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/lit/ - Literature

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6358055 No.6358055 [Reply] [Original]

what are you going to do with your English Degrees, boys?

I'm going to go teach English in Japan. And go to grad school eventually, I guess. I think literature is the most based interest but sometimes I wish I picked something else. Lecture based courses are great but those fucking discussion courses make you wonder why you're doing it at all.

>> No.6358232


>> No.6358252

Teaching English in Korea

>> No.6358270

>teach English in Japan

biggest scam there is. Why go to literally the most racist Asian country where everything cost a shitton of money? Korea + China + Thailand, etc are 1000x better and you might actually get to keep some money instead of blowing it all on cost of living.

Modern Japan is also A CULTURAL WASTELAND. Especially if you're a foreigner. You will not experience true Japanese culture at all as you are basically a 2nd class citizen. Sure, drinking with coworkers might sound fun, but after the 30th night of it, you'll probably get bored of it. You will find that your coworkers are essentially dumber than rocks when it comes to educational matters and the Japanese classroom makes it impossible to have fun teaching.

Going to grad school is also probably dumb. Assuming you're American it'd be better to abuse the fact that you (should be) great at reading comprehension and reading speed and go into Law school. That way you can make an actual living.

If you want to join academia though, I guess I can't fault you for wanting it.

>> No.6358280

do you know how to speak korean?

i'm taking japn101 over the summer, still got a year left to graduate so i might take another level of the langauge sometime then.

ive been vacillating between japan and korea actually, i prefer korean food and women, but i dont know a thing about their culture. where at least with japan i have illusions of knowing a thing or two about the country and people from anime and japanese film

>> No.6358287
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Starbucks, but my mate works there and says if you work hard you can make, assistant manager by 25 if you come straight of college, and manager by 30, which is easily 35k a year. I'm not pumped, but it's definitely better than being stuck at Wal-Mart or somewhere that doesn't care about their employees.

>> No.6358294
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I'm in graduate school now. Currently, I tutor and edit and make a good amount at that.

Discussion courses are my favorites. That's what most of my courses in grad school have been like. I guess it'd have a lot to do with the knowledge level of your peers.

My ultimate goal is to be a professor. I have these two on-the-side and internet-based careers going simultaneously, because I know how adjuncting can be.

>> No.6358295

I'm going to teach english to wasps. Then, i will be the wasp lord.

>> No.6358302

Not him but I'm learning Korean in college right now, about to finish my 4th term of it. It's pretty fucking hard, probably easier than Japanese though since it has an alphabet.

I mean you don't really need to appreciate Korean culture; I've watched a lot of Korean movies and due to my degree (Asian studies) learned a lot about their history + culture, but none of that made Korea any more appealing. What makes Korea appealing is the large American presence, that it is helpful and inviting to foreigners (especially English teachers), and that living their is affordable. Also that their economy is well on the rise and that NO ONE FUCKING ELSE is learning the language. I think it's like 12,000 American students? So you have a huge leg up compared to Japanese and Chinese language students who have to compete with the multitudes.

Downside is they might get nuked into the ground while you're there.

>> No.6358310

>living their

>> No.6358325


Nope. Considering I don't need to know Korean for employment, and can get away with minimal language in all due probability, it's a low priority. Might take it up as a project/hobby.


He's not wrong. I've heard of way more companies fucking people over in Japan than Korea and it is way more expensive.

>>You will not experience true Japanese culture at all as you are basically a 2nd class citizen.

As true as this is, it's no different in other east-asian countries (especially in what I've experienced in Thailand).

>> No.6358420

Fuck that, become a hobo train hoppin hitchikin sail boatin world travelin bohemian who wors odd jobs every few weeks and is writing his MAGNAM OPUS on the roaddddd.

You will probably die in a dingy apartment with no health care but at least you will have lived TO THE FULL.

>> No.6358448

contract killer

>> No.6358478
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Holy fuck guys, seeing this thread got me genuinely worried what I'm gonna do after college. Granted I'm (at least trying to) double major in communications so that will probably help a bit, but at the same time I'm terrified that I'll still just be confined to live a life of shitty low wage jobs knowing that I'll have wasted four years of my life and all my parents money.

>> No.6358491

>law school

You were doing so well with that post

>> No.6358492

After I get a master's in English, I plan to be an English lecturer at a university in Spain.

>> No.6358519

Someone pls help

>> No.6358527

sorry m8 but you'd better be know influential people or have a rich family.


>> No.6358567

>not getting a STEM degree

>> No.6358581
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>he chose English over Linguistics

>> No.6358587


meh i had no trouble finding a job with eng and history majors

granted, I actually went to a good school and did a bunch of extracurriculars and unternships
also a comms major is prob worse than english unless you specifically want to do corporate comms or smthg and even then...

>> No.6358607

Can anyone here elaborate or point in the right direction about opportunities in teaching English?

I already have two semester of German, and I'm currently pursuing a degree in chemistry, but honestly, not because I like it, but because of the "opportunity".

I would feel more comfortable however being a teacher, even if the pay isn't as good, travel and such.

>> No.6358609

holy lord I agree with you sir, those discussion courses. It's worst with poetry students.

As for me I might go teach in Japan, or go shopping for a state u that'll give me a teaching MFA and become a teacher. turn plebs into patricians while they're young

>> No.6358610
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>doing English Lit at Oxford

Straight into politics my man

>> No.6358646

What the fuck is linguistics going to do for you idiot

>> No.6358662
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That didn't help at all

>> No.6358694

I studied English and went to teach esl in south east asia.
Had many amazing, bizarre, and beautiful adventures.
Unfortunately after a few years I got bored and became a heroin addict :(

>> No.6358701

^ which is unfortunately what seems to happen to a lot of us...

>> No.6358705

Teached English in Taiwan for 2 years

>> No.6358708

>offering "advice" online
>purposely feeding people bullshit to reduce the competition

>> No.6358710

I don't know what I'm going to do. It's hard to know if I'd like being a professor; plus, teaching English means ungodly hours spent grading long essays.

>> No.6358713

And you still don't know irregular past participles

>> No.6358714


are you graduating this year?

if not, you better start busting ass with work experience

>> No.6358723
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I'm trying anon

>> No.6358725

My focus is creative writing. I'm working on a few novel ideas, but I know the chances of being published are slim. However, I plan to get my MFA in creative writing, then try to find a job as a professor of fiction. That is if I get my act up and get a 3.0 on my GPA. Because I'm a lazy fucktard who can't get the motivation to show up to class for shit.

>> No.6358732

Dropped out a few classes away from my BA.

Currently living in a suburban town in Mississippi. Make enough to finish paying my house in the next couple of years and a good amount of disposable income.

Nothing fancy, just safe and secure.

>> No.6358736

A participle is an adjective that acts as a noun, you moron.

>> No.6358743


>gives literally no information about his job

what do you do? salary? how did you get there?

>> No.6358754


>there is any difference between the two when it comes to jobs

i got some bad news for you m8

>> No.6358768
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>> No.6358785

What were you planning on doing?

>> No.6358791

Think of how lucky you are. You still have a future.

>> No.6358881


>> No.6359047

I'm from Mississippi too. I'm studying English at USM in Hattiesburg and I'm from Flowood. Where are you from?

>> No.6359115
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>multiple /lit/bros teaching in Korea

Thank God. I knew it was possible for degenerates like me.

>> No.6359168


Doubt this anon's still here, but for general help:


Convenient resource for info, country specific forums, teaching aids, faqs, a craigslist-like board for hunting contracts, etc.

>> No.6359180

The gauntlet has been thrown

>> No.6359184

You better sign up for welfare right now

>> No.6359190

consider suicide tyrannical status quo reinforcing anon-friend!

>> No.6359197

If you're having future problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems and OH MY GOD my future is also one of them!!!

>> No.6359209

Not an English grad.

I teach English in Japan.

There is no necessity for the qualification, and no benefit. Those with teaching degrees may even be frustrated with cram school teaching.

For a year break it has been fun, though!

>> No.6359221

I was going to teach english in china and bang rainy all day, but now I'm gonna do a graduate program in video games

>> No.6359223

does anyone know if there's a sort of TEFL/TESL program with other languages?

>> No.6359225

I got a degree in electrical engineering but never really left my apartment or attempted to network. Now I work at Petsmart. What a fucking waste of time and 50 grand. I was under the impression that you could still succeed in engineering without being a social weasel; boy, was I wrong.

>> No.6359235

What are the minimum requirements for teaching English in another country?

Because I was told by someone that she could give me a job teaching English in China without any degree at all.

>> No.6359237

>stayfag detected

Stayfags are inevitably bitter Americans/Brits who expect the world to know everything about their objectively better culture and resent being treated like foreigners.

The reason is twofold - firstly comes the latent feeling of Anglo Supremacy. I should be praised for being here, being so open, bringing my culture to share etc. etc. but Japanese people are just as nationalist as Brits/Americans.

Second issue is those who want to be perceived as Japanese can't handle the stress it awards and the outsider status they'll hold in most workplaces unless they too plunge into the 60 hour + work week.

Come here, drink here, learn here, get laid here, but don't fucking stay.

>> No.6359244

No requirement other than English being your L1.

Some countries require a degree in, well, anything. But I have coworkers who are dyslexic, don't really know grammar etc.

Being not a fucknugget is enough. The main skill is handling groups of people or children in a comfortable, productive way - the books and such are designed to hand hold the dumber teacher's hands through the students learning.

>> No.6359256

Is there some way to get in there with english as your L2?

>> No.6359270
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>all these /lit/ bros teaching in foreign countries

So you're saying my major in linguistics and minor in japanese might pay off after all?

>> No.6359296

Why'd you minor in Japanese? Any interest in Japanese literature?

>> No.6359351

Yeah, sure. Proof of fluency. That can be TEFL, proof of having studied in English, a qualification.

One of my coworkers is from Indie and his L1 is Hindi but he grew up learning English. Only 1 or 2 of the staff are native Japanese speakers who studied English (because most Japanese are quite poor at English, even the good ones).

Contact the companies and see what they say. An interview might be fine for some.

PROTIP 4 EVRY1: This is the defacto country for White, Male privaledge. The darker and more vagina'd you are, the more difficult it will be to do anything. Being Black is more difficult because you're scary. Being Asian is hardest because they will hold you to their own standards.

>> No.6359359

>Contact the companies
t-there's more than one? is there a list of which ones will screw you more or is it a literary until you try them?

>> No.6359381

ITT: Americans

>> No.6359406

Are you sure about the vagina part? The program my university uses won't even accept male teachers to go abroad to Korea or Japan.

>> No.6359415

sorry your first language isn't English, yurop.

>> No.6359479

OP here.

So the consensus is that you'll always be percieved as a foreigner in Japan? I knew that, I mean they even have a pejorative for it for fuck's sake: gaijin. I've accepted that, more or less. But will it really be so bad otherwise?

I don't have a drive to go to Korea like I've always wanted to visit Japan, but if it's a that much of a better experience teaching English than I might just do it. I'm taking Japanese 101 over the summer session, but I could nix that and find a Korean program next semester probably. Is teaching English in Korea all around much better? Feeling welcomed and feeling "okay" with being a foreigner is a big deal for sure.

>> No.6359637

>he hasn't heard of natural language processing

top pleb

>> No.6359709

Are you retarded? Academia is so saturated right now that the chances of getting a decent job are slim to none. Especially, in creative writing where every fuck who got their MFA in the past three decades are still clamoring for those positions.
That anon doesn't have a future...

>> No.6359926
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Seriously, where are you from?

My co-workers are mostly male. And about half of the local ALT's from the JET Program are male here, though the statistical majority overall is Middle Class American White Girls.

The big program is JET. That's run by the Japanese government.

The next biggest thing is a private version known as INTERAC. Both of these do interviews in yr home country.

After that just go on GaidjinPot and look for Cram Schools or Universities. You can't work for a Public School outside of the JET or INTERAC programs unless you're a certified Japanese teacher, from Japan and under 35.

I'm Irish, just for the record.

Let's just fucking go and clear the air on this concept cause I'm never dealing with it on 4chan after today.

EVERY fucking language and country has a pejorative for foreigner and almost every country thinks the term is okay, but the people in question don't. Most western people who live abroad call themselves expats.

Yet for others we use Foreigner or Immigrant.

In Cantonese you'd be Gwai Lo - or White Devil - which they now consider affectionate. Mandarin has its own, too, but it's a little more polite.

Oegugin in Korean has similar connotations.

So yeah, in Japanese, you're a Gaidjin or sometimes Gaikokujin. But you'll rarely be referred to in 1st person by this, if ever. I was called Gaidjin San once and it was a 20-something in a bank who had been yelling for me and I hadn't been paying attention.

This shit is not unique to Japan or even Asia. Everywhere has negative connotations of foreigners. Just Americans and Brits get fucking buttflustered over not being top dog every waking minute.

>> No.6359937

A regional of University of Texas, for the no-males-allowed in the program bit. I'm not sure what the program they use is. Our sister city in Japan is Yachiyo, so it may just be the city itself, as that's where everyone goes.

>> No.6360122

I'm planning to go to Japan after I graduate, but I dunno how it is to actually live there...
I've been there numerous times for vacations<<and they were the best!!!
but I hope it's alright living/working there.
guess we'll only find out for ourselves once we're there^ ^

>> No.6360203


>> No.6360222

I'm studying a social science instead of eng lit because it helps me better understand the human condition to write about it instead of just making me better at critical analysis. I learned from Bloom's mistakes, ain't gonna write no Journey to Lucifer.

>> No.6360282

(second anon)
thanks a lot!
I'd imagine the certification part works similarly in other countries. Do you know if you can get certified while working under JET or INTERAC?
Just curiosity anyway, if I actually follow through I'm not 100% sure I'd like that to be my life from then on. But if after that I get a job flipping burguers it would be pretty funny to have in my resume that I'm a certified teacher in Japan.

>> No.6360322

>what are you going to do with your English Degrees, boys?

Hopefully, be a translator for my native language. The problem is they usually hire people without any degrees for translation jobs (especially TV subtitles) because they can pay them less.

If all else fails, a high school teacher. Tho that job market is pretty saturated as well so...drug dealer? That sounds plausible in my situation. No sweat.

>> No.6360383

Yeah, keep thinking that when I display an impressive publication history, not to mention having two best-sellers and a movie deal. Stay butthurt, pleb.

>> No.6360434

Pretty sure most of the people who work on that have degrees in comp sci.