy was an awkward nerd who got barraged with hate on what was supposed to be one of the best days of his life, I don't blame him.

>> No.6361611

So you're trying to tell me that GG never messed with someone so hard that they cried?

Again I'm not fan of sjws and that shirt thing sounds like complete ass, but GG is more than capable and willing to jump the gun on some rumor and do the exact same thing.

I mean, for real, literally who? That entire situation is the exact same as what you just said. You may dislike her but GG was dead fucking wrong for weeks and couldnt accept it.

>> No.6361616

>I can be retarded if I want

Go ahead retard. Be retarded.

>> No.6361636

I hope everyone votes no award in the categories they are the sole competitors.
SJWs are annoying but those neo-reactionaries
(even their fucking name is an oxymoron) deserve to be singled out and fade to obscurity.

>> No.6361644

They will.

The hype train waits for no one.

>> No.6361652


>> No.6361654

The result of all this is that a Hugo Award is no longer a pedigree of quality for me. Trust will never be regained.

>> No.6361660


Oh, I don't doubt it. But they wouldn't get a whole bunch of news sites egging them on and encouraging that kind of shaming. That's really the key difference between them.

Who's Literally Who again? And what were they wrong about?

>> No.6361667
File: 16 KB, 231x244, 1408522850334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le Gamersgators did it because the sjw feminists said so

>PoC and female literature is the future

>> No.6361668

The only reason anyone would say they're against gamergate is because they have tranny friends or something weird like that. In fact, I'm almost convinced everyone in this thread saying WAH WAH GAMERGATERS ARE DUMB SMELLY NERDS WITH NO LIVES are some kind of shills.

There's literally an undercurrent of tranny weirdos and professional victims who have nothing to do with videogames but are trying to change videogames by shaming people into acquiescence. Gamergaters are against that. There's no reason to not be against that unless you're one of those tranny freaks or their orbiters.

I just don't get it. At the very least the people denouncing gamergate just want to ride the intellectual high-horse by saying both sides are dumb.

>> No.6361670
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>The Hugo Awards are a set of awards given annually for the best science fiction or fantasy works and achievements of the previous year.
I want plebs to leave

>> No.6361676
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 1406240494852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hugo awards are a massive literature award event dude. The academy awards of /lit/

>> No.6361677


Not really helping your case, especially because I've seen transexuals who do support Gamergate. Kind of seems idiotic to call some of your own supporters weirdos.

>> No.6361678

"Both sides are dumb" is always a safe bet. Always.

>> No.6361681

I am against both but if i had to pick at gunpoint i would pick so called "antis"

>> No.6361688


>> No.6361690

Not the guy you're replying to but why?

>> No.6361693

Hope you like no fun in the future.

>> No.6361699


>your own supporters
>implying i follow gamergate THAT closely

I'm just saying, that's what it looks like in general.


Yeah, safe bet if you're one of those obnoxious unlikeable contrarians nobody gives a fuck about except to roll their eyes at, like I said.



>> No.6361704

Because most of their most unreasonable ones are just overzealous kids,and because GG is so obviously infected with /pol/ shit,and i don't mind that,but their denial bout it riles me up to no end.

>> No.6361708

Wait, does Hugo have a public ballot for their nominations? Then it's their own fault that ideological dissenters would try to gain some ground.

>> No.6361710
File: 42 KB, 590x470, ancillaryjusticejohnharrisannleckieorbitbooks.jpg.CROP.promovar-mediumlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was probably male, to judge from the angular mazelike patterns quilting her shirt. I wasn’t entirely certain. It wouldn’t have mattered, if I had been in Radch space. Radchaai don’t care much about gender, and the language they speak—my own first language—doesn’t mark gender in any way. The language we were speaking now did, and I could make trouble for myself if I used the wrong forms.
Kek, now I see why this won.

>> No.6361717

Can't we just celebrate our jetpack books without any politics?

>> No.6361718


Most of the crazies I've seen from the anti-side are grown ass adults. The fact that they've got kids enabling or encouraging their special brand of crazy doesn't win them any points in my book.

>> No.6361719

How do you know about the rest of GG, and make comments about it, when you don't know who literally who is?

She's the one (and the people who reacted to what she and some other supposedly, but didn't, do) who started all of this

I'd just tell you flat out but just saying her name might ruin this thread more than it already is

Your point about the news sites seems right though. However the right media seems to be accepting and pushing GG just as much as anti-GG was being pushed by left media.

Problem is is that the people who were at the center of this were in left media so it makes it seem like left media is making a much harder push. They didnt, it was just the people being attacking/called out attempting to defend themselves plus the left media doing what you said.

>> No.6361721

Sorry, political correctness or incorrectness has no effect on the amount of "fun" i get from a medium.

>> No.6361730


That's actually hilarious. There is such an obvious bias towards this strange ultra-PC culture in nerd shit nowadays it's unbelievable. From gay character retcons to this shit, it's just insane.

>> No.6361735

It must have very hard to write this, considering that the writer is afflicted with ham-hands

>> No.6361741

Dude no, come on. Tumblr sjw is average age of at least 16. The file and rank are going to be around that age the "leaders" will be older because they need to be just a bit more "intelligent" and articulate.

It's the same with GG. The average user on /v/ that was the file and rank of GG was probably 16, with all of it's leaders being older than 18.

Seriously I don't understand how people dont see the very strong similarities between these two sides with just obvious differences in values being the main distinction.

They are both made up of large groups of hard to verify/track accounts on online websites.

Average user is probably 16 with leaders being in their 20's. The leaders are most likely getting something out of this monetarily.

They both use the same horrible ass backwards rhetoric with little to attention to detail.

They are both spooked. Hard. They think the end is coming for different things but because of the same illusions.

They both knee jerk at any given trigger whatever. They're addicted to this shit and want to be the first to be a part of the next big thing.

>> No.6361745

Maybe people are just bored of the same old characters man.

>> No.6361746
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>> No.6361752


No, I'm fairly sure people are just fine with bald space marines or whatever epic tropes you're railing against, "man."

Doesn't stop these neurotic little tales from being hilarious.

>> No.6361754


I don't really keep up on all the terminology, but I know what you're talking about now. While I don't think all the backlash she got was deserved, she honestly doesn't seem like a good person herself.

The parties backing GG seem to be mostly Right and Libertarian, though as much as "/pol/" has influenced them I've noticed quite a few disenfranchised/disillusioned Lefties among them as well. I don't think "The Left" as a whole are being attacked, just a very specific subset of them.


I actually agree with you there, which is probably why I've kept all this at semi-bent-arms length. On the face of it, I do think the push for "diversity" should include diversity of opinion and of politics (I don't think Liberal or Conservative should be a "dirty word"), which is what GG purportedly stands for, but the manner in which they conduct themselves is enough to keep me away.

>> No.6361759

You referring to the dev who was advertising for some game about depression? GG was only upset about her cuckolding her whiny ex with a few game professionals (isn't that when the "cuck" meme soared?), not about the unsavory advertising tactics - which they were probably wrong about but really only used as pretext

>> No.6361764


Stop that.

Actually they're not. Even YA books are dying out because of this very reason and NA is coming in just because it has variety.

But I mean, you can keep eating the same old shit grandpa. Nobody is stopping you.

>> No.6361765

Actually many aren't.The core audience is changing and so is the literature they will consume,i'm not saying space marine stuff ot whatever should go away,but expect to see it subverted,and stories about whole different stories come up.
It's not a conspiracy you know,that ridiculous ultra PC stuff (that i don't personally like) is actually bought and enjoyed by people that have every right as me to call themselves fans of SF.

>> No.6361768


Nah, it was and still is primarily about the sex-for-coverage thing (what they were wrong about was her getting an actual "review"). Though you are right, I do think that's when the whole cuck thing started.

>> No.6361769
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>Ancillary Justice is a space opera set thousands of years in the future, where the primary galactic power is the expansionist Radch empire, which uses AIs to control human bodies ("ancillaries") that are used as soldiers. The Radchaai do not distinguish people by gender, and Leckie conveys this by using female personal pronouns for everybody, or by having the Radchaai main character guess wrongly when she has to use languages with gender-specific pronouns.


>> No.6361770

Could it be seen as an instance of cultural narcissism? I mean, the way proGG and antiGG talk about their niche electronic toys, you get the impression that their whole world depends whether or not big boobies are "sexist".

>> No.6361776


I think there should be room for both kinds of literature, and neither rapidly politically correct nor rabidly politically incorrect (and all the shades inbetween) should be shamed into nonexistence if there is a market for both. That's about the extent of my opinion on the whole subject.

>> No.6361784
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>While I don't think all the backlash she got was deserved, she honestly doesn't seem like a good person herself.

OK. You need to stop yourself and seriously consider what you just said and what you said eariler about what you didn't like about anti-GG

>But the kind of crap Anti-GG pulls seems so much worse. The public shaming, social pressure, doxing, attacking neutral parties, the list goes on.

>She doesn't seem like a good person so she somewhat deserves public shaming, social pressure, doxing, and attacks, the list goes on.
>Because I don't this stranger who I have never met or care about seems like a good person

You sound like the thought police that you are supposed to be against.

The rest I roughly agree with. Both sides suck, most people suck at debate and politics.

>> No.6361786

Jetpack-core has a lot of politics. I can't tell you how many times I've read about scarred space marines muttering about 'those damn liberals' or some holier than thoughs tut-tuting over some primitive person's sexual or religious beliefs being backward.
You get easy hype by confirming your target demo's biases.

>> No.6361790

>do not distinguish people by gender, and Leckie conveys this by using female personal pronouns for everybody
I can see that being good for a laugh, except the idea isn't new and when stretched novel-length hasn't been considered anything but childish in a long while.

>> No.6361792

>not about the unsavory advertising tactics

Maybe you didn't care about it, and good on you with the other GG members who were like you, but you would have to purposefully looking away half the time in those early GG threads to not see the blatant hate for her supposedly having sex with journalists to promote her game, which was completely false and known to be for weeks with threads still throwing it around constantly as true.

>> No.6361794


>I can't tell you how many times I've read about scarred space marines muttering about 'those damn liberals'

I'm not surprised you can't tell me how many times you've seen that, because you probably couldn't name a single instance.

>> No.6361799


I don't believe she should have been shamed, pressured, doxed, or attacked, regardless of what you think of my intent. But I do believe she should have been held accountable for her actions, and more, I think the people who enabled her should have been held accountable. I also think her boyfriend should have sought out the proper channels if he was being abused by her rather than making the post that set things off, no matter how good his intentions were.

>> No.6361800

The Academy Awards are corrupt, lazy, and broken. It's an insult to be compared to them.

>> No.6361801

That's fine. Your side, the bald marine side, is still the far majority. You know this. Other minorities are just having some space to try things out and make headway.

Just more competition for better stories.

>> No.6361807
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>> No.6361809

Be more specific then when you say vague things like "held accountable" or "somewhat to blame". Maybe that wasnt your attention but it's hard to get what you mean from statements like that.

>> No.6361810

Not the guy who you replied but if the alleged journalist she slept with catched 10% of the flack she got i might actually believe the "ethics in journalism" schtick

>> No.6361811


>which was completely false

Well, not entirely. It'd be more accurate to say that someone she was sleeping with (and who even got thanked in the credits of her game) gave her favorable coverage without disclosure than to say that she slept with him for that favorable coverage. I think the onus is really on him for that, not for her.

>> No.6361812


Isn't he, to this day, one of their primary targets? Basically whenever anything bad happens to him they're the first to crow about it.

>> No.6361813

What's your face when said authors get their reactonary buttbuddies to game the voting process?

>> No.6361815

>play crooked game
>get outplayed
>complain the rurus are unfair now

>> No.6361820

Well if an ideology is kill blackies then to be tolerant you have to be intolerant of that ideology. I mean, just stop thinking in dichotomies.

Being tolerant doesn't necessarily mean just accepting everything. Maybe dumb 14 year olds just learning about politics might say that, but that sort of rhetoric, and the rhetoric against it, should be grown out of.

>> No.6361821

Grayson?I frequent pro and anti sites and nobody talks about him at all,for several months.

>> No.6361827

She got no coverage. It's false.

People say GG ain't so bad when their very first mistake still hasn't been cleared up. Not exactly easy but shit

>> No.6361829

>lol spooks roflmao
stop posting

>> No.6361835

Okay, well liberals have >kill all men so they fall into the same ideology of wanting to kill blackies.

Same face I make in reaction to all voting processes.

>> No.6361842

>Okay, well liberals have >kill all men so they fall into the same ideology of wanting to kill blackies.

You're going to have to try that again. I don't understand what you are saying.

>> No.6361845


She literally did get coverage. It wasn't in a separate article all about her game though, it was in one about a bunch of indie titles.


Really? I see him get talked about a decent amount, along with that Burch guy. More than the girl that kicked things off these days, but not nearly as much as that crazy person who made that mobile game with the weird-looking women in it, who I still don't know why she has anything to do with anything.

>> No.6361848


I think what he means is that, if to be tolerant you should be intolerant of ideologies that say shit like "kill all the darkies", then it should go without saying that to be tolerant you should also be intolerant of ideologies that say shit like "kill all men".

>> No.6361849

Link to this favorable coverage please

>> No.6361858

Open incitement to violence has never been protected speech. What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.6361861

bump for explanation

>> No.6361862

Ok, why would that be a problem? If someone had an ideology of kill all men, only those who wanted to kill themselves already would be on board. Everyone else would naturally be intolerant of this person.

I'm not asking you obviously,I'm asking the other anon you translated.

>> No.6361873

What is all war propaganda for just one example

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6361875



Not really worth all the hubbub GG people kicked up about it, but there it is.

>> No.6361877
File: 27 KB, 242x400, Death's Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must not read much military science fiction. In "Death's Head" the MC is on transport full of revolutionaries going to to a political prisoner colony and everyone is shitting themselves and being huge pussies and the MC is like "Ugh, typical liberals". Its a pretty fun book though, tbh.

>> No.6361886

Oh you're right, there are mentions of her there by him. My bad. But you are right, again, this isn't the kind of coverage GG was making it out to be in anyway. The second one is less to do about her and more about Maker studios.

>> No.6361887

>he thinks war propaganda incites the military to violence

Yeah, those men in uniform wouldn't harm a fly if it weren't for all those Slap a Jap posters back home that they never see.

>> No.6361892

>Starship Troopers meets Schwarzenegger's Commando
Brb bookstore

>> No.6361893

>genre fiction



>> No.6361906

Actually as a Japanese-american I can tell you that quite a lot of non-Japanese-americans who knew Japanese-americans didnt jump on board as easily about what was going on before the war effort. A lot of my older relatives have pretty weird stories about how white-americans dealt with them during those years, especially the poorer farmers who a lot of the Japanese-americans were located near.

It's like you think propaganda is done because nations like to waste money when they are fighting for their very existence.

>> No.6361910

Gooblygabber here I don't even know why anti-gg is getting so upset about this. It's not even vidya.
He's also in the credits for her online choose your own adventure novel that has worse writing then goosebumps choose your own adventure books.

>> No.6361917

You mean you don't know why GG is getting so upset about this?

>> No.6361918

Talked about as in look at this great articled/biased piece of clickbait.
But in terms of vicious attacks he got jackshit compared to what came on her.
Yeah that developer self inserted so hard and GG took the bait.Same thing TB did more recently and aGG took his bait too.

>> No.6361926

What did TB do?

>> No.6361929

I think we've gotten off track.

This started with a total straw man about the idea of not accepting ideologies that say "kill all blacks" when we're talking about modern science fiction writers.

It's just a bait and switch. "Well of course we shouldn't be tolerant of people who say things that openly advocate violence toward specific groups, right?" Then everyone nods. At that point you switch out "advocating violence" for any of a number of lesser crimes such as just being a garden variety bigot.

>> No.6361940

Sorry I meant the Hugo awards for why they would be upset. Autism, and a bunch of discontent between the media and what makes gg now is why gamergate would be upset for those archives.

>> No.6361952

He got involved in a "I'm not GG ,but..." way and antis lost their shit

>> No.6361959 [SPOILER] 
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I just don't understand why people keep trying to pick a side. Sarkeesian and Quinn are cynical mediawhores but who fucking cares, games journalism is a joke anyway. Anyone who cares about GG one way or another is a retard.

>> No.6361960

Well of course it's a bait and switch when you leave it vague as hell like that. Look.

Tolerant means putting up with.

People don't want to put up with blacks, or whatever. The garden variety bigot like you said.

Then people don't want to tolerate the above, like you said. How they don't tolerate those people is probably the meat of what is going on here.

Then people don't tolerate the above people because of x (maybe it's the content, reactionaries who don't like blacks and so don't like those who tolerate blacks, or, maybe they just don't like how the group above doesn't tolerate the first group)

I mean what the fuck is the big deal of having minority characters in books? There is no take over, there is no conspiracy. Values are now more varied, and they are BARELY more varied then what they were before. Compare what the fuck we are debating about compared to what Japan considers tolerable. A huge chunk of that would not be considered tolerable in the slightest in America, and that is coming from both sides (vague right and left)

>> No.6361965

Oh that, that didnt seem like that big of deal? He even had a decent interview with someone from...kataku I think.

>> No.6361978

>It's not even vidya.
That's what annoys me about GG so much.Antis are primarily in it for the culture war and they are pretty honest about it.Ofc they are gonna latch on to this,vidya or not.
Meanwhile,GG acts as culture warey as them,tangling with every right-winger that wants to make a buck out of them,but then pretend its all about vidya.
If you want to be believed that you actually only care about vidya and journalism make it so,cut the antiSJW shit,and police yourelves

>> No.6362270

I think everyone that appreciates SF would appreciate more diverse perspectives, but disagree over whether that diversity should be made a big deal over or not. I mean, if you make a big deal over it, then you'll never know if they're being sincere or just pandering.

>> No.6362323

I agree. It's legbeards vs neckbeards and it's fun to watch. I could give less of a damn who comes out on top. Just seeing how this has become such a massive shitstorm is entertaining

>> No.6362337

I define righties by their use of hyperbole in regards to their right wing politics.

>> No.6362338

Wisdom from My Internets, at least, is pure trash.

It's not about SF/Fantasy in anyway (as far as I can tell from the preview), the "jokes" are stale or just plan bad, it's just drivel through and through.

>> No.6362348

GG is basically a fight against crypto-stalinists.

>> No.6362350

>Reading this year's nominations
>Interstellar screenplay by Jonathan Nolan and Christopher Nolan

>> No.6362353
File: 46 KB, 604x614, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto Stalinists
Glenn beck pls go

>> No.6362354

They didn't actually do the Hugo Awards, so I don't know what OP is talking about. The bullshit currently happening is by some group called Sad Puppies, I think.

GamerGate has long outlived its purpose, and was on shaky ground to start with as many of its early claims were based on a lack of any evidence other than hearsay and anecdote. The only real thing they managed to achieve was the exposure of GJP and getting the Escapist to change its staffing.

The only thing they do now is screencap neoliberals on twitter and snark at them and fight amongst themselves.

Most people here hate them because /v/ invaded every board with "muh slippery slope" and insisting that if some progressive fuckhead managed to get even an inch of traction video games were fucking over and so was every other artistic medium. Along with /pol/ they also came up with the epic meme that moot was an SJW despite being an overall okay guy and more or less drove him off his own site.

Not to mention they have a heavy us vs. them attitude and throw the phrase "SJW" which originally meant "left-wing person with extremist views and was a sanctimonious fuck about having them" to "person who disagrees with me on the internet".

On the whole the group is composed of like, the worst of /v/, /pol/ and conservative reddit.

>> No.6362432
File: 34 KB, 500x323, tumblr_inline_nlorit6Nhl1sv3bdi_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6362453

Gamergate is dumb but this wasn't fucking them go complain about how you got raped because someone said you were ugly elsewhere Brianna Wu.

>> No.6362500

I follow several left-leaning fantasy and science fiction writers on social media. Seeing them in rage mode over this is amusing.

>> No.6362516


Why do people even give a shit about video game criticism? Video games are some of the most intellectually irrelevant and vapid media in existence.

>> No.6362520

Because muh slippery slope. Idiots from /v/ think if the extreme left get their mitts on criticism somehow their medium will be compromised, even if that's demonstrably untrue.

>> No.6362525


So you're saying /v/ is right wing? Doesn't seem to be true from what I've seen of the board

>> No.6362538

The nominations this year in the Hugo Awards are better than they've been in the past five years combined. There's no Dinosaur porn this time. The Hugo Awards have been shit for a long time and have been politically motivated for the past half a decade. Now some other group has hijacked the process from the group that had been hijacking it and everyone throws a shitfit?

>> No.6362561

The only times I've been there I've seen the SJW boogeyman thrown around. Maybe most of them fucked off to b8 chan after the epic "moot sold 4chan out" meme.

>> No.6362574


The term SJW isn't criticizing feminists or liberals, it's criticizing those with an extreme black and white with us or against us view

You can be plenty liberal or feminist and reasonably call out social justice warrior content on the internet as harmful or poisonous

>> No.6362578

>muh genre fiction

>> No.6362585

Being opposed to SJWs does not make someone right wing, it makes someone not far left authoritarian.

I mean do you seriously think shit like >>6361710 deserves to win? I know sff fiction is pleb to begin with, but that reads like a fucking 12 year old wrote it. i know SFF can be better than that because I've read better.

>> No.6362588


Yes but it's such a loose term that it gets applied by any White Nationalist to anyone who isn't a reactionary keyboard warrior. So, it's natural for anyone to get confused over what you mean when you use the term negatively.

>> No.6362597

itt: rightwing shills and manchilds, if there's any campaign it appears to be a rightwing one to hijack the hugos

Science fiction has always been liberal/left wing.

As for gamer gate, if someone was interested in honesty in journalism why the fuck would you pick VIDEOGAMES as the area to begin looking? Look at how the media presents Americas wars of aggression and meddling in the Middle East.

>> No.6362599


It's an intriguing concept that subverts expectations and makes the reader rethink their previous views. That's kind of what science fiction is supposed to do. I don't see the problem.

>> No.6362605

And if you want to complain about hugos being hijacked, just look back at when harry potter won

>> No.6362606
File: 22 KB, 480x600, FrpzE4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a feminist and I stand against Gamergate

>> No.6362613

>It's an intriguing concept that subverts expectations and makes the reader rethink their previous views.
No it isn't, it's fucking juvenile, poorly written garbage.

Also to subvert expectations you need to establish expectations first. The reader has no expectations about this non-existent species before reading the book, thus they have no expectations. God, sci-fi readers are actually this fucking stupid.

>> No.6362616

>Not criticising bourgeois liberal SJWs from the left of the left

>> No.6362621
File: 158 KB, 680x907, Fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know that fedora shit came from tumblr and reddit as a way to describe the overlap between right wing teenagers, nu-atheists, right libertarians, general misogynists, and people with reactionary tendencies if worse right.

And that makes up a majority of the base of #Gamer#Gate.

>> No.6362626

God forbid an alien race be gender neutral
Whoever heard of looking at things in a different way in a science fiction story? For shame.

>> No.6362628

>screencap neoliberals on twitter

>> No.6362631

>or against us view
>"Everyone who disagrees with me must be an extremist liberal shill!"
This is why I despise people who use the term regularly. It is, as >>6362585 said, supposed to be a term for liberal extremists, but retards from /v/ and /pol/ like to just toss it at their opponents if someone doesn't absolutely bow to GamerGate's hyperbolic overreaction to liberals or progressives invading their media.

Extremist dumbfucks have been criticizing media for years and there hasn't been widespread censorship of any medium to the point where one radical view dominates all. Don't be fucking stupid.

>> No.6362633

The expectations of an evil for the sake of evil aliens in a standard space opera?

>> No.6362638

Why are people blaming GamerGate for this? GamerGate didn't even know what the Hugo Awards is until people started blaming them. Do SJWs think right wingers don't read sci-fi or something?

>> No.6362640

Also, nowhere in my post did I say that piece was good. Book awards, especially book awards for genre fiction, are horseshit anyway, so why do you care?

Oh wait, you're just a reactionary fuck that feels like if you don't one-up your political opponents in the pettiest bullshit imaginable you can't feel superior.

>> No.6362647
File: 5 KB, 183x275, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's great that 4chan has become a paradise for social justice and feminism

>> No.6362652

There's no expectation of that either. In fact lots of Space Opera fiction have only humans playing prominent roles.
>Book awards, especially book awards for genre fiction, are horseshit anyway, so why do you care?
I don't think "It's shit and politically motivated and it's always been that way so you shouldn't bother critiquing or trying to fix it" is a good excuse, especially when you yourself are attacking the Hugo Awards for the most recent set of nominations.

>> No.6362653


This. Most of the target audience for video games are either too stupid to read books or have severe learning disabilities that make finishing a complete book impossible for them.

>> No.6362655

In general it's safe to assume someone who flings around the term SJW easily is either highly influenced or actively using the term to associate criticism of themselves with a type of person easily disregarded.

>> No.6362656

No, fedora was orginally from 4chan to refer to "Enlightened by my intelligence" new atheism and then what you described occurred and now the word has been bastardized along with neckbeard to just mean "nerd I dislike"
Fucking tripfags I swear to god.

>> No.6362658


>fedora was orginally from 4chan to refer to "Enlightened by my intelligence" new atheism
>originally 4chan

Except that entire meme originated with a pretentious guy on reddit

>> No.6362660


I wouldn't make that claim, because it isn't.

>> No.6362661

Sorry, I meant "progressive liberals". For some reason I thought neoliberals were a similar to position to neoconservatives; ie, reactionary fucks.

>> No.6362665

>Blaming Gamergate and not SadPuppy
>SJWs just blaming GG for brownie points

So Tumblr has taken over /lit/

>> No.6362669

Yeah, by 4channers mocking him.

>> No.6362672

>when you yourself are attacking the Hugo Awards for the most recent set of nominations
Sorry, where did I do that? Are you assuming I'm OP and give a fuck about the Hugo Awards?

>> No.6362673


Regardless of where it came from, (I was here in 2013 and earlier, I do not remember that at all), it's non coincedental Nu-Atheist pretentiousness overlaps with various forms of internet sub-cultures, mostly considering themselves under ground or right-leaning.

These people overlap ideologically.

>> No.6362675

>Alewess is from reddit
>2013 was two years ago
Well, I'll be dammed.
Going to go outside for a bit then. Time to stop posting.

>> No.6362677


Umm, no. Neoliberalism is an economic framework based on free trade, privatization and deregulation.

Not an equivalent to neoconservatism.

>> No.6362679

So you have no problems with the Hugo Award nomination this year? Okay.
>So Tumblr has taken over /lit/
It's literally one guy. Most of /lit/ is too busy reading actual literature to give a shit about the fantasy plebs.

>> No.6362686

>Regardless of where it came from
Then what the fuck are you doing on 4chan if you're gonna spouts memes without at least knowing their origins?

Oh wait you're spouting your dumbass opinions like it's fact. Being a tripfag only makes it worse.

>> No.6362687

this thread is triggering to those troubled by spooks

>> No.6362689

I wanted to enjoy the news of my favorite genre fiction awards ceremony, not witness one-sided turd flinging from the science fiction and fantasy writers I keep up with on twitter

>> No.6362690

I know that now; I just checked after you called me on it. I meant progressives like Chu or whatever. They'll just screencap them saying something stupid and will be like "lmao look at this person we disagree with saying something dumb I'm so witty". That's all they seem to do. That or just brigading to accomplish petty bullshit, like currently they're vote brigading to try to knock Sarkeesian off the Time Top 100 Influential Persons award. Seems like a useful endeavor and definitely not a total waste of time.

>> No.6362692


>Caring about where a meme came from

Are you seriously the kind of autistic poster who reads and learns to regurgitate every knowyourmeme article ever whenever you see a meme on 4chan?

>> No.6362694

>So you have no problems with the Hugo Award nomination this year? Okay.
Nigga, I don't fucking care. It's a genre fiction award. Some faggots decided to vote-brigade their political views into an awards show that is dominated by people attempting to do so. Who gives a fuck?

>> No.6362697

>Then what the fuck are you doing on 4chan if you're gonna spouts memes without at least knowing their origins?

Because I don't remember seeing this at all. I just recently decided to come back. I went on tumblr and didn't really come back to 4chan for obvious reasons. Now I'm back here, and I am saying I don't remember in my time previous in 2013 before I left, that happening. What I do remember, is people on tumblr using this joke to describe the type of people described, while previously on 4chan there was nothing of the sort.

This isn't exactly to say I'm infallible. But Nu-Atheists, pretentious people, tend to be right leaning scumbags, how shocking.

>> No.6362699

You're the one arguing with me about it. The way I see it the books nominated his year are better than the ones throughout the previous half decade, so if this new clique is going to be briganding at least they have better taste.

>> No.6362702

>I was here in 2013 and earlier
Is this supposed to be some point of pride or something, newfag? Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.6362705


No. But it does involve what I'm saying. I take no pride in posting on 4chan, believe me, you're safe from that.

>> No.6362721

hi Feminister

>> No.6362724


Not Feminister. Didn't even have a trip back then.


>> No.6362730

You said "oh I bet you think this nomination was good" when I said whinging about some dumbfuck awards show was retarded and how reactionary dipshits from /v/ throw around "SJW" for anyone who isn't a staunch neckbeard like they are. Then I said "Nowhere in the post did I imply that was good and caring about whether some leftist piece winning some ultimately unimportant award is petty as fuck", then you accused me of attacking the Hugo Awards nominations, which nowhere did I do so. Then I said I didn't care, and you said "Oh so you think the nominations are good then, okay."

God, I fucking hate arguing with you fucks. Not everyone who disagrees with you is involved in some petty turf war over political alignment. Complaining about vote brigading and political extremism during an award notable for vote brigading and political extremism is fucking dumb. Fuck.

>> No.6362732

So is any of the works presented to the Hugo award good?

>> No.6362742

It's genre fiction for man-children. What do you think?

>> No.6362744

>looking at things in a different perspective
That's the thing, this isn't a new or different perspective, its been the academic status quo for video games/sci-fi/fantasy for awhile now.
Its a washed out trope that's winning "academic"-circles and popularity points because of its political correctness.

>> No.6362761

You're tripping as Foucault and you're whining about super spooky (no Stirner referrence intended) reactionaries.
How blatantly ideological can you be?

>> No.6362766

Shut up faggots.

>> No.6362770
File: 75 KB, 500x336, FOUKYOULT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blatantly ideological.

>> No.6362772


irl Foucault is indirectly but singlehandedly responsible for much of Sociology, Anthropology and Geography scholarship turning into a complete joke

>> No.6362774

in the Best Novel category at least, the non-clique novels are easily the best (Goblin Emperor and Ancillary Justice)

>> No.6362776

you shut up, gulag candidate

>> No.6362782

This. Fuck off with your worthless thread.

>> No.6362790


Chomsky Honk

>> No.6362800


Social justice warriors proving time and time again they've corrupted our most sacred academic studies.

>> No.6362805


Not really.

>> No.6362806

and your mom as well

t. social justice warrior

>> No.6362841


>> No.6362867 [DELETED] 

>Science fiction has always been liberal/left wing.

Not enough for some people, apparently. Last night I saw William Shatner getting yelled at on Twitter, accused of homophobia or something, for not taking some fanfic retard's "shipping" crap seriously enough.

There's a backlash against the fake outrage that social justice types use to make themselves feel important.

Despite how it looks when you do a search on GG or anything related to it, I doubt more than 1% of the population really cares one way or the other about the fear-mongering and cry-baby politics of the professionally offended, or about the backlash from ultra-right-wing nuts who see an opportunity to present themselves as only the second craziest party in the room. Obviously, when you go on the internet, you're only going to hear the extremists, who shout over everyone else.

As for the Hugo Awards in particular, their nomination system is incredibly dumb, so it's really hard to care about what happens or feel bad for anyone who got screwed.

>> No.6362933

>Science fiction has always been liberal/left wing.

Not enough for some people, apparently. Last night I saw William Shatner getting yelled at on Twitter, accused of homophobia or something, for not taking some fanfic retard's "shipping" crap seriously enough.

As for GG, etc. (and possibly Sad Puppies as well, but I haven't done my research), it's just part of the predictable backlash against modern social justice bigots and the fake outrage they use to make themselves feel important. A lot of people in GG called themselves liberals until the rest of the internet decided they were ultra-conservatives just for disagreeing with people who call themselves feminists. I just think the whole thing is really hilarious, because you can't be critical of game journalism anymore without being accused of misogyny. Kind of a non sequitur.

>why the fuck would you pick VIDEOGAMES as the area to begin looking?

It does seem kind of silly. Video game journalism is so inconsequential. Incidentally, though, game journalism is also a fucking joke, honestly. They have no professionalism and ... well, I know this is kind of a meme, at this point, but they really have no sense of ethics. They're honestly shit. So why focus on them? Because: they stood out like a sore thumb, as a shitstain on the industry, and this was known long before GG started; and, more importantly, because that's what the GG folks are interested in. Video games are their thing. I don't take it as seriously as they do, but ... well, they do.

Anyway, despite how it looks when you do a search on GG or anything related to it, I doubt more than 1% of the population really cares one way or the other about the fear-mongering and cry-baby politics of the professionally offended, or about the backlash from ultra-right-wing nuts who see an opportunity to present themselves as only the second craziest party in the room. Obviously, when you go on the internet, you're only going to hear the extremists, who shout over everyone else.

As for the Hugo Awards in particular, their nomination system is incredibly dumb, so it's really hard to care about what happens or feel bad for anyone who got screwed.

>> No.6362951

The Phillip k. dick awards are better.

>> No.6362961

The whole coverage about sad puppies


You guys are some salty motherfucker :^)

>> No.6363022

>stub my toe
>I spill my milk
>It rains
>I get a flat tire

>> No.6363057

Well memed, good sir.

>> No.6363119

sjws BTFO by sockpuppets and a tabloid site

>> No.6363250


This. The Hugos haven't been a straight game for a long long time. SF/F has been degrading for a while now. Most of the authors haven't heard of Vance or Dunsany or Heinlein, and a lot of people disregard older authors for their political views as if that has some bearing on how good their work is. That partially explains why modern speculative fiction is so fucking derivative as its written by people with piss-poor genre history.

The whole thing is a mess, the Hugos are just the tip of the fucking iceberg.

>> No.6363474

I find it hilarious that right wingers that the left has hijacked sci fi. Yeah lol the fucking genre created by fucking commies in the 19th century with utopian socialist fiction was so totally right wing.

This entire thing is just assmad right wingers thinking there is a conspiracy because nobody in scifi likes their shit So they themselves literally create a conspiracy to hijack the awards to push only far-right authors.

>> No.6363520
File: 214 KB, 704x549, john-c-wright[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many brands of atheism, but they all have some points in common. First, one common point is that none have a rational explanation of the objectivity of moral rules.

Not all cultures agree on what priority to place on various moral rules, but one thing that is so obvious about moral rules is that they are objective. When guilt pricks us, it does not say we betray a matter of taste or opinion; the feeling of guilt is the feeling of having offended a law. When injustice rankles, we do not accuse those who trespass against us of having breached a matter of taste or opinion; we refer to a standard we expect the other to know and acknowledge. We cannot help it.

In all human experience, everything is open to doubt but this. No man with a working conscience can escape the knowledge. It is the one thing we cannot not know. And yet atheists are at a loss to explain it.

I do not call atheists immoral, but I note they cannot give a rational reason to account for morality.

In any atheist worldview, moral laws are an invention of man and serve his contingent purposes, or an imposition of Darwinian survival mechanisms that serve the contingent purposes of the Selfish Gene. Such purposes as the preservation of life or the pursuit of happiness are subjective, hence not laws at all. Whether selected by nature or by man, if moral maxims are selected merely as a means to an arbitrary end, they are merely expedient conveniences.

If I avoid murder and theft only because this decreases my odds in the lottery of reproduction, then when circumstances arise where murder and theft increase rather than decrease my odds, what reason can any man give me to avoid murder and theft? If I eschew lying only because it causes me self satisfaction to live with a sense of integrity, what reason can any man give me to eschew lying on the day when I discover lying satisfies me more?

A second common point is that no atheist of whatever school can account for the rationality of the universe: that is, none can account for the fact that the abstractions of math and the concrete things of physics so perfectly happen to match.

Atheists either must take rationality as a given, or assume that the processes of the universe evolved man to think in a procedure called logic. But if an unthinking Darwinian process formed our thinking process, we have no reason to assume the thinking process is truly rational, as opposed to a merely useful self-deception.

>> No.6363666

Meme historian here. The first use of "Tips Fedora" dates back to April 4th 2012 on a /v/ discussion on white knights. So the term was initially used as a stereotype of feminist males. SJWs appropriated (heh) the image of a fedora tipping gentlesir to refer to euphoric redditors and 4channers.

>> No.6363680

Is this copypasta?

>> No.6363693
File: 91 KB, 394x700, No matter the case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I mean, it was probably because their were more examples of Euphoric redditors and bizare reactionaries fitting into than feminist men, but again, it all overlaps.

In general there were still more examples of euphoric reditors using it, you gotta admit.

>> No.6363702

It's the words of John C. Wright, Catholic convert and 2015 Hugo Nominee.


>> No.6363711

The only people irl I've seen wearing fedoras are arty types who more often than not are sympathetic to social justice issues. Either way the fedora is a ridiculous straw man that has been abused by 4chan to the point where it has lost all meaning

>> No.6363731

Your posts are more cringe inducing than that picture.

>> No.6363795

Winners of the hugos

> ancillary justice
> redshirts
> among others
> blackout/all clear
> the wind up girl
> the city and the city
> the graveyard book
> the yiddish police man's union
> rainbows end
> spin
> Jonathan strange and mr norrell
> paladin of souls
> hominids
> American God's
> Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
> a deepness in the sky
> to say nothing of the dog
> forever peace
> Blue Mars
> the Diamond age
> mirror dance

so where is this left wing conspiracy? All I see is very popular, critically acclaimed books that are popular even in the mainstream.

face it this is once again reactionaries projecting their own insecurities on the left and having a cry about "muh feels".

>> No.6363960



This is one of my favorites

Not sure what Harry Potter is doing on there though or why Gaiman won twice

>> No.6364069

>Mfw when Heinlein is called a fascist near me

>> No.6364081

Dude you rekt him. He was a moron.

>> No.6364124

I oppose SJWs in their original meaning. IE, somebody who abuses victim rhetoric and acts like their personal issues are part of some great battle against the forces of tyranny.

GG and Sad Puppies are SJWs, they fit the definition, and do everything they accuse their enemies of doing.

Hashtag activism doesn't work, the internet won't solve our problems, only accelerate things. Angry mobs rarely achieve noble results.

>> No.6364148


Underrated post

>> No.6364217

I am a black pansexual dragonkin woman, please read my story about robots and space.

Ever submitted to one of these publishers, who explicitly state looking for PoC and underprivileged voices?

How fucked is it that author identity takes first seat to the work they produced, now placed second in importance?

It's fucking retarded. No one needs to know a damn thing about me to read my work. Is it good? Is it shit? Nothing else matters.

>> No.6364245
File: 2.82 MB, 390x215, tip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I repeat /pol/ talking points unironically because I can't actually be bothered to read the man.

>> No.6364294

>If I avoid murder and theft only because this decreases my odds in the lottery of reproduction, then when circumstances arise where murder and theft increase rather than decrease my odds, what reason can any man give me to avoid murder and theft?

You've just described the conditions of total war, which mankind has not escaped in entirety, ever.

You should Weber more.

>> No.6364333


>"Oldschool scifi is dead or dying! Really! Ignore those sales numbers!"

>> No.6364346

reforms of ethics policies at various media outlets and the injury to Gawker to the tune of a million bucks sounds pretty noble.

The fallout? Bad journalists became infamous in the microcosm in which they operate.

All upsides from here.

It's also really unfair to claim Sad Puppies is as bad as GamerGate. Sad Puppies is just an expression of a subset of the populous in a popularity contest. That's all it is. At least you can half-assedly claim that GG is an online malingering campaign that mobs people on Twitter and is super evil and misogynist and shit.

Sad Puppies is just like a jock taking a retarded girl to prom. Kind of nice someone is giving the special kids some attention after years of being shit on and ignored by all the other kids.

>> No.6364350


Nice metaphor, limp dick

>> No.6364355

They are still using the "Waaaa look at me I'm so oppressed!" rhetoric, and basing their campaign around public shaming and ballot stuffing.

I don't think they've sent any death threats or doxed anybody yet, but they still fall under the SJW umbrella.

>> No.6364427

Can't disagree there.

It's pretty demonstrative of the problem.

"SEE HOW MUCH IT SUCKS WHEN WE DO IT???!!!" isn't really an argument.

So, I concede to your classification scheme.

>> No.6364444


>> No.6365066


>> No.6365069

What the fuck is gamergate?

>> No.6365093

the tea party of videogames

>> No.6365100
File: 127 KB, 900x506, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2013 Beale ran unsuccessfully to succeed John Scalzi as president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA). Later in 2013, he was investigated by the Board, who subsequently voted to expel him from the organization.[17] Beale maintains that the vote does not signify his expulsion from the organization.[18]

In 2014 Beale's novelette, "Opera Vita Aeterna", was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novelette.[19] It came in sixth out of five nominees, behind "No Award."[20][21][22][23]

>> No.6365110

>the tea party of videogames
kids who play computer games are don't like paying tax to the British government, so they destroyed a shipment of computer games?

>> No.6365112

Sure, but don't forget that popularity doesn't imply quality. The more this literature is corrupted by gender issues and social justice, the more the whole genre gets worst and worst. This isn't a good thing for “true” readers to see their own style, already widely mocked by high-level literature amateurs, getting bastardized. The rhetoric of “nobody stops you from reading what you want” is also null. By increasing the works available, you're also decreasing the likelihood for new readers to good literature. Even if they end up getting rid of it, how many years will they lost in the process? It's bad enough turds like E. L. James drag an audience.

>> No.6365115

From an io9 article on this:
>The Hugo Awards are voted on by fans, and anyone who purchases a supporting membership at Worldcon can nominate two years in a row. (And typically, it doesn't take that many votes to nominate something successfully.)

>> No.6365116

I say this is good just because I'm sick of the same shit winning. I haven't payed attention to the Hugo's for over a decade because it was so pointless and transparent.

>> No.6365120

the amerifat political tea party: loudly angry libertarians

>> No.6365129

Jesus Christ that is some horrible writing. This dreck won something in the past? Holy shit how do people take the Hugo's seriously if shit like this wins

>> No.6365136

>Holy shit how do people take the Hugo's seriously if shit like this wins
See here: >>6365115
The whole process is easily gameable.

>> No.6365142

they're not libertarian

>loudly angry confused former middle class being directed by powerful corporate interests to support initiatives that harm them

>> No.6365145

its not, its based on the Australian system of preferential voting

>> No.6365150

>Beale is opposed to feminism[32] and women's suffrage, writing that "I very much like women and wish them well, which is precisely why I consider women’s rights to be a disease that should be eradicated. For what is rather more difficult to dismiss are the simple and easily verifiable facts that indicate women have seldom been less able to pursue their dreams and less able to achieve their desires than today, the Golden Age of Feminism."[33]

>n June of 2013, Beale used the SFWAuthors Twitter feed to post a link to his blog, in which he referred to African-American author N. K. Jemisin as "an educated, but ignorant half-savage, with little more understanding of what it took to build a new literature" [36] and Teresa Nielsen Hayden as a "fat frog."[37]

This mans a nut

>> No.6365154

>commie retards control it for years
>suddenly conservative retards control it

If you give a shit about any of this, I honestly think you should consider suicide. Just end it.

>> No.6365163

Gamer Gatlers win.
New thread theme:

>> No.6365175

I honestly would like to hear his reasoning, it sounds like a hoot.

>> No.6365182


>Reading cherry picked information that is the result of pushy people on wiki edit wars
>Taking it as fact

>> No.6365220

did he say it or not?

>> No.6365223

>muh bible says... muh bell curve says...

>> No.6365568


Oh fuck off, its the Kids Choice Awards of literature. At least complain about the Nebulas or something you fucking clods.

>> No.6366278

>The more this literature is corrupted by gender issues and social justice, the more the whole genre gets worst and worst.
Muh slippery slope fallacy.

>This isn't a good thing for “true” readers to see their own style, already widely mocked by high-level literature amateurs, getting bastardized.
It's fucking genre fiction.

>The rhetoric of “nobody stops you from reading what you want” is also null. By increasing the works available, you're also decreasing the likelihood for new readers to good literature.
You're a fucking moron. Most literature is fucking terrible. Read what you want has always held true, and the good stuff is the stuff that people tend to talk about, where bad stuff, unless it's hilariously bad, tends to vanish. As always, if you don't want to read something, don't fucking read it.

>It's bad enough turds like E. L. James drag an audience.
Boo hoo.

>> No.6366281

They're neoconservatives, not libertarians.

>> No.6366307

No they are radical right-wing libertarians backed by big companies (ironic considering the Tea Party claims to be grass-roots)

>> No.6366432

lol nope. Some of them are. Most are disillusioned liberals mad about freeze peach or something

>> No.6366501

Anyone remember the internet before it was a battleground for retarded neckbeards and legbeards?

>> No.6366509


It was always full of edgy neckbeards who thought everything edgy they said was comedic genius so legbeards are a breath of fresh air as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.6366627

oh i know. that's what they describe themselves as for some reason.

the tea party is conservative. i think there are more edgy rightwingers in it than disillusioned liberals.

>> No.6366643

You kidding? It was founded by neckbeards and for years it was primarily neckbeards who used it outside of professional settings. Now everyone uses the internet.

>> No.6366652

>look ma i'm trolling the internet

>> No.6366662


is there ever going to be a non retarded tripfag

>> No.6366695


He calls himself "Foucault", what do you expect?

>> No.6366698


I have won over an audience

>> No.6366707

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6367071
File: 25 KB, 331x218, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fedora caricature by this point is just a ready made straw man for people to shoehorn their ideological opponents into. I've seen it used as a caricature of everyone from redpillers to male feminists.

>> No.6367372
File: 1.92 MB, 1023x881, nsmail-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fedora tipper has always been a joke on the "euphoric" atheist community. It also refers to the beta male feminists who consider themselves smarter than the mean jocks who get girls instead of them, as well as the neckbeards collecting MLP figurines.

>And that makes up a majority of the base of #Gamer#Gate.

It's funny how fast a supposed "progressive" will erase any woman or minority that doesn't support their white saviors. The push to discredit a group as part of some straight white male demographic is a very underhanded tactic, particularly when the majority of the accusers are straight white males who come from money.

>> No.6367400

well it's generally used for somewhat naive, blunt, heavily opinionated people. redpilleds and feminists do tend to have that in common

>> No.6367461

top wwwwww

>> No.6367584

check out his blog (at least the entry about Jemisin), it's pretty amazing how vocal he is about his views contra his expectations for a career and outrage at being frozen out

>> No.6367685

>The Nuru (ie white) militants waited for the retreat, when the Okeke women walked into the desert and stayed for seven days to give respect to the goddess Ani. “Okeke” means “the created ones.” The Okeke people have skin the color of the night because they were created before the day. They were the first. Later, after much had happened, the Nuru arrived. They came from the stars and that’s why their skin is the color of the sun.

>These names must have been agreed upon during peaceful times, for it was well known that the Okeke were born to be slaves of the Nuru. […]

>Most abided by the old saying, “A snake is foolish if it dreams of being a lizard.” But one day, thirty years earlier, a group of Okeke men and women in the city of Zin rejected it. They’d had enough.

>They rose up rioting and demanding and refusing. Their passion spread to neighboring Seven Rivers towns and villages. These Okeke paid dearly for having ambition. Everyone did, as is always the case with genocide. On and off this had been happening since.

>The purr of scooters. She looked up. There was a parade of them, each with an orange flag on the back of the seat. There must have been at least forty. […]

>On each scooter rode a man and on several a woman accompanied the man. They wore orange veils of their sunny faces. Their expensive military attire — sand-colored pants and tops and leather boots — were probably treated with weather gel to keep them cool in the sun. […]

>The Okeke women screamed and ran in all directions. […] But the Nurus made a wide circle around them, herding them back together like wild camels. As the Okeke women cowered, their long periwinkle garments fluttered in the breeze. The Nuru men got off their scooters, the Nuru women behind them. They closed in. And that was when the raping began.

>All of the Okeke women, young, prime, and old, were raped. Repeatedly.

>Those men didn’t tire; it was as if they were bewitched. […] They sang as they raped. The Nuru women who’d come along laughed, pointed, and sang, too.

Nnedi Okorafor, Who Fears Death

This is an Nebula award winning fantasy novel by a black woman. Totally deserved and non-political, of course.

>> No.6367696

Who cares?

>> No.6367702

People care now that the other side is doing the same.

>> No.6367715

So what? Right wingers have bitched and moaned about this kind of horseshit for years, and vice versa. This is some award for shit genre fiction that nobody will fucking read.

>> No.6367723
File: 97 KB, 580x402, mao's mangos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say they are Maoists. The methods are similar, "Smash the Four Olds", "Struggle-sessions", "everyone who doesn't think like us is a feudal fascist capitalist roader" etc, all that motivated by a youth radicalized at their education venues.

The only thing missing is the mango worship, yet.

>> No.6367737


Oh shut the fuck up gamer gate is absolutly embarassing at this point. It's not underhanded to point out its main demographic is edgy young white nationalists who continually alienate any demographic they chose.

While initially you're right, it could pull in anyone. What you have when you attract 4chan's native population of rights and misogynists and faux racists into the mix is people steadily pointing out the rhetoric they use, and people thinking "Hm, these people are absolute freaks, maybe I should avoid this...".

In other words, once again, reactionaries don't know how to plan in the long term and spew whatever vile shit they think out to their hearts content and it becomes their own Achilles Heel

>> No.6367740

Are you a woman? You write like a woman.

>> No.6367747


It depends, are you a fag? You write like one.

>> No.6367784

That's a pretty good excerpt, I'd read more

>> No.6367881


>using "fag" as a pejorative

Congratulations on sinking not to the level of the person you are replying to, but well below it.

>> No.6367900


>I'm very serious

>> No.6367917
File: 13 KB, 339x302, jizz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that was when the raping began.

>> No.6367987


>Those men didn’t tire; it was as if they were bewitched. […] They sang as they raped.

Is it bad that I burst into laughter at this point?

>> No.6368014

Is everyone on 4chan so fucking contrarian that they refuse to hold an opinion other than some form of: "both sides are stupid"? Do you enjoy the false sense of superiority?

>> No.6368025

Being a contrarian guarantees victory and there is nothing wrong with playing to win.

>> No.6368044

It's been the same long before you stumbled here an hour ago

>> No.6368049

>Arguing over GamerGate
>Arguing over something literally only neckbeard manchildren and unemployed self proclaimed "anarcho-marxist radfem" bloggers have heard about

Do you think someone actually important like say, Obama, has heard of GamerGate or gives two fucks about it? Probably not.

>> No.6368051

no one is important than me idiot

>> No.6368056


To be fair, I'm an anarcho-marxist radfem, not unemployed though. Working towards becoming a social worker.

>> No.6368061

I am

>> No.6368062

>Not wanting to participate in an absolutely vile debate makes you a contrarian.
>Everyone must chose a side, even if they have no stake in the topic at hand.

>> No.6368069

it's the internet

maybe you've been here before?

>> No.6368076

what is this obsession with being "non-political" anyway. why is that even desirable. aesthetic judgements themselves are political, it's a stupid and impossible ideal

the libertarian/Vox Day people or whatever are way, way dumber. most of the champions of female SF writers and such are probably chill and I would hang out with them. I wouldn't hang out with you though, you seem too angry.

>> No.6368078


This guy gets it.

>> No.6368089


>aesthetic judgements themselves are political

Not really. I love neoromanticism as an aesthetic, but am completely disinterested in the politics associated with it

>> No.6368105

Really captures the absurdity of the zeitgeist. You can achieve a historic feat of science and engineering, but if you wear a silly shirt, you can get e-lynched

>> No.6368114

I can't help but laugh at this modern appropriation of the word 'lynch' as if it's anything at all comparable to an actual lynching. The developed world has gone soft.

>> No.6368160

If you don't wish to participate or have no stake in the topic at hand, then don't participate. If you want to join the debate, call everyone an idiot without relation to the arguments or ideas they present, and then offer no new perspective on the discussion itself, you're a contrarian looking for attention.

>> No.6368701

no one making this point is as profound as they think

>> No.6368818


Wow that is 4chan: The Picture right there boy I tell ya what.

>> No.6369184

What if I believe both sides are right? :^)

>> No.6369437

This is hilarious

Jesus fucking christ it's like a 14 year old girl on Tumblr wrote a story

>This is an Nebula award winning fantasy novel

Jesus fucking christ