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6360573 No.6360573 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. Have you any experience with memory enchancing techniques? Do you practice any? Perhaps you can give me some literature recommendations relating to this?

As for myself, I have always had above average memory, especially when applied to remembering as to what I had read, but I'd like to improve this faculty, if it is at all possible.

Although this is not strictly /lit/ related, I believe that this could be of interest to people visiting this board.

Picture unrelated.

>> No.6360705

I don't know how I'm as learn'd as I am. Can't remember what sex my friends' pets are. Can't recall every conversation I've had.
Shit's upsetting.

>> No.6360711

Meditate 15 min a day. Improves focus and memory. I think I have some meditation guide pics from when i was much more interested in this stuff ill try to dig em up

>> No.6360726

Here's some stuff I have from my occult days, i mostly ignore the conspiracy/aliens bullshit now but a lot of it is solid advice
You want to prepare conditions for meditation to be optimal:

• Remove noise and light and anything else which may distract.
• Do not wear clothing which is tight and messes with your body, this will
ruin your efforts.
• Wear clothing such as cotton or silk. Silk blocks scalar waves from influencing
you and I've heard in one story that silk worms were genetically engineered by
some advanced race in the past for this purpose. Do not wear synthetic clothing,
unless you want to experience a terrible burning sensation.
• The clothing should be black so no light is reflected.

If you can't properly isolate yourself from outside influences, you will have
to deal with and overcome those influences and the distortions they have on you,
which is annoying:

''- If you can't eliminate noise, then block it out with white noise such as that
made from a fan, so that the consistency of the white noise does not distract you.
- If you can't block out light from the room itself and don't have access to a
meditation robe or the like, strap something around your eyes and head or put a
pillow over and try to do your bes to block all the light out.
- If you can't eliminate heat fluctuations and maintain a cool ambient temperature,
well fuck I don't know, you'll just have to proceed anyways.

It is best to meditate when you're not tired BUT it even though it is harder it also
worth it to try to meditate even when tired.

>> No.6360731

Really you should attempt to meditate
whenever you have to chance to do so.

Here are a couple more factors to keep in consideration:

1. Do not meditate with people around. Their mental influences exert a pull on you
and can hold you back or drag you off to where you don't want to go. They are also
distracting. Meditate alone whenever possible. If you ever are going to meditate
with a second person, do it with someone you love very much, and who you want to work
with in the astral. If you meditate with other people regard yourself as one unit or
a hivemind. You have to concern yourself with every other person in that room. This is
really something we want to avoid though in the initial stages. You can not succeed
very much in developing yourself to a higher state of consciousness if you are trying
to uplift the extra mental weight of others around you at the same time.

2. Do not sit in a silly position and pretend to meditate. You might as well lay down.
The position that you really should assume is whatever is the most comfortable for you.
You do not want your body to be discomforted in some way, ruining your meditation. You
should have no pressure points or anything. You should stretch every day and practise
whatever will allow you to be comfortable like a cat in any position but in the meanwhile
just go with whatever position is most comfortable with you and don't try to meditate
in a manner which distracts you.
3. If you have some means of achieving sensory deprivation that would be ideal. Anything
which impresses upon your senses can be a source of distraction.

>> No.6360745


All of the above has dealt with merely the physical reparations for meditating. Now there
are some mental things to concern yourself with.

• Focus – you need to clear / silence your mind to eliminate mental distractions
and be able to actually focus on what you're doing. Shut off the stream of words.
Shut off your scepticism, your doubts, etc. that will undermine you. You may have to
let out a stream of gibberish thoughts until you exhaust yourself of thinking and it feels
like such a strain to think and you just naturally fall into mental silence. [Note: I want
to write a whole other article on this and will put a link to it here.]
• Emotion – You must master emotional alchemy. You can do this during regular state of waking
consciousness as well as during meditation. There are ways to practise this. Read about it
here: ( >>5697 ) When you have this control over emotions you will be able to use them during
meditation to accelerate the entire process very fast through emotional resonance.
• Intention – Unless you just want to wing it and get carried away by whatever manifestations
come to you, you will need to have very clear and sustained intentions, so you end up doing
what you intended.

If you take into account all of the above you can begin to meditate. While in meditation there
are many things to do. For starters you should work upon basic thoughtforms. This is what I've
been doing for months now and have become very proficient at:

- Visualization of basic forms

Visualizing numbers, basic geometric shapes, letters, Roman numerals, symbols, and the likes.
Then making them more complex by using different fonts, making them 3-dimensional, different
textures and materials, rotating them around in my mind to view them from any angle, and most
importantly thinking in this medium. I count up numbers without saying "one, two, three" rather
I just see them. I also add them up. Months ago I couldn't do basic math at all or it was really
slow, now I can impress this one dude I work for sometimes by giving him instant answers to
things merely by seeing the numbers and adding them up visually very fast. It is very important
to learn to think within other mediums than just sound. If you're going to astral project for
example the most efficient and successful way to do it is to completely turn off sound and focus
purely on visualization until you've projected your astral body into an astral space and can then
load the other senses (such as sound, feeling, etc.) All these really basic forms are like the
building blocks for everything. When you have the very basic forms burned into your mind, more
complex ones then can be made out of those basics, just like in videogames how objects can be
made out of polygons.

>> No.6360787

I recently read Moonwalking with Einstein

It's an autobiographical book from a journo trying to win the World Memory Championships, and he covers a lot of ground in regards to the usual techniques (memory buildings etc.), it's a good intro

>> No.6360810

Pick up hobbies that require concentration and memory.

I started playing guitar and piano back in 5th grade and I can honestly say that it has helped my memory. Having to concentrate and remember all the names, notes, chords, and sounds each fret and string makes definitely helped me hone my memory.

>> No.6360818

Bro science as fuck

>> No.6360838


You may forget books but they are already ingrained in your being, just because you can't access to the autoreferential knowledge, it doesn't mean that it isn't in you.

>> No.6360862

OP here, I'm glad to see this thread didn't die.
I quite often forget the names of the people whom I have recently met or at best ocassionally see from time to time, rarely. For example, I can recall a more or less irrelevant fact about a person which I met three months ago, but I can't recall his name no matter how hard I try. His or her personality remain with me, that I can recall, but their name eludes me. For more than a one ocassion I have found myself in a situation where I have to adress someone, but having forgotten their name, I abruptly stop.
What is the goal of meditation? How do you know for sure that you are in an altered state? What should I do whilst in meditation to achieve a better memory? Should I just do things as in
>Visualizing numbers, basic geometric shapes, letters,...
... etc. ?
Tell me more about your experiences as well.
As for the occult and esoterism, I have only read some of Manly P. Hall's 'The Secret Teachings of all Ages'
Having an interest in keyboard music, but lacking money to buy a proper piano, is getting an electronic keyboard worth it? How much would a decent one cost? I'm really uninformed as far as keyboards go, so enlighten me, if you can.
I know that they are there, but I would like to have a better memory in general. I might be wrong by saying this, but I see the brains as a some sort of a muscle, thus I think that such mental exercise in reasonably healthy and beneficial.

>> No.6360880

Learning a language and learning an instrument are proven ways to increase your IQ and make you smarter. Stop shitposting.

>> No.6360999

Dude you're the reason I love this board. I'm not the OP but I appreciate your advise and I will put it to practice.

>> No.6361025

If you want to learn piano, buy a cheap hammer graded 88 key MIDI-keyboard and run it through your PC with some piano VST. You can get a decent one for something like 300€. You can get smaller ones for like 100€, but those don't feel like a real piano (still good for beginners, I'd say).

>> No.6361050

look up memory palace OP

my palace is currently around 5000 square feet and can house up to 2gb of uncompressed information

>> No.6361541

OP here.
Just realized that I should seriously consider doing meditation, so I can construct my memory palace whilst meditating. The problem is I haven't never tried meditation and am fairly sceptical of it.
C-can't I get a smaller one and pretend that I am limiting myself to harpsichord sized compositions?