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File: 24 KB, 616x545, Christopher_Hitchens_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6360619 No.6360619 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6360714

How often was he drunk on stage?

Every night?

>> No.6361104

>I posted it again
>my capslock key is still broken

>> No.6361109

Honestly, he wasn't exactly a moral superhero himself, but pointing out the moral hypocrisy of religious people is probably the most delightful pursuit there ever is.

>> No.6361110

yes, and he doesn't give a fuck about your teetotalitarianism

>> No.6361113

>but pointing out the moral hypocrisy of religious people is probably the most delightful pursuit there ever is.

if you're 16

>> No.6361124

>if you're 16

Not really. Are you saying it's okay that the Catholic Church rapes children, and then thinks it has the authority to decide how other people should behave?

I don't think pointing stuff like that out is a waste of time.

>> No.6361133

>he is so young!!

>> No.6361135

This is the edgiest shit I've ever read. Well done in reducing my personal view of someone I view as a great orator.

Wow, man.

>> No.6361137

Pre-cooked kekalek for one!

>> No.6361138


I feel like the same people that hate him on this board, are the same people who revered him when they went through the edgy atheist phase at 15-18 or whatever.

Say what you want about the guy, and there is some things its been proven he was blatantly wrong regarding (read: iraq), but it's kind of hard to dismiss:

A) his grasp of the english language/vocabulary
B) how entertaining it is watching him dismiss people
C) that he basically didn't give a shit, drank bourbon and smoked constantly until it literally killed him
D) gave maher's audience the finger and told them to fuck off regularly for being idiotic sheep who clap at everything maher says

I don't know, I feel like he gets an undeserved bad rap here, I didn't think this post was going to be as long as it is, but once I started thinking about him it became easier to defend him.

>> No.6361147

>Are you saying it's okay that the Catholic Church rapes children, and then thinks it has the authority to decide how other people should behave?

Oh shit rekt, religion BTFO forever. No one can tell anyone what to do because everyone is bad. Get rekt Hegel, get rekt Nietzsche, get rekt Kant, get rekt Kierkegaard, get rekt Spinoza, Anon and Hitchens have figured everything out.

>> No.6361154

You can make a caricature of literally anyone. What's your point?

>> No.6361156

I'm pretty sure that's not what I said. But whatever queer.

>> No.6361199

>I feel like the same people that hate him on this board, are the same people who revered him when they went through the edgy atheist phase at 15-18 or whatever.

I still like him but the same way I like a 80s bands. I pretend anything they did after 2000 doesn't exist.

>> No.6361214


Underrated post.

This thread reminds me of those "ITT: We trivialize a seminal work by saying 'muh" threads.

>> No.6361228

No, this is good. Simultaneous veneration/slander. I vote yes to perpetual Hitchenshit threats plz, where do I submit my /lit/vote

>> No.6361282
File: 2.00 MB, 1280x720, you could have stopped it.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior Hitch coming through


>> No.6361426

I think this is the natural progression of Hitchens fans, you start of with the pompous, self-centered rebellious atheist asshole Christopher and then, as you mature, you become a fan of his superior Christian gentleman brother Peter

>> No.6361438

I really want to send you a picture of my balls. My smelly testes is the only appropriate reaction for this comment

>> No.6361441

Peter's shallow, prejudiced views excite in me the desire to treat him similarly with shallow contempt. To this end, I've concluded that his monobrow is more prominent than his intellect, and that I hate it as much as I hate him.

>> No.6361442

>muh antimuhs

>> No.6361453
File: 16 KB, 181x302, The_Abolition_Of_Britain_Cover_UK_ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you read any of his books? I've read The Broken Compass and The Abolition of Britain. I'd recommend the latter to anyone living in a western country, as most of it is applicable to where you live despite being focused on the UK. It's a true traditional conservative lamenting on the downfall of the UK since around the 60's.

He was on Question Time again on Thursday night:


>> No.6361457


Which of his views are shallow and prejudiced?

>> No.6361474

I've read Abolition and agree with you, I would recommend The Rage against God, at least the autobiographical part, it's a good illustration of the downfall of Britain from his personal perspective

>> No.6361478

The first chapter:


>> No.6361515
File: 2.36 MB, 331x221, p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually already have that book. I'll get round to reading it soon.

Short Breaks in Mordor is also on my list

>A compendium of in-depth reports from all over the World, including Iran, North Korea, Bhutan, Japan, Pakistan, Israel, Africa Turkey and China

He's had an interesting life. In The Broken Compass there's a large section about his experiences as a Marxist and how he was changed, amongst other reasons, after reporting in countries on the other side of the Iron Curtain. In Lithuania he was there when a rebellion broke out and Soviet tanks and soldiers shot dead a bunch of people.

Also the second clip in this is hilarious:


>> No.6361529
File: 111 KB, 476x648, az.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Short Breaks in Mordor is an ebook only by the way. He couldn't get it published. And I couldn't find a download of it anywhere.


Thanks m8. Didn't realise this existed. In fact I might actually listen to this rather than read the book.

>> No.6361536
File: 1.52 MB, 160x120, KH DDD 4.0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking nice

>> No.6361595

Thanks for the recommendation, I hadn't heard of Short breaks in Mordor before.

I find his autobiographical writings and his criticisms of the modern Left very potent because he's been a revolutionary leftist himself, he knows them inside out

>> No.6362093

Pretty good webm.
Is it true that he votes for UKIP?

>> No.6362983

>He's had an interesting life. In The Broken Compass there's a large section about his experiences as a Marxist and how he was changed, amongst other reasons, after reporting in countries on the other side of the Iron Curtain. In Lithuania he was there when a rebellion broke out and Soviet tanks and soldiers shot dead a bunch of people.

This has the same degree of coherence of saying you were a Darwinist until you visited Nazi Germany and saw all the nasty things it leads to.

But anyway that doesn't matter, like his brother he probably read a few canon texts of the british boomer Left like Deustscher's biography of Trotsky and called it a day. What I love about Peter the most is that you can watch old clips of him on youtube saying exactly the same thing over and over, including about the supposed moral decadence we live in.

>> No.6362990


Thank God the bastard is dead

>> No.6363007

He was like the Simpsons, he had some good times but by now the bad outweigh the good, even if you still feel love for his early stuff.

I kind of miss him being one of the few mainstream figures not passively agreeing with all the lies told about about the early Soviet Union tho. I'm watching Stephen Kotkin clips on youtube and the fact he's always surrounded by emasculated liberals who never call him on the imense amount of lies he tells and omissions he makes (including Zizek) is enfuriating.